AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Restarting Table Tag Numbers?

Aug 23, 2013

We use tags on lines labeled L1, L2 etc... for roads and pipelines (for legal/right of way purposes). We may have multiple lines to describe (differernt section/land owner) and need to start back at L1.

Is there a way to automatically start back at L1 rather than it starting at a higher number and having to reset the number one at a time? Get's quite tedious when you have multiple lines needing number with say lay 20-30 segments.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Format Cells In Table To Show Numbers As 3-digit Decimals?

Apr 22, 2010

How do you format cells in a table to show numbers as 3-digit decimals? I've tried this...

myTable.Cells(r, c).DataFormat = "#0.000" ' this does not work.

Is there more to it than this?

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Corel Ventura :: Format Numbers In Table Cells?

May 2, 2011

I was almost sure it was an easy task but I cannot find a way to format numbers in a table cell. All I want to do is to use the DECIMAL alignement in table cells containing prices.

But it works only when the number are specified in the format ####,00. If you need a number like #.###,00 you have to insert a dot in the numbe and Boooom Ventura (correctly) treats it as text .

So, my question is: is there a way to type 1000,00 and get 1.000,00 correctly decimally aligned? Here is what I'm trying to get (fixed width font):


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InDesign :: Table Of Contents With A Couple Of Rogue Page Numbers?

Feb 28, 2014

I set up a pretty little table of contents for a handbook and wrestled the styles into place. But, for some reason, I have two page numbers that are wacked out to the right of everything else.
The page numbers are set up on the master page and are very simple. It's the same master for all of the pages.
There are two styles at work in the TOC, messing with those doesnt change anything.
Why would these two, and only these two, get kicked off their mark?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Force Table And Table Text Height To Stay Constant Despite The Scale?

Feb 23, 2012

Is there a way to force the table and table text height to stay constant despite the scale? I can do it for Point Label Styles with an Expression. But in 2011 there is no way to build an expression for a table style.

I want to create tables in the drawing where the points are and then plot them from a drawing they're Xrefed in to. The tables are too small but zooming in doesn't make them any bigger because the scale of the viewport changes and they adjust.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Table To Table Link On Different Layouts

Feb 18, 2013

I want to know if you can link AutoCad tables to other Autocad tables on different layouts. Say I have ten sheets, each with a table for quantities of pipe length, and one sheet with a total of all quantities. Can I link cells from each separate layout sheet to the main table sheet, so that I can add them all for project totals?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Convert List Of Numbers To A Range Of Missing Numbers

Jul 18, 2013

I have subroutine that retrieves a list of detail numbers in a drawing. Sometimes there are missing numbers. I am looking to find a list of any missing numbers.

Example -

(setq List_DN (list 1 2 3 5 6 7 10 11 12 17))

Missing numbers are - 4,8,9,13,14,15,16

I would like a subroutine to take the List_DN are return the following missing numbers as text

(Get_Missing List_DN)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Balloon Numbers Don't Match BOM Item Numbers

Feb 20, 2012

I am trying to link my parts list to a drawing however all balloons have different numbers. 

I open the assembly and check everything out from vault I open my bom and change item numbers. When I get back to my drawing and apply for auto balloon I get completely different item numbers in my balloons. We just updated our software to a new 2012 version so it's maybe something with set up. 

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AutoCad :: Syncing Callout Numbers To Correspond With Note Numbers

Jun 20, 2011

Is there a way to sync callout numbers to correspond with note numbers. When I add or delete notes in my drawings it takes to much time to update the callout number in the drawings. I need to figure out a way for the note and corresponding callout to change at the same time.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Use The Same Point Numbers

Feb 19, 2013

I have several lifts of dirt. I have 50 shots on each lift, but the shots on each lift are in different locations. I have been told to have each lift on a seperate layout and each layout list each shot starting at 1. Is there a way I can show Lift 1 with point numbers 1-50 and Lift 2 with point numbers 1-50 in the same dwg?

AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 SP4
Windows 7 (64)

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Workspace Resets When Restarting It?

Apr 28, 2012

For some odd reason Autocad will not maintain my workspace customizations. For example I typically can customize my workspace by toggling which toolbars are shown and where they are placed. Then I can close autocad and when I start it again all the customizations are present. Now when I start autocad it loads the default workspace. I should have to customize my workspace every time I start autocad. I also shouldn't have to create any custom workspace profile or anything like that. AutoCad used to simply save any GUI customizations made automatically. I need it to get back to that.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Change The Points Numbers

Jul 4, 2012

Is there any method in Civil 3D change the points number?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Get A List Of Available Point Numbers?

Feb 26, 2013

I just had an internal request for this and I had to look it up. So I'll share what I found and have a place to find it myself next time.
One way to do it is to select a COGO point to bring up the COGO Point Contextual menu tab. In COGO Point Tools you can select List Available Point Numbers.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Why The Cut / Fill Numbers Are All At Zero In Report

Jun 26, 2012

why the "cut/fill" numbers are all at zero in my report?  All the offsets and the design elevations show just fine....

