AutoCAD Civil 3D :: No Point File Format Match Found
Jun 6, 2012
i made a survey, about 2000 points with my TSC3R6. I exported my CSV file to a PNEZD file with comma seperated. When i try ti import the file (CSV then i made a .txt), C3D tells me "no point file format match found". Then I opened the txt file, searched for any error that would not let me import my points. The only thing i have found would be the description of my points that sometimes had a space between 2 words (ex: bt balast and ht balast) so i changed it to bt-balast and ht-balast. i looked further and didnt found anything else. heres a sample of my txt file:
I am tryiny to import coordinate file like I have so many times and the Select File box keeps telling me "No point file format match found". I click the proper file format and it shows in the Preview box but the OK box will not go dark so I can clcik on it. The file is a CSv and tried making it a txt with no luck. Using 2012.
Is there a way to re-order the point file format listing for points on the settings tab? I have tried everything and it will not change the order of the listing.
Having problems with hang the "median raised constant slope" meet a marked point on another alignment/profile. Ive even tried using "link to marked point" also, to no avail.
My event viewer just says that "No marked point found", even though it is clearly on the other assembly with the proper name, etc.
cs6. I downloaded the master collection and when i go to open Photoshop i receive the error,, "Photoshop.exe. - Entry Point not Found" "The procedure entry point GetLogicalProcessorInformation could not be located in dynamix link library KERNEL32.dll." My operating system is Windows XP, english
Verify that the files exists and that you can access it. Needless to say AutoCad wont open all I get is Retry or Cancel, selecting.
Retry just gets the same error so when I Cancel I then get "Are you sure you want to Cancel" which I select and then I get the message Fatal Error during installation.
This is a downloaded install from Autodesk and I dont have discs available.
DWG TruView,Autodesk Vault 2010 and Autodesk Design all installed OK.
System detail's; OS is 64 bit Windows Home 7 Ver 6.1.7600 with IE8
CPU AMD Athlon 11 P320 Dual Core, 4 gig RAM,500GB HDD running on a new Toshiba Laptop.
I've looked around at various forum's without success.A couple of sites offer what they call a fix but it turns out to be registry scanners.
Is there any way to change the format of Lat/Long in a C3D point list display from degrees, minutes, seconds to decimal degrees? I have looked pretty hard, but can't find anything. The geodetic calculator only does one item at a time, I think. Any plug-ins out there? I suppose this could be on a wish list as well.
I am using R2012.and have ended up manipulating point values in Excel-not a quick way of going about it.
Just switched to 2012 from 2010. When I try to edit the description format field in the properties window of a selected cogo point, I can't type in caps, it's all lower case. If I right click and edit the point, I can use capital letters, however. (running C3D 2012 sp4, Win7 64bit, 8GB)
Not sure why this has happened but all of a sudden, my AutoCAD 2013 install is reporting an issue with the "Entry Point Not Found"... The procedure entry point ?bmpout@@YAXPEB_WH@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library accore.dll.
I'm hoping this isnt related to the Windows OS which is Windows 7, 64 Bit but i do recall some updates being rolled out recently which caused problems with ESRI products...
I have found some great LiDAR information but it is in a compressed LAS file so the extension is LAZ. How to decompress these files so they can be used. The point cloud will only accept the las format.
How can I know that the AGS file is complied the AGS 3.1. or 4? I have a AGS file that it can't to be imported to Civil 3D 2014 - Geotechnical Modules. Is there any tool for doing clarification?
The error is "Pick list item 'FILL' under header GEOL_LEG does not exist in the ABBR table" ...etc...
I have a surface, to which I've added data from a ENZ file. No problems - I had a workable surface. I want to be able to work on the drawing at home as well as work. So I brought home the DWG as well as the ENZ file thinking that if both were in the same directory, it would work OK. But I get an error saying the Point file can't be found. I can't see any way to make the file reference relative, rather than absolute.
i have any problem about export point from dwg to *.txt file.i have point file *.dwg from my friend,,but i confused why that point can't export, show warning "No point were transferred from the source" point is in layer 0...I attach the dwg file.
I've been sent an AGS 3.1 file which I'm trying to import to Civil 3D using the Geotechnical module, but keep running up against an error which suggests the date format in the AGS file is incorrect. From what I can see the format should be DD/MM/YYYY, and this is correct in the file, but Geotechnics still won't recognise it.
