I've created a simple cutdown kerb in Subassembly Composer 2013. I can't add Point, Link or Shape Codes & get the error message " The code (Flange for example) is not a valid input parameter or variable.
I hope Autodesk can have a easier way to edit the "input/output parameter" sequence. Today I found I cannot even delete a parameter. Whenever I want to delete a parameter, SAC just frozen.
Is there a better an easier way to change the order of input/output parameters in the subassembly that i've created in SAC 2013 than the one where you have to go into a XML-file in the PKT archive file?
I've created my subassembly and I want to control the order of parameters to have a flow similar to the actual workflow.
I'm having a real problem with a part I'm trying to develop:
I'm attempting to have a single timber part that has several draft face features within it, so I can control the bevelsa on the part with iLogic at a later date. The problem I'm having is that when the "running bevel" changes direction it throws out the bevels on the ends. (I've attached the file, it's very difficult to put into words.
But basically: When the running bevel is "forward" the end bevel measures 20degrees (as it should) When I flip the running bevel to "backwards" the same end bevel now measure 19.7degrees while the input parameter still says 20.
My need is to create up to 50 points from the same origin in a three dimensional Cartesian coordinate system but I’d also like to have a labels for each point that show up in the feature tree.
Are there Inventor 2013 plugin (i.e., add-on, 3rd party, AP) to convert a list 3D Cartesian coordinate system locations (i.e., points) to Inventor to work points(x, y, z)?
I found that I cannot create 3D points in the assembly. Is this correct? I did find that an Inventor part may be used to create a 3D sketch that creates points in 3D space. In the past few days, I found two ways to create 3D points within a iPRT; the batch way uses an Excel file but it then does not allow me to name the points in the feature tree. The second way is to create them one at a time but that take way too much time.
I saw another thread on this, but it went unanswered, so I am going to ask it with some better information.I installed inventor pro 2012, and it was working fine for a few days, but it now is missing the input boxes for the Precise Input window. URL....
I need to change the radial acceleration value in Civil3d when designing for super elevated bends to shorten the transition of a track. I can calculate the transition manually but is there a way i can input this data in the design criteria while carrying out the alignment geometry design in Civil 3d.
I want to use the "Profile Sample" program supplied with C3D to create an alignment and profile. I am creating the stations and elevations in LISP and want to send them to the "Profile" program. I have seen in a C# program the use of an Array to send the data. I would like to do the same. eg.
I'm trying to use an expression for text height and everytime I enter the name of the expression I get "Invalid Input". Is there a trick to doing this?
I even changed a style that "HAD" allowed me to use an expression, to a number then tried to reenter the same expression name that was there and get "Invalid Input".
I just learned the input formats of points (like PENZD, PNEZD, etc.). I want to know the input format of Survey. Need information of input format of Survey.
I've been working in C3D for about 5 yrs now, and one thing that drives me absolutely nuts about it is how to get the correct layers to display when plotting different sheets out of the same drawing, regardless of the layer state of my model. I worked in Terramodel for about 5 years prior to coming back to AutoCAD and became spoiled by the ease with which layers displayed on different sheets in the same drawing. You assigned a layer state to the viewport and that viewport always plotted that way.
It didn't matter what layers were on or off, frozen or thawed in the model view, once you jumped over to the sheet it always looked the same once you set it up. In C3D I've tried viewport overrides, jumping into the viewport and setting the layers then saving the layer state... All sorts of different approaches, but I've never found anything that really works. My projects are typically small enough that I have all of my sheets in the same drawing but want different layer settings on different sheets.
These 8 points are for 4 sampling locations with 2 depths for each sampling location. I used AutoCAD 2012 a little bit before and I am new in using AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013. What are the key steps and tips of using the values of XYZ-coordinates listed the above-mentioned table to input manually into the AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 program. Note: 4 sampling locations are in the 4 corners of a square lot and the 8 points should look like 8 corners of a box.
Is it possible to create subassembly from C3D Stock Subassemblies.dll programmatically using .NET? I need call procedure (Basic Lane for example), set all input parameters and create subassembly in drawing.
I have an irregular shaped polyline in civil 3d that needs to be 31.5 acres. It is currently 32.8 acres. Without manually rescaling this polyline over and over again in order to achieve a polyline that represents 31.5 acres, can Civil 3D automatically draw the polyline to represent 31.5 acres for me?
I am receiving an invalid input message when trying to create a curve between two lines. My drawing units are set to architectural. The problem is summarized as follows:
1- In Lines/Curves menu, select curve between two lines.
2-Select first tangent
3- Select second tangent
4-Select radius option
5- Enter 8'6"
6- After entering the radius I receive an invalid input message.
7- But if I enter the radius as 102 (102 inches) the curve is created without any problem.
When I created my subassembly with subassembly composer, it's difficult to change the sequency of the input/output parameters. Do we have an easy way to do that, Like moving?
I have user parameters that are no longer needed and are not being used anywhere. They each takes 4-5 seconds to delete, prior to 2012 this would happen instantly.
I am UNABLE to follow a tutorial on how to make a repeatable pattern using 'texture transfer' on some fire I want to make into a pattern!!! every time I select the area I want to use and the 'input map' and paste as new image and I tell Resynthesizer to use that image it ALWAYS errors out as "The Input Map Should Be The Same Size As The Input Texture Image" according to the tutorial another person gave me on this forum he said NOTHING about being the same size!!! in fact, his selection was SMALLER than the actual image that he was using Resynthesizer on!!!
The neww line expressions for Grid distance are phenominal. My problem is getting them into curves. All I want to do is apply the grid scale factor to the curve length and radius, but I can't narrow down the parameter. The Drawing Scale conversion links to the annotation scale. I've also noticed people just scripting in the value, but that doesn't work when the majority of the office doesn't operate at that level.
Also, I work in grid and need to convert to ground. I noticed that the system only does ground to grid, so I'm inputting an inverted scale factor to get the results in need in my distances.
In 2013, I had an optional part parameter for pipes called "Velocity", and it worked fine. We use a network catalog, and I was trying to use the same part catalog for 2014, but it gave me a Runtime Part Parameter Configuration Error for the Parameter Name "VEL". So I copied the "Pipes Catalog" folder from my C drive for 2014 and pasted it to the network. I then revised the AeccPartParamCfg.xml in the AeccShared Content folder with the same information as I had in the previous network catalog.
Specifically, I added the following line in the xml file
I added the line "<AeccOptParam context="FlowVelocity"/>"
see the attached image 1-Old AeccPartParamCfg xml file.JPG to see images from the xml file.
I got the same error when I opened C3D 2014. I added an underscore between Flow and Velocity for context, and it worked! (See attachment 2-Revised AeccPartParamCfg xml file.JPG)
So C3D 2014 opens without the error. I click on Part Builder and click on RCP (formerly Concrete Pipe from OOTB part catalog) under pipes. I right click on Size Parameters and click "Add..." which takes me to the New Parameter dialog box as seen in attachment 3.JPG. It shows three of the optional properties I have added: Pipe Classification, Friction Slope, and Velocity.
I add these three optional properties and edit their configurations as seen in attachment 3.JPG. I give Friction Slope and Velocity both a range of 0 to 1000 with a default of 0.
I create a new parts list and add the part family RCP. I click to add part sizes and get the final dialog box on attachment 3.JPG. Velocity doesn't show up! Pipe Classification and Friction Slope show up, but no velocity!
I have tried deleting the 'VEL" line in the xml file, copying the "FSL" line and pasting and revising it for velocity, but that didn't work. I tried switching the FSL and VEL lines in the xml file to see if FSL would disappear and VEL would appear, but that had no effect.