AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Cannot Extend Structures In Profile
Jul 18, 2013
I have added a pipe network to my profile view and for some reason the structures do not extend down to the inverts of the pipe. So the pipes are lower than the structures. I tried changing the sump, and the rim to sump (rim to sump can be editted but immediately goes back to what it originally was when you click apply. I've also tried clicking the structure and extending it downwards but it doesn't change. I've tried changing the stye and still have the same issue.
Is there a way to label multiple structures/pipes at one time in profile view? We have tried selecting all at one time, right click and add label, but it only labels one of the structures/pipes.
I need to extend the existing ground profile. I previously had stopped the profile at 25+00 as shown in the attached. However, I need to add on another 100' to 26+00. I can only view info in the Profile Properties. I can't change the end station.
Any way to label a pipe part way between structures? I would like to be able to label a sanitary line where a service ties in with the main line invert.
I've placed generic Junction box structures right out of the box from C3D and when I cut a section, the section shows the wrong side of the structure. (Rotated) i.e. An inserted 60”x36” junction box inserted as a curb inlet and then rotated into position will display the 60” side even though it’s perpendicular to the section line.
I've had to go back and place a 36”x60” to get it to display the 36” side in section? Why is there a “rotation handle” on the structure if you can’t really rotate it?I really don't want to swap all 60"x36" with 36"x60" structures just so they will display properly in section.
I'm currently working on a very large Dwg, with multiple pipe networks both sanitary, Storm and pressure pipe.
I need to create a .csv file for all my structures for Stakeout. I know I can go into my toolbox and create a report through the reports manager. The problem is that its giving me too much information, all I want is PNEZD. How can I create this report or edit that report being generated?
I am labeling structures in a network on the profile view. I cannot get the leader when i drag the label to anchor to the top of the structure? Is there a way to do this, i figured out how to have the label insert at the middle of the top line of the structure.
Civil 2014-Infrastructure Design Suite Windows 7 Professional-SP 1-64 bit system Intel Core i5-2500K cpu @ 3.3ghz NVIDIA GeForce GT 430 8.0 gb ram
I have set the migration defaults to my part list and the pipes come in as expected but all the structures come in as null? I even went as far as setting every option to my rect junction NF and they still come in as null?
in situation i can draw only a structure only. When i want to draw a pipe-there nothing happens. Is possibly that i erase something in Part builder command?
why I can't label certain pipes/structures? I can select the pipe or structure, rt click, add label and I get nothing. The layer is on cause I can see other labels. I also get the same result when I go to annotation, pipe label. This only happenes to certain pipes or structure, others in the same network label fine.
Any way to easily identify what labels structures use? I have a plan and profile drawing drawing with 15 diferent layouts. Another guy worked on it and edited the contents on one of the profile structure labels. So now I'm going to have to go through each layout and looking for what structure labels would have been changed. Typicaly if there is a slight difference in the callout for one structure I'll just edit the label text for that one particular structure.
I would like to select (sweep) all the structures in profile and see which ones would have used this particular label style.
Is there a way to show the deflection angle between incoming and outgoing pipes in a structure label? Or any label at all, for that matter? I know it can be done with alignments at the PI point, but only in the source drawing.
In a run of pipes and structures, I have 3 structures that overflow. 2 of the structures max hgl els are even with the rim elevation (as is in the case of other runs in the same project), and 1 structure has the max hgl exceeding the elev of the rim. Why this one and not the others?
I would like the Leader Attachment for a structure in dragged state to be at the bottom of the top line. I have underlined the top line and would like the leader to extend from the underline.
Is there a way to add a "bottom of the top line" to the pull down menu, or control the leader attachment point in another way?
is there a quick way to create & export points from a pipe network? i've probably got 100 or so structures that need points with the correct structure name in the point description.
