AutoCAD Inventor :: Better Workflow To Correct Mate Errors?

Jul 26, 2012

I can't understand why it takes so mant mouse clicks to correct/delete mate errors:

1) Select the Red Cross

2) Select the offending mate

3) Select Next

4) Select Next

5) Edit/Delete mate

6) Finish

7) Accept any other errors

8) Repeat above.

Is there a more simplified way of edditing/deleting mate errors?

Autodesk Inventor 2013-64Bit Edition
Intel Xeon W3520 @ 2.67GHz
Win 7 Pro
6.7 System Rating
NVIDIA Quadro FX 1800

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AutoCAD Inventor :: VBA Code To Constrain Two Parts Using Mate Constraint?

Apr 27, 2013

Im looking for VBA codes to crate mate constraint between two parts?

I have crated two parts and called up those two parts in assembly document as occurances

but i'm unable to constrain it.

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Paint.NET :: Scanned TEXT In JPG Photo - How To Correct Spelling Errors

Jan 27, 2013

I've been using for a few years, but only with .jpg photos.  I recently scanned some text as a .jpg and cannot figure out how to correct some spelling errors.
Also, the paper I scanned was far removed from the original, so the white blank areas are full of black artifacts.  Is there some way to have recognize the actual test so I can have a clean text copy?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILOGIC Workflow / Way To Add Rules

Oct 1, 2012

I made a simple rule that triggers before save to ask user to make a selection, which then updates an iProperty.I created A multi value fxParameter and used the InputListbox function.

Ultimately I want to know the best way ok making this rule available to all parts, old and new.I am thinking, it will be easy enough to update my templates and embed this code into the part, as well as content center files by updating each file / template .

But for existing parts, is there a way to add these rules without the user having to do much steps.because there is an fxParameter I am thinking the user will have to know how add this to their part.I can change it to just an input box where they can type in the correct value, if that would be easier.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Frame Generator WorkFlow

Sep 8, 2011

Recently the company bought a single license of Inventor to test out and see if it meets our company goals and is efficient to use for what we do.  I've been working with the frame generator, which is fairly easy to use and make the initial assembly, but I am having trouble and breaking out individual sections to detail. 

I am stuck with using LOD for this platform, provide a general workflow procedure of the best way of creating assemblies and subassemblies. 

What I am currently using Inventor is to build a condenser platform. Generally we like to weld as much of it in the shop before it goes to the field for final assembly.  The platform consists of beam supports, grating, stairs, and handrail. In this case we would generally take sections of the handrail and weld in the shop, we would also have the stairs with the handrail welded on it as well. I would like to refrain from converting this to weldment.

I have tried promoting and demoting but this loses constraints and references. Also I cannot create a single skeleton of the whole frame at one time because a lot of the frame members depend on the other members structural sizes (flange width, height, etc.).

I've read of people creating multiple subassemblies and grounding them, but I would like to think that their has to be away that I could just build off of the base skeleton and not have to cycle through different assemblies.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Getting Error When Transfer Assembly By Workflow

Dec 27, 2013

When i tried to transfer assembly from inventor to showcase by the suite workflows this error displayed

"AdWorkflowHost is unknown.Please check your synhub config file"

I can easy open this assembly in showcase but workflow doesn't work.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Vault With IParts / IAssemblies Workflow

Sep 2, 2011

Is there any good documentation/workflows/suggestions,etc.. about using and implementing Vault with iparts/iassemblies?

We are finally going to move to using Vault (finally got a drafter to do the "dirty work") and I keep seeing/hearing horror stories/issues about using Vault with iparts/iassemblies.

Typically all of my top level products that we sell are iassemblies (we always each make products in 3 different flavors/3 different voltages). Each of those iassemblies includes at least 1 sub that is also an iassembly. Each of those sub-iassemblies contains at least 1 ipart.

