AutoCAD 2013 :: E4de0004h And E4f30004h Errors?

Aug 18, 2013

i installed autocad 2014 and when i can open autocad show this errors and close. erros are changing. but always first one shown.. i search the internet but i cant found solution. i deleted all autocad files and install again but not solved..

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Greek Symbol Errors

Apr 18, 2013

I have one work station when you insert the greek symbol mew it comes up as M. I tried a few other greek symbols they same to work correctly. I have tried running a repiar, no change. Opening a drawing which has mew in it already makes it display as M

I have tired to insereting it  in diffrent fonts same outcome. I can inseret it onther programs like word, thinking it might be some sort of windows or operating system setting.

copying and pasting mew from word to cad works on all other work stations but this one. We are using Civil3d 2013 on windows 7 machines.

What it might be or a work arounds short of making a block for the symbol from lines.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Errors While Working In Block Editor

May 7, 2012

I was trying to edit a dynamic block that made with an earlier version and that had multiple visibility layers and when I would make changes in one visibility layer the change would be in the another layer and poly lines did not have grip points, and insert block would simply disappear. I think there is a serious glitch there.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Errors 1324 / 1603 With 64 Bit Service Pack 2

Jul 23, 2013

My AutoCad 2013 is a bit unstable and crashes fairly often.  Autodesk is telling me to install the 64 bit service pack.  When I try to run it, I get an error code 1324 (illegal character in My Documents) and error code 1603. 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To View Recovery History With Info About Errors That Were Fixed

Jan 11, 2014

I ran RECOVER on a drawing and it told me that three errors were fixed. Is there any way for me to know what the three errors were?

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Revit :: Architecture 2013 Frequent Fatal Errors

Jul 5, 2012

I am having very frequent recoverable errors - havent seen any pattern but happens in veiws and mostly editing operations. I am filling in the error reports and there must be quite a collection now of mine.

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AutoCAD LT :: PC3 And PMP Errors

Apr 12, 2010

I've created system printers for our office using the "Add Plotter" application of AC. I've filtered paper sizes for the different printers. However, these filtered paper sizes are not the same for all workstations.

E.g. If I filter out all paper sizes and only check ISO A0 and ISO A1, on some of the workstations there are other paper sizes available. How do I avoid this from happening?

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AutoCAD LT :: Errors When Importing Blocks

Feb 1, 2013

I am running AutoCad lite 2002 on Windows 7 Pro Sp-1 64 Bit. When i try and import 'blocks' i get the error message: FATAL ERROR: Error code (0x63ca0005) C:program files (x86)common filesautodesk sharedacSIobj.dbx

I believe this could be due to compatibility issues with windows 7 64 bit (although not 100%) . I have tried running Autocad LT under XP mode service pack 1 and 2 but to no avail.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Linetype - How To Catch Errors

Feb 8, 2012

When I load the linetype file '' Load the Center Linetype acCurDb.LoadLineTypeFile(sLineTypeName, gstrc_SFR_LineType_FullFileName)

How do I detect if the linetype is in the Linetype file? How do I do my error checking here in the ACAD way? Currently I just search the acad.lin or sfr.lin Text File to see if the LineType Exists. This works.

But I was curious how would you check the linetype file via the Acad API,to see if the linetype definition name exists in the file? 

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AutoCad 2D :: Dimension Style Errors

Aug 14, 2013

I am trying to solve a problem which all 3 of us in the Drawing office are battling with. The standard dimstyle we use is called "MP2013" , we are finding that somehow ACAD is adding something resembling a "$" sign at the end of the dimstyle and the properties are out of whack. We cant work out what brings it on but its been happening for a week or 2 now.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Errors Occurred During Update?

Feb 14, 2013

Is there anyway to shut off the notification window for errors occured during update?  I am swapping parts in an assembly so I know constraints will have to be repaired, but it doesn't work that I have to click on the 'accept' button everytime I move an object

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Dim Errors In Model By VBA Code?

Dec 6, 2011

I am using below code to create a Rectangle 4 mm X 3 mm x 1 mm, I am using mm template but the model shows 40 mm X 30 mm x 10 mm.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim oProjectMgr As DesignProjectManager
Set oProjectMgr = ThisApplication.DesignProjectManager
Dim oTemplatesPath As String


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AutoCAD LT :: Batch Plotting Errors In 2010

Jun 22, 2012

I am having issues batch plotting in LT 2010.

I am using Windows Vista.

I go to the batch plot.  Load the drawings I want to plot.  I then load the page setup I want to use.  None of the files plot.  The error says that the device doesn't support the output size.  

The weird thing is that I can plot using those same page setups individual files, just not as a batch.  

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Tube And Pipe Errors

Sep 25, 2013

I inherited this assembly from another user.  In making some dimensional changes the pipe runs have now errored.Not having ever taken any training courses in T&P, my knowledge is just based on simple straight forward runs.

