AutoCAD Architecture :: Make Custom Palette For Structural Members?
Oct 21, 2011
I am trying to make a custom palette for structural members. "Then, temporarily deactivate the link and change the dimension properties of the tool to 4 x 4 x 4 meters. Next, copy the tool back to the Content Browser. The Content Browser catalog is updated with the new tool properties. Finally, reactivate the link from the Content Browser tool to the AutoCAD Architecture palette."
We've just started using ACA 2012 and have noticed when importing files created in ACA 2009 that structural members do not display properly. We use the structural column or beam to represent a rainwater or soil pipe and are expecting to see a cut through at the cut plane and nothing else however we are getting a couple of lines that represent the crank in the pipe and I cannot turn them off. I'm sure that a setting has been introduced somewhere however after two weeks of looking I am still in the dark.
I've attached a file created in ACA 2009 that displays the problem in ACA 2012
I had created a structural member using the structural member wizard. I used many instances of the member in my drawing. However, the thickness of the member needs to be modified. Is there a method to modify the existing custom structural member without creating a new custom structural member?
I have a friend that is using AutoCad Mechanical which comes with blocks of structural members to insert, she is using Cad 2011. In one drawing if she inserts a channel and say the channel is 8" long, it inserts correctly but in other drawings if she goes to insert the same channel, it insert at 16'-0". Why?????
Is there a way to make a custom palette using the eyedropper tool? I've made a palette from an object, but it has too many colors. I've also made individual color swatches with the dropper, but I can't select them when using the Mesh Tool. Is there a way to make a color palette with the eyedropper tool that will work with the Mesh Tool?
I created a structural member of Pro-Panel II and placed it like a column. This works great, except when I need to trim the excess off at the end of a wall. I tried using a body modifies and it works in model view, but it doesn't in plan view.
I've attached a structural member. Is it possible to tag each end individually and have ACA report if it's the high end or low end of the structural member?
There I have an issue trying to show the text I include on a structure steel members. On model space you can see and print that info. But if I go to paper space and put the drawing on a view port the text disappears? See attached. Just jump from model to work (paper space) and you will see what I am talking about.
I need to convert a polyline to a structural element and put it on a tool palatte. I'm pretty sure I got it into the Design Manager, now I need to make it a structural element. I used to know how to do it in Acad 9, but now in Acad 12 I forgot,
Creating a tag to automatically label structural beams? I am trying to label a beam with its style name and bottom of beam elevation but I am not having any luck.
I have a 3 node Structural Member created that works... Now the next questions... Can you anchor columns at 3 column grid intersections... then draw this 3 node Structural Beam such that it will anchor also... so that... if you adjust the column grid... the columns and the 3 node structural member will adjust accordingly?
I ran into a problem with the structural member wizard today. I was making up a bunch of glulams and everything was doing just fine, then all of a sudden the wizard stopped accepting new values for the member depth. No matter what you try to enter, it is rejected and a value of 1'-0" is placed in the field. It will accept new values for both width and lamination depth however. I tried to make a member of another material (steel) just in case it was just the glulams. No luck, they behave the same way, you can't set the beam depth. I also tried restarting ACA, working in a completely new (and clean) file, as well as restarting my computer, it didn't work.
I really don't want to have to go through the repair/reinstall circus if I don't have to.
Im using MEP and in MEP2010 the Offset command worked fine on my structural members, offsetting to the direction I picked.
In MEP2012 the offset command now offsets the same structural member to the opposite side of the point I pick.
The structural member is rolled 180 and the way I can correct this offset issue is to roll the SM back to 0, then the offset command offsets to the correct side.
Is there a new setting or something in 2012 that will get the offset command behaving the way it did in 2010 where it does not care about the objects properties and just offsets it correctly?
I am attempting to make a frame that includes a couple bent members.
This is a side view of my frame. I am trying to make it so that the outer members are simply one piece of angle iron that is notched and bent at the angles. I have not been able to figure out how to do this and as it stands right now, that piece of the frame is made up of 5 seperate lengths of angle iron. Is there any way to get it as one piece in the frame generator or any other way for that matter?