I'm just can't find enough information about the proper way to handle/check in/migrate/manage,etc... this stuff when we move to Vault.  But I do find lots of posts about how Vault can't handle iparts/iassemblies correctly but I assume thats just improper setup/workflows.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Basic Workflow When Designing Products Around 3D Scan

Mar 21, 2013

I just downloaded my trial of inventor suite and before going through learning tutorials I want to find out the general work flow I need in order to see where to focus my attention during these 30 days.I need to be able to do mechanical part and assembly designs built around 3 scan files (mainly provided as .STL files).

1) take  the file and orient it to the project axis/plane

2) scale it if needed

3) design components around 3 scan characteristics

4) design modifications to 3D SCAN to accommodate designed components (such as bolean out pockets to house components within 3d scan features

5) modify surface of 3 scan to allow surfaces to flow into changes made in step 4


-take 3d STL scan of a solid  screwdriver handle
-orient it to the inventor work planes and axis
-design a metal screwdriver bit based on the shape of the handles 3d scan
-design and boolean out a cavity to accommodate the metal bit
-place bit design within cavity

modify screwdriver handle surfaces to seamlessly flow onto the metal bit... what software would do what part of the process and if there is specific terminology what that is so that I can better search the knowledge base and Autodesk University?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Workflow For Suppressing / Excluding Components

Oct 7, 2011

I am working on an iLogic assembly configurator that manipulates several skeletal parts, and suppresses both standard and skeletal parts depending on the configuration.

I've been using the Component.IsActive function to suppress all omitted parts, which has prompted me to create a custom Level of Detail. This hasn't caused me much grief until I had completed ~10months of work when it was time for me to make my final assembly drawing and a parts list.I am now running into several deal-breaking issues:

1) Suppressed parts insist on appearing on the Parts List.

2) Saving the assembly drawing reverts my assembly model to the "Master" LOD, which I never, ever, ever want to see again so long as I live.

Is there another workflow or technique that I should be using to turn off unwanted components in an assembly? I understand that LOD's are really intended to manage system resources, but Inventor users seem to be left with no other option to display a skeletal assembly in a certain configuration. What is the point of the Component.IsActive function if it doesn't update your assembly (at least so far as the Parts List is concerned)?

If I am left to deal with the nightmare that is the Inventor LOD, is there any way to set up the Parts List to reference the custom LOD?

Drawing View reps don't seem to be an option, as it looks like there is no way to automatically update the same custom view after the configuration has been made. The iAssembly Include/Exclude feature would handle part inclusion and BOM behavior nicely, but it won't fit into the rest of my iLogic and file management program.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Linked Spreadsheet And ILogic Workflow With Assemblies

Jun 19, 2013

My question is regarding the proper workflow within Inventor.  We are currently using 2013 Pro.

I am trying to develop an Assembly that will take linked excel values and have the assembly repond to the user's input.  This spreadsheet is to be general in form and is to be re-used for different projects.  Right now, the excel values are linked to a master assembly file.  This master file has a few iLogic rules to handle the user's input and to pass particular parameter values to the iAssemblies (read sub-assemblies).  The iAssemblies are not that complex, but they are taking parameter values from the master, and using iLogic within the isub-assembly to choose the iAssembly member based on the parameter value.

Problem one:

There seems to be a problem with changing the iAssembly member.  I have stabilized the iAssembly within the master Assembly.  The isub-assembly does not update unless I open the isub-assembly file.  In both the isub-assembly and the master assembly, I update at the end of each rule, and I trigger the rules after any parameter change.

The questions are:

Since there are 123 members (so far) in each of the 2 iAssemblies within the Master Assembly, do I really have to test the parameter 123 times to assign a particular iAssembly member?  Or is there a more concise way to do this?

We are not using Vault yet, but with described workflow, will we have problems when we do migrate to a vault environment?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Part In Assembly - Change To IPart Workflow

Oct 31, 2011

I have a part that occurs nine times in an assembly. These were all the same parts before but now I need to make them table driven iParts in order to add a custom iProperty that changes to make them all different. They are all the same except for this on iProperty field that changes.I can create the iPart no problem. My questions are:

1.) Should I just open the part file and make it an iPart?

