AutoCAD Architecture :: Etransmit With Data Extractions
Jun 26, 2012
A few issues trying to etransmit in verison 2008
1) We can create one etransmit file but if we try to create a second one we get a fatal error. It doesn't matter if we try to etransmit the same files or a different set.
2) Also, if we etranmit the same batch of files with the same settings multiple times the etransmit dialog box shows a different amount of files that it's grabbing.
3) We have the settings set to grab the data extraction files, however the zip file that etransmit creates doesn't include the actual .dxe files. The data extractions are present in the .dwg files though.
I know that data referenced drawings can be included in an eTransmit. However the drefs don't appear to repath when doing so. Any way to promote data references using eTransmit?
For context, we are trying to find a good way to archive all the project files at certain milestones. eTransmit does a good job of gathering up all the files referenced in a sheet set. It appears to repath the acad xrefs but the drefs still refer back to the working model files.
I'm using AutoCAD Architecture 2012. I cannot get the darn thing to create an Etransmit file. I'm sure it is some setting that I'm missing, but for the life of me I can not find it! It runs everything just like it is creating the file, but when everything is done, there is no file. I thought maybe it is creating the file somewhere that I didn't tell it to create the file at, but I can't find the file any where on my computer.
what I'm doing now is closing out 2012 and opening the file(s) in 2011 and creating the etransmit there, because it works. Is this a bug for 2012?
trying to use channels to make certain extractions.
I've attached a before and after. What I would like to see is somebody elses extraction of the same image to see how it should be or can be done. I put it on a black background to catch the errors.
I duplicated the blue channel, applied a level to darken the dark areas then burned the midtones...and painted with black. copied into the quickmask.
I've read a zillion tutorials on the channel extract, channels an I have never seen eye to eye.
Can a sheet set itself contain AEC data, where a reference via a field to any element within the sheet set would cause AEC modules to load upon opening a drawing?
Possible to send attribute data that is in our title block to a schedule that is populated with property set definitions? We are not using the Project Navigator at this time.
Is there a way to display and control the visibility of property set data next to a tag or object in model space?
For example, imagine a floor plan such as a large hotel with a lot of doors. It would be nice to be able to look at the plan and see which doors have had their property sets filled out and which ones have not; and, it would be great if the visibility of the property set data could be toggled on and off so as not to clutter up the drawing when not needed.
I have set up some autocad tables that are linked to excel data( using relative path) in an Autocad Architecture project template. In the xref dialog box, the data links are show as relative path e.g. ..Standards excel file
After creating a new project from this template and right-clicking in one of the cells which have linked data and selecting "data links" and "open data links file" it opens the template excel file, not the excel file within the project folder.
If I use the xref command, select and right click one of the excel data links and select "open" it does open the correct excel file located in the current project folder.
The xref dialog box does show all the data links as relative path e.g. ..Standardsexcel file.
I have questions about exporting data for drawings.We make use of spaces to create a list with room numbers, room use and the area.
we also create plans with office furniture.we have blocks with attributes to extract data like workstation numbers, department, roomnumbers etc.for the info from the spaces we use export property data to create an database file.for the export of the attributes we use dataextraction to crete an .xls file
Is there a way to combine the work so that we can export the attribute data with the export property data?Is there a way to link the blocks (who are within a closed pline) to the pline (space)? Can it be done with lisp or VBA?
We are creating property set data and attaching it to polylines in autocad 2011. export the drawing to the older format (2007) and maintain the property data connection. We don't have and old version anymore so I can't test.
The way it looks I should be able to edit the propertyset data though an XRef... but all the properties are grayed out. I thought it was because I also had the XRef open... so I closed it. Still the same result.
The discription says "Edit property set data in the current drawing or through external references. Add or Remove property sets."
I am using Autocad Architecture 2013 and I am having an issue with Property Set Data. Whenever I create door or window tags, the Property Set Data is in the wrong units.
I have two separate projects, on in Imperial units and another in Metric. When I add a new door/window tag, the units for that particular door or window are incorrect. The drawings are setup in the proper units, the dimensions are as well. But when I create these tags and subsequently the schedules for them, they are in the wrong units. The tags/schedules for the metric project are in feet and inches and the tags/schedules for the imperial project are in millimeters.
Why Etransmit might not be attaching xrefs properly. I have sent an etransmit to someone who said information was missing. Sure enough when I opened it the x-ref wasn't displaying properly. It was still attached but it was shown as 'not found'.
I am trying to find a way to programmatically move our AutoCAD room tag attribute data to new AEC space property sets. I work in a hospital that has approx. 1 million s.f. and over 3000 rooms. Obviously a daunting task to do room by room.
Seems like Multi-View Blocks are like that hot red-head in high school that you really want to get to know until you get to know them.
I made a bunch of blocks for my electrical plans. Annotative symbols for plan view, 3D blocks for model view, and elevation blocks for elevations. I then started creating the MVBs.
Upon insertion the annotative blocks appear super small and the model view blocks scale way up. The model view blocks are not annotative and are not supposed to scale at all. It seems MVBs see any block inside that is annotative as an indication that the entire MVB shall be annotative. Fustrated, I finally found a work-around that is a bit half-arsed:
I made another block as a sort of holder for the annotative symbols that was set to not be annotative and inserted that into the MVB. VOILA! the MVB itself doesn't scale, but the annotative symbol inside the non-annotative block does. This works fine except for one caveat: I can't edit attributes that are in blocks inside of blocks. If I made another block to use in the MVB for the attributes, it would work, so long as I don't make it annotative, which isn't what I want.