Dell Studio XPS 9100 Intel Core i7 CPU 930 @ 2.8GHz 12GB Ram 64 bit C3D 2012 SP3.0
I have set the migration defaults to my part list and the pipes come in as expected but all the structures come in as null? I even went as far as setting every option to my rect junction NF and they still come in as null? What did I miss?
Civil 3D 2012 & 2013 HP Z210 Workstation Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz 12 GB Ram 64 Bit Win7 OS
I am struggling to import .stm file into a blank civil3d file. it does import whith correct sizes and elevation. the issue is rim level of structures are the same as SSA file but it will make 2 meter sump depth to stuctures, thus structures invert levels are not correct. i just made a sump depth rule for structure and applied to some of them. it will correct it but as i have more than 1000 manholes in network it will be a major job to apply the rule. i know "apply rule" command will work a lot but i would like to know why it is importing whit wrong properties?
So I have a proposed storm sewer pipe network and 90% of pipes snap to the structures fine, with a start/lengthen snap on one end and an end/lengthen on the other, and a location/pipe diameter one in the middle. When I go to draw one of the pipes though, I draw structure to structure and it doesn't sit properly. I click on it to make sure it snapped to the structure but there is no start, end, or lengthen snaps on either end of the pipe. Only a Location/Pipe Diameter one in the middle. Therefore, I cannot manipulate it's length or where it connects, I can only move it around from the center.
When I'm drawing in pipe networks I like to use a user created block for structures. I do this by manually inserting the block I need (DI, MH, etc.) at each structure location. Since there are different blocks for different structures, having the structure itself display as a user block via the structure style isn't really an option since it will display the same block for all structures unless you make a style for each type of structure. So I like to have my structures set to display on a non-plotting layer via the style display layers. This way I can still select and modify its properties, but it won't show up on a plot.
My question is: If the style display layer is a non-plotting layer, why is the "object layer" (0 layer in the case) overwriting the display layer and causing the structure outline to plot?
If I put the display layers of the pipes onto a non-plotting layer, they will not plot even if the object layer is a plotting layer. The workaround so far is to select all the structures and set their object layer to a non-plotting layer, but this is not ideal.
I am trying to create a table that will incorporate info from structures and pipes. In C3d 2010 I want to make a CB chart which will show the pipe size, starting structure and invert. I would also like to include the CB rim elevation but that would be under the structure table. Is there any way I can combine the RIm elevation with the pipe table?
I oftenly do conception for parkings and always need to have the calculated rentention of water volume in the pipe there a way to have that information with Civil 3d ?
Googled the subject and i only found a topic on trench's for the pipes ...
Cyberflow Using : Autodesk Civil 3D 2012 OS : Windows 7 - 64 bit pro
I try freezing my proposed storm structures inside Viewport for Existing Conditions sheet. My proposed DI's freeze because they use a block (in structure style). My proposed headwalls use the outer part boundary from catalog. BUT both DI and Headwall Style Component Layers are set to C-STRM-STRC.
In the pic for Existing Conditions Layout, you see a white headwall boundary. In proposed layout, you see a magenta headwall boundary. It's using the Object Layer and not the component layers for the headwall.
I didn't see another way to logically set up Object Layers for Pipes and Structures that contain Existing and Proposed Water, Storm, and Sanitary. My Object Layers have Pipes set to C-UTIL-PIPE and Structures set to C-UTIL-STRC, BUT the Component Layers inside the style are specific. Example: Existing Storm Structures and Pipes have layers such as V-STRM-PIPE and V-STRM-STRC. Proposed Storm would have Component Layers such as C-STRM-PIPE and C-STRM-STRC. The Object Layer for both existing and proposed use C-UTIL-PIPE and C-UTIL-STRC.
Is there a way to design the road profile to use the low point at a certain Roadway station so you can put your storm inlets to line up with property lines. Because when you create a Sag the PVI is not where your low point falls on the profile. It would be nice to be able to drag the low point not the PVI to create the low point where you need it instead of a sort of back and forth dragging the PVI of the vertical curve.