AutoCAD Architecture :: 2010 Renovation Tool

Apr 5, 2011

After I installed AutoCAD Architecture 2010, I did not see the Renovation Tool in Manage.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Using Renovation Mode With PN?

Jul 3, 2013

Here it is 2013, two years after Renovation mode was integrated. 

Every once in a while, I have a residential renovation and try to use this Renovation Mode.  Problem is using it with PN.  Works great in The Construct, but try to create a View and then stick that on a sheet - And like many other Autocad features, there is painfully little to no valuable documentation.

The question: how do you successfully use Reno.Mode with PN?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Renovation Mode / PN

Mar 17, 2011

I have a small renovation project.  Was able to set the Existing, Demo & New work fine - in the Construct.  But when setting up the Views (i.e. A Demo Plan and a New Plan) the whole thing falls apart - I can't figure out how to turn on just the Demo plan in the Demo View; and just the New Plan in a New View.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Renovation Mode Settings

Aug 21, 2013

I am trying to get renovation mode to work properly.  When i use it it seems to change item that existing to a new layer on color 8 (I specified color 8), but not to by layer.  I want to be able to assign an item and have the color be set to by layer instead of a forced color. 

It also changes everything in the drawing.  Say i have multiple objects on layer A-Wall, it changes all those objects instead of just the one i select.

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AutoCad 2D :: Renovation Plans Overlapping 2D Lines?

Apr 19, 2013

Im currently drawing renovation plans, sections and elevations, and i have a prexisting set of drawings, a after renovation set of drawings and would like to achieve the intersecting of this two sets with objects/lines in yellow for whats going to be demolished and red for whats being built and white for whats to remain untouched.

I started by setting a yellow color for the first set and red for the second set. And worked my way to the excrutianting task of breaking and setting this two sets of 2d drawings.

Is there a command or routine that allows me to break a line were two diferent lines overlap in the drawing. I was wandering if i could do that i then would only have to overkill the entire drawing..

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Saving A Wall Tool To Tool Palette?

Jun 9, 2011

In ACA 2009 I could, after saving the drawing, click on a wall, window etc and drag it to the tool palette to create a new tool.

In ACA 2011 this only works for lines/polylines.  Plus the wall, door and window palettes are gone.  How can I retreave them?

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Revit :: Renovation And Rehab Work

Nov 20, 2009

I would like to propose a focused thread or forum exclusively for the discussion of all things Revit and Rehab projects. There are some very frustrating things that occur when using Revit to document architecture projects in conjuction with rehab work. I am of the opinion that this is a very important area of architecture that is currently not being well documented by Revit users, Revit software vendors, Revit training specialists or by autodek itself.

The world has a huge stock of existing buildings, how can we iron out the duplicity of work that is currently required in order to use Revit in conjunction with rehab/renovation work.

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Revit :: Renovation Of Industrial Building - Editing DWG Files

Dec 11, 2013

I am participating in a architectural design draft, regarding renovation of an industrial building. The building is only uploaded in .DWG and .3DS, which presumably means it´s origanally drawn in Auto Cad. But when i link the DWG (ACAD) file to Revit, it treats it like a component making it impossible to edit walls, windows, making cross sections, floor plans, checking room heights etc. Is there anyway i can resolve this problem other than learning how to draw AutoCad better ?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Measuring Differences Between Measure Tool And Dimension Tool

Apr 26, 2012

Im trying to show some measurements in layout view. But when i dimension between 2 points i get the number 71,84. When i use the measure tool in model view i get 1150mm which is the correct length.

Sure there is some simple reason why the two arnt coming in with the same value. Also it isnt an issue with Units as i have checked both and they are both in millimetres.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Old Tool Palette Has Replaced 2014 Tool Palette?

Jul 17, 2013

For some reason, the tool palette I usually use is not accessible. I opened a drawing that a co-worker was using and my tool palette now looks like an old version - it doesn't have any of my custom tools in it. How do I get back my tool palette??

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Create Tag And Add To Tool Palettes

Apr 12, 2013

How to create a tag and add it to my tool palettes for future use?

