AutoCAD Civil 3D :: ETransmit / Export Drawings To Send To A Client
Jul 23, 2013
I am currently trying to etransmit or export one of our C3D drawings to CAD 2007 to send to a client. Every time I estransmit or export a lot of boxes appear on the exported file. Does anything know what they are or how to get rid of them? it won't let me freeze them, they all seem to be one block together.
So I have just finished up a project and now need to send the files (all of them, surfaces, alignments, corridor, construction documents, etc) to the client. What is the best way to do this?
I am confused because Civil3d uses Data references that are created based on a folder I specify which the client will not have access to and so on.
I opened my alignment file and did a DXFOUT than went ahead and opened that dxf and saw that there was nothing there?
Could they recreate the stuff I have done using DWFs?? or should I Etransmit?? or what other options do I have?
I get the following error when trying to use etransmit on two different projects:"the following files could not be checked for links"..We use Revit Server. We have many projects which etransmit just fine from Revit Server.
I looked this up and the only info I found said that Revit Server is locking a link or links or the main file. I (and our IT dept) checked Revit Server for locking and did not find any issues. I have tried locating the consultant linked files on the Revit Server too.
I want to attach image in Autocad 2010, i know the procedure to insert the image (.jpg,etc.). But my problem is that i dont want to send its original image that i used from my hard disk.
Is there any way to send drawing without sending its image file or wothout doing etransmit the file.
The crashing is consistent every time I try this. Here is how I replicate the problem:
- Open a SheetSet. - Right click on the sheetset and select Transmittal Setups. - Click import. - Select a template DST and click open. - Check a setup and click import checked.
Civil 3D Locks and an error saying "AutoCAD Application has stopped working" pops up and whamo. I have custom eTransmit settings and here they are just in case,
Converting files from Civil 3D 2013 to AutoCAD 2007. We are currently trying to utilize ETRANSMIT to share drawing files with our clients. When going through the command we choose "AutoCAD 2007 Drawing Format w/ Exploded AEC Objects"
This seems to work for everything except for the survey symbols. All of the linework, xrefs, labels and drefs come in fine when opening in LDD 2009. However upon closer inspection, we have no symbols: tress, power poles, gas meters, etc.
Sharing our files with a utility company becomes impossible without these symbols. Is there anything we can try?
Win 7 Pro 64-Bit - Dell T1600 Intel Xeon 3.30Ghz 8Gb RAM Civil 3D 2013
When trying to etransmit a dwg from Civil 3D 2010 which has line/curve tags with tables built from them, we are getting output which has the table headers but no entries below. The cad user on the other end gets no line/curve data. The other user is on Civil 3D 2011.
Installed the latest Novel Client 2 SP2 for Windows (IR2a). On the first restart C3D froze. I rebooted again and I got Civil 3D going. It looked a little different and I had to import a backup profile. The biggest thing that didn't fix is the display. Our standard font is Tahoma, a TTF that appears filled. It now looks like this:
This affects both MText and text in Styles. So far I'm only having this show up in the drawing I had open just before the install and opened immediately after. I've run Audit and Recover, repaired Civil 3D, checked that the standard text style was still set to Tahoma, added the windows Font folder to the path, verified that FillMode is on. I've tried opening the drawing in a stock profile with the same results.
I reinstalled the video driver, downloaded and installed the latest from the Nvidia site and downloaded and installed the latest from the Autodesk hardware site. That's what's installed now. I've turned hardware acceleration off and back on. I've gone through each tab in Options looking for anything not set right. I've turned Windows Clear Type Text on and off.
The text also flashed in and out of visibility as I zoom in and out. So not all of the text may be shown at any one time. I'm also getting a lot of Fatal Errors. I found out that if I remove the Background Masks the text shows as filled, but it's still terribly jagged.
My Civil 3D 2013 client application (COM C++) suddenly will not build:
error C4772: #import referenced a type from a missing type library; '__missing_type__' used as a placeholder..fatal error C1084: Cannot read type library file: 'C:/Program Files/Common Files/Autodesk Shared/AecXBase70.tlb': Error loading type library/DLL.