2.) Do I need to replace the files in the assembly somehow?

3.) I would assume that I can just edit the file to make it an iPart and then use some kind of "change component" right click to select which one goes where right?

4.) Is there some other workflow I should be using?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Avoid Retooling Reused Parts (Workflow)?

Nov 27, 2012

I have recently created an iLogic driven kitchen door that can become any door, at any size in our range. (Which is too big) The descrption udates to identify the characteristics of the door in fine detail.

The problem we have: Is there a simple system that will let our CADCAM guy know he's already tooled a door of that descrption before?

Previously we were using iParts, which made it simple for him, but a bit of a nightmare for the guys in the drawing office as our range was huge and full of custom sizes, that in some cases only varied by 1mm.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Workflow To Emboss / Cut Repeating Decorative Pattern Into Revolved Solid?

Aug 2, 2013

I'm playing around with a part that I'd like to "decorate" with embossed features or perhaps even cut-outs.  The actual part, before adornments, looks like a funnel.  As sketched now, I'm revolving a spline and then creating a thickened solid feature.  I suppose that the variable diameter and varying cross sectional radius of my part increases the level of complexity of this task over a part that looks more like a regular cylinder.  I'm hoping to learn a tecnique that will work for revolved parts with highly irregular profiles - not just plain ole cylinders.

So, what I'd like to do is emboss (negative or positive) and/or thru-cut decorative geometric or vine/flower inspired patterns into the outside face of a funnel-like part. (Pic attached.)  I'm picturing some sort of pattern that might repeat around the part.  (The variable diameter probably really complicates matters here.)  I haven't put much effort/experimentation into this yet - pretty much because I'm a loss about where to even start.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Errors Occurred During Update?

Feb 14, 2013

Is there anyway to shut off the notification window for errors occured during update?  I am swapping parts in an assembly so I know constraints will have to be repaired, but it doesn't work that I have to click on the 'accept' button everytime I move an object

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Dim Errors In Model By VBA Code?

Dec 6, 2011

I am using below code to create a Rectangle 4 mm X 3 mm x 1 mm, I am using mm template but the model shows 40 mm X 30 mm x 10 mm.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim oProjectMgr As DesignProjectManager
Set oProjectMgr = ThisApplication.DesignProjectManager
Dim oTemplatesPath As String


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Tube And Pipe Errors

Sep 25, 2013

I inherited this assembly from another user.  In making some dimensional changes the pipe runs have now errored.Not having ever taken any training courses in T&P, my knowledge is just based on simple straight forward runs.

This on the other hand is bit more complicated.  As you can see from the image I have this one run that has errors.My question is with the violation, is there anyway to pinpoint exacty what the violating member is?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parametric Constraint Errors

Jul 24, 2012

I'm having a really difficult time maintaining my parameters when making changes to the part I've made in the attachment.  The control parameters for this part are:

-100 mm distance between 15mm circles
-1 of the 15 mm holes
-30 mm hole

I am new to inventor but I would also like to be able to set up my constraints correctly.  I'm also not sure if my sketches are ideal for this part either.  I usually get an error concerning my fillets from the base to the center support beam when I try to change the 100 to 75.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Constraint Errors From Suppressed Parts When Using LOD

Jun 28, 2013

I am trying to model a large Control panel assembly using Inventor Pro 2011. It comprises of a main assembly with several adaptive sub assemblies containing the various items. (Relays assy, label assy, fixing assy etc). All works ok until I start using Levels of Detail to enable me break the assembly into smaller workable parts. I.e. Left door, right door, main panel full, main panel no doors etc. These will be used to create view reps from for my drawing views at a later date.

The problem I am having is I keep getting constraints failing on parts which are suppressed in various levels of detail. An example of this Is when I go to right door LOD and do a rebuild all, I get constraint errors from item relating to the main panel which is suppressed. I can suppress the constraint causing the error but when I return to the full panel LOD the constraint is still suppressed and the parts appear In the wrong place.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Split Errors Within Frame Generator?

