AutoCAD Architecture :: Unable To Unlock Tool Palette

Oct 16, 2013

Just upgraded to 2014.  I have a custom tool palette set up and Content Browser pointing to right catalog.  Custom tool palette was copied from 2012.   I was able to modify all tool properties within that palette to point to right content file but one.  Can't change the property in one tool on palette. 

Patette is locked (I locked it when I created it in 2012) and I have Right Access to all of the network files in Architecture (this is sitting on a network).   Why is it the Tool Palette won't Unlock? 

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Old Tool Palette Has Replaced 2014 Tool Palette?

Jul 17, 2013

For some reason, the tool palette I usually use is not accessible. I opened a drawing that a co-worker was using and my tool palette now looks like an old version - it doesn't have any of my custom tools in it. How do I get back my tool palette??

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Saving A Wall Tool To Tool Palette?

Jun 9, 2011

In ACA 2009 I could, after saving the drawing, click on a wall, window etc and drag it to the tool palette to create a new tool.

In ACA 2011 this only works for lines/polylines.  Plus the wall, door and window palettes are gone.  How can I retreave them?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Tool Palette Contents Incorrect

Aug 1, 2012

I am running 2011 ACA on Win 7 64bit.Today when I launch the program, the contents of the tool palette are incorrect. None of the "door, wall, spaces ff+e, etc...) are there anymore.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Can't Delete Tool Palette Group

Oct 10, 2011

I have set the properties in Content Browser for New Project 2012 (our template for new projects) under Tool Palettes for shared workspace catalog; tool palette group is pointing to Workspace Catalog on a shared drive; tool content root path is pointing to a Projects folder called New Project 2012.

When I open the project New Project 2012 the tool palettes come up but with a Tool Palette Group called New Project 2012 with all the tool palettes listed under it.  I right clicked and made the Design group the current group and selected Customize Palettes.  I can see under Palette Groups - New Project 2012.  I right clicked and selected delete and it's gone but when I go out of the project and go back in, the group New Project 2012 is there.  Where do I go to delete this group?  Where do I tell the Project to have the Design Group  be current when opening this Project?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Using Massing Element From Tool Palette

Mar 10, 2013

I am new to ACA and was trying to use the massing element from either the build ribbon on home page or design tool palette. I select the icon and then right click the properties box and all the dimension boxes are gray not letting me input data. I cannot find out how to change them to be editable.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Annotative Dimension On Tool Palette

Aug 8, 2007

I seem to be running into a wall here, I have created an annotative dimension and copied it to the tool palette. When I go to dimension something in a new dwg that does not have the new annotation style, the dimension style does not keep its annotation setting. It brings in the annotation style but not the annotation setting.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: How To Insert Objects From Tool Palette

Feb 15, 2009

I am getting an err message "unable to execute the tool .class not registered" while trying to insert objects from the tool pallette.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Tool Palette To Build Exterior Walls

Nov 8, 2013

I am using the the tool palette to build exterior walls.. I have the wall as needed finished except for a limestine sill.  It is bull nosed and contoured.  How do I put the profile in the wall style so it looks correct?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Hatches From Tool Palette Come In On Wrong Layer?

Jan 2, 2014

I have an issue where any hatch that I place on a tool palette comes in on the wrong layer.  They all come in on the a-hatch-window layer despite the properties of the tool being set to the correct layer and the correct layer being present and being the current layer in the drawing.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: How To Export Tool Palette In AA Using Content Browser

Dec 13, 2011

We use AA in the office but we have one version of autocad straight on a laptop.  How can I get a tool palette we created in AA into autocad?  I understand in AA that you use the content browser in AA to export a palette group but then how do you actually get that into Autocad for use?  I think autocad uses an atc file or something like that. 

