My C-drive is filling up and a friend of mine, who also uses Premiere CS5, told me he periodically deletes whatever is saved in his Premiere Auto-Save folder and Preview-File folder to free up hard drive space. The problem is, I can find my Preview-File folder under My Documents/Adobe/5.0, but I can't find my Auto-Save folder, even after doing a Search in WIndows 7. I can't do anymore video editing projects until I free up space on my C-drive. Right now, I only have 1.7 Gb remaining on a 160 Gb hard drive. T
I recently had some problems with auto-save. I was working on a project when my computer stoped working and I had to force shutting down. However, my Premiere CC is set to auto-save every 15 minutes. When I went to see the auto-save files I didn't find my entire work. I had several sequences previously the one I was left with. What had happen?
Every single premiere cc project file I have including my auto-save prj files will not load. I get the error message "The Project Appears to be Damaged, it can not be opened". This is for all my Premiere CC Projects. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Premiere with no avail. Is there anything I can do in order to salvage these corrupt files and the work/effort associated with them?
Just got lightroom 3 for Christmas. I cannot figure it out and it's a headache so far. How am I supposed to set up the auto import to the My Pictures folder when I am supposed to chose an empty folder for Lightroom to watch? I must be misunderstanding something because I imagine that everyone who buys Lightroom already has photos in their My Pictures folder.
Why does AutoCAD still have automatic save if it is not going to automatically save your files? I have used AutoCAD for over 20 years and when the introduced automatic saves, I thought it was the coolest thing since sliced bread. But apparently some time between release 2010 and 2012 it was redone or it just don't work. I can recall closing a drawing w/o saving by mistake after having worked on it for 2-3 hours and only loosing at the most 10 minutes of my time. I just did the same thing and lost about 2 hours worth of time and my automatic save was set to every 10 minutes as I have set it since automatic save was introduced.
AND/OR a open tab recovery cache or way to extract the images that get lost during a crash of PDN.
Number two on my list behind your fantastic new layer functionality that I had been dreaming about for three years. I NEVER close PDN. The ONLY time it closes is once every week or two when the 20, 30, 50 tabs that I have open, finally overwhelm my system. I bounce back and forth so much that there is no way to continuously save them as I make changes cause it would jack up my workflow by taking up too much time.
No way around it, this is just how I work. It would be lovely if PDN was able to, similar to After Effects, popup an error box saying it was about to crash and did 'you" want to save the session. Especially, now, with 4, as while it is a super duper version upgrade, the crashes were daily, with me, and I couldn't keep losing that much data. Sophie's choice, for me. The old layer window or daily crashes.
I need to auto level about 600 pictures. I have been doing them one at a time but its taking Forever!!! Is there a way to open say a folder full at a time of say 100 pics and do them all at once? I have the latest photoshop!
How to reset Auto Export frame count back to - example still123.tif to still001.tif or change the count to commence at a number you want like still200.tif
I have a working "watched folder", established through Lightroom's auto-import settings. When I place an image into that folder, it is imported into my lightroom catalog.
However, if I put a folder of images into that watched folder (i.e. "James and Stephanie" is put into a "wedding" folder), nothing happens. I do not want all of my images in one single folder; that's why I have Lightroom, so they can be organized in folders but collected in a database.
I also do not understand why Lightroom wants to move auto-imported images into a destination folder.
I would like to drop a folder into the "watched folder" and have Lightroom import (without moving the image) into my catalog.
I was surprised to not find this issue in Internet searches; is it dreadfully obvious, or is there a better way that I'm not familar with?
Im new to X6 from version 9 so I'm pretty clueless (and I'm self taught at that). How do I turn off the "auto edge detect" or whatever its called? For example...When I'm drawing with the Bezier or freehand tool and I am trying to go in between a tight space its constantly wanting to got to one of the edges.
I'm using the save for web function to save a large number of files (not batch saving)usually, when I open a file and start saving for web, it will remember the folder that I most recently exported to, and by default open that folder for that file, until I "save for web" into a different folder.