Apr 4, 2012

I'm using frame generator.

The design doctor indicates I have errors re splits have no effect.  When I check the part I find several end conditions.  Some times a red box and arrows shows up at one of the ends.  I can redo an end condition with delete existing end conditions checked and it eliminates the extra end conditions.  The red box and arrow stays behind.  This does ot always hapen.   Is there any way to delete the red box and arrow?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Assembly Constraints Snowballing Errors

Nov 16, 2011

I have a bunch of assemblies that are acting this way and I am not sure why.

I have built the parts and built the sub-assemblies with-out errors, once everything looks good I place the subassemblies into my top level assembly.

Everything still looks good with no errors.

I do a rebuild of the top level assembly and find 20 or so errors.

Most of the errors are bogus and editing the constraint with-out changing anything removes the errors, typicaly.

On a bunch of the sub-assemblies the error showed up in the top level assembly, so I edit the part only to find the constraint is relevant but with errors so I suppress it to remove the error. Save and go back to the top level assembly only to find there is another constraint error in the same assembly that I suppressed the constraint to remove the error. This goes back and forth between top level and sub-assembly till all constraints are suppressed or deleted for the sub-assembly. Then the same thing happens to another sub-assembly.

The only solution that I have found is to delete all constraints and rebuild each sub-assembly with the same constraints that were initially used.

How do I stop this snowball effect?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Rules In IDW Result In Errors

Nov 29, 2012

I have 3 iLogic Rules that I use with my idw's,

1-SCALE -  is to update scale in the title block

2- WEIGHT - is to update weight of model in title block

3- PDF - is to create a pdf version of drawing in same location as idw

all are triggered by saving the drawing.

These work fine, but sometimes when I create specific types of drawings there is errors, which is no big deal, just a prompt appears and I press ok and everything is fine.

With very little to no iLogic programming knowledge, is there a way to edit to rules so that if there is an issue, the rule knows it is ok and saves without the little prompt appearing?

Example of when errors occur for:

SCALE - sometimes I create drawings on my template just using create sketch, I don't place a base view so therefore there is no model information. which makes it hard to produce a scale. (see image, error -1)

WEIGHT - occurs during the same instance as above, only a sketch is saved on the idw. (see image error -2)

but I also have an error occur when creating a drawing from a presentation file. I create a presentation file from a specific level of detail from an assembly. and I get an error when saving . (see image error-3)

I understand the first 2 errors because there is no physical data to get this information from, so I am hoping an edit to the rules can bypass this issue. But the 3rd error doesn't make sense. It is from an actual model, but I guess the physical properties get lost from an .iam to .ipn?? or is there a setting that can be toggled to carry over model properties?

Inventor Pro 2013

Rules are below:

Public Sub Main()
On Error Resume Next
'Get the drawing document


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Task Scheduler - Errors In Log File

Dec 14, 2011

I just created and ran a migrate task using the Autodesk Task Scheduler.  I selected several folders and migrated the files from Vault.  When the task completed, there were several files that failed.  The majority of them had "---Failed at Child" in the log.

Just to see what the problem was, I did a get latest on several of these that failed and then opened them in Inventor.  They all opened just fine without any errors at all.

I am also seeing some entries like "xyz.ipt in 12345.iam -- File does not exist.  When I opened the iam after the task was complete, there was no errors and it found the xyz.ipt file.

Question is, why does the task scheduler report these in the log, when there is nothing wrong with the files?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Assembly Constraint Errors When Resizing Component

Mar 30, 2012

I have an assembly that is nearly completed.  I am trying to change the lengths of two side rails (arrow pointing to one of them).  On each end of these rails are several components that have been constrained to the rails. 

When I change the length of the rails, many of the constraints show errors.  I expected that all components would move with the ends of the rails as they are shortened since that is where they were constrained, but this has not happened.

