AutoCAD 2010 :: Array Block Using Polygon As Path?
Mar 16, 2012How to array an object with the ARRAYPATH using a polygon as path? I am getting bizarre results.
I am trying to array a block using a polygon as path.
How to array an object with the ARRAYPATH using a polygon as path? I am getting bizarre results.
I am trying to array a block using a polygon as path.
Is there any way to fill inn attributes on individual blocks belonging to an associative path array?
View 7 Replies View RelatedPath array of a point on spline, I’m wondering why the path array of a particular point on the spline doesn’t force the points to lie on the spline itself!
Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.
I would like to explode a polygone I've created within a block.
But I get the "_amexplode This command is not allowed while the REFEDIT command is active."
Um so, I have to explode the block, explode the ployline/polygone and recreate the block.
Or, I could minus the polygone from the block set, save the block, explode the polygone, reopen the block and add the lines back in.
I don't see an explode option in the "pedit" options.
Am I missing something here, is there more than one explode command now? It worked in a previous version.
I'm trying to use the PATH array feature on 2013 to array stairs, and I can't get the array to be 100% accurate. It seems like CAD rounds the decimal to the nearest 3/4" which could be causing the problem.
I set my run to 10.5" and rise to 7.25", array along the angle of the stringer, and there's always a small overlap on the stairs. The "distance between" should be 1'-209/256" and CAD rounds it to 1'-3/4" which is where I believe the error is. Is there any way to fix this or array this correctly? Otherwise...back to the COPY method I suppose.
I would like to arrange equally spaced circles around an ellipse. I understand I can do this with the Divide command, as referenced in a previous thread on a similar subject
But I thought I could also use the Path Array command using an ellipse as the path.
What I get is the replicated objects (small circles) following some totally random path. Strange that this happens only with an ellipse - seems to work OK if the path is a circle or spline.
I have a polyline defining a proposd wind farm access track and I have offset it 10m each side. I have then dreated a slope label between the southernmost end points which gives the existing ground slope at right angles to the centreline. I created the Array (as shown in arrayed.jpg) and it looked good but after hitting enter there were only three labels (after enter.jpg)
I did a rectangular array of slope labels with no problem at all so what's wrong with the way I'm doing the path??
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design)
Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD
16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
I have a polyline path and a rhombus. I will like to array the rhombus along the polyline path. As you can see from the attached file, as the object rotates along the path, it shift off the path such that the distance between the rhombus and the path changes esp at the turn. How can I keep this distance between the rhombus object and the path constant?
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to change the default setting for the Array path command?
When I use the arraypath command I:
1st - Select Object
2nd - Select path curve
3rd - Type in "I" for Item to change to my desire spacing.
I am creating a set of parametric stairs. All of my constraints are in place for my 2 main work points. I am now trying to make an associative path array to depict the stair treads. Path array works great initially, however when I change my variables for stair height, my stair treads tilt with my work line in such a way that they're no longer parallel to the floor.
The angle of the stairs must be variable as it will change from one set of stairs to another. All that said, I am wondering if there is some variable or command that will make the treads retain their ucs orientation regardless of the angle of my path line. I've tried every option while creating the array with no luck.
Trick to keeping objects aligned with a helix when using an associative path array? The animation below demonstrates the problem where I can't seem to keep the "treads" on a spiral stairs aligned with the center of the helix. (fewer objects accentuate the problem)
View 3 Replies View RelatedI wish to control an array within a block (see jpg). Basically, I have a series of circles which I want to fix to Distance1. I want to control the distance between the circles with an expression called 'centers' (say 80mm). When I change the length of Distance1 in the Properties-tablet to say 600-mm, I want the array to follow the dimension.
When I select the array, the fx button next to the column distance on the array-tablet is greyed out. If I were using Revit, I would apply a dimension and give it a label which I would manipulate in the identity-table. What should I do in AutoCAD to achieve the same result?
I have a dynamic block (attached) for our single line schematics. It works great, but there's a piece missing. The text in the file (In / Out) I would like to have insert with the block, but it needs to be editable, so it can't really be PART of the block... if that makes sense.
If at all possible, I'd like to have the text array down when you stretch the block...
In the attached dwg, I have a dynamic block "Platform" which is used several times. I have an adjustable length, with the array set to repeat the toggles (end view of 2x4) every 2', not including the last 6". That works perfectly, except one thing. "Distance1" is the distance of the parameter, because this was the only way that I found to stop the array from showing up within 6" of the last toggle. When I insert "Platform," and click the arrow to stretch it, I can type in the distance desired minus 6", and I'll get the correct length of platform. However, I'd like to be able to type in the actual length, and have the array work appropriately (the same way it does now).
Then, I'd like to create a custom toolbar that has a button to click which will insert this platform and ask me what the length of the platform should be (the entire distance). After specifying an insertion point, the block will insert at the correct length, with the appropriate toggles.
Here's what I'd like to do with it: using datalink, I'd like to count the following: how many copies of each length of platform is in the drawing, with toggle count and length of platform specified. I have already figured out the datalink to get the value of "Distance1", it's only the issue with the toggle count that I'm trying to figure out.
