AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Re-import Points And Line Work
Nov 13, 2012
1. When I do a re-import of my points my linework appears to double up (linework over linework).
2. In my description keys I use "rr" for rail road and "rrisg" for railroad signal (no * in code), linework comes in for both even though I only have it set up for "rr". I thought without the * in code this would not happen, but still does.
3. Finally, I use the "Survey Point Properties" window to make edits to points. All seems great, but when I got back into my drawing all my work was gone? Do I need to update the database some how with the changes? I was under the assumption that by doing it the way I do the changes are saved to the database. Is it better to do the edit on the Survey Tab by right clicking on the import event and selecting "Edit Points"?
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2011 - How do I set it up so that when I import points from a .txt file, point no., elev, and desc are displayed in the drawing next to the point node?
To import the point along an alignment into Civil 3D, I need to introduce a scale factor. But by adding the Scale Factor column to the points and modify one of the formats in the Civil 3D to accept the scale factor, change was not affected to the initial state (without adding a column to a scale factor). I got the points, regardless of the scale factor and now, I want to add a scaling factor for the points.
I have a problem about creating feature line. When I want to create feature line between two red points, another point come into being by itself (blue point). If you look at the file I have attached, you will understand well what I want to express. I cant make any changes on this point. I cant delete, modify etc.
I am drawing a few feature lines within my surface and it is creating split points.....not even sure how they are created and how do I get rid of there a way? I read a little about them and what I have read so far indicates that it is a point where two feature lines cross? I don't have another feature line created anywhere near this one.
I have a text file in PNEZD where D is XYZ. I have a description key for XYZ. I am importing this file into survey. When I import this file the points do not take the style of the description key, they take a default style from somewhere. What trick am I missing so that when I import points into survey they use the description key and therefore have the correct style.
Civil 3D 2012 SP4.0 Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit C3D 2014 SP1 Dell M6600, Core i7 @ 2.3GHz, 16 GB ram Dell T3500 workstation, too much ram to post
Given a feature line/polyline(FL/PL) and a series of points directly on the FL/PL, how can you assign the elevations of the points to the vertices of the FL/PL?
I want to create new vertex points in feature line and 3dpol.
I have this: try { if (obj.GetType() == typeof(Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Polyline3d)) { Polyline3d p3d = (Polyline3d)trans.GetObject(entRes.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForWrite);
always catches the same Exception "the value is not within the expected range" .I have translated it because I get "El valor no está dentro del intervalo esperado". Perhaps is this: " Value does not fall within the expected range.".
I have tried it with different point3d values but always catches Exception.
With pol3d I have similar problem.
Autocad Civil 3D 2014 +SP1 Quad Core Intel i7 3770-cpu 3.40Ghz. ssd samsung 840 pro 512gb+ssd samsung 840 pro 256 gb+1tb hdd 32gb RAM 1600 Mhz. nVidia Quadro 2000. Win 7 Pro 64bit
I'm very new to Civil 3D.I've been given original topography in a .dwg file and a .csv file of the same topography after some dirt work.My problem is when I import the .csv file the points don't overlay the original topography.
What I have done is added the .csv points to the original topography .dwg with the "Points From File" option.
Running C3d 2012 here, but haven't used prior versions. I'm using fieldbooks to import survey data. If there is an error of some kind and I "Re-import event" for the fieldbook, then the occupied points from the field book are deleted out of the survey database and I get the resulting error of "point invalid" during the import. My fix is to go into my control drawing and import the control points from the drawing into the survey database then run the "re-import" again.
In order to create a swale, I created a feature line representing the bottom of the swale and graded up to an existing surface around its outer perimeter. The slope pattern looks ok when it initially generates the grading. I need to grip and drag certain points along the feature line in order to bring the top of slope lines of the swale close to the bottom of slope lines of an adjacent berm. As soon as I grip and drag the feature line, the slope pattern lines go awry. Instead of a short line then a long line, then short line, etc., the lines are all the same length. It actually appears as if short and long lines are overlapping each other.
The company I work for uses Illinois DOT linework Codes.They had been using Microstation. But the office Im in uses Civil 13. Any linework code set that I need to process field to finish?
