AutoCAD Architecture :: Auto Save Keeps Shutting Off

Mar 10, 2008

The automatic save option keeps shutting off on one person in our office. She says she is not doing anything weird but all of a sudden, when she checks her auto save settings, the check box is clear.

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AutoCAD LT :: Auto Save Keeps Shutting Off

Feb 22, 2012

My auto save keeps shutting off.

I drawing in Model Space, Plot or Publish in paper space. Some times I Plot if just print one tab, but if printing multiple tabs I publish.

What could be causing Auto Save to turn off? Is there a fix?

AutoCAD 2009

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Illustrator :: CS5 And CS6 For Mac Shutting Down When Trying To Save File

May 17, 2013

File size over 400MB, this problem appear. I can't see any error message.
Just processing bar reach to 80 or 90%, illustrator shutting down and I losing all of data.

CPU : intel i5 2.7ghz
VGA : Geforce GT640
OS : Mac OS X 10.8.3

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InDesign :: Shutting Down - Unable To Save Work?

Apr 11, 2014

Last night I was working on a file when the power went out. My no break didn't work and I didn't have time to save and shut down my mac. When the power came back and I started my computer and InDesign, I tried to open the file I was working on and the above message displayed. I clicked 'back to finder' button on this message and the program crashes.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Why Does Have Auto Save If Is Not Going To Save

Jul 27, 2012

Why does AutoCAD still have automatic save if it is not going to automatically save your files? I have used AutoCAD for over 20 years and when the introduced automatic saves, I thought it was the coolest thing since sliced bread. But apparently some time between release 2010 and 2012 it was redone or it just don't work. I can recall closing a drawing w/o saving by mistake after having worked on it for 2-3 hours and only loosing at the most 10 minutes of my time. I just did the same thing and lost about 2 hours worth of time and my automatic save was set to every 10 minutes as I have set it since automatic save was introduced.

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Premiere Pro :: Why Auto Save Didn't Save Entire Project

Apr 22, 2014

I recently had some problems with auto-save. I was working on a project when my computer stoped working and I had to force shutting down. However, my Premiere CC is set to auto-save every 15 minutes. When I went to see the auto-save files I didn't find my entire work. I had several sequences previously the one I was left with. What had happen?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Auto Layering And Dimensions In 2013

Jun 27, 2012

I'm using Auto Architecture 2013 and the dimensions are always coming in on layer A-Anno-Dims; which is fine for plans.  I also use dimensions for reflected ceiling plans as wells as other plan options.  I want to set the dimension on the current layer, but no matter where I choose the command (ie command line, ribbon, toolbar, tool palette) it comes in on the same layer.  Can I turn this option off?  Is there a variable that I can chage?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Sheet Set Manager Auto Open?

Apr 1, 2013

In ACA 2012 there was a nice feature that did the following:

When you finished creating a new Sheet Set in the SSM, it would then immediately open the new Sheet Set in the SSM. (a few seats of ACA 2012 were in use in the office) In ACA2011, it didn't do this. You had to browse for the newly created .dst file to open it. (I was using ACA 2011 at the same time as those others were using ACA 2012).

Now we've all upgraded to ACA 2013 in the office. However, that nice little feature appears to be gone again. Any way to turn that back on in ACA 2013?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Auto-Project Walls To Roof Slab Not Working?

Jan 11, 2013

After having a problem projecting my walls to my roof slab (flat roof), which worked fine in previous sessions; and then trying the standard solutions of making sure my walls clean up properly, etc., I determined the problem was actually in that the walls do not like to project to a roof with components. In my last work session, I added a component to my roof. I switched back to a "standard" roof slab, projected the walls, and then switched back again to my roof with components.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Why Does Auto Save Always Turn Itself Off

Sep 11, 2012

why does Auto Save always turn itself off? This would have to be the most frustrating thing ever, is there an answer to it?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Auto-save Turning Itself Off

Aug 9, 2010

my Autosave keeps turning itself off. I am becoming suspicious that everytime autoCAD is updated, its' changing my settings.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Auto Run Macro On Pressing SAVE Or NEW

Jul 16, 2013

I have created an "addin" to monitor the "SAVE" & "NEW" button press on Inventor.What is the possibility of AutoDesk including this feature to the next release, or better still, creating a "patch" so that inventor can be upgraded to do it automatically, without the need to write an "addin"?

For Example,

If the user presses the "SAVE" button, AutoDesk Inventor would automatically look to see if a macro called "OnSave" exists. If it does, it "runs" the macro, if it does not exist, it works exactly as Inventor does now. This also would work in a similar way when pressing the "NEW" button.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Auto Create Dwfs On Save Automatically

Aug 23, 2013

Seeing if there is a option/3rd party plug in where it will save a dwf(x) along with the inventor files - WITHOUT using vault.I'm Currently using Inventor 2013.

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AutoCAD LT :: LT Keeps Shutting Down

Jun 12, 2012

I downloaded the LT trial version with a new computer with Windows 7 Pro and LT keeps shutting down.  If I close a file the whole program shuts down or sometimes it just randomly shuts down.

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Photoshop :: Auto Save

May 2, 2009

I am trying to lasso an object in a picture something like an autosave goes off causing the lasso to capture parts of the picture that are not wanted. I have tried to find an auto save but do not seem able to.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Out Of Memory - Shutting Down

May 3, 2012

C3D 2013 crashed on me earlier today with the above error. I've submitted several Reports after the crashes. I've tried rebooting, repairing, re-installing, uninstalling and reinstalling with reboots in between. I have a presentation tomorrow and I need to fix my C3D drawings.  When trying to start C3D, as soon as the splash screen is gone, I get the "FATAL ERROR: Out of memory - shutting down" AutoCAD Error Aborting error. 

