AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Can Have 1 Layer Of Points And 1 Layer Of Lines

Aug 30, 2013

I used PENZD file that has 8 points (4 locations with 2 depths in each location) to create a Point dwg that has several annotations I made.  Then I used the

"Lines/Curves" => "Create Lines" by "Point # Range" to create 6 sets of lines:
Line Set #1 that connects Points 1-3-5-7-1,
Line Set #2 that connects Points 2-4-6-8-2,
Line Set #3 that connects Points 1-2,
Line Set #4 that connects Points 3-4,
Line Set #5 that connects Points 5-6,
Line Set #6 that connects Points 7-8. 

The annotaions for the 8 points are gone, after I completed the creation of the Lines.  I wonder whether I can create 2 layers in the AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013: 1 layer for the 8 points with my annotations attached and 1 layer for the lines I created from the 8 points. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Moving Points To New Layer

May 11, 2013

is it possible to move COGO points to a layer soley based on point number?  I have about 3,000 points buried within a 3M point LIDAR data set I want to tease out, but currently all points are on the same layer so I cannot turn off the LIDAR points.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Points Created Are On Wrong Layer

Apr 23, 2012

When I create design points, they will not display until I thaw a layer that the survey points are on. I have double checked these settings: On Toolspace Settings tab, under Points-Commands-CreatePoints, Default Layer is "C-P-POINTS-TEMP". Default Style is set to Point Style=SPOTS-TEMP, and Point Label Style is set to TEMP-POINT#-ELEVATION-DESCRIPTION. When I check these styles, they are both set to the layer "C-P-POINTS-TEMP". Yet every point I create ends up on the layer "C-E-POINTS_FIELDWORK_11-14-11.

Win 7 64BIT
C3D 2013

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Inserting Points On Specific Layer?

May 31, 2012

I have made an add-in that automates the insertion of points on a surface and I am trying to find out how to put these points on a specific layer. I guess that changing the "standard" default Point style would do the trick, but I can't find the objects to use in the Civil3D API.

Civil3D 2012
VS 2010, VB or C#

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Copy Parcel Lines On Xref Layer Zero

Mar 21, 2013

I make parcels in a base dwg and make separate layers for each parcel and labels moving them off the default layer zero.

i xref the base and then try freezing all the parcel layers and the go away but i am left with a copy of the parcel lines on xref layer zero with no control over it.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Sample Lines / Section Views - Unable To Change From Layer 0

Jul 15, 2012

I created sample lines and section views for my road projects. I set all line works to appropriate layers except for "Segment and Points". Cannot change from layer "0".

I right click the existing grade on my section views, click "edit section style", click "display", then change the layer of Segments and points and click "OK", "apply".

Go back to my drawing, verify the layer but  still layer "0". I tried so many times, read the manual, call friends but no luck. I am tempted to "explode" my drawing.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Use Layer Group Filters For Layer Translation (LAYTRANS)?

Oct 2, 2013

A drawing with hundreds of layers should be simplified for our customer by decreasing the numbers of and renaming the layers (there is yet no target file existing). In order to solve this, I generated group filters and assigned every single layer to them (all printing properties are assigned to objects). The layer groups show the desired layer structure after the transformation (still a three-digit number).

Unfortunately, the LAYTRANS dialog doesn't let me choose layers by group filters or remarks. It seems as all the work was for the birds.

Is there any way to translate my layers using filters or remarks?

I use AutoCAD Civil 3D 2010.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: MEP 2013 Layer Dialog - Layer Pane Not Updating To Selected Filters

Jan 18, 2013

I'm having issues with Civ3d 2013. I pushed off upgrading from 2012 because of the format change and the service pack release. I was hoping little glitches would be fixed.

Here are the  a couple of glitches to date that I have seen no resolution to in the long list of threads.

1. Layer filters do not filter, unless I have checked "Apply filter to toolbar". The problem is, I dont want to apply them to the toolbar.

2. Publishing to PDF - when set to lines merge (set in the page layout and the publish setting), the wipeouts dont work, and the background masks on leaders makes a faint border around the text in the PDF. When set to overwrite, to get the wipeouts to not print to the PDF as a big black blob, they have to be on a layer set to color 255. I can work around most of the wipeouts, except for dimensions because the background mask doesn't seem to take.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Apply Layer Filter To Layer Toolbar Disables Function Of Layer Filters In Tool Palette

Aug 1, 2012

It appears that the Layer Filters functionality is broken again with 2013. Unchecking the "Apply layer filter to layer toolbar" disables the function of layer filters in the tool palette.