So, A) is there a better work-around than the block-in-a-block-in-a-multi-view-block method, or B) Is there a way to access and edit attribute data of sub-blocks inside a MVB?
Maybe my next thread will be about red-headed Multi-View Blocks with carpets that match the drapes.
is there is a way to etransmit more than 1 drawing (over 100 files) in a faster more efficient way instead of opening every separate file and etransmitting file by file?
I struggled for a while this morning with trying to data link to a large door schedule in Excel. After several failures, I searched online for answers, and read in another forum that AutoCAD won't data link to more than 2000 cells.
My door schedule is about 2050 cells now, and will be about 4000 when done. I defined a set of about 1,000 cells in the Excel spreadsheet, and AutoCAD linked to it no problem. So, I tend to believe the poster who stated the 2000 cell limit, but I can't find this.
Is there a possibility to furnish a hyperlink linking on a defined Excel-data sheet within an Excel file? Are there other possibilities to tie together to a drawing object external additional information, e.g., a product name, product data or product pictures?
I am repeatedly running into the same problem of a data linked table losing its formatting upon closing and opening the file.
Each time this happens, I am forced to enter the properties tab and return the height of the text and the height of the cell to the size that it had originally been. Is there an option that I have not seen? What is continuously causing this error?
The crashing is consistent every time I try this. Here is how I replicate the problem:
- Open a SheetSet. - Right click on the sheetset and select Transmittal Setups. - Click import. - Select a template DST and click open. - Check a setup and click import checked.
Civil 3D Locks and an error saying "AutoCAD Application has stopped working" pops up and whamo. I have custom eTransmit settings and here they are just in case,
Converting files from Civil 3D 2013 to AutoCAD 2007. We are currently trying to utilize ETRANSMIT to share drawing files with our clients. When going through the command we choose "AutoCAD 2007 Drawing Format w/ Exploded AEC Objects"
This seems to work for everything except for the survey symbols. All of the linework, xrefs, labels and drefs come in fine when opening in LDD 2009. However upon closer inspection, we have no symbols: tress, power poles, gas meters, etc.
Sharing our files with a utility company becomes impossible without these symbols. Is there anything we can try?
Win 7 Pro 64-Bit - Dell T1600 Intel Xeon 3.30Ghz 8Gb RAM Civil 3D 2013
I need to Veto ETRANSMIT in some cases, I stripped down my code to a msgbox that will ask if i want to Veto Or not
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.RuntimeImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices<Assembly: ExtensionApplication(GetType(GHATransmit.Initialization))> Namespace GHATransmit Public Class Initialization Implements IExtensionApplication Public KillCommand As Boolean = False Public Sub Initialize() Implements Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.IExtensionApplication.Initialize Dim dm As DocumentCollection = Application.DocumentManager Dim doc As Document = dm.MdiActiveDocument AddHandler [code]....
Even if the e.veto has been sent to AutoCAD the ETRANSMIT command still continues.
I get an error when I try to eTransmit from the sheet set manager.An error occurred attempting to create the transmittal. Please make sure the target location is writable and that the target disk has sufficient space.
I am currently trying to etransmit or export one of our C3D drawings to CAD 2007 to send to a client. Every time I estransmit or export a lot of boxes appear on the exported file. Does anything know what they are or how to get rid of them? it won't let me freeze them, they all seem to be one block together.
I'm currently working on a project that requires that I eTransmit a large quantity of files, which is becoming very time consuming. I need writing a script that will allow me to etransmit all of the files at once.
My requirements:
- All .dwgs must be saved as individual .zip files with all references included. - .zip file must have same name as associated .dwg (basically just swap extensions).
My problem is that I want to have AutoCAD return the filename sans extension and filepath when I'm prompted to input the filename for the .zip file. How can I do this? I've been looking up options using VBA, but with limited success given.
I have files that contain only XREFs, some have up to 20. When I try to use etransmit to share these files, the paths are still looking for the network and not the contents of the zip file.They are all Overlays Full path
I swear that it worked before but I cannot replicate it.I cannot share the zipped file with anyone not connected to our network as all references are lost.
When trying to etransmit a dwg from Civil 3D 2010 which has line/curve tags with tables built from them, we are getting output which has the table headers but no entries below. The cad user on the other end gets no line/curve data. The other user is on Civil 3D 2011.
I recently installed Autocad 2014 with Carlson Survey 2014. When I use Etransmit or file conversion i get a Fatal Error. when i uninstall the civil 3d object enabler, the problem goes away, but i need the object enabler and i need to convert files. Is this not a major issue that Autodesk would consider important enough to address, or is the object enabler minor in comparison to other issues?
after discovering zones and the space evaluation tool I wonder whether it is possible to customise the XLS output further by also reading out information from a property set attached to the space?
The office standard is to have a property set attached to each space that defines a room number (which is the level ID plus a number, say G-01), the area and the space name.
We used to simply schedule the areas with a schedule table. That only gives us net rooms, no subtotals per department (or say per flat) and no grandtotal.So we got as far as using zones grouping the spaces in each flat.
Now I need an area schedule XLT template that also displays the room number from the space's property set and the schedule grouped in a fashion that I get subtotals per flat (=my zones) in another column and a grandtotal.Playing with the Space evaluation tool I seem to only ever get Room/ zone names and their areas.