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2011 Windows 7 for Mac 80GB HDD Partition Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.66 GHz 2.75 GB Usable RAM
For some reason, the tool palette I usually use is not accessible. I opened a drawing that a co-worker was using and my tool palette now looks like an old version - it doesn't have any of my custom tools in it. How do I get back my tool palette??
How do I get to the settings that control what does and does not show in any given discipline - we need to update the Structural Discipline to show the non-structural walls, and non-structural portions of other walls as halftone.
I am trying to create a custom palette with symbols that I use in day-to-day work. Ideally, I'd like to add a tilde, rotated 90 degrees and with a specified line thickness, in a few different colors, into a custom palette. Is there a way to do this that doesn't involve me making a tilde-shaped pline and filling it in? When I click and drag the tilde to my custom tool palette it appears as a link for DText. Although it isn't much of a hassle to emulate a tilde shape, I'd like to know if it's possible in general.
I have created a custom office standards tool palette for the users, and it is properly loaded on all the machines. The issue is that when the 'Tools' button on the ribbon is pressed, it loads to the 'design tools' palette by default. Most user here have the habit of closing the tool menu after use, and reopening it from the menu - which defaults back to the design tools palette instead of the office standards... which is frustrating when jumping back and forth constantly. I assumed there was an easy way to tell them to set the 'standards' as the default, but I can't seem to find this property anywhere.
I recently got a new drafting job for a chemical plant. The issue that I am having is that they are using AutoCAD 2004. That version came out when I was a freshman in high school and I am lost. I am trying to insert the custom blocks that pertain to our design standards, but I am getting nowhere.
I have the blocks in a separate folder. I am getting to the customize tool palette option, but every time I try and import these files the folders show up empty. Admittedly, I am not the greatest with the complexities of AutoCAD because I picked it up on the job and never had any "official" training; however, it has also been two years since I've had to do this and I am a little rusty... I'd like to think it's just that because they are using decade old software.
I'm writing code that able user to show my custom palette.
Everything is working fine, but ... I want to make some of my groupbox to be expandable/collapsible, like here (3D visualization):
I think that using groupbox control is bad idea, so how can I make some container with my controls (label and textbox) and make this container expandable/collapsible?
I recently made a custom Tool Palette that contains all of our most commonly used Assemblies in our office on my PC. I then exported the Paleette to a location on our network and tried to import it onto another workstation. The Palette imported correctly and all of the assemblies are visible. However, when an assembly is attempted to be inserted into a drawing nothing is inserted.
Upon insertion the properties menu box shows up indicating that it is closed or locked..."do you wish to continue".
Is there a step that I am missing on importing or exporting of assemblies or Palettes?
This was my first go-around attempting to create a custom tool palette for our office. Everything was fine, the palette worked well. All of the block libraries and associated files were initially saved on my local drive. I then moved the files and folders out on the network, repathed all the items on the palette to the new area but for whatever reason when I insert blocks that have attribute data attached It is not recognizing it anymore. I am just trying to get this piece straightened out before I export the palette itself out to the network to share.
I am trying to create a custom palette that will load whenever Autocad loads. The code below works with one exception.
<CommandMethod("gtPalette")> _ Public Sub DoIt() If m_ps = Nothing Then Dim MYGuid As Guid = New Guid("{4AECF36F-C7E9-4C59-B72B-36A98DDA1D24}") m_ps = New Autodesk.AutoCAD.Windows.PaletteSet("gtPalette", MYGuid) myCoordPalette = New UserControl1() m_ps.Add("Coordinate List", myCoordPalette) End If m_ps.Visible = True End Sub
The problem is that my Palette title is now "gtPalette" which I do not want. However if I change
PaletteSet("gtPalette", MYGuid) to PaletteSet("GunTech Cogo", MYGuid)
Then what occurs is that when Acad (actually I'm using Civil 3D 2012) start it trys to execute a command called 'GunTech' and then one called "cogo'. Cogo being a valid Civil 3d Command brings up the Cogo dialog. If I then type the command gtPalette it appears in the correct location.
Currently on my development PC the first code works perfect and brings up a palette that even has the correct title of "GunTech Cogo". this info has presumable been saved with the GUID in my previous attempts to get the code to work.