Out of seemingly nowhere, the save for web seemed to "forget" this folder (and any other folder I tried to save to), and now defaults to the "Documents" folder, causing me have to click through to find my intended destination folder. I'm on CS5 & Mac running Mountain Lion. On my work computer (exactly the same, Mac + Mountain Lion) I am using CS6 and have not encountered this issue.
this morning to find all of the drawings in one folder are giving this error message when i try to open them? Error 0x0000 e651d9d4h. all was fine yesterday when they were closed however today they are not working. I have tried to recover them and although the process comes back as resolved as the drawings tries to open it returns the same message?
i'm on a Mac. upgraded from cs3 to cs6. I opened a new Photoshop file and went to do an action that I normally do with this type of file. (I have created my own action.) But Actions is no longer where it used to be — which I think was in the History area, but I'm not sure, I just go by feel. In any case, I can't find anything having to do with Actions. Where is it hiding?
I have tried a couple of things to try and get Premiere to see the AVCHD files. I have copied the all the files over from the Canon Xa10 individually and the "Private" folder and then tried to import. Still couldnt see them. It seems like its not a supported file type. PP should be able to do this shouldn't it?
I currently am running Premiere Pro CS5 with Windows 7 64Bit
In the project panel there are several different ways to search through all of your media to find specific clips. Is there anything similar for the timeline?
For example - I have a 30 minute sequence with 7 tracks of dialogue. Each clip of dialogue is labeled with a line number from a script. When a producer comes over and asks "Can you quickly go to line 416?"...I'd like to be able to quickly do that. Avid has a function where you can perform a find in the timeline for specific file names.
I can not remember to have encountered this before, so here I go: I just created a virtual copy of some photos from my summer holiday, and all works well. But when I needed to access these photos going the Windows' way (Windows/My Pictures that is), the virtual copies do not appear in my YYYYMM folder. Going back to LR though, they will appear there with a /Copy 1 extension. RIghtclicking the VC, then "Show in Explorer" will highlight the original in the folder, the VC still not being there. Part of the frustration is that I can not remember this happening before (or maybe it has), so I'm wondering if I by accident have changed any settings.
Can't find 1:1.85 aspect option when creating Project.
I have files shot on Canon C300 in 16:9, but we had the 1:1.85 aspect lines on the camera and I can't figure out how to incorporate those frame lines for editing.
Is the best way to do it when creating the project? Or is the best way to edit the files in 16:9 and mask the final product?
I just create a few objects in the symbol manager, now I want to send those contents I createt to a friend. But I cannot find my library/symbols folder in the Corel Draw folders.
I can't find the location of the videos I export/render on my computer. How to change the location of where to save them. I used premiere elements before I used premiere pro. The interface changed on pro and I'm falling way behind on projects.
I am trying to lasso an object in a picture something like an autosave goes off causing the lasso to capture parts of the picture that are not wanted. I have tried to find an auto save but do not seem able to.
I cannot find the default Placeholder Text Folder.In 'My Documents, I have 2 Corel folders:In the first one, it contains: Content X6.Inside of it, it contains 5 folders:1- Bitmap Patterns, 2- Image Lists, 3- Photo Frames, 4- Templates and 5- Vector Patterns.and there's no RTF Placeholder file.In the Second Corel folder, it contains: Corel Content.Inside of it, it contains 3 folders: 1- Bitmap Pattern, 2- Trays and 3- Vector Patterns. and there's no RTF Placeholder file.
Ever since I switched to Photoshop Elements 10 and subsequently 11 (both are on my computer), I have been unable to add music media.
I copied ALL of my music CDs to my hard drive and to my iphone etc. They are there and I can play them. I have been unable to add my music. For example this is what happens when I am in Photoshop Elements 10 slideshow:
* ADD MEDIA * Audio from folder * iTunes * iTunes Media * Music from CDs * every folder I try returns the message "no items match your search".