AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Dynamic Scale Bar

Mar 14, 2009

Is it possible to create a scale bar block that will grab the scale of the drawing and update itself if the scale is changed? I attached a screen shot of our scale bar.

What I'd like it to do is label 0, 100 (1/2 drawing scale), 200 (drawing scale) and 400 (2 times the drawing scale)

And I'd like those values to change depending on the scale of the drawing. I'm not too sharp on blocks, dynamic blocks, annotative blocks etc. I'm just inheriting a bunch of LDD 2004 blocks that I'd like to modify into something that does the work for me with Civil 3D. Is this possible or realistic? Is this going to be a dynamic, annotative block or just a dynamic block? What is a good approach?

C3D 2012 SP1
Win 7 64 Enterprise
Intel Xeon 3.07 Ghz 8GB Ram
NVIDIA Quadro 4000

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Graphic Scale Dynamic Block?

May 20, 2013

have an imperial graphic scale dynamic block that  they wouldn't mind sharing?

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: How To Create A Dynamic Block That Changes In Scale

Jul 27, 2011

I am looking to create a dynamic block that changes in scale, ex. If I have two (2) viewports in paper space, one 1/4"=1'-0" the other 1/8"=1'-0" I want my blocks to appear to be the same size in paper space.

Also, I would like my blocks to change attributes/features ex. If I have a "light switch block" I would like to have the option of switching the block from a 3-way switch, 4-way switch etc.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Label Styles Annotation Scale Versus Viewport Scale?

Jun 26, 2009

am in the process of setting up a standard file for all designers to use our local office. This file will have most of the styles created for profiles, alignments, surfaces, profile views, etc... as mostly specified by the customer and industry standards.

I am having trouble maintaining the correct annotation scale in the viewport in paperspace and when plotting.

The attached word document has 3 figures. Fig 1 shows the correct viewport scale and correct annotation scale. Fig 2 shows how the annotation scale abruptly changes during the plotting process. This abrupt annotation scale change sometimes happens during the regen process or when I switch from layout to model space and back to layout.The annotation scale goes from 1:1 to 1:40 just as in the viewport. This change in annotation scale is not supposed to happen because I want to preserve a certain plotting height for my text versus a viewport scale by using various annotation scales.

I have researched the procedures for annotation scale and have not found any info related to this "abrupt change in annotation scale".

Curiously , this abrupt change in annotation scale does not happen if the text does not belong to any styles within Civil 3D. Stand alone text stays at the correct annotation scale and is not affected in the same way.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Making Annotative Scale Different From Viewport Scale

Nov 8, 2013

I have a drawing with several layouts, and in one particular layout only, I want the text to be smaller than the annotation scale would dictate (the viewport is 1"=300', but I want the text to display at 1"=50' annotation scale).

I tried selecting the viewport and changing the "annotation scale" property to 1"=50', then the "standard scale" property to 1"=300'.

Strangely, this seems to work for a bunch of MText objects I have in the drawing, but it won't work for an alignment station label group or for a particular linetype...for some reason, those two things insist on having their annotation scale equal to the viewport scale.

I tried messing around with the alignment station label group's style but couldn't figure anything out. As far as the line/linetype, I'm completely at a loss why that one wouldn't change.

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AutoCad :: Dynamic Block Scale And Mirror?

Apr 18, 2011

On some of my blocks i have started using quiet a few parameters, Although i have noticed on the blocks that have scale and flip, it goes wrong. is there a way i can get the flip parameter to follow the center of the block after scaling?

similar with a block of a door in plan, i have got the rotate working, and the scale to fit the door opening, but if i rotate first the scale parameter don't follow the rotation of the door making it difficult to then scale the block from the using the block parameters!

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Door Swing Arc Does Not Scale Correctly

Jun 19, 2012

I am trying to get the door swing arc to scale correctly as the width of the box is changed.

But the block is defying logic by scaling the arc radius exactly 5 units short of what it should be.

I've tried deleting, recreating, and chaining the parameter over and over only to have the same problem each time.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Controlling Scale With Click-grip

Apr 15, 2011

Exploring a new field in LT here, was wondering if it's possible to use a flip-grip kind of parameter to control the scale of an object, kind of like an on/off switch.

In this case I have a straight line that is about 15mm. What I want is to be able to click a grip and it disappears ( scales down ) and when I click it again it reappears ( scales up ).