I go back and forth between older drawings in 2009 a lot while my current drawings are in Civil 3d 2012. Is there a way to copy linework from a Civil 3D drawing into my 2009 drawing easily. I used to be able to copy and paste between drawings but that doesn't work between these versions. Right now I have to wblock out the linework and open that new drawing and save as 2004 then import it into the old drawing.
I would like to bring in some of our linework into WS so it can be viewed on an iPad or smartphone with the GPS location referenced to the linework. Our dwg files projection is set for the NAD83 California Coordinate System, Zone 6, US survey feet.
Does the line work need to be projected before uploading to WS to use the GPS correctly? I understand there is also a units issue...but for some reason the location is never where it should be.
For some reason when I place new text or line work in a file it is fine, but when I save the drawing, close it and re-open it all of the text and line work found in model space goes gray. Yet if I place new text and use the match property command on text placed previously, that is now gray, and use it on new text, the new text recieves the attributes of what the previously placed text has minus the appearance of being gray. In my drawing I am using a shape file and a data connect image through planning and analysis.
I am importing survey data using a .txt file. In that file there are a few lines that I don't want C3D to read. Is there some character I can put at the beginning of the line so that it won't read or give me an error? In some other programs I have seen # or : used to do this.
C3D 2012 sp1 W7Pro 64bit HP Z400 Workstation 16 GB RAM Intel Xeon CPU W3565@3.20GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000
I imported fbk file that I created from raw, I would like to see how data was collected (from which instrument setup). As I was watching video tutorial, I have seen this, but can't figure it out how to set it up.
I had to create a boundary map and place points to all corners. How to export these newly created points back into my data collector (Ranger) and also I'm trying to figure out how to print out a points list.
I stumbled on to this thread but I guessing that it's a different CAD year because my modify tab doesn't look like this. URL.....
I have recieved a file with many points and would like to convert them into COGO points in Civil 3D. The problem is; I would like to keep the hole ID's as I convert, I've made a few conversions and lose the hole ID every time (not showing in Name or Description). Is there a seting I am missing to keep these? My aim to to organize the COGO points in different point groups.
I have a couple points that were part of an import event (data from a previous project) which I want to assign as control points for an incoming traverse, is there any way to assign those as control points? I can't seem to find a way to do that other than perhaps re-importing the specific points as control points and overwriting the existing ones.
I have a project that was started by leaving all the survey data inside the "All Points" group. So, I'm concerned that when I enter my as built survey points, that even if I put them into their own group, that the original surface will still look at them and just rebuild to my asbuilt data, effectively cancel out the purpose of the asbuilt survey. Will this happen?
I want to take the original points and put them into a group of their own, but I don't know if that will affect anything or not? I have several wetlands already designed on that surface with volume calcs already done too.
I have a series of points that I've placed along a sloped line in a 3D Sketch. However, if I delete one of the points, all the points that have been created are erased as well. I found a way to get around it (remove the constraints of the point I'm trying to delete and then delete the point). However, if I want to delete multiple points, the solution I have would take up some time.
I don't want to create a rectangular pattern in a 2D sketch because, when the line changes slope, the pattern doesn't seem to recognize the new slope direction and the points appear offset from the new sloped line.
Is there a way I can get create some semblance of a pattern in 3D sketch and also have the ability to delete individual points within a series of created points?
I am new to programming in general, but really new to C#. A little to discribe what I want to do.
I need to creat a command that once I run it, I get to choose an excel file that will be filled with points in a D,X,Y,Z format. (points range from 1-??) I know there are other ways of doing this (importing text ascii) but I need to cut down on the time and steps. This is something I do on a regular basis for people to convert different coordinate systems.
how to do the basics right now, I am just having trouble getting to the point that it will pull the info out of an excel file. I do not have any code right now to share to show my progress either.
i have 2500 points that i want to import, i have them in an excel file in the right way, and i can import them using multiple>point copy/paste. but i alsoo need to label them, up or down the point maybe to put an indicator. the ideea it's to create a grid, then manually using my eye to draw some line between this value, like drawing some same temperature/same pressure lines.