I am inserting some mechanical changes into my master drawing (updating my as built drawing). I copy with base point the hvac changes, I paste into the master drawing and all is cool; the block looks fine. When I explode the block, the text and some hvac blocks (like elbows with attribute) are way out off scale, like way bigger than they should be.I don't get it.
We received a drawing in which every single block has been exploded, they are just a bunch of polylines now. The company we received it from says they don't have a drawing with the original blocks...sure... The long and the short of it is that we need to replace every exploded block with our standard blocks. Is there some crazy way to search and replace a pattern of lines or basically, search and replace the exploded blocks. A lisp routine, anything. There are thousands of exploded blocks by the way, thousands.
I need to send a dwg file to someone by e-mail but need to keep them from editting/exploding/etc it. I have tried a test on the method described below and it does not work:
Set XEDIT = 0 in the child drawing(s) and create blocks in the child with "Allow Exploding" unchecked.
Start a new drawing and Attach the child into this new parent drawing as an XREF.
This is all fine and does not allow editting/exploding. However, when I XBind or eTransmit, it undoes all this fancy prevention. Even with XEDIT = 0 in the parent.
I know at one time in like ACAD 2000, it was possible to prevent someone from editting/exploding a drawing e-mailed to them. It's been a while. Maybe we used a LISP routine or some features native to ACAD. I just don't remember.
I'm using AutoCAD 2013. I need to explode text so that it will appear as line work, otherwise my surveying instrument won't display it.
When i use the express tools explode text command, the text disappears, this message is shown in the command bar
"The line objects have been placed on layer 0."
However, there is nothing on layer zero. Might this have something to do with missing shape files, or can AutoCAD only explode certain simple forms of text?
We recently updated all of our software at my company from 2010 architectural desktop to 2013 autocad. We do a lot of architectural work where we use the "wall" functions to draw our floorplans. I have noticed that the walls are disappearing on some files and not on others. Or we will only be able to see the outside line of the wall, but not the interior, which results in an undesirable appearance to the floorplans.
I have also run across these error messages when opening the files, I dont know if they are related or not:
"Unhandled exception C0000005 (access violation reading 0xffffffff) at address E43AA180h"
"Unhandled exception C0000005 (access violation reading 0xffffffff) at address D41218AEh"
i'm working with this dwg that has a block in it that says "cannot be exploded" every time i try to explode it. is there anyway i can still get this thing exploded?
I got this big file of a map, and, when I paste the different pieces of the map, some of them are invisible. I already erased all the scale stil but it doesn't work. The files are there but i can't see them, i think there's something wrong with the blocks.
some attributes you can double click and edit within the dialogue box, others you have to double click and they are greyed out in the box, you have to click the little button with ... on and edit in place on screen... why?
whats the difference between the block atributes? attached is an example...
We are currently moving from 2009 to 2013 and have a variety of drop down menus and palettes. I want to promote the use of the ribbon menus and new set up.
What is the best way to set up the block libraries? Could I just use the Design Center references block drawings?
Is it easy to convert existing palettes / menus to the new format?
I am confused how the blocks work in AutoCAD 2013. I previously had 2004 and had an add on called ARCH T. This add on had an entire library of blocks. Although, the new version of Arch T that I would need to buy is $1000... so I'm trying to avoid that. I know you can insert blocks from within AutoCAD. But the process confuses me. In the design center, it seems like I just need to go to a drawing file and it pulls up blocks that are already within that file. But its not necessarily all of them. Is there a way to get all the blocks in one file to pull from? How does this work??
How to create a Exploded view animation showing the assembly exploding and collapsing? I only can show the collapsing. Do not know how to show exploding first and then collapsing.
How to edit the explode steps in an explode file? I have created an exploded view of an assembly, only I have edited the assembly by adding a whole bunch of fasteners etc. Now I want to go into the explode file and add the extra components to the related exploded steps - only there is no steps to add the new components too, each component is on its own. The functionality I am talking about is a sw thing and there is probably another process to do this, or a work around.
I am trying to create an exploded view for the first time in Inventor. In trying to follow these directions from the help file.
First I had to customize my ribbon to add these commands because I cannot find the "Presentations" tab.
Next when I inserted these commands into a user commands portion, they were greyed out. I am trying to do this in assembly mode. I assume that is where it should be done.