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: View Frame Sheet Numbers?

Apr 24, 2012

I creating plan and sections from my model.  I went through my Create View Frames, and created my sheets fine.  But one thing I cannot seem to fix, I am starting from Sheet 10, not sheet 1, so I need my match line to start at sheet 10, then up from there.  Whats the setting I need to change for this?  I have set all counters to start from 10, but the first match line still says sheet 1   i have attached an image of the matchline.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Points Names Without Assigning Point Numbers

Jun 15, 2009

I'm trying to import a GPS coordinate file where our Surveyor has used both Points Names (Alpha-Numeric) and Point Numbers. see below. I have setup a Point File Format for Pname, North, East, Elev and RAW Description, to import this comma separated point file. The problem is that Civil 3D does not want to seem to use a numeric point name as a Point Number, instead the number is used as a Point name and Civil 3D assigns a Point number from the next availible point number. Is it possible to automatically, when the Point Name is a numer only to also assign it the same value as the Point Names?

I would really want Civil 3D to allow users to use Both, Point Names without assigning a Point number.


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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Assign A Set Of Points A Sequence Of Point Numbers

Jan 17, 2012

What I wish to do is to assign a set of points a sequence of point numbers (or custom properties) of my choosing. For example, I have the following points:






I wish to assign point 100 -> 1000, 105 to 1001, 107 to 1002, 104 -> 1003, and 102 ->1004. Basically, I am looking for a command or utility that implements the "TCOUNT" (using select-order) command, but for Cogo points instead of text. The renumber points command appears to only work with offsets, and does not eliminate gaps. I can sequence the points if I select the points I want, then copy them -> set duplicate points to sequence from the range I choose, but this does not allow for reordering of point numbers. I tried individually selecting them in the order I wanted, but didn't change the order in which they were numbered.

Alternatively, I can leave the point numbers the same, and assign a user defined property that I can use to sequence the points in the order of my choosing. However, I'm not sure how to go about assigning the sequence I wish short of typing in each value individually; obviously non-ideal.

A third possibility that presented itself to me was to create new, correctly sequenced points that overlap exactly with the old ones, and then somehow merge the two sets together. Would there be a way to merge the old points and the new ones based on the fact that the two points have the same X-Y coordinates? Preferably done in CAD itself; the last resort would be to export both sets of points out to excel, then do some fancy manipulation in excel, then reimport into CAD.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: ID Numbers With Prefix From Separate Object Data Field

Jan 31, 2013

AutoCAD Civil 3D 2009 w/Updates, Windows XP Pro, SP3

I am looking for a tool or routine to automatically add a unique object data ID number to Points or lines of a sewer system, that extract a prefix number from a seperate object data table (a location grid of closed polygons), then add a sequential number to each selected object. For example, 12 manhole points and 3 cleanouts are located with in one grid polygon. The Grid polygon has a coded id like 61280206, I want to be able to select all the MH and CO points in that grid polygon and have the new ID numbers be 6128020601, 6128020602, 6128020603, or to be able to specify the starting number like 6128020621,(for adding new points and continuing the sequence.

Better yet would be a routine that would be able to apply this system to all the points in the entire project area, extract the number from the appropriate grid polygon, and fill the numbers in one operation. 

This is for the initial id numbering of a Cities, Sewer, water and electrical system. 

I have searched for and found many LISP routines that do some of this (like ODCOUNT, etc), but none that I have seen have the data table extraction abilities. I do have one that works like this and files in the prefix number from a named views. I have several thousand grid cells (880ftx880ft). Perhaps there is a way to use my polygons w/table to create and name views

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Numbers Of Points Added To A Surface From Point Cloud?

Jan 7, 2013

I know that there is a limitation on the numbers of points added to a surface from a point cloud.  But I'm curious how Civil 3D determines which points to exclude from the surface.  Is there a special alorithm/criteria the software uses?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Range Of Point Numbers Makes 3D Line Segments

Jan 29, 2013

The command for Creating Lines by Specifying a Range of Point Numbers makes 3D line segments. Is there an option to make a zero elevation polyline running through cogo points that are 3D (the 3D line segments occur even if the cogo points are set to flatten elevation)?

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Photoshop :: CS4, Restarting PC

Jun 11, 2009

I'm having a really strange problem with Photoshop CS4 on my Laptop. If my Laptop was recently booted and I start Photoshop everything is fine. If I'm working for a while, suddenly nothing works anymore. Or maybe I should say: It works but only if I'm trying it like 10 times.For example I'm trying to open a file. I click "Open.::" choose the file, double click it, nothing happens. Repeating that won't help too. Only if I'm repeating it again and again it will open sometime. (There is no exact count that I need to reach repeating that steps. Sometimes it works after 3 times, sometimes much later).That happens with everything in Photoshop. If a file is still open and im using the brush tool to create a line or something, I click somewhere in the image, keeping my mousebutton pressed, move the mouse to somewhere else (to create a line/whatever), release the mousebutton and the line disappears. Nothing happened. Now if I'm repeating that again and again, there will be a line anytime. Now nothing helps to get that problem away but restarting my PC. After booting it again everything works fine again, but restarting it again and again isn't really a solution to my problem. The specs of my laptop:CPU: Intel Pentium M 1,86GhzRam: 1 GB RamGraphics: Mobile Intel 915GM Don't know about the rest, but that shouldn't matter anyways. The only thing I could think of is that my Laptops components are too bad, but theyre pretty much exactly matching the requirements. 

