I looked through the discussion groups and couldn't find exactly what I'm looking for. Our office recently upgraded their server. Since this happened, my dual monitor blinks when highlighting objects or zooming in and out. Plus, it adds extra menu bars (gray horizontal bars).
I can't seem to change the color of the sun. Its stuck on a strange shade of brown. Also I created a new material. It was a shade of grey metallic paint. Except that it appears to have a red tint.
The color, linetype and line width sections of the toolbar no longer show on the working screen but they do show on the toolbar manager. How do I recover them?
I'm having trouble setting up my toolbars. I position them the way I want, but as soon as I switch back from a different workspace (lets say3D modeling) the position of the toolbars change. Also I can't get the scroll bars to disappear for good, they always come back Here is what I do exactly:
1. Change the content and the position of the toolbars (acad classic workspace) 2. Lock down the toolbars 3. Go to options => profiles, create a new profile (add to list), set current 4. Change workspace to 3D modeling 5. Change workspace back to acad classic
The result is: content of the toolbars is the way I want, but the position is changed. The toolbars are locked, so in order to move them to the desired place I have to unlock.
I'm setting up some custom toolbars and that's no problem, but what I'd like to do is have one of the buttons be a toggle, so the icon changes depending on what state it is in. I'm just having a bit of trouble figuring out how I find those buttons programatically from within C#. I've included Autodesk.Autocad.Customization which gives me the Toolbar, Tool bar button, etc classes, but I don't know how to find the existing toolbars from the running session of AutoCAD.
I am in the process of setting up a new computer and I just installed AutoCAD Mechanical 2012 which I have on the older computer that I am replacing.
Is it possible to copy specific files from my old computer to the new one so that I don't have to go through the process of setting up the desktop and tool bars all over again?
On two occasions now since last software update, when I open Autocad LT 2013, my tool bars are all gone. I use a customized layout/workspace based off the original/classic layout option. When I change layout to drafting/annotation, toolbars for that layout appear, but when I switch back to my saved layout, all tool bars are still gone and I have to go through whole process of adding the ones I want again.
I went to use my laptop with autocad LT 2012 which I do not use that much. When I lookd all the Icons on the tool bars are missing. The tabs still work but it is hard to figure out what they do. I have not changed any settings.
How can I modify the line type/weight? How can I change the color? Where are my object properties?
I have seen a few threads with variations of these questions. I had the same ones, until now. I did some serious messing around and came up with this, I thought it may be useful:
To get the AutoCAD 2012 "Properties" panel in ACA 2012:
Disclaimer: This procedure involves modifying your software's configuration file(s). If you choose to follow it, you do so at your own risk.
1. Open the "Customize User Interface" dialog by a familiar method (I like the keyboard, the command is "CUI"). 2. Switch to the "Transfer" tab. a. If you can't see it, expand the dialog to 2-columns by clicking the ">" button in the lower right corner.
3. Set the left-hand column to "acad.cuix", I'll call this the "source file". a. If you can not see the file, click the "Open" button and navigate to your "Application Data" folder.
i. Win7: {userProfile}AppDataRoaming ii. WinXP: {userProfile}Application Data
b. Navigate further to the Autodesk Support folder:
i. {Application Data}AutodeskACA 2012enuSupport
4. Set the right-hand column to "Main Customization File", or another customization file you intend to use, the "destination file". 5. Expand both files' "Ribbon->Panels" nodes. 6. Locate the "Home - Properties" panel in the source file. 7. Right-click the panel and select "Copy" from the context menu. 8. Right-click the destination file's "Panels" node and select "Paste" from the context menu, it will be added to the end of the panel list.
a. NOTE: You may get a warning that the panel already exists. If you do, click the "Rename" button. The new panel will most likely show up as "Copy Of Home - Properties" b. Right-Click the new panel and select "Rename". Set the name to "Home - ACADProperties"
9. Click the destination file's "Save" button. 10. Switch back to the dialog's "Customize" tab. 11. Using the drop-down, select your destination file as the file to customize. 12. Expand the (a) "Ribbon -> Tabs -> Home-ACA" and (b) "Ribbon -> Panels" nodes in the "Customizations…" (top-left) section. 13. Select the "Ribbon -> Panels -> Home-ACADProperties" panel, a preview will appear and the "Properties" section will populate. 14. Edit the panel's "Display Text" property, change it to "Properties" (this is the name that will appear on the panel once it's added to the UI). 15. Right-click the "Home-ACADProperties" panel in the "Customizations…" section and select "Copy" from the context menu. 16. Right-click the "Ribbon -> Tabs -> Home-ACA" node and select "Paste" from the context menu. 17. Click the "Save" button. 18. Click the "OK" button. 19. Observe your UI, the new Properties panel will appear at the right end of the "Home" tab. 20. Drag the panel to the location you would like it.
