AutoCAD Inventor :: Automate Insertion Of Several Files ILogic?
Jan 24, 2013
I have the following code to automate the insertion of several files iLogic.
Sub TestPlace(doc As String) Dim cm As CommandManager Set cm = ThisApplication.CommandManager Call cm.PostPrivateEvent(kFileNameEvent, doc) Dim cd As ControlDefinition 'Set cd = cm.ControlDefinitions("AssemblyPlaceComponentCmd") Set cd = cm.ControlDefinitions("iLogic.PlaceComponent") Call cd.Execute End SubSub InsertaIlogic() TestPlace ("ilogic1.iam") TestPlace ("ilogic2.iam") TestPlace ("ilogic3.iam") TestPlace ("ilogicN.iam") ...
I have an iassembly which contains around 500 different members. There aren't any major differences between the members other than parts being Included/Excluded and parts being replaced by similar parts (this can all be done in the table as the parts are all created as one ipart family).
I need an assembly drawing for every member. As the drawings will be very similar, it is possible to just create one drawings then use 'Save as' and 'replace model reference' to create the whole lot. As this process would be very tedious and time consuming, I want to create a ilogic program or a VB macro to automate this process.
Basically i need a program that will...
FOR every line in the table (say 1 to 500)...
look at the currently active drawing...
replace model reference (for 2 views and a parts list) with the appropriate member (whos file name will match it's Part Number)...
save as with a file name that matches the current rows Part Number...
I have an iLogic rule that I want to add to several files that are already existing. Is there an "easy" way to do this other than opening each and every file, creating a new rule, pasting in the code and then saving the file? If I had a macro that would create the rule I could run it with KwikBatch.
I have an iLogic Form that I've created and implemented into our model template files. I am manually adding this Form to all existing files. It's a time consuming process of opening the files one by one and pasting in the same Form over and over.
Any way or program has created where it will take a Form opened in a model and paste that same Form into a selected group of files?
BTW I'm also having to do this to the Drawing Resources folder of Inventor IDW and DWG files as I have updated/modified our border design on the new templates. I want all of our existing drawing files to have the new border. So again I'm having to manually open each drawing file and paste in the Drawing Resources folder then clicking "Replace" any time it sees an existing name rather than click "New" as it would then give me duplicates of those names.
Im adjusting the CAD setup in our company, and therefore im looking for a way do change the document settings on all parts in an assembly (or the whole CAD directory) the easiest way possible.!
I have attached a picture of the setting i would like changed.
Is it possible with some Autodesk task scheduler tools..?
I'm trying to automate importing Microstation files into AutoCad (and then doing interesting things with them). I'm stuck on the import, as it keeps throwing an "Invalid Argument Exception".
I've thrown empty strings, "hello world" strings, ensured that the string points to a valid file, ensured that the string points to a valid Microstation file... for the scale factor, I've thrown constants, symbolic constants, variable doubles... and where I think the error lies, the insertion point, I've thrown Points, Point 2d's, Point 3d's, arrays of integers, arrays of doubles, and Acad Points, and all of the above even cast as objects.
Supposedly, the signature for import is:
object IAcadDocument.Import(string FileName, object Insertion Point, double ScaleFactor)
but the <object Insertion Point> is throwing me... what kind of object is wanted? The following is a complete working program; you'll just have to add the two autocad references.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; [code]....
(Obviously the intent is not to use hard coded file names, these are for debug purposes. I'm also running as a Windows project rather than a Console project, but the exception is the same.)
I have found some code which extracts the part number from the iproperties of a model and adds it to the custom iproperties of a drawing but this will only work on iam or ipt files.
Here's the code, I added the lines referring to the docment type as an attempt to fix the error but it didn't work...