I am using AutoCAD Architecture 2012, and I want to be able to tag the bottom elevation of slabs in my drawings. I found I can create a tag by using the DEFINETAG command and I created text in there that is set to display the bottom elevation of slabs. I'm stuck as to where to go from here. I can't actually "tag" anything with this, and I don't know how to add it to my tool palettes.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Tool Pallet Won't Stick

Apr 21, 2011

I'm using ACA 2008 and recently had to have some things reconfigured on my computer by our IT guy because of a few problems.  Because of that, I've had to fix a couple of things with my settings in ACA to get it back to what I had before. 

One thing that changed that I can't seem to fix is a custom catalog for my tool pallet we have always used that wont come up with my standard ACA pallets when I start up ACA.  I have to hit cntrl+4 to bring up the catalog library and from there I can see the one I want to use.  I grab the eyedropper and drag it to the tool pallets and it works fine, but when I close out ACA and restart it's gone again.

How can I get it to stick permanently?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Tool Palettes Will Not Refresh?

Dec 18, 2013

When I start AutoCad and also if I try to select the Refresh icon on the Pallett, I get a pop up that says "There was an error while refreshing.  The palette could not be refreshed"  Could there be a path that is broken, if so where would it be?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Wall Tool Not Allowed?

May 16, 2012

I did a drawing in ACA2011 sent it to my remote office where I have ACLT for mac 2013 (trial).  Worked on the file,

had to explode the couple of walls I was editing, saved as 2011 or 2010 file.

When I open the file in ACA2011 I can not execute the wall tool.  This is the message received:

Command: _AecWallAdd Command not allowed because drawing contains objects from a newer version of this application.

The new objects would be lines. 

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Tool Palettes Have Changed?

Apr 25, 2013

Just on to ACA 2014 and noticed many of the detail tabs missing. No longer interior, exterior, etc. tabs and can't find how to replace them. Also Detail compnent manager toolbar icon gone and can't find command in CUI?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Can't Add Items To Tool Palettes

May 27, 2013

I have imported atc files which were created in standard AutoCAD 2010, the palettes (atc) files import without a glitch the tools contained on them work perfectly. However adding new items fails despite all files not being read only also if a add a new palette nice though AutoCAD ADT will create one it wont actually allow me to add anything to it...

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Tag Applied By Tool Palettes

Apr 23, 2013

I have a problem with scaling and rotation when I apply one tag coming from palette tool. I use ACA 2013 METRIC and this problem did not exist in 2012.

I attached a file to do the test. Drag the tag to your tool palettes in space and try to apply the design to see the problem.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Turn Off Tool Tips

Jun 28, 2013

How to turn off the tool tips that keep showing up in the upper right hand corner.  We are on ACA 2013.  He tried hitting the "Don't show me this again" option and it didn't work. How I turn this off? 

I have included a screenshot for reference.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: 2010 Not Saving Changes?

Apr 17, 2012

We are a small office running ACA 2010 on Win7 64-bit machines, individual licenses.  All our files are stored on the server and we do not use ACA sheet manager for file creation.

We are having an issue with files not saving!  We have two working on the same project and they are trading between who has the base open and who is viewing "read only".  Seemingly randomly one will open a base and it will be reverted back to yesterday with work lost!  This can be documented when the person with "read only" open can see the changes and sometimes we have printed after the changes are made, but cannot open the editable file and see the changes.  Sometimes the .bak will have the changes and sometimes not.

Does this have anything to do with "allow other users to Refedit current drawing" setting?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Unable To Unlock Tool Palette

Oct 16, 2013

Just upgraded to 2014.  I have a custom tool palette set up and Content Browser pointing to right catalog.  Custom tool palette was copied from 2012.   I was able to modify all tool properties within that palette to point to right content file but one.  Can't change the property in one tool on palette. 

Patette is locked (I locked it when I created it in 2012) and I have Right Access to all of the network files in Architecture (this is sitting on a network).   Why is it the Tool Palette won't Unlock? 