Is there a different date format I should be using, or is there a way to force the tool to recognise the format in the file?
Cannot get Illustrator CS6 to run. All othe CS6 components are running fine.
Every time I try to start Illustrator I get error message:
The procedure entry point ?AcquireVarient@ImageInterface@drawbot@dvaui@@QEBA?BV?intrusive_ptr@UI mageInterface@drawbot@dvaui@@@boost@@V?rational@J@5@@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library dvaui.dll.
This is on a Window 7 Pro PC. CS5 previously ran fine, but computer was rebuilt after a harddrive crash then loaded with CS6 and this problem began. CS6 installation on laptop works fine, so downloaded files are OK.
I have tried to uninstall and reinstall twice, but always the same result.
I'm running WinXP SP3. I just upgraded from CS2 to CS4 (and yes, I installed the update.
I'm currently running 11.0.1).
Whenever I load photoshop, just as it is about to finish "Initializing panels..." an error box pops up saying: "Adobe Photoshop CS4: Photoshop.exe - Entry Point Not Found" "The procedure entry point
Is ThreadDesktop Composited could not be located in the dynamic link library USER32.dll." After the box pops up I press the "Okay" button (that's the only one there) and it then opens Photoshop - which works perfectly. No other errors, no missing functions, no lag.
I'm pretty sure getting an error during start up is a good indication that not everything is 100%.
i have carlson survce in data collector that uses crd files .can civil work with those crd files?so far i used the carlson civil suite with autocad and i am thinking to try the autodesk civil.
can i use those files ? import or export from civil3d?
I have just installed C3D 2012 and when I show the menu bar, the only choice is Express which used to be the last tool in previous versions. What happened to File - Edit - View - Insert - Format, etc in the menu bar? I need to access them.
I'm getting this error with GIMP 2.8.4 on Windows 7:
(executable name) - Entry Point Not FoundThe procedure entry point __gxx_personality_sj0 could not be located in the dynamic link library libstdc++-6.dll.
Where (executable name) is any of the following: web-page.exehelp-browser.exefile-pdf-load.exe
A search turned up [this page][URL] ...., but the problem seems to be with libatk instead.
So I searched my C drive for "libstdc++-6.dll" and found three copies of it:
Not wanting to mess with any files in the GIMP's directory, I renamed NifSkope's copy, but the error persisted. I also removed all plug-ins from my user directory as mentioned in the other thread.
It seems that the GIMP is still functional, but it's quite annoying having to click "Ok" three times every time I start the program.
We installed C3d 2012 a few months ago. When importing or exporting point I need to select the point file format each time. In previous versions, since we almost always use the same format, once you selected the format and imported/exported points it was selected by default the next time you imported/exported point. Since switching to C3d 2012 we have has issues of wrong format being selected for export (probably import also, but those are probably caught by the user themself).
I have tried creating a new format starting the name with an underscore as we do with the most common styles so that it would be listed at the top of the list. This did not work. It seem to me that the only solution is to delete all other formats to insure the correct format is seclcted. This will cause a problem on those occassions when another format is required.
how to show point labels on the points I imported from a .shp file. I used MAPIMPORT and brought in the associated object data but I don't know how to get it to display in my drawing.
I am new in using AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013. I used ArcMAP 10.1 to create a .mxd MAP of 4 points/locations - each point/location has the values of SampleID, XYZ-coordinates, Depth, ChemicalName - see the attached file for details.
I used the ArcToolbox to convert ArcMAP to CAD in the GeoProcess, obtained a DWG, and saved it in a folder of my C:/Temp/CDC_ArcGIS-GeoDatabase folder - see the first page of the attched file. I used AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 to open that DWG file - I played with it in the basic 3D Wireframe a little bit, but I don't know how to display the feature/object of my 4-point MAP - see the last page of my attached file. How I can display/view the feature/object of my 4-point MAP in AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013.
The background of my AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 is black. How can I change the background color to white or other light colors?
I am using autodesk autocad civil 3D (Metric).When I am importing point from text file it comes with different scale which is not to 1:1.Actual scale is 1: 3.280 which is exactly equal to 1m :1 ft ratio.
So, my guess is, X,Y,Z coordinates are importing to autocad civil 3D is in feets and measured distance points in meters.