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Photoshop :: Getting Error On Restarting CS6?

Jul 29, 2012

I just started getting this message when restarting CS6. "The procedure entry point onpreview ViewSet Vram usagehint could not be located in dynamic link library onimaging.dll". How can this be corrected?

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VideoStudio :: X6 - Restarting Clip

Mar 18, 2013

I just downloaded the videostudio X6 trial version. For some reasons, some sequences from mpg clips I added to my project seems to be repeating itself for no reason. The bug occurs within a unique sequence and might change the "restart" position while the timeline cursor.

Ex: Original video = Cow cross the road, a car hit the cow then the car explode and finaly a generic

After importing the original video = Cow cross the road, a car hit the cow then the car explode, then the car hit the cow a second time

If I move the cursor right to left a couple of time, it might end up missing the first part of the clip where the cow is suppose to cross the road (replaced by a second car exploding)

It's a single clip and the final display is changing even if I don'T touch anything. I use to be a Ulead video studio user and I never had such problem.

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3ds Max :: Backburner Render Crash Not Restarting

Mar 22, 2011

I got a few render boxes, the older ones (mix of XP and win7) are generally fine.The new machines however fall over (crash with `unhandled exception`) while network rendering through backburner. This has the effect that 3dsMax `hangs` i.e waits for you to remote login and click `cclose program` (this may be a windows message though)This effectively removes the machine friom render slave mode as it hangs until max is manually closed.

Either i need to find out why they`re crashing and stop it or a way to make max crash and auto shut down/reboot max/backburner or even a machine restart would do.

(again, the error is ridiculously vague. windows 7 64bit is up to date as is max2011).i just checked and it`s windows thats crashed, asking to sened info to microsoft.

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Photoshop :: Stopping/restarting An Action While Batching

Jun 16, 2004

I'm trying to batch convert groups of photos to b&w. The action i want to perform involves 3 steps: 1)channel mix to b&w, 2)stop to do curves, dodge/burn,etc. and 3)finish b&w convert w/ hue/saturation. If i insert a Stop then PS does allow me to finish the action but it stops the batch. I need to do the Hue/Sat after adjustments b/c otherwise i get a color shift. If this makes sense,

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Paint.NET :: Changing Numbers And Adding New Numbers?

Jul 8, 2012

I hereby have a school note report from my little brother. He told me he had some bad notes in his last period and I would like to make a fake copy of it.

Basically, I scanned his 3th period notes and I would like to change some and add some

How you can remove numbers and add new ones over it and add numbers with the same digital code used on the old ones to put those in empty notes

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Revit :: Unable To Reset Image Without Restarting Program

Jun 5, 2007

I have posted an image which is a screen snap of a revit session. Not sure how it got this way but we are unable to figure out how to reset it without restarting the program.

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Photoshop Elements :: Can't Open 10 Once Have Closed It Down Without Restarting Computer

Apr 8, 2012

I can't open Elements 10 once I have closed it down without restarting my computer. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: CTB From Microstation Pen Table?

Nov 5, 2012

Creating a CTB file to mimic a Microstation pen table? I have a client supplied *.tbl (an intergraph pen table file I believe) and how to generate a CTB that will behave similarly (ie. plot nearly the same)..

I can open the *.tbl file in a text editor and it just looks like a bunch of "if, then" statements related to line weights and pattern files....

I have already created a template with the same layers/levels, colors, linewights, etc... (and can convert everything to dgns), but now I need to figure out how to get similar plotted results from both sets of drawings (the dwg and the dgn..)

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Volume Range Table

Apr 19, 2012

I am using C3D 2012 and i know how to create a table showing volumes for different elevation ranges with different colours, but how to show the total cut or fill for the volume surface in the same table so that you dont have to manually add up all of the cuts or fills? or have to display only two ranges?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Creating A Line Table

Jun 3, 2013

I am trying to create a line table. Here are the steps I am following :

First I label the lines I have drawn using a line label type for example Bearing over Distance, then I am going to the Annotate tab, Add Tables, Add Line and Curve and once I get to that dialog box I select my table style that I have already created and the label style I chose to label the line and click on the "apply" box and then "ok" and I see the labels such as L1, L2, etc. and all looks good, except now when I go to use that label style Bearing over distance to label another line, it labels the line with the tags and not the bearing and distance, its like the style is now defaulted to labeling tags and not bearing and distance anymore.

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