Also, when trying to export the tool palette in AA using the content browser, the help file said I should be able to grab the tool palette and slide/ copy it into the new cataloque I created in the content browser.  However, eveytime I grab onto the tool palette, the content browser woudl disappear.  I finally just selected all of the items in my tool palatte and copied/ pasted them into the category folder I created within the new catalogue.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Annotation Without Annotative - Scale Text From Tool Palette

Apr 5, 2012

Unfortunately, a new project we have does not allow us to use annotative objects, so we are back to switching scale by creating several dimstyles with a varying dimscale (eg. Dim96, for 1/8", Dim48 for 1/4" etc.)  Now I have created a button on the tool palette that brings in text and it allows me to set the size of the arrow by matching it to the dimstyle, but the text comes in always at the same size - 9" which is 3/32" for a 1/8" plan.  The arrow changes but the text does not.  I know I have to change the CANNOSCALE, but I can't seem to figure out a way of making it work so that the user will only need to switch the dimstyle from the pull down up at the top right and then be able to use a tool palette button that will bring in a text with leader with it's arrow head and text height matching the dimstyle scale.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Default View Title From Callout Tool Palette

Apr 6, 2012

I've been using Revit a lot more and dont remember a lot about ADT and AutoCAD Architecture.

I've been getting reacquainted with creating sheet templates and smart tags for a project I'm working on. I have the Sheet creating okay but when I placed a view on the sheet and tried to tag it with the default view title from the call out tool palate all I get is the name of the view and placeholders for the view number and view scale. It says "View Number" and "viewport scale." From what I remember it should at least give me question marks if its linking but it doesn't look like its making any connections.

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AutoCad :: Unable To Find Image From Tool Palette For Inserting

Aug 16, 2011

I've recently installed auto cad 2007lt on our new computer. I set up numerous tool palettes with blocks that we use often. I was pulling images from the palettes to my drawing with no problem.

Today when I tried inserting an image from the tool palette it is saying that the image can not be found. I've tried under previous drawings and new templates and have been unsuccessful.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: 2009 Projcet-specific Tool Palette Group Not Created

Mar 22, 2011

I'm currently going over the Metric tutorial for ACA 2009. At some point, I'm instructed to right-click the tool palette title bar to select the "project-specific" palette (which should be located among the Design, Visalization, etc palettes). Well, this palette is not there.

I´ve checked the project properties and verified that Project Tool Palette Group is set to Shared workspace catalog. The paths are correct (I'm using Windows 7 x64), etc. When I open antoher tutorial project (Steel Framed Residence_m) the project tool palette is there, but when I create any new project or use the one in the tut, this group/palette is not created.

The profile used to create the project is the default:

C:ProgramDataAutodeskACD-A 2009enuTemplateTemplate Project (Metric)Template Project (Metric).apj

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AutoCAD Architecture :: 2012 Tool Palettes - Unable To Execute

Nov 14, 2011

I am running Windows 7 32 bit.  I have Autodesk Architecture 2012 installed.  When I try to run a simple wall tool from my tool pallette, I get the following error;

Unable to Execute the tool.  Possible causes are:

- The tool is not registered properly.  Please check your installation.

- The tool is from another application and is incompatible with the current application.

I recently had my entire computer wiped clean, upgraded from Windows XP to Windows 7, and reinstalled Arch 2012, so no other versions have been on this system.  All of my basic drafting functions work fine.

I found an old thread about using Regedit to change the registry of the tool palettes, but that simply made my tool palette empty.  I just installed this, so I don't understand why I would need to reinstall. 

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Unable To Execute The Tool - Class Not Registered Error

Sep 8, 2009

Every time I try to run a tool from the tool palette like dragging an AEC block into my drawing I get a pop out window saying: "Unable to execute the tool - Class not registered" why this is happening on Autocad Architecture 2010?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Delete Palette From Tool Palette

Dec 7, 2012

I wan´t to delete a palette from Autocad Tool Palette. How can I do?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Unlock Tool Palettes

Oct 11, 2006

I have a problem when creating new Tool Palettes..

As soon as I exit autocad after creating them and then re-open CAD the next day all the Tool Palettes have the locked icon in the bottom corner so I'm unable to add to them.. I've tried everything to unlock them...making sure the atc files aren't read only, unlocking all tool bars in menu customization etc but nothing works.....

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GIMP :: Unable To Unlock Alpha Channel

Dec 18, 2013

I started using gimp yesterday to remove backgrounds out of images for my website so have done it fine.

But now I clicked on something which reduced the toolbox dialog box to not be as large - ie it does not show you pixels size etc if you select pencil tool now.