The constraint recovery tool has not been useful to me. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Constraint Errors After Performing Replace Component?

Aug 27, 2012

We have just upgraded to inventor 2012 from 2009. I had a simple .ipt created from a 3/8" grade 50 sheetmetal template in an assembly, and decided that it could be 1/4" grade 50. I originally went into the original part and changed the sheet metal default to 1/4". After returning to my assemble and performing a refresh it blew away all my constraints I had on the .ipt after the thickness change. I also tried doing a save as on the ipt then changing the thickness as a new part number and performing a replace component with the same results to my constraints. I've also noticed issues losing constraints by performing simple replace component commands on similar sizes of TS but just changing length. Has something happened to our templates during the migration to the new version of inventor? I don't remember ever having this many issues in 2009 when replacing components of similar geometry with just a different length or thickness.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: VBA Check Design Doctor For Errors In Drawing

Mar 20, 2013

Is there a way to check in VBA if the design doctor has found errors in a drawing? I have a mass print script and it'd be handy to be able to skip printing any drawings that have errors like unatached dimensions and such.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Studio Errors - Constant Speed Option

Jul 11, 2013

why I might be seeing this error? I get this as soon as I select the "Constant Speed" option. I haven't input any other values yet. I've already set the "constant speed" option on the animation timeline menu. I also only get this error when this sub-assembly is inserted into a higher level assembly. If I animate the same components in the sub-assembly file, it works fine. What am I missing? There are no parameters holding these components in place in this upper assembly either, that was the first thing I checked.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sheet Metal Flat Pattern Errors

Jan 16, 2013

I have attached a small Sheetmetal I-Part that is fairly representative of a lot of the work we wish to accomplish using Inventor. Stepping through the table and activating each row therein changes the model smoothly and there are no errors. But as soon as I create a flat pattern for ANY of the rows, I get the error message shown in the first of the attached JPEG images. When I choose Accept, Inventor creates the Flat Pattern, but there are no errors that I can discover (see 2nd JPEG), not even when I expand all the children.

Now that a Flat Pattern exists, activating other rows of the Table result in the error message each time. Delete the Flat Pattern and stepping through the Table returns no errors at all. The folded part is robust and the flat patterns have no interferences or obvious errors.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Programmatically Suppress Dialogs Or Warnings And Errors When Open It?

Nov 18, 2011

Is it possible to programatically suppress dialogs or warnings and errors when I open Inventor?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can't Get Inventor 2013 Show A Custom Iproperty Correct

Jun 18, 2012

I can't get Inventor 2013 show a custom iproperty correct.My iLogic rule is this: 

iProperties.Value("Custom", "myvol")=volume = iProperties.Volume

But the custom iProperty is a Yes or No.Had no problem with this in Inventor 2011.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Moving Part Or Constrain In Assembly - Errors Occurred During Update

Oct 31, 2011

I went into an assembly to change some parts and sub-assemblies and now everytime I move a part or constrain something I get this message "Errors Occurred During Update".  Why is this happening?

Inventor 2013
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1
HP EliteBook 8470w
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz
Memory: 16 GB
AMD FirePro M2000
3D Connexion SpacePilot

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IPart Workflow And Vault - Generate All Or Generate Only New

Sep 4, 2012

We are using iPart - iAssembly workflow with Inv-2013 and  Vault Basic 2013

My question is related to released state of iparts. Currently we are generating/ releasing

all the iparts when new member is added in order to manintain the parent child version relationship

Example  : say i have a ipart 41020.ipt and i have members 41020- 001 ~ 008 . I check out the parent

from Vault and add 009 member to it.

Question :

Do I have to generate all and check those in to maintain the version relationship between the child and parent inside

Vault 2013 ?
Only generating 009 will maintain version relationship inside Vault 2013

Config :: Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU E31245 @ 3.30 GHz, 16.0 GB, 64bit win7
Inventor 2013 and Vault Basic 2013

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