I know that this is possible through a lookup parameter or just a similar effect with a stretch grip, But I want to be able to just click a grip like the one for Flip and it re/appears.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Creating Dynamic Block With Scale Action

Apr 17, 2013

I am attaching my dynamic block that I am having difficulty finalizing. My goal is to be able to stretch or resize the hvac block, based on the size that is provided to me (ala 24x24, 36x36, 48x72, etc) (Stretch Action), I have that figured out, and I have the symbol in the center that stays centered as the block size changes, (Move Action).

Here is my problem, I want the symbol in the center to stay centered and scale based on a ratio as the overall size gets larger. So for example: if my size is a 24"x24" I want the symbol in the center to be approx 12" dia, but if the size gets up to say 60"x60" I want it to scale accordingly (so it could be like 48" dia), specifically maintaining the size based on the x axis, so if the it gets to a 60x72", I'd like it to still be centered but size according to the 60 width, and not stretch and look awkward. I want the center symbol to scale and stay centered in the rectangle as I scale the size.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Scale 3 Circles With One Parameter / Action

Nov 14, 2011

I have 3 circles, randomly spaced. They will always be the same size. I want to resize them all about there centre points using just one parameter in the properties fly out. I've created individual linear/stretch for each circle, but I can't work out how to combine them.

AutoCAD 2012 Structural Detailing SP1 & Revit Structure 64bit
Win 7 64bit

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Annotative Text - Drawing Scale

Jul 14, 2011

I have a dynamic block that contains both geometry as well as text.  I don't want the geometry to scale up based on the drawing  scale but I do want the text to scle according to the drawing scale.  I have tried making the text both annotative and non-annotative in the block and get the same result.  I can get the text to scale properly if I make the entire block annotative but that also scales the geometry which is not accurate.

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AutoCad 2D :: Dynamic Block / Scale Horizontally In Line With Stretch

Sep 10, 2013

we have a rectangle 0,0 - 200,100 with a triangle inside 0,0 - 100,100 - 200,0

[/] <- for example

A dynamic stretch action is applied to the x of the rectangle, how do you scale/stretch the triangle with the rectangle and only on the x axis, so the triangle remains symmetrical from the middle of the rectangle on the y axis even when the rectangle is stretched?

Looking for a solution that doesn't involve inserting the block and scaling?

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AutoCad :: Dynamic Block Scale Action Not Working Properly

Apr 11, 2013

I have this simple dynamic block that is to change from 4" to 6" to 8" square. I have a linear parameter, 0 grips, and a Lookup function for 4, 6 or 8. It is supposed to scale about the midpoint (insertion point). I have tried both the Midpoint and Startpoint settings for Base Location but it always seems to scale from the far left of the Linear Parameter.

using 2012 LT

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Insert And Scale Dynamic Block From Tool Palette

Apr 25, 2013

I am currently using Autocad 2014 and I am attempting to insert a dynamic block from a tool palette. I would like to click on a dynamic block in the tool palette and have it prompt for the (uniform) scale. It seems simple enough but either all the dynamic properties are lost  or it is inserted at 1"x1" (the scale of my original block). How to get this to work?

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Scale A Block Vertically But Not Attribute Text?

Jun 3, 2013

I have a block that I want to show on a vertical exaggeration of 10x. How do I make it so that a block has a Y scale of 10 without the attribute text inside the block being stretched in the Y direction 10x? 

I would like to use a Y scale of 10 rather than a block with 10x the length because I have a field that returns a length parameter and I don't want that value to be 10x what it's supposed to be, and it would make things much easier to not have to multiply my values by 10x each time I use the block. 

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Root Radius - Move And Scale Actions

May 23, 2013

[URL] how to add a dynamic radius, with reference to the Move and scale actions.
"1. Set the Radius to Independant and move the center point to the center of the radius"

"2. Add the Scale Action to the Move Action"

"3. You already noticed the angle of the stretches (45, 315) needing to change and the Move multiplier of 1.414"

I am trying to design a column block, but following  the above instructions for the root radius the radius moves when I test the block!

1. "move the center point to the center of the radius" What does this mean. I am selecting a liinear parameter, selecting the mid point of the arc first and then the arc center point.

2. "Add the Scale Action to the Move Action". How do you add the scale action to the move action.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Change Dynamic Block Property (Scale Uniformly) Automatically

Dec 16, 2010

How to change the Scale Uniformly property in dynamic blocks accross hundreds of drawings using either/or scripts, lisp, vba or anything else that might do the job.