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Tool Palette Contents Incorrect

Aug 1, 2012

I am running 2011 ACA on Win 7 64bit.Today when I launch the program, the contents of the tool palette are incorrect. None of the "door, wall, spaces ff+e, etc...) are there anymore.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Tool Palettes Design Group

Jul 7, 2011

I've been using the design group in the tool palettes, and adding my own tool palettes as I create them.Today I login and see that my tool palettes is not docked to the left side of the screen anymore.So I push CTRL-3 to bring it back up.The tool palettes that I see there are the "All Palettes" group.

I cannot choose the design group, document group, detailing group, or the visualization group. They are not even selectable in the right click menu of the tool palette bar. But when I customize palettes the 4 groups show up there, but they are useless.And not even all the tool palettes are there. "Design" is missing, Windows, Doors. Any way of getting my palette groups back to the way it was before, other than re-installing autocad?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: 2012 - Revision Cloud And Tag Tool

Apr 18, 2013

I work on AutoCad 2012. I am trying to find the revision cloud & tag tool. I seem to only be able to place a revision cloud without a tag on the drawing. I don't see a tag option and searching for the option on the help menu has resulted in zero hits. Does AutoCad 2012 not offer this feature or am I looking in the wrong location?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Can't Delete Tool Palette Group

Oct 10, 2011

I have set the properties in Content Browser for New Project 2012 (our template for new projects) under Tool Palettes for shared workspace catalog; tool palette group is pointing to Workspace Catalog on a shared drive; tool content root path is pointing to a Projects folder called New Project 2012.

When I open the project New Project 2012 the tool palettes come up but with a Tool Palette Group called New Project 2012 with all the tool palettes listed under it.  I right clicked and made the Design group the current group and selected Customize Palettes.  I can see under Palette Groups - New Project 2012.  I right clicked and selected delete and it's gone but when I go out of the project and go back in, the group New Project 2012 is there.  Where do I go to delete this group?  Where do I tell the Project to have the Design Group  be current when opening this Project?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Tool Palettes Display On Startup?

Aug 8, 2011

Got a problem with tool palettes ever since ACA 2012. When ever I start ACA, I have to push cntrl+3 to show the tool palettes. It's starting to get anoying that I have to do this, and I can't find any setting that will let the tool palettes display on startup.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Block Keep Disappearing Off Tool Palettes

Apr 19, 2013

I recently added a block ( by dragging & dropping from our dws block library file) to our shared Tool Palettes.  The block showed up properly on everone's computer the day I added it. However each morning when we restart our computers the block is no longer on the palette and I have to redrag & drop it.  I thought that prerhaps I needed to export the updated toolpalette, but when I go to the customize tool palettes dialog box and right click on the toolpalette I don't see the export or import options. I am at a loss.  We are using AutoCAD Architecture 2013

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Lack Of Tool In Current Workspace?

Jan 2, 2014

I have recently installed the newest AC Architecture. Unfortunately I have some problem with tools in one palette CHANGE.

When I choose one of them (f.e. sign door or sign window) I get this kind of allert that "I can not find the tool in the current workspace". I have no ide what can be a problem.

More over on my friend's computer all this tools work correctly but only from the ribbon (it isn't possible to use this tool directly from command space).

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AutoCAD Architecture :: How To Change The Color Of Tool Bars

Mar 16, 2012

How to change the color of tool bars. The interface of ACA 2012 is too negative, I mean it's too much grey or light grey.

I would like to have 2008 or early version interface.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Can't Use AEC Dimensions / Tool Is Not Found In Workspace

May 4, 2011

i have a problem in Architecture 2012, First i can't use AEC dimensions because the tool is not found in the workspace and i'm using the loaded architecture work space.also i cannot get into the cui, i click on it and it just stops working.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Using Massing Element From Tool Palette

Mar 10, 2013

I am new to ACA and was trying to use the massing element from either the build ribbon on home page or design tool palette. I select the icon and then right click the properties box and all the dimension boxes are gray not letting me input data. I cannot find out how to change them to be editable.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Annotative Dimension On Tool Palette

Aug 8, 2007

I seem to be running into a wall here, I have created an annotative dimension and copied it to the tool palette. When I go to dimension something in a new dwg that does not have the new annotation style, the dimension style does not keep its annotation setting. It brings in the annotation style but not the annotation setting.

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