Any export issue with Revit, where the leaders in the Revit model are exploded when the model is exported to AutoCAD. If so is there a setting or a procedure in Revit that fixes this other then redrawing the leaders in AutoCAD?
I have made a 3d model of my balcony by simply extruding the steel profiles I used in my sections. I then used the union command to join them all together.
I now think and exploded isometric may be the better way to present the drawing but as I have now made the frame all one element what is the best way to seperate it?
the corners I think will be easy I just create a planar at 45 degrees and use that to split the corners but is there an easy way to seperate the mid PFC and angle?
For some reason my dimensions are exploded automatically in some of my drawings. (The arrows and lines are not connected) Only certain drawings though-other drawings are perfectly fine. I've tried pasting dimensions into the drawings and that doesn't work!!
When I try the "Exportlayout" command with Autocad, some of my dimension are exploded and scaled, scaled much larger then is needed. Autodesk help says the following: "Dimensions that exceed the boundaries of the layout viewport are exploded." So I've been looking at this, but it is not the solution. At least thats how I see it. The dimensions are clearly not exceeding the boundarie of the layout viewport and therefore should act normal.
When I type in the command "SC" for scaling the object, it'll asks me to specify base point then I can enter what scale I want it to be, such as 2 times or 0.5 for half sacle.
with the new 2013 version, sometimes it'll exit the command if I select the insertion point of the block or if the object is at the 0,0,0 location of the drawing. it'll also give a message of "the scaling factor is too small". But I haven't enter what scale I want to scale the object yet.
When exporting from AutoCad to pdf, from paper space, my blocks come out looking strange. I was having the same problem with text but fixed that by converting to Arial. I am exporting to an Arch E size. I have found that when I am zoomed out to show my entire campus, this is when I my problem occurs. When I am zoomed in to show a specific area, export is fine.
Using AutoCad 2014. Files saved back to version 2010.
I have opened an exported .dwg file from Vectorworks. I have been able to hide most items I wish to. My difficulty is that I have (what I think from reading and Youtube) is dynamic blocks (light instruments). They are on a layer that is turned off, yet they are still visible. I've played around in the block editor, but I really don't know what I'm doing. If need be I can delete the light instruments, but I'd rather not. If there is a command to hide all blocks? I tried to use the properties editor to change the color to white so they would disappear. That didn't work.
I am trying to copy and paste a bar scale from one drawing into another at 0,0…. But it won’t show-up, as you can see from the attached there are 17 blocks in this drawing but none of them will show-up, I have even tried to re-insert the block but still no joy….. I have re-started AutoCAD, even the computer but still nothing…….
I have created a drawing border block for my users to insert into their drawings. Within the block there are dynamic blocks which have visibilty states. However when you insert the border block with the dynamic ones you can't do anything with them? Is there anyway of making the border 'flexible' or something so that it maintains the fact that it is a block with all the attributes but you can use the embedded dynamic ones. Other than the obvious edit block in place or block editor?
Is there a way that i can put a Field in a block that does not have a locked down specific item to look for? What i'm trying to do is have a block that contains a field linked to an object (Polyline) and read its length. My problem is that when you put a field in a block you have to define what it is looking for so if i select "Object" in the field its asking for that object while i'm in the block editor, is there any way to have it pause for user input so that i can select the object after the block has been inserted?
Is there a way I can create dynamic blocks that taper to a square point? I work with different styles of lattice towers and monopoles and I would like to create a dynamic block of a couple styles and have them taper with the correct scale.
I have decided I don't want to have callout blocks in the sheet set. How do I remove this option from my sheet set template? I am hoping I will not need to re-enter all my custom properties in a new template just to not have the callout block.
I'm currently trying to make an MV block which is a combination of a 2D symbol and its 3D representation. I want the 2D symbol to scale in line with the annotation scale so have set the annotative flag on my symbol block but I do not want the 3D representation to scale so this does not have the flag set. However, when I put the two blocks into my MV block and then alter the annotation scale, both the 2D and 3D blocks both scale.
Is there something more that I need to be doing to to make the two blocks act independently and comply with the annotative flag set on them? I have seen this behaviour work on MEP2013 but can't see anything different on its 'devices' and my simple blocks.