The type library is imported in the following way in StdAfx.h (as I have done for several years now, though with different version (60, 65, 67 etc.) each year):
I have tried to reinstall Civil 3D 2013 but that did not work. I probably also should mention that I have installed Civil 3D 2014, but that was over a week ago and I have been able to build since then.
I need to supply a client with a drawing and exist. surface.But I don't want them to have the survey data or points.What's the best way to handle this?
As does Export to JPEG and Send Book to Blurb. No dialog box, no error message, no crash. When I click the button with any of the export options, absolutely nothing happens. This is with a 6-page sample spread. I am using the 4.1 trial version on Snow Leopard.
In a future release of Smoke 2013, will it be possible to export an xml to send a sequence to DaVinci Resolve since Autodesk Lustre still does not work on mac?
I understand that Smoke has some great color correction tools, but when it comes to be fast and productive, a dedicated color grading application is what is needed.
I am new to AutoCAD and have to export many drawings to PDF format to send them out to clients. I was wondering if their was a Macro or some other way to export drawings into pdf form without having to open each file and pressing export to pdf button?
I have been trying to export inventor drawings to dwg files so they can be opened in AutoCAD and be edited. However when they are opened in AutoCAD, the views cannot be exploded for our needs.
I have a client who is requesting that I send them ".dwg" files of a particular project. They are asking for both 3D solids AND 2D drawing files.
1.) I can export the assembly files to a 3D DWG easy enough but how do I do it for 83 files using task scheduler or something; I cannot figure it out?
2.) We have used ".dwg" as our native drawing format because we have people here who have a need to open our IV drawings using AutoCAD. Can I just send my client these files, without the supporting part files, and have them open them?
3.) If I just send them a copy of our native ".dwg" files are they going to be able to re-use that geometry somehow? There isn't a real IP concern as these are just pipe supports and platforms made from available steel shapes but I certainly wouldn't want them to be able to take our work and re-use it on a different project without us. If they have to do some crazy stuff like explode and scale and re-dimension these things in order for them to be re-usable on a different project, I would at least prefer that to them just being able to reuse them easily. I guess what I'm saying is that if they are going to re-use this content, I am not going to make it easy for them that's for sure!
Inventor Professional 2013 (SP-2.3), Product Design Suite Ultimate Desktop: Intel Core i7 3.4GHz, 16.0 GB RAM, Windows 7 Ultimate SP-1, 64-bit OS, (2) GeForce GTX 580 (331.81), Space Pilot Pro (3.16.1) Laptop: Intel Core i7 3.9GHz, 16.0 GB RAM, Windows 7 Pro SP-1, 64-bit OS, GeForce GTX 780 (331.81), SpaceNavigator (3.17.7)
is there a way of exporting my AutoCAD drawings in high quality? Maybe Tiff?
The problems I have with exporting is that if export a drawing as a *.wmf the thick lines come out too thick even when using the 0.3 mm thickness. If i use the 0.25 mm thickness the lines are as thin as with the default thickness.
The contour lines of an image I imported into my AutoCAD drawing are coming all blurry when I export into wmf file even when using the 600 dpi resolution (highest available on the menu).
Inside my AutoCAD drawing my image map has a very high quality but when I export it, with AutoCAD polylines on top of it, the drawing comes out horrible.
I painted a blue polyline to represent a river in a contour map. This is for a civil engineering project. When I export the drawing, the polyline comes out too thick and the image behind comes out blurry. This happens even when using the highest definition possible for a wmf export (600 dpi).
I've read in another thread about a way of exporting into tiff. I followed the directions but the thread is not well explained. It doesn't say whether it is necesary to have or buy certain software. And it doesn't say what to do next to export the tiff drawing.
1 How do I determine what coordinate system a drawing I have received has been prepared in?
2 I know how to export drawings to a .shp file but how can I export this drawing to a .shp file and ensure that coordinate system is maintained or otherwise changed for use in Arch GIS?