Also I open an image and lasso it - then click the quick mask but the pencil tool is not adding any more to the area - it wont draw over or anything. The lock alpha button is on in the layers panel and I cant unlock it.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Properties Palette Not Available When Roll Over It

Jun 29, 2011

AutoCAD Architecture 2009 - Something new started today!!! Working in either design or construction workspace the Properties tool bar will not operate.  When I select an object and roll over to the Properties Pallette it simply starts to blink and does not open.  Also, the Quick Properties panel will not open.  Background, the new file I am working on was last saved on my laptop and transfered via a thumb drive.  I have done this often with out a problem.  However, the laptop is a new one with Windows 7 and my desktop has Windows XP. 

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Properties Window / Floating Palette

Nov 7, 2011

I'm having a problem with my properties window or floating palette. When I select an object, such as a "line", my properties palette refreshes itself for about 3 seconds. When I hit esc, or deselect the line, it takes another 3 seconds to refresh itself. You can even see the properties palette start at the top and go blank as it travels downward.  Very slow process, I can not get anything done. IF I close my properties palette, it does not have the delay, but I can not work without it. When I reboot, it works fine for about 5-6 selections, then jams back up.

ACA 2012 sp1 with Win 7 Pro 64bit sp1
Intel i7 hex 3.0
16 gb ram
Nvidia Quadro 4000

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Display No Selection In Properties Palette

Oct 27, 2010

i got one problem with properties palette. that is when i select line in the drawing, it display no selection in the properties palette. but display other objects except lines.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Adding Space Objects To A Palette

Dec 13, 2012

We are trying to create a set of palettes for a building type that we specialize in.  How do we add the spaces to a design palette and can we include a room tag with it?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Properties Palette Docking In 2012?

Apr 20, 2012

I like to have all my palettes docked, however, the Properties Palette won't stay docked after closing and reopening AutoCAD.  Every time I open AutoCAD, the Properties Palette reverts to its undocked status (all other docked palettes stay put).  Is there any way to remedy this?  It's a pain to have to redock it every time I open the program.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: 2011 Block Authoring Palette?

Mar 15, 2011

I have ACA 2011 on 64 bit Windows 7.  I can't seem to find the block authoring palette anywhere..

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Make Custom Palette For Structural Members?

Oct 21, 2011

I am trying to make a custom palette for structural members. "Then, temporarily deactivate the link and change the dimension properties of the tool to 4 x 4 x 4 meters. Next, copy the tool back to the Content Browser. The Content Browser catalog is updated with the new tool properties. Finally, reactivate the link from the Content Browser tool to the AutoCAD Architecture palette."

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Use Weld Symbols Routine From Detail Palette?

Jul 18, 2011

I am attempting to use the Weld symbols routine from the detail palette. All the symbols are being created an enormous size. how to reduce this insert scale.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Check Boxes For Project Properties Palette

Oct 3, 2013

Is there a way to have check boxes in the Project Properties to be able to turn on and off txt / stamps / etc. for all sheets in a project?  I am looking for something that is similarly down in Revit Title Blocks?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Properties Palette No Longer Appears When Double-click

Feb 8, 2013

I can no longer open the Properties Palette when I double-click on something.   Sometimes, I get the Quick Properties Box, instead -- which was already turned off.   I've triple checked that the QP is off, made sure no tool tips or the like are on, and I've rebooted the computer, but I can't get rid of the thing.

The main Properties Palette still opens up when I use CTRL-1, if I type "properties" at the command prompt, and if I right-click and select "Properties" from the short-cut menu.   Sounds great -- except when I double-click something out of habit and can't jump into the palette and keep going.   Instead I have to clear out of whatever pops up on my screen and open the PP 'manually'.

I've gone in to the CUI and dragged "Properties" in to the double-click function, but...nada.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Properties Palette Shows Any Selected Object On Current Layer

Aug 13, 2013

Just starting to use 2014, and so far not so good.  I tend to keep the Properties Palette open and docked.  In 2014, if my current layer is 0, any object I select in a drawing shows as Layer 0 in the Design tab of the Properties palette.  If I change to a different layer, any object selected shows that layer in the Properties palette.    If I start a new drawing, enter WALLADD and draw a wall segment, the A-WALL layer now correctly appears in the Layer Manager, but when I select the wall, the Layer in Properties is the current layer, not the A-WALL layer it should have gone on.  Also, Quick Properties is on, but doesn't pop up anywhere.

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