If (ThisDrawing.ModelDocument Is Nothing) Then ReturnIf ThisDrawing.ModelDocument.DocumentType = kPresentationDocumentObject Then modelName = IO.Path.GetFileName(ThisDrawing.ModelDocument.FullFileName)End IfIf
The goal of this project is to take a base part file, save new copies as needed, then modify the copies. They're rings for storage tanks that share the same tank diameter but differ in height and thickness. I have a SaveAsCopy rule in my template ring part that I run externally from my main assembly after passing down the new file names to the part rule. Since I'm testing a lot, I'm always deleting the parts from the assembly, then clearing out the new copies from my folder and running the rule again. Eventually after 1-5 times inventor starts giving me an error.
The parameter is incorrect. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG)) The More Info Tab:
System.ArgumentException: The parameter is incorrect. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG)) at System.RuntimeType.ForwardCallToInvokeMember(String memberName, BindingFlags flags, Object target, Int32[] aWrapperTypes, MessageData& msgData) at Inventor.Document.SaveAs(String FileName, Boolean SaveCopyAs) at LmiRuleScript.Main() at Autodesk.iLogic.Exec.AppDomExec.ExecRuleInAssembly(Assembly assem) at iLogic.RuleEvalContainer.ExecRuleEval(String execRule)
The two other posts on here that deal with that error say it involves enumerating an array that is being changed and looking for an entry that is gone. I have a feeling it has to do with a left over variable (but this is all in iLogic rules so they get cleared at the end of the rule?), temporary files or remnant file references. It works again if I close the assembly and open it back up. Inventor 2013 SP 1.1
I would like to know, whether is there is any ilogic option by which the Custom content center is triggered automatically to insert component in an assembly.
As you can see, if i rename this to "acad.lsp" and put it in the network search path of AutoCAD users, it will update several settings in their Options > Files. WHAT A TIME SAVER THIS HAS BEEN!
What i want to do now is to set the "Default Template File Name for QNEW" but i don't know how to complete this line:
Is it possible to automate the creation of a DXF file when you save or check-in a part file from inventor. I have already set it up to create a DWF file to a shared folder on our network but we also export to DXF files as well for use in our machine shop. As of now the only way I know of doing it, is to open the .idw file and save it as a DXF manually. How to set this up to automatically create one on save or check-in.
All I want to do is automatically generate a drawing for an assembly with sheets for the component parts. The assembly is being placed as an iLogic part if that makes a difference.
I'm trying to write a program in C# to automate ballooning from a BOM.The routine must read the BOM and for every row it highlights in all the views the corresponding component.Then the user must be able to manually draw a balloon or balloons to the highlighted items.
When done the next row of the BOM is called, etc.I can choose to start with a BOM from our PDM system or the Inventor BOM, partlist or drawingBOM
I tried different ways but I get stuck on it.I even tried to select the nodes in the browser and called oNode.doselect, but then I can't get the proper type for the selected items to go further?
We would like to be able to export parts lists from our drawings into Excel, so we can build a master item list on a project to get purchasing information on long lead purchased items early in the design phase.
We are thinking of exporting the part list to an Excel file named the same as the drawing file each time the drawing is checked in to the vault. We will have another VBA routine that does some sorting and other magical things to build the master list in Excel.
Is it possible to automate dimensioning of drawing views?
Here's the situation: I have an Inventor assembly that's controlled entirely by iLogic. My users, who have zero Inventor training/experience (or with any 3D CAD software for that matter), pull up the assembly. They enter product related parameters from paper work orders into an iLogic form and hit a "Go Button". The assembly updates based on the parameters, suppressing and unsuppressing parts, features, patterns, and mates. This works great. They then hit a "Run Job" button. This takes them to an .idw where they fill out another form with order specific information and hit another "Go Button". This then cycles through every detail sheet and the parts list, deleting sheets deeemed unneccessary for the product, generating part numbers, exporting dxf's, generating an excel BOM, etc.
This works great as well. The problem is with the dimensions. They blow all apart when the model changes. I know I can run some API code to delete dangling dimensions, but is there away to programmatically create dimensions so I don't have to rely on my users remembering what needs them? I've played around with using model dimensions, but I find that they stay and remain attached even when their corresponding feature gets suppressed.