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AutoCad :: Separate Yellow Lines From Red Lines Even Though They Are On Same Layer?

Aug 3, 2012

I just recieved a structural drawing from an engineer that has the entire drawing drawn on layer 0. This poses many problems for me as I need to differentiate text from lines and lines from lines. The darwing does have two colors although entities are still on same layer. Is there any way I can seperate the yellow lines from the red lines even though they are on the same layer?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Def Points Layer Locking

Feb 25, 2013

For some reason my computer is the only one in my office that is doing this.  Whenever something is put on the def points layer I am unable to select it afterwards.

Such things have been:

1) The viewport in paperspace.  The view cannot be resized but I can still click inside the viewport and work without problem.

2) Any line, block, etc made or put on that layer.

From what I've read others are saying is your layer 0 locked or frozen? It is not.  Also in my layers manager nothing is turned off to make it any different from any other layer.

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AutoCad 2D :: Locked Layer Snap Points

May 4, 2012

I'm messing around with some commands and I'm currently exploring laylockfadectl/layiso.

They both work just fine of course, but I was wondering if its possible to make ACAD ignore snap points on the locked layers?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Draw 2D Lines From Points

Feb 28, 2013

How do I draw 2D lines from points?  What setting do I need to change?  I want to drawin glines using the node as a grip but I do not want them to have z coordinates.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Erase All Points In Specific Layer

Apr 9, 2013

I have a lisp which I use to erase all points in a specific layer.

(defun cPL ()
 (setq ss1 (ssget "x" (list '(0 . "point")'(8 . "Points"))))
 (command ".erase" ss1 "")

It is working only if I have the points in the DWG. If there are no points, I receive "Unknow command DPL". Is there anything I can do in order to avoid this error?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Linking Feature Lines To Points?

Apr 16, 2012

Is there a way to link feature lines to points?  If I have a series of points and I've joined them with a feature line; I want the feature line to update automatically if I adjust a point elevation. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Using 4 Points To Create 4 Lines And 1 Parcel

Sep 18, 2013

I have 4 points (from "Points from file", I created Points #1, #2, #3 and #$ in the non-linear fashion).

1) I want to create 4 straight lines (connecting Pt#1-Pt#2, P#2-P#3, P#3-Pt#4, P#4-P#1) by using some Commands. What Commands in the Command Line should I use to create these 4 straight lines from these 4 points?

2) I want to create 1 parcel (connecting Pt#1-Pt#2-Pt#3-Pt#4-Pt#1) by using some Commands after "Parcel Creation Tools" => Draw Tangent-Tangent with No Curve is clicked.  What Commands should I use in the Command Line to specify these points to form a parcel?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Lines At Connection Points Of Subassemblies

Sep 4, 2012

I'm doing sections for a new sidewalk, but they have vertical lines at the connection points (see attached).  How to turn them off? 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Dimension Lines By Picking Points?

Sep 18, 2012

Making the switch to Civil 3D. I was previously using 2009, and I could add dimension labels by picking two points (endpoints, intersections, etc.) to get the whole line or just a segment. In Civil 3D 2012, I create styles and add labels through the annotate tab, but I can only selct the line or curve in its entirety.  There must be a way to easily label portions of a line or multiple segments as one line.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Drawing Lines To Cogo Points Hangs Up

Feb 23, 2012

When I start to draw my polylines to cogo points I have inserted in my drawing it keeps wanting to hang up when I hover over the point. I have set up my point styles to bring in our points with all the attribute information so I am thinking it keeps trying to read all that info as soon as my mouse hits it..

I saw a post about rollovertips but that did not change anything. Any ides what might be causing this? Im using Civil3D 2011.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Create Points At Surface Vertices Along Sample Lines

Jan 9, 2013

I need to create points with surface elevations along sample lines. The points need to represent the verticies one would see in the section editor. I've attached an image of my section editor for one of my sample lines. I need to create points that represent these 24 verticies along this sample line and do so for the rest of my sample lines as well. Is there an automated process to create these points?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Interpolating Points From A Surface Based On The Sample Lines

Jul 21, 2013

I wanna interpolate points from surface but only in that area where my sample lines intersecting with the surface. There is a point creation tool that makes this based on polylines but I have to many data and it will get to much time to do this. So, for better understanding I attached some pictures, in the first picture it is shown the final result which I have made based on polylines, but here is also a problem, the tool is not putting points where the surface is changing ( on my second picture I highlighted with red circles). 

