I thought there was a setting for this? I want to adjust the Osnaps so they appear further away from the point. IE: As I want to pick the quadrant I have to get so close to the quadrant before the osnap shows. I can't remember the variable to adjust this distance.
I am trying to oTrack distance from the top circle edge of a cylinder to a certain distance ... whenever i try to do that ... it either track to x and y .. but not in z :/ ... the video i have on you tube he did it so simply and it seems to be easy .
I am not sure what is wrong .. but i heard parallel and perspective view could make a difference .. i actually try both :/ ...
I'm trying to draw a plan of my house in Autocad 2009 but I seem to be endlessly using trim and extend because I can't easily select the points that I want with osnap. Eg. imagine I have a box, and I want to start drawing another box inside it that has each side as 10 units smaller than the corresponding side on the outer box.
Step 1 - I draw a small line from the top left corner of the big box using the endpoint snap, typing in "5" for the length.
Step 2 - I then do the same at right angles to the first line to get me to the starting point of the inner box. This always leaves me with 2 small lines to remember to delete.
Step 3 - Then in order to draw the top line of the inner box I end up drawing to a random length because I can't say "draw until 5 units away from the right hand side of the big box", then I end up trimming it later once I've repeated steps 1,2 and 3 for the next side of the inner box.
I know in my example above I could have scaled the box down or something but that's not what I'm getting at. I really want a way of selecting line start and end points that are a known position away from an existing point.
When trying to draw or stretch a line or grip along an object in 2013 it does not follow the osnap like it does in 2012. For instance if I draw a line and then want to draw another line from the beginning of that line along that line using the nearest osnap and inputting a distance, the line follows the cursor rather than the snap.
Civil 3D 2013 SP1 Win 7 x64 SP1 Intel Core2 Duo 2.67 GHz 8 GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro FX 3500
I've noticed some issues with Osnap tracking not working consistently with a floating command line. It seems to happen especially when trying to track back along an object.
No problems whatsoever when command line is docked.
My company uses a menu system to organize standard symbols. The problem is that every time I insert one of these symbols I have to reset my Osnap settings because it clears all the check boxes.
A bit of difference is that the polylines do not have to be even closed. Any polyline gives me exactly the described behaviour, which is definitely not intended. Appears still not resolved.
I have an xml file with RAL colors I used befor the new appearance was added in Inventor. Now I want to use ral colors in Inventor 2013 but that I can not manage. how I can add ral colors and also properly be given in my parts.
In 2012 (and earlier) you rotated the texture in Style Editor. This was limited vs the new method.
I have parts with lots of faces and need to rotate all the faces at the same time, like 2012.
Also, I need the changes to be updated in all iparts, whereas at the moment the Adjust only seems to affect each one. Again, much less limited, but I need the option to update all at once too.
I have received a model in which the solids all appear "rendered" in model space. For example, if I extrude a circle or a rectangle, it immediately appears rendered. I am used to (and require) the solids as wire frames. Is there some setting that makes solids in this drawing appear rendered while mine (in a new drawing) appear as wire frames?
How to rectify my model space text issues for a set of drawings. There are approximately 12 drawings which all have the same problem. I have not seen this problem in other drawings.
The text in model space appears bold and rough. I have checked that all the text is set on the 0 Z plane. I have taken the following corrective actions and have not had success:
-Confirmed text is at Z=0 -Reset the UCS to world -Changed the Z coordinate to arbitrary number and set it back to 0 -Checked that drawing & viewports are 2-D Wireframe -Other Desperate Measures: Purged, Audited, Created in PS then move to MS
We had a CAD temp. that set up the drawings who is no longer with us, so I have clue what he did to the drawings when setting them up.
Sometime the ViewCube disappear from my screen, so it is not possible to rotate my drawing so see my objects in 3D.
The same ViewCube is in my Viewport and in this case I would like to make it disappear due the Viewport is locked and the commands do not operate normally here in this area.
Just in case you do not know what is the ViewCube please check the images attached.
