I am trying to create a label for slope ratios. I want to have the label show only whole numbers if it is a whole number and go to the 10th place only when necessary. Is there a way to use the label editor to do this? I would think it would work something like
I am specifically working with the Section Major Offset lable. The City of Dallas wants the lable to call out the Offset distance and direction over the elevation (example "30.0' LT."). Since zero has not offset direction the label reads "0.0' T." at the center point. Is there a way to include an if/then statement in the label style to remove the hard coded text?
I am trying to create a surface rise:run slope label for our company template file. I have it set using the default values that I want. But right now the text is just 1:1...where we want it to read 1V:1H.
how I can keep the label dynamic to the surface, but put the V & H in the label after the values.?
I think it is normal to want a style showing stationing, speed design stattions, etc.But.... Radii of curves ? Clothoid parameters ?
Why is the reason Autodesk developers think that designers dont want to see this information instead of "add labels, aligments, multiple segments,. etc ....
how to create actions using the new condition statements - tried google nothing step by step with examples.
I would like to crop an image to suit then have it resize vertically to a set size then stroke it with a colour of your choice (would stop and ask you to pick a colour from the image) then save it. Before conditions I made one but if the image changes the ratio of width to height during the crop it fails. Also of course before conditions it uses the colour for the stroke that I chose when making the the original action. BTW I don't have a document portrait option, document square and document horizontal only.
Lots of my macros for X5 seem to be broken with X6. How can I browse for a folder? Also what does this mean and how do I mark declare statements with a PtrSafe attribute?
Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications----Compile error:The code in this project must be updated for use on 64-bit systems. Please review and update Declare statements and then mark them with the PtrSafe attribute.
I am trying to label my drawing (bearings and distances) and am having a bit of trouble. . First, the precision isn't right. I keep trying to set the precision but whenever I add a parcel label it comes up with the wrong precision. Also, I can't get the scale of the labels right. They are too big and I can't seem to size them down any smaller.
When generating a line of contour labels with Contour-Multiple, most of the labels are orientated properly but some of them on the line are rotated 180 degrees. Why aren't they ALL orientated in the same direction?
Also, sometimes, all of them will be orientated in the wrong direction such that they are, essentially, upside down. Is this a bug or is there a setting to adjust?
Is there a way to add a field within a label style? I made a custom alignment label and I would like to add a field that references a sheet (I'm using SSM) i.e. "See Sheet 1-2".
I opened a project that i had not been into for a month and for some reason the surface and labels will not rebuild automatically anymore. Surface is set to rebuild automatic and i've gone in and changed the regenauto from on to off to on again, also rebooted the computer with no luck. I have a combination of feature lines and points. If I edit the elevations along the feature line the contours do not rebuild and the label does not change either. If I hover over the elevation node in the feature line it will show the new elevation but the elevation label for that point does not reflect the change, neither do the contours. If it is a point and I change it with the panorama window, the elevation tag will change but the contours do not rebuild until I tell it to rebuild. Any slope labels going to that point do not update with it though.
I need a style for intersection of alignments that automatically includes the abbreviations for Point On Tangent (POT), Point On Curve (POC), etc. I can create a style with the basic information of Station, Alignment Name, but adding the POT, POST, etc. in front of all alignment’s stationing and name doesn't seem available still in Civil 3D 2011.
I worked this out with C3D back in the day but for some reason I can't figure out how to renumber line tag label designations. What's making it tougher is that I need to create the tags in a block and try to create the line table OUTSIDE the block (this is so that I can have the block rotated to a deed bearing with dynamic labels in the block while retaining it's true orientation from state plane coordinates in model space). I have an old lisp file CLEARTAGS.lsp but this is not working. Perhaps this was made for 2010 or earlier. When I save the block, it jumps all the tag numbering way up for some reason.
Civil 3D 2012 Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 Dell Precision T3400 (Q9550 @ 2.83 GHz) 8GB RAM Nvidia Quadro GTX 650 Ti BOOST
I seem to have a random, we'll say error for lack of a better term. I have a set of Point Styles with a Description Key set up for our survey points. When I import the points from a csv, I have 9 points that do not come in with the labels in the right spot. The label is supposed to sit next to the point style (see included image) Instead they sit 1 unit away. If you look at the included image you will see a point called COMH that is inserted correctly. Right above it is a point called WTMH that has the label coming in far to the right of the point style. Both the COMH and the WTMH have the same settings in the description key, and other than the block for the point, the same settings in the Point Style. I have completey re-written the description key, as well as re-created all the point styles, but this keeps happening. I have even re-created the block drawing and redefined the block in the dwt as well as an existing drawing.