I usually distort my image with the classic skew, rotate, scale... tools but
that time I really need to deform the image along a path.
So I want to draw a path (selection) and distort the image along it.
So I just recently upgraded from LT2005 to LT2009 and am having trouble creating a Dynamic Block.
I am trying to create a 6-sided polygon with a text attribute of either 1 or 2 digit numbers to be used as a hex note. The problem I am having is getting the text to be centered within the polygon and the correct text height.
I'm attempting to use Excel to take data from a drawing and give me purchase and cut lists.
I have successfully pulled the overall measurement from my dwg, and inserted it into a workbook. What I'd like to do now is to have a count of how many times the array function went into effect. For example, attached is a file containing a block called platform. When stretched, it inserts toggles every 2'. When I export the information from my dwg, I'd like for the program to not only extract the length, but how many toggles were inserted for each platform.
My vision is when someone inserts "block A", a promt will come up and ask "how many of "block A" do you need?" Based on how many you need, it will insert the block along with the arrayed amount the user has typed in.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIm a user of Autocad 2012 but in the new array command of autocad 2012 , when a block is arrayed the entire array acts as one unit and all the objects in it move together . This can be changed by exploding the arrayed objects and i can move the objects individually but when this is done my block properties are lost...Auto cad renames this block and no longer identifies as my old block.
How can i retain my block properties whilst using the array command in autocad 2012!
i'm trying to do a polar stretch and array for rigid insulation. RIGID2.dwg is my best option. but as you can see in the jpg, the first line should have arrayed already, because the gap is over 2". i tried to follow the instruction someone used for the clothes hangers URL.... and it resulted in RIGID.dwg, with the lines rotating off the main line.
View 9 Replies View RelatedAm I missing something or is there no way to control array action spacing with formulas or user parameters?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to create a dynamic block for a schedule to satisfy an engineer's request. The intent is to insert this block with the text for the schedule, then array the rows for as many fixture type as we may need. Then copy the text down and edit as needed.
I've got the array set up, but when I drag the array, the first array increment shows up, but the row of the schedule does not. It is not until partway through the second increment that the row shows up, but it appears with a gap between the first and second row, so something is wrong with the offset or origin... I'm not sure.
On another post, distance needing to be set in the Array Action Properties and not just under the parameter. I don't understand where this is.
I'm trying to create a Dynamic Block of an 3/4" x 3/4" aluminium angle with holes:
Depending on the length the number of holes will vary.
The distance between each holes need to be somewhere between 8" and a maximum of 12".
The holes must be centered and start from 1 1/2" up to 2" from each ends.
Each distance must be not more precise then 1/16" (no rounded off dimensions)
I'd like to simply drag the handle of the linear parameters (No lookup or visibility for 2 hole, 3 holes, 4 holes etc.)
I need this block to do the following:
1. Move the right piece so it ends at 3', 4', & 5'.
2. the move right hook and 'backing' to stretch/copy (or array) so it adds a hook to the right and fills in the backing.
so this means that a 3' gets 4 hooks, 4' gets 5 hooks and 5' gets 6 hooks.
3. the block as shown is the smallest configuration with 3 hooks.
I could just set up a visibility and draw each one at it's appropriate length but I'm trying to keep this simple block to a min size. If all else fails, that's the route I'll take.
I've tried a couple different configurations and I keep getting duplicates or the end piece doesn't move the correct distance.
I have a block that when I extend it, a new 10' section is added. It will only add the 10' piece (array). What I am looking to do is find a way so that once I hit a total distance have it switch the part that it adds. So I have like a rail, I keep adding these 10' pieces and then once it hits 40' I want it to add the end piece which is different.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've made this block . when i rotate the vertical line I need to add lines every 15° as you see in the image, i've seen that polar array is not possible in the dynamic blocks.
View 8 Replies View RelatedHow to create dynamic block with array action in both X and Y direction? And I have some conditions there like number in horizontal and number in vertical directions, but on exact distance (like 5 elements on 20 cm).
View 1 Replies View RelatedI do not understand why whenever I go to select the rectangle/polygon(or other similar tools) sometimes-in the options bar-the path functions(subtract from area, add to shape area etc) are NOT available.
The one who is always available is the "create new shape layer".
How would I go about this. if a two blocks or polygons are overlapping area?
A good method or the algebraic formula for a function to tell me if a point is inside a polygon or block's area?
I'm trying to create a window block with a grille. I've created the block and the horizontal grilles. What I'm having a hard time with is creating the vertical grilles. I would like to set up an array that would take the glass width, divide by 12, round up the value to get the number of vertical sections. Here's the code that I've figured out:
GW=Glass width
How do I set up an array with this formula?
how to control the draw order of objects created within an array in a dynamic block?
I have a wipeout, which works fine on the array source, but when the array produces babies, it places them infront of everything (which is only logical), making the wipeout useless.
Can I set array babies to have the same draw order as their parent?
(AutoCADLT 2013)