C3D 2012 still works and AutoCAD 2013 works, but of course I can't edit my C3D objects.

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Photoshop :: Recovery And Auto-save?

May 1, 2012

I'm just trying to understand the reasoning behind the fact that seeminly every other product out there has an autosave and recovery feature..why am I paying so much for a product that will eventually crash and I lose all my work since my last save?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Auto Save Feature

Jun 13, 2012

when using the autosave feature or having it enabled. When I work a lot of times I have a main file that I use as a template to create other pages from. So I will open template and update things on it and then save as and name that as a new file. My question is if I open this template file and make a few changes will it autosave those which will basically overwrite my template. I have the autosave feature turned off right now because I wasn't sure if it would do that.

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Photoshop :: Can Actions Auto Save?

Nov 13, 2006

I have an action that I created that reduces color saturation in JPEGS. I want to run this action with a batch, but every time I do, the batch pauses with the JPEG Options dialog (where you choose image quality).

Is there a way to automate that step of the process? Because I just want to save it on the highest quality setting for each picture.

I have over 1000 pictures to run this batch on, and I'm hoping there's a way to automate the JPEG options dialog box.

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Paint.NET :: Auto Save In JPEG And Not PNG?

May 10, 2011 auto saves my files as PNG. This is VERY annoying because I am saving many, many files. Each time I save I have to switch it to JPEG. If it is PNG I cannot see the file on my PC (it will be invisible). Plus, more programs use JPEG than PNG. This auto choosing PNG is a big waist of my time/energy/effort. is there an option to change this?

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Paint Shop Pro :: X4 Auto Save Not Working?

Jan 11, 2012

In earlier versions I was given the option of enabling the Auto Save feature, and choosing the time intervals between saves. I chose every 2 minutes. If it crashed or was shut down in a reboot, the images on which I was working were recovered with their layers intact. Nothing was lost. I do not have that option in Version X4.

Nothing is ever saved with Version X4

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Paint.NET :: Changing Auto Save From PNG To JPEG

Mar 23, 2013

I never save images in the .png format.  I always use .jpg or .jpeg. Is there a way I can change the auto save from .png to .jpeg?

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Auto Save Projects

May 28, 2013

how can i auto save the project were i am working on?Still abode goes down sometime.How to save automaticly each 15 min fe?

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Premiere Pro :: Can't Find Auto-Save Folder

Jan 10, 2012

My C-drive is filling up and a friend of mine, who also uses Premiere CS5, told me he periodically deletes whatever is saved in his Premiere Auto-Save folder and Preview-File folder to free up hard drive space.  The problem is, I can find my Preview-File folder under My Documents/Adobe/5.0, but I can't find my Auto-Save folder, even after doing a Search in WIndows 7.  I can't do anymore video editing projects until I free up space on my C-drive.  Right now, I only have 1.7 Gb remaining on a 160 Gb hard drive.  T

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AutoCAD LT :: Shutting Off / Closing Unexpectedly During A Drawing Command

May 28, 2013

2012 LT about a year old, just recently started shutting off/closing unexpectedly during a drawing command (pline, copy, offset etc...) or when using numeric keys on keyboard.  seems like everything else works ok.  no error messages.  nothing. just dissapears.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Auto Save - Can't Locate Where These Files End Up

May 12, 2013

Auto save, in my opinion, is a pain, so I have removed the tick from the box and hope never to see it again.

Are these temporary files? Or are they saved to an unknown location to build up into a every increasing file. I have inspected the X5 folders and files, but can't locate where these files end up.

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Lightroom :: Auto Save To XMP In 4.3 - Changed Images Do Not Update?

Dec 17, 2012

A few days ago I updated Lightroom to version 4.3. Since then, the "auto save to xmp" doesn't work. It is checked, but I keep finding files that "have been changed recently". So not only that it's not auto-saving them, but it is also finding "new images" that "have been recently changed" even though I didn't open or edited them in the past several months..

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Lightroom :: How To Auto-save Photo Files To Different Location

Apr 11, 2013

The photo files I import to Lightroom get saved under "Photos" and then under folders by date. I'd like to save them to the cloud (dropbox). How do I change their destination so they save there automatically?

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Photoshop :: Possible To Change File Extension That Uses To Auto-save Files

Jan 31, 2013

Is it possible to change the file extension that Photoshop uses to autosave files?  Another program that I use also autosaves and apparently uses the same extension.  When I open that program, I get a message asking if I want to change the association back to that program.

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Photoshop :: Save Auto-align Parameters For Batch Processing?

Dec 3, 2012

I plan to shoot timelapse with two supposedly identical camera setups and stack images from the two cameras. Unfortunately the two lenses turn out not to be quite identical, so I need to correct/map images from one camera to match the field of view of the other.

A test showed that Photoshop's auto-align procedure can do the mapping sufficiently accurate. So now what I want to do is to have Photoshop calculate the mapping parameters once, then apply that projection identically to a batch of images. What I really hope to avoid is for Photoshop to recalculate the mapping separately for every single frame, both because it is a huge waste of time but also because the exact same mapping really should be applied to all images. Is there a way to do this, CS6?

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Premiere Pro :: CC Corrupt Project Files Including Auto-save?

Jul 19, 2013

Every single premiere cc project file I have including my auto-save prj files will not load. I get the error message "The Project Appears to be Damaged, it can not be opened". This is for all my Premiere CC Projects. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Premiere with no avail. Is there anything I can do in order to salvage these corrupt files and the work/effort associated with them?

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