This on the other hand is bit more complicated.  As you can see from the image I have this one run that has errors.My question is with the violation, is there anyway to pinpoint exacty what the violating member is?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parametric Constraint Errors

Jul 24, 2012

I'm having a really difficult time maintaining my parameters when making changes to the part I've made in the attachment.  The control parameters for this part are:

-100 mm distance between 15mm circles
-1 of the 15 mm holes
-30 mm hole

I am new to inventor but I would also like to be able to set up my constraints correctly.  I'm also not sure if my sketches are ideal for this part either.  I usually get an error concerning my fillets from the base to the center support beam when I try to change the 100 to 75.

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AutoCAD LT :: Layer Properties Manager Errors

Feb 3, 2012

i have recently upgraded from 08' LT to 12'LT and i have an intermittent issue with the Layer properties box.sometimes when i open the layers list and want to change layer name, color, linetype etc it will discard all changes when i close the box and the command line will show something like this 

Command: _layer
Unknown command "-LAYER". Press F1 for help.

the Layer box opens and works as normal but makes no changes to the drawing.if i reopen the layer prop box it will then work, it seems to be completely at random whether it works or not.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Modeling Operation Errors

Jun 9, 2011

I have experienced this problem before, but have found no solution. Sometimes I am unable to move the faces of 3DSolids and get the error messages like "Modeling Operation Error: Gap cannot be filled" or "Modeling Operation Error: No solution for a vertex". Haven't found a pattern of error yet, but today I copy clipped some 3D solids from another drawing into my current drawing and found that the move face wouldn't work after that. If I draw a simple 3D solid within the current drawing, the move face won't work; but, if I copy clip that same object into a new, blank drawing, the move face works.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Better Workflow To Correct Mate Errors?

Jul 26, 2012

I can't understand why it takes so mant mouse clicks to correct/delete mate errors:

1) Select the Red Cross

2) Select the offending mate

3) Select Next

4) Select Next

5) Edit/Delete mate

6) Finish

7) Accept any other errors

8) Repeat above.

Is there a more simplified way of edditing/deleting mate errors?

Autodesk Inventor 2013-64Bit Edition
Intel Xeon W3520 @ 2.67GHz
Win 7 Pro
6.7 System Rating
NVIDIA Quadro FX 1800

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Constraint Errors From Suppressed Parts When Using LOD

Jun 28, 2013

I am trying to model a large Control panel assembly using Inventor Pro 2011. It comprises of a main assembly with several adaptive sub assemblies containing the various items. (Relays assy, label assy, fixing assy etc). All works ok until I start using Levels of Detail to enable me break the assembly into smaller workable parts. I.e. Left door, right door, main panel full, main panel no doors etc. These will be used to create view reps from for my drawing views at a later date.

The problem I am having is I keep getting constraints failing on parts which are suppressed in various levels of detail. An example of this Is when I go to right door LOD and do a rebuild all, I get constraint errors from item relating to the main panel which is suppressed. I can suppress the constraint causing the error but when I return to the full panel LOD the constraint is still suppressed and the parts appear In the wrong place.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Any Way To Open Drawings With Fatal Errors?

Jan 19, 2010

I can't open a drawing I saved yesterday afternoon. I always get a fatal error after reaching 98%. When i try doing recovery I get a message that is something like a program failure.Is there any way to open that drawing?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: XML Parcel Legal Description Errors

Oct 12, 2010

While generating a General Legal Description for Parcels xml report for a parcel with numerous tangent curves, reverse curves and compound curves, the report labels all of them as non-tangent.Also, I write my legal descriptions for curves by citing the bearing and distance OUT to the radius from the beginning of the curve, but the routine gives me the bearing and distance IN from the radius. It is using the code {curveStartDirection}.

Is there a different code I can use that would give me the opposite bearing? Is there some resource that lists all these codes for parcels?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Split Errors Within Frame Generator?

Apr 4, 2012

I'm using frame generator.

The design doctor indicates I have errors re splits have no effect.  When I check the part I find several end conditions.  Some times a red box and arrows shows up at one of the ends.  I can redo an end condition with delete existing end conditions checked and it eliminates the extra end conditions.  The red box and arrow stays behind.  This does ot always hapen.   Is there any way to delete the red box and arrow?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Survey Database Creation Errors

Oct 3, 2012

I have a 64-bit Windows 7 computer that we are running Civil 3D 2013.  We have attempted to create a survey database but get the attached .NET error. 

Repairing the .NET throught Control Panel as well as running the Microsoft .NET Repair Tool.  (After repairing the .NET we would get another error shown below)We have changed the UAC (User Account Control) for Windows 7We have also tried to find any .LDB for the database and did not find any Checked the folder settings which this user is an admin on his computerWe also created a survey database from other computers which are using WindowsXP 32bit and he was not able to access the database that way either Second error: 

'DbProviderFactories' section can only appear once per config file error

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Assembly Constraints Snowballing Errors

Nov 16, 2011

I have a bunch of assemblies that are acting this way and I am not sure why.

I have built the parts and built the sub-assemblies with-out errors, once everything looks good I place the subassemblies into my top level assembly.

Everything still looks good with no errors.

I do a rebuild of the top level assembly and find 20 or so errors.

Most of the errors are bogus and editing the constraint with-out changing anything removes the errors, typicaly.