I have successfully exported the .shp file geometry previously but the cordinates system doesn't seem to match ARCGIS data sets. I am trying to establish is this an Autocad or ArchGis issue I suppose.
I'm currently working on a project that requires modelling in revit but exporting the final drawings in Autocad format. As a requirement from my client, I am demanded to export the entire paper space into the model space as Autocad entities.
When I export the drawing, the composition that I model in Revit is shown in the paper space, Is there a way to automatically export this composition into the model space?
Just curious as to whether people use much colour in their production drawings, particularly for hatches...?
Working for Local Government, we tend to utilise colour hatches to show all kinds of information.
Generally, we have found that colour hatches are a good way to clearly show different areas and materials such as pavements, paths, landscape areas etc. Hatches can then be used to quickly ascertain areas for estimation and our construction team like them too as the plans tend to be easier to read.
The usual arguments about reproduction of plans and slowing down of computers doesn't seem to be an issue for us. Most photocopiers are in colour now anyway and we just make sure that even in black & white the plans are readable.
The way that Civil 3D deals with hatching doesn't seem to slow things down for us either.
Why Etransmit might not be attaching xrefs properly. I have sent an etransmit to someone who said information was missing. Sure enough when I opened it the x-ref wasn't displaying properly. It was still attached but it was shown as 'not found'.
is there is a way to etransmit more than 1 drawing (over 100 files) in a faster more efficient way instead of opening every separate file and etransmitting file by file?
1) We can create one etransmit file but if we try to create a second one we get a fatal error. It doesn't matter if we try to etransmit the same files or a different set.
2) Also, if we etranmit the same batch of files with the same settings multiple times the etransmit dialog box shows a different amount of files that it's grabbing.
3) We have the settings set to grab the data extraction files, however the zip file that etransmit creates doesn't include the actual .dxe files. The data extractions are present in the .dwg files though.
I'm using AutoCAD Architecture 2012. I cannot get the darn thing to create an Etransmit file. I'm sure it is some setting that I'm missing, but for the life of me I can not find it! It runs everything just like it is creating the file, but when everything is done, there is no file. I thought maybe it is creating the file somewhere that I didn't tell it to create the file at, but I can't find the file any where on my computer.
what I'm doing now is closing out 2012 and opening the file(s) in 2011 and creating the etransmit there, because it works. Is this a bug for 2012?
I remember from older versions of Xara that you could copy a drawing from Xara, paste it into MS Powerpoint and here still edit the drawing after ungouping and converting inside Powerpoint.
This doesn't seem to work anymore with Xara Designer 6 Pro. When I copy the drawing it only pastes the text from the drawing into Powerpoint. Exporting wmf or emf did not work well enough. The drawing ist there, but you cann not edit it in Powerpoint. Yes: Exporting as jpg, gif or png is no problem, but not what I want.
So my question is: What is the best way of importing drawings into Powerpoint and still use them as a vector file in Powerpoint. (It is so much easier to create the graphics in Xara ...)
I need to Veto ETRANSMIT in some cases, I stripped down my code to a msgbox that will ask if i want to Veto Or not
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.RuntimeImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices<Assembly: ExtensionApplication(GetType(GHATransmit.Initialization))> Namespace GHATransmit Public Class Initialization Implements IExtensionApplication Public KillCommand As Boolean = False Public Sub Initialize() Implements Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.IExtensionApplication.Initialize Dim dm As DocumentCollection = Application.DocumentManager Dim doc As Document = dm.MdiActiveDocument AddHandler [code]....
Even if the e.veto has been sent to AutoCAD the ETRANSMIT command still continues.
I know that data referenced drawings can be included in an eTransmit. However the drefs don't appear to repath when doing so. Any way to promote data references using eTransmit?
For context, we are trying to find a good way to archive all the project files at certain milestones. eTransmit does a good job of gathering up all the files referenced in a sheet set. It appears to repath the acad xrefs but the drefs still refer back to the working model files.
I get an error when I try to eTransmit from the sheet set manager.An error occurred attempting to create the transmittal. Please make sure the target location is writable and that the target disk has sufficient space.