I just need to open the drawing and select the block (one block per drawing) then edit the scale uniformly property within the block, save then close the drawing and move onto the next drawing.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Automated Scale Bar - Title Block Text To Reflect Plotting At Half Size

Sep 27, 2013

Any way to get a scale bar/title block text to reflect plotting at half size?

We use the common (24x36) sheet size for all projects, but when plotting we send out half size (12x18) as well.  This means the scale bar reading 1"=40' is no longer correct. It should read 1"=20'.  I would like to automate this.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Can't Get Scale Of Labels Right

Sep 12, 2012

I am trying to label my drawing (bearings and distances) and am having a bit of trouble. . First, the precision isn't right. I keep trying to set the precision but whenever I add a parcel label it comes up with the wrong precision. Also, I can't get the scale of the labels right. They are too big and I can't seem to size them down any smaller.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Viewport Scale Changes

Apr 26, 2013

In c3d 2013 in the layout tabs when I hover over the annotation scale for the viewport it automatically changes the viewport like a "preview" of that scale.  Is there a way to shut that off? 

I ask because I believe it is altering my annotative point descriptions so I have to regen everytime my scale changes to see if the scale will work or not.  A co-workers computer doesn't seem to preview and it works fine on their computer my preview appears to mess the annotation up on mine.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Insert A Scale Bar

Jun 11, 2012

So I figured out how to insert a scale bar, it appears to be working, I just cant for the life of me figure out how to make the dang thing bigger! I cant "scale" the bar without messing it up. See attached pic, i want my new scale bar to be as big as the old (top) one.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Set Scale In Viewport

Apr 30, 2013

I double click in the viewport; under misc the annotated scale is in the list but not the standard scale.  I want to set the scale for the viewport.  Why doesn't the standard scale show as on option?  Or, how to I set the scale in my viewport?

I'm using autocad LT 2008

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: SSX Set Of Objects - Scale All At Once

May 9, 2013

I recall a scale command where you could SSX a set of objects and you could scale all of them at once and they were able to keep thier insertion point and all obects were scaled up or down, recall the command inside scale command?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Dynamic Block Text

Apr 17, 2013

Is it possible to have a dynamic block with text which, when inserted into a drawing, will show the text orientation matched to the layout? I have a non-dynamic block which is simply a do-nut and a piece of text. When I insert it into a drawing, the text orientation will change to suit the orientation of the layout.

I created another block with the same entities but I also added a couple of lines extending out from the center of the do-nut. I added stretch and rotation actions in order to rotate and stretch the lines. I also gave the block visibility states so that either one or two lines would appear (the block is a utility pole,by the way, with the lines representing guy wires). When I insert the dynamic block into a drawing, I cannot get the text to match the orientation of the viewport. I've tried changing different combinations of settings but the text won't appear horizontal.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Dynamic Alignment From Corridor?

Feb 27, 2012

During modelling an intersection I need a corridor edge as target for onther region (attached picture), 

I made the alignment from corridor but unfortunately there is no option for that aligment to be dynamic!!!!!

every time I changed the main road layout, I have to delete the Edge alignment and make a new one.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: New Surface Changes From Dynamic Ability

Dec 9, 2013

When I create a new surface from a corridor it comes in as dynamic but will not allow me to make changes unless I switch to static. Of course it now does not update my new surface and corridor.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Dynamic Block With Attributes

Jul 14, 2013

I am trying to make a dynamic block with the rotate function and I am having no luck. I have the attributes locked.

When moving the rotate grip the angle changes but the text does not rotate.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Scale On Profile Sheets

Mar 5, 2013

I'm having an issue when trying to create the profile sheets on my first Civil 3D project. I'm supposed to use a horizontal scale of 1/2000 and a vertical scale of 1/400. When producing the sheets, I obtain 1/500 H and 1/100 V.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: New Point Size / Scale

May 7, 2013

I have created a new point style in a new drawing that I am not familiar with.  When I am in model space the points are HUGE, when I am in paper space they are the 2mm that I want them to be.

I think there was a scale setup somewhere but I cannot seem to figure it out again.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Set Zoom Scale / Magnification

Oct 19, 2012

Any way to set the zoom scale or magnification to apply to when you click the "zoom to" command such as "zoom to point" or "zoom to object" ?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Scale Points And Their Labels

Jun 13, 2013

I have a plan I need to be able to print at 1:500 or 1:1000 scale.

On this plan I have COGO points with labels, and a point table to compile all of the point data. When I attempt to create a layout I find that the point marks, labels and table become incredibly huge. From reading other posts I get that there is a trick to setting the scale from the right place, but I remain very confused as to what needs to be done where. 

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