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AutoCAD LT :: Measure Length Of All Lines In Layer?

Oct 31, 2013

I was wondering if it is possible to measure the total length of lines I have in one layer without using the measure tool on each individual line. In searching other posts a lot of answers reccomend using LISP. Since I am not familiar with LISP at all and haven't purchased the add on is there a simpler way using AutoCAD LT?

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AutoCad 2D :: How To Change Layer Colors Once There Are Lines On It

Jun 29, 2011

For whatever reason cad won't let change layer colors once there are lines on it. You change the color and when you close the layer dialog box and layer color doesn't change......

I have Acad2012 LT

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Photoshop :: How To Keep Layer Effects On One Layer From Affecting Another Layer

Jun 7, 2012

I have found that when I use the Layer Styles on one layer and then make a new layer or select a shape that creates a new layer that when I go to add Styles to the new layer/new shape the previous layer is affected by how I set the Bevel & Emboss, Direction, Altitude, Drop Shadow etc etc.
For instance, let's say I have a ...
BG > New Layer > draw an ellipse and then add a Bevel with an  > Angle of 89 and an Altitude of 30 and then I add a New Layer > open the Styles and go to change the Angle to say +89 or whatever and the Altitude to say 45 ... the first Layer/Shape Effects change.
How I can keep one Layer from being affected by an other Layers Effects'?
I have found that if I Rasterize a Layer Effect that I can add a "double" effect on the same layer but I haven't tried the to do this with separate layers. However, for most of the work I am doing I cannot use the Raster because everything needs to be true vectors.
I have a Dell Laptop/Windows 7 Home Premium that's a 64 bit

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Layer Overrides - Lines To Appear Has Color 253

Feb 21, 2013

I have an XREF that I want the lines to appear has color 253. 

I go into layer properties and override the layer colors to 253.  Some of the lines in the XREF change to 253.  Other lines don't because they are not "By Layer" in the xref file.

Is there a setting in autocad that will override these lines that are not "by-layer"?

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AutoCad :: Color Of Lines In Layer 0 Become Yellow After Copyclip Command?

Dec 22, 2009

After "copyclip" command -no matter you use ctrl+c or type into the command line- color of all lines inside "Layer 0" with By Layer color property change to White. Other layers and color remains the same. If I change color property of "Layer 0" form "By Layer" to a specific color such as red, yellow they are also remain the same.

I am using Autocad 2009 64 bit.

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Photoshop :: Adding Points To Curves Adjustment Layer In CS6 Broken?

Nov 6, 2013

In CS3, CS4 and CS5 I was able to:
(a) add a point (corresponding to the position of the Eyedropper Tool on the image) to the RGB composite curve by Control + Clicking; and
(b) add a point (whilst focused on the RGB composite curve) to each of the Red, Green and Blue channel curves by Control + Shift + Clicking.
Neither approach seems to work in my CS6 (PsCs6 x64 latest update, on Win 7x64).

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Change Objects / Lines To Certain Layer Using Keyboard Shortcut

Mar 19, 2013

What I am wanting to do is select objects or object mouse and use a keyboard shorcut to change those objects to a layer that is frozen. The layer is called "AS-BUIILT DELETED" 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Widen Layer Pull Down Dialogue Box To Show Long Layer Name

Dec 11, 2012

Having issue with the layer dialogue box showing not enough layer name.  Is it possible to widen it or is that controlled somewhere? 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Lisp Can Change All Elements In Block To Layer 0 Except Layer Defpoint

Sep 3, 2013

I need a lisp can change all elements in block to layer 0 except layer defpoint but still keep linetype, color as it is.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Layer Toolbar Won't Show Current Layer Selected

May 8, 2012

When i click on the green line has you can see on the image. The layer toolbar wont show me the right layer, like if it's not working. But i can see the right layer inside propreties.

Is there a system variable to ajust to see my layers inside the Layer tool bar?

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