a. NOTE: Adding this panel to the tab causes the other panels to resize so the ribbon fits the screen/UI width. If there are any panels that you aren't using, turn them off to allow more room for the other panels. (I turned off the "Transparency" panel, the new "Properties" panel includes those commands in the slide-out, making it redundant.)
b. To turn a panel off, right-click a panel title, select Show Panels, then uncheck any panel you don't want displayed.
I have created a custom tool bar for ACAD 2013. Each time I start a new ACAD session, my tool bar is not docked at the top of the screen and the other standard tool bars I do not want appear.
How do I permanently keep the unwanted tool bars from appearing? Also, in the upper left corner of the screen the following appears: [-][Top][2D Wireframe]. How do I get rid of if?
Just installed AutoCAD 2012, started to set up my tools and found many of the ACAD toolbars displaying the wrong, or no icon for the commands. Example: Modify TB
displays "move" for erase "mirror" for rotate "fillet" for explode
This is true with the Draw TB, Dimension TB, UCS TB...and more..I have not even customized any toolbars yet...just turned on/off the AutoCAD ones.
I'm trying to learn autocad and I just downloaded the 2012 version. I can't figure out how to make the modelspace look the format in all the tutorial videos. I don't have a big menu bar on the top or bottom. It's so hard for me to follow videos when nothing looks the same and I can't find the buttons/commands.
A while back I saw a video about using the video editing capabilities. In particular the video showed a car with a colored sheet over it and the in the video the sheet was either pulled off the car or the car moved out from under the sheet (I cant remember which). Then the video showed how to use the color replace tool to change the color of the sheet throughout the entire video.
When I first downloaded gimp it worked great. Now the side tool bars are gone and I don't know how to restore them. I've attached a picture of what it looks like when I open gimp so you can see it's only the main center window that opens.
I use the following lisp to control my window background colour,
;Setting window colour to crimson (uses OLE colour code system)...(vla-put-TextWinBackgrndColor(vla-get-display(vla-get-preferences(vlax-get-acad-object)))3937500)
However I would like to change the drafting tool tip background also using lisp, but I don’t know which vla-put-….. I need?
how to change the color that the "Interference Analyze" tool identifies with??
I recently converted from 2010 to Inventor 2011 Pro. 2010 had a Dark Translucent Red which was extremely useful. 2011 has a Light Translucent Red which is extremely difficult to make out ( I have a massive assembly). Identifying these fouls/interferences is vital to my job.
I tried Styles Editor, View Styles, Application/Document Settings, and even part manipulation!
I have Photoshop cs5. I also have the Epson R1900 printer. I love this printer but if I don't print enough the heads get clogged. Any RGB color codes or a site where I can download a color bar page that would represent all eight colors of my Epson printer.
What I want to do is print a 8.5 x 11 page every few days that will use each of the print heads wherefore keeping the print heads from clogging.
I am having a rather strange problem with PSP X14. I will describe my general workflow and where the problem occurs.
I do some editing to my photo and save it as a full size image. Next I resize it to a much smaller version for use online. I have no problems at all with these two steps. Next, I cancel the resized dimensions and resize it again to a file closer to the original size, after I sometimes sharpen it and add a canvas. Many of the thumbnails for this last step have horizontal color bars across the bottom of the thumbnail, ranging roughly from 1/16 to 1/3 of the image size. When I hit on it and open the file, the bar is not there. I tried opening this thumbnail in another photo editing program and when I have access to the thumbnails for opening, that bar is there on select images, and when I open the file, it's gone. Unfortunately I haven't had the opportunity to try printing it yet.
I've been following this basic formula for preparing and editing photos for a very long time and haven't had this problem until recently. And it's random, as not all images have this problem. I tried changing this process and reopening the full size file that has been edited and resize that one, but am getting the same random results. I have no problems with the thumbnails for the full size and the first reduced size images.
I have been a long time user of PSP...since v.7 and upgrade versions regularly. I'm running Windows 7 premium, 64-bit on a laptop with an Intel i-7 processor.