On a bunch of the sub-assemblies the error showed up in the top level assembly, so I edit the part only to find the constraint is relevant but with errors so I suppress it to remove the error. Save and go back to the top level assembly only to find there is another constraint error in the same assembly that I suppressed the constraint to remove the error. This goes back and forth between top level and sub-assembly till all constraints are suppressed or deleted for the sub-assembly. Then the same thing happens to another sub-assembly.

The only solution that I have found is to delete all constraints and rebuild each sub-assembly with the same constraints that were initially used.

How do I stop this snowball effect?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Exception Errors When Opening And Closing Files

Feb 16, 2013

I am no expert in AutoCAD Map3D, but as a IT Technician, I am responsable for installing and configuring the application.

I just did an upgrade from AutoCADMap3D 2012 -->2013. For the two users that I did the installation, they have been getting this error "Exception in command ARX covsrvechelle19.arx" screenshot attached.

The dxf file they are trying to access is on the network drive. With Map3D2012 they have never experienced this problem. I installed AutoCAD SP1 but the problem still persisted.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Rules In IDW Result In Errors

Nov 29, 2012

I have 3 iLogic Rules that I use with my idw's,

1-SCALE -  is to update scale in the title block

2- WEIGHT - is to update weight of model in title block

3- PDF - is to create a pdf version of drawing in same location as idw

all are triggered by saving the drawing.

These work fine, but sometimes when I create specific types of drawings there is errors, which is no big deal, just a prompt appears and I press ok and everything is fine.

With very little to no iLogic programming knowledge, is there a way to edit to rules so that if there is an issue, the rule knows it is ok and saves without the little prompt appearing?

Example of when errors occur for:

SCALE - sometimes I create drawings on my template just using create sketch, I don't place a base view so therefore there is no model information. which makes it hard to produce a scale. (see image, error -1)

WEIGHT - occurs during the same instance as above, only a sketch is saved on the idw. (see image error -2)

but I also have an error occur when creating a drawing from a presentation file. I create a presentation file from a specific level of detail from an assembly. and I get an error when saving . (see image error-3)

I understand the first 2 errors because there is no physical data to get this information from, so I am hoping an edit to the rules can bypass this issue. But the 3rd error doesn't make sense. It is from an actual model, but I guess the physical properties get lost from an .iam to .ipn?? or is there a setting that can be toggled to carry over model properties?

Inventor Pro 2013

Rules are below:

Public Sub Main()
On Error Resume Next
'Get the drawing document


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AutoCAD LT :: 2012 - Open Drawings - Errors Found

May 24, 2012

Every drawing I created using LT 2009 opens now with "Open Drawings - Errors Found" window telling me the drawing has xxx numbe of errors and asking me whether to continue or close and recover. Why is it doing this?

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AutoCAD LT :: 2007 Fatal Exception Errors On Saving

Aug 17, 2012

I created two new projects yesterday and both of them had fatal exception errors on closing and they did generate a message that was sent to you.

I have not been able to open them or recover them. How can I recover these documents.  I've tried to open them in AutoCAD WS... but they fail on upload.  I've tried to attach the files, but it says they are too large.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Intersection Circular Dependency Errors

Dec 20, 2012

We have recently made the switch to Civil 3D for our firm and are running into some issues with intersections.  I am getting an error stating that "The primary road for this T-junction will result in a circular dependency with the existing intersections."  When trying to make an intersection at the middle intersecting road of the northern road going across the top of the screen in the attached image.  The norhtern road is defined as secondary at both endpoints and the intersecting road is defined as primary at the previous intersection.  At this intersection the northern road will need to be primary and the intersecting road secondary.   I would prefer not to break up my alignments as you lose some of the dynamic nature by doing that and vertical curves can become an issue. 

I am running Civil 3D 2013 64-bit. 

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AutoCad :: Shortcut Keys Errors - Commands Not Working Right

Nov 23, 2011

I am using short cut keys for commands and recently commands are not working right.

'Ctrl + 1' is copy so if i have something selected it will go directly in to the copy command and allow me to pick a point.

but now its doing this.

Command: _copy

witch makes me think its hitting enter twice that deselects what i had selected.

the macro in cui is as follows

$M=$(if,$(eq,$(substr,$(getvar,cmdnames),1,4),GRIP ),_copy,^C^C_copy)

is their some command set so it will stop doing that double enter? it just started doing it today. I have closed out autocad, restarted, made sure a key isn't stuck on my keyboard.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Task Scheduler - Errors In Log File

Dec 14, 2011

I just created and ran a migrate task using the Autodesk Task Scheduler.  I selected several folders and migrated the files from Vault.  When the task completed, there were several files that failed.  The majority of them had "---Failed at Child" in the log.

Just to see what the problem was, I did a get latest on several of these that failed and then opened them in Inventor.  They all opened just fine without any errors at all.

I am also seeing some entries like "xyz.ipt in 12345.iam -- File does not exist.  When I opened the iam after the task was complete, there was no errors and it found the xyz.ipt file.

Question is, why does the task scheduler report these in the log, when there is nothing wrong with the files?

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