I have created Customized Materials in Inventor 2013.When I try to apply customized material to part it is showing different result for Drop Down list and for Material Browser.
1. Picture showing appearance of part for Wood Pine from Material Browser.
2. Same Material I tried from drop down list showing following result (Customized library has checked it is in active form)
I am trying to find a routine that will allow me to offset an arc by a distance and to a scale.
The offest command is very limited as to how far I am able to offset without the boject completely vanishing.
I am trying to make a flat pattern from a cone or something close to it. The routines and programs that I have found do not quite accomplish this very accuratll. They are always off on the upper and lower arcs and on the distance between the arcs. Tho this would not completely sovle my problem, it would allow me to get the distance between the top and bottom correct.
I have located steel beams of an existing building roof frame. I am being asked to provide a distance from the theoretical roof to these points. The roof is sloped and I can create the sloped roof plane but I am unsure how to get the distance from the point to perpendicular to the theoretical roof slope, not the difference in elevation. Also would it be possible to label or make a table?
I used direct-distance entry to place the dimensions 3/8 away from the object lines... needless to say, while most horizontal dimensions are 3/8 away, the vertical and inclined dimensions are not. see attached. other than creating construction geometry and physically moving the endpoints of the arrows to the correct location, is there any way of getting this precise and correct the first time i do it?
How do I control the 'auto' option under DIMSPACE?
I have found that the entry listed as 'Jog Height Factor' under the 'Linear Jog Dimension' are of the 'Symbols and Arrows' tab of dimension style does the trick. However, does that control a variable?
I am trying to set up a scale of a known distance on a photgraph that I have put in autocad. I know that this distance is 100mm, and have tried to work out how to mark this known distance, and then be able to work out the measurements of other dimensions in the photograph, including non-linear measurements. Is this possible?
I keep trying to draw a line by bearing and distance using the format @50.00'<N80d04'30''E. Everything enters but when I enter the last command of the bearing and hit enter it stays in the red boxed outline and does nothing. Upgraded to 2014 and trying to get things set for drawing property boundaries. Tried setting the units to surveyors mode and such but nothing works.
I was wondering if there is a way for me to setup Autocad so that instead of putting in S 88d20'12" W I could put in something like S88.20.12W so that I don't have to mess with apostrophes or "d." Also, can i do something similar with distance settings? Where instead of saying 5'-6 1/2" I can say 5.6.1/2. I know I could convert the measurements into decimals, but that would waste the time I would be saving with a faster input method.
this Nudge command. Seems like it could be very useful, and I must say i like the IDEA of it (to those not familiar, you hold CTRL and hit arrow keys to slightly shift an object) but how to set the distance default on it. It seems to me to just move things by whatever distance it feels like.For my job specifically, I need 1/2" increments. how to set that variable?
how to edit the line space distance for the dimension text. I can change the style, size and several other features. But the line space distance is the one thing I can't seem to edit. The only solution I know of and use is exploding the dimension and then the text turns to mtext and the option becomes available. But then if the section changes to a shorter/longer area, i have to go through several steps with the exploded lines. how to edit the line space distance for the annotation in the dimensions. i have also attached a pic of my issue as well.
Did 2013 change the way Direct Distance Entry is handled?
Say I want to start a line a distance of 3 from another line using Otrack and a running endpoint snap. Before, I could just hover over the existing line's endpoint, move the cursor in the right direction, and enter 3 on the keyboard. Now in 2013, I need to have Dynamic Input (F12) turned on to get this behavior. 2012 was not this way.
A co-worker has been having issues with the ucs icon location. In a front view of his model the UCS icon appears where expected. when shifted to a top view the icon shifts over to the right from the location it was at in the front view? What is causing it?
I am running AutoCAD 2013. My issue is that the top row of icons (New, Open, Save, etc. and all of the Autodesk 360 info) have become nearly invisible. If I hover the cursor over the icon it tells me what it is and I know I am clicking in the correct area. I think it was some sort of background transparency issue, but can't remember where to reset that to opaque.