P.S. I have added an image of the description key coding as well as the point style for the COMH andthe WTMH.
I am using Civil3D 2012 and have a drawing that will not allow me to add Contour Labels.
Unable to create contour labels
Issue You were unable to create contour labels. When you tried to create a single contour label, you could not select any of the contour lines of a surface. When you tried to create multiple contour labels, the contour label line disappeared after you selected the second point.
On a road project I have an acquisition parcel that is matched across 2 viewports on one layout. I would usually slide the parcel label so it's only visible on one layout. Then I'd add a second label that would be visible on the second layout.
This line happens to cross the viewport near the end. If I add a label in the lower viewport that looks reasonable. It will overlap in to the upper viewport. I can drag the label to very near the end of the line but it doesn't look right there. I don't think it's good procedure to try and force one parcel label on to it's own layer so it can be frozen in that one viewport.
Any technique for handling this situation?
Civil 3D 2012 SP 2.1 Dell Precision T7400, Xeon CPU 3.16 GHz Win 7 Pro, 64-bit,12 GB RAM, Nvidia Quadro FX 4600
My sections are showing a label for some of my links that are coded as "top". My label style for the "top" link is set to none and some of the labels are still displayed.
The labels show in the sections, but not the assembly. We are running Civil 3D 2012.
First - the alignment station label text size when viewed in model space is fine but when viewed in paper space it comes in way to big. How do i adjust this so i see things in paper space as they are in the model?
Second - Would like to adjust the station label style from the defalt 0+00.00 to 0+000.000
I have an existing topic dwg and it has points from the survey crew shots in the dwg, I need to label this points. I want to extract the TC and Gutter information from the points by picking the the points I want to label.
i'm having an issue with C3D 2013, i have a plan drawing, with various layouts linked with a sheetset. I'm having trouble when plotting them from the sheet set. It doesn´t plot my alignment labels. Also happening on some other drawings like plan and profile. If i do plot them one by one from the drawing, they plot fine. The problem is that it's a lot of drawings to be ploting one layout at a time...
I have multiple profile views with a pipe network. In a number of cases, I have a pipe that extends to the end of one profile view and continues on the next. I can label the pipe on one profile but not on the other. Is there a way to add two labels to the same pipe - one label on one profile view and another label on the other profile?
We are working on a file here and the lables on the drawing are missing. We had station offset lables in our drawings and are now missing from the plans.
I am having a lot of problems with my vertical curve labels. I created a style that shows the length of the vertical curve, the k-value, the end and start elevations, and the elevation and station of the PVI, as shown. My problems are the fact that when I want to flip a label, they all flip (shown in the second picture). I also have noticed that there is only one drag point. Is this a setting that I unknowingly edited, or is it possible to flip labels individually?
I would like to have the leader arrow attached to the rim of the structure in profile view. Now they are attached along the side of the structure well below the rim. This is for the dragged labels. How can I adjust the arrowhead attachment point?
Is it possible to keep the dragged labels in the same configuration when import the same points with the same numbers second time (with different descriptions) choosing overwrite option? I want to avoid to move the points second time to make the drawing readable.
I have a drawing that someone else created that has a spot elevation label for a surface. It labels the surface (PAD) then automatically subtracts a set distance for another elevation (GFE) and adds a set distance for another elevation (FFE). After doing some research, it looks like it was created with an expression?
I have two questions:
First, where to go to get a better understadning of this? I'm not familiar with expressions.
Second, where can I find the expression in drawing to make an edit to the set distances. I can remove the GFE/FFE as they are separate components in the label style, but I don't see where to modify the distance it adds or subtracts.
As you see in the picture I have a subdivision that follows a curving road, and therefore all the lot lines also follow the road. This is unfortunate, as I have been creating label styles 1 by 1 for left, center, right, for every angle of line. Is there a way to get your label to go parallel with the line automatically?
What I am thinking of is with structures, there is that circular grip that rotates the structure, is there something similar to this with labels? or must i keep grinding away making the labels one by one in their separate degree intervals.
Right now I have 33 label styles.... and I am not even 1/4 of the way done.