Is there a way to change an iProperty, specifically the iProperties->Project->Project field for multiple parts automatically.
I use the iLogic Design Copy Tool to copy over an entire project, and for the most part the only changes is the project number.
I didn't see a way to change this in the Design Copy Tool, possibly there is some other tools that can do this that I don't know about. But if not, I am assuming a small script (VBA??) would be required to do this? whether it is in Inventor or just an outside program to carry out this change.
I found this old thread, but it seems that people just found another way to do this?
My workflow would follow something like this:
-Use iLogic Design Copy Tool to copy over project to new folder
-Open up full assembly
-Run rule or script to update all parts in assembly with new Project iProperty
-update the drawings as I need, (they will all need to be reviewed as some parts will be modified anyways)
When i edit the sketched symbol "Work Stages", i copy the line which the the arrow points at, but with it goes the green insertion point, and i can't delete it.
The default Insertion Point of a part list is its" range box.maxpoint",but I need to make its "rangebox.minpoint" as its InsertionPoint . My code to insert the part list is as follows :
I have tried using the code " oPartsList.RangeBox.MinPoint.InsertionPoint = True" , imitating "oSketchLines(1).EndSketchPoint.InsertionPoint = True" ,but without luck .
I need to convert a number of raw point clouds into PCG files for insertion into Revit. I'd like to do this ahead of time, and preferably without having to open and insert into Revit. I know Revit uses adpointcloudindexer.exe to index the raw file formats, but was unsuccessful at trying to launch it by itself. If this can be used as a standalone convertor, possibly by combining the exe with a switch and a file location?
I would like to use Drag2PDF to create my PDF, and I want to automate the printing process. I want to print all sheets as a one PDF file. I have created a simple C# code, which prints to PDF, but I have one problem... When I submit the print a dialogue will appear (from the Drag2PDF) which asks for the file to be saved (location and name) How can I automate this?
I may not use pdfAddIn.SaveCopyAs, it makes my PDF not good.
I've been using Frame Generator for at least 4 years and have not seen this issue before. Maybe I "bumped" a setting somewhere or a number changed in a default setting somehow, but lately when I insert a square tube frame piece into an assembly, it seems to be not accurate in it's placement.
Example: If I make a simple cube part that measures 28.0" wide and
Insert some frame generated square tubing on the edges of the cube, the frame measures 27.999999992 in - slightly off from where I inserted it. This seems to repeat without fail in every new assembly.
Inventor 2011 Professional (64 bit) HP 8710w laptop - 4gb ram, Intel Core 2 Duo - 2.5ghz Windows Vista Business
I'm trying to use iLogic Design Copy to copy an assembly and all its associated parts to another directory. The assembly contains content center parts. Inventor warns me that the destination file of one of the CC parts (and 18 others) will be overwritten. When I go ahead and copy anyway, the copying process stops at that specific CC part. The Design Copy Progress dialog box states there is an error copying that CC part. When I close the Design Copy Progress dialog box, Inventor crashes.
The error copying the CC part: I'm allowed to use content center parts in iLogic Design Copied stuff, right? I searched some related topics and I'm under the impression that Inventor keeps the CC parts in its own directory and shouldn't be trying to overwrite them.
I am doing a tie rod the issue I have is when the length is between 2.001 and 2.250 we would drill thru all but only tap the ends .750 deep. If the part is 2.000 would would drill and tap thru in one step and not have to rotate the part in the lathe.
How do I get ilogic to understand if my number is between this 2.001 and 2.250 to lengthen the drill length parameter?Or add a mid plane cut? ( trying now code below reflects this try)
Not sure what way I want yet but I just can't seem to find a snippet or code to do this. I tried to add a list in the parameters for it to read but seems to do nothing.
Possible to run the 'import .xml structure' routine for an assembly BOM using either iLogic or VB?? I'm trying to replicate the Import button at the bottom of the BOM screen....