AutoCad :: Dynamic Block Stretch And Array?
Feb 3, 2012
In the attached dwg, I have a dynamic block "Platform" which is used several times. I have an adjustable length, with the array set to repeat the toggles (end view of 2x4) every 2', not including the last 6". That works perfectly, except one thing. "Distance1" is the distance of the parameter, because this was the only way that I found to stop the array from showing up within 6" of the last toggle. When I insert "Platform," and click the arrow to stretch it, I can type in the distance desired minus 6", and I'll get the correct length of platform. However, I'd like to be able to type in the actual length, and have the array work appropriately (the same way it does now).
Then, I'd like to create a custom toolbar that has a button to click which will insert this platform and ask me what the length of the platform should be (the entire distance). After specifying an insertion point, the block will insert at the correct length, with the appropriate toggles.
Here's what I'd like to do with it: using datalink, I'd like to count the following: how many copies of each length of platform is in the drawing, with toggle count and length of platform specified. I have already figured out the datalink to get the value of "Distance1", it's only the issue with the toggle count that I'm trying to figure out.
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Dec 6, 2007
i'm trying to do a polar stretch and array for rigid insulation. RIGID2.dwg is my best option. but as you can see in the jpg, the first line should have arrayed already, because the gap is over 2". i tried to follow the instruction someone used for the clothes hangers URL.... and it resulted in RIGID.dwg, with the lines rotating off the main line.
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Jul 31, 2012
I need this block to do the following:
1. Move the right piece so it ends at 3', 4', & 5'.
2. the move right hook and 'backing' to stretch/copy (or array) so it adds a hook to the right and fills in the backing.
so this means that a 3' gets 4 hooks, 4' gets 5 hooks and 5' gets 6 hooks.
3. the block as shown is the smallest configuration with 3 hooks.
I could just set up a visibility and draw each one at it's appropriate length but I'm trying to keep this simple block to a min size. If all else fails, that's the route I'll take.
I've tried a couple different configurations and I keep getting duplicates or the end piece doesn't move the correct distance.
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Oct 30, 2013
I have been working on a dynamic block that need to look like the attached jpg. Basically it needs to be able to stretch up to 50'-0" but in ten foot segments (part size limits) +/- an additional but in 1 foot increments.
I've got two blocks that will either array or stretch. But have not been able to get it to match the actual requirements. I have attached my current block attempt. Also as you can see from the jpg, the support posts usually alternate as well and I haven't figured that out yet either .
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Aug 12, 2013
I'm trying to create a block for angled handicapped parking stalls.
I used an array chained to a stretch in order to increase the number of stalls. It worked but for some reason it does not work in all of my visibility states. In some visibility states the array and stretch do not stretch together. The block should end with a stall but some end with a line and no stalls above it.
I attached a drawing with the blocks. The block named "STALLS-60-HANDI" it works correctly except in visibility state 9' and in "STALLS-60-4space Handi" it only works in visibility state 10'.
rename to dwg . fire wall would let dwg posting
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Feb 4, 2011
I have successfully created a dynamic block. I can insert it into AutoCAD, and it behaves like I want, except for one thing.
I can select the block and change it by taking a grippoint and place it at another position. So my block is e.q. stretched, just like I wanted.
But then. When I want to use the ordinary STRETCH command of AutoCAD, I can only stretch the insertion point of the block, but not the grippoints. Is there a way to set a grippoint to be select edable by commands like STRETCH.
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May 5, 2012
I have a block of a roof screen. What i want to do is to stretch it & have the slats on the front & also the supports on the rear array @ different intervals. The slats on the front would array every 6-1/2" (The slats are 5-1/2" wide with a 1" gap). The supports array every 4'-0". I have tried to do this multiple ways with mixed results. How to get my desired outcome. I am enclosing my block.
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Jul 4, 2013
How do I stretch a hatch in dynamic block? It does not seem to work if I select the hatch along with other lines of a counter block.
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Dec 3, 2012
my problem is whenever i make a new block a stretch point appears even if its not a dynamic block . also its not a stretch point, because when i click on it, it just move the block , and it always appear on the coordinates 0,0 it cause me a problem when I insert the block , autocad use this point as a base point , and its very far from the real block .
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Apr 6, 2013
I am trying to insert a dynamic block and position and stretch the block, using the linear parameters, depending on values entered into a form.
I managed to create a form that would draw a series of boxes. And i managed to create a routine that would insert a block and size it depending on fixed values but i can't link the 2 together.
Win 7 Pro 64bit, Dell Precision M6500
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Jan 28, 2011
Sure wish you could manipulate the Column Offset of an Array Action with a Stretch Action.
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Jul 26, 2011
I'm looking to make a dynamic block that will either strech up or down but some of the element stay the same in the other visivility
Here is a block i am talking about!
dynamic block.dwg
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Apr 21, 2011
I have a dynamic block (attached) for our single line schematics. It works great, but there's a piece missing. The text in the file (In / Out) I would like to have insert with the block, but it needs to be editable, so it can't really be PART of the block... if that makes sense.
If at all possible, I'd like to have the text array down when you stretch the block...
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May 24, 2013
I have a problem with dynamic blocks.
I have inserted a dynamic block (with .NET) and changed the value of a dynamic parameter (Linear). The block is stretched as it should be. (no problems here).
After a fiew other routines, I select the block again (by using its objectID) and a want to get the coördinates of the grip of the linear dynamic paramter. Is there a way to get the coördinates based on the linear dynamic parameter and its grip points? code in vb.Net?
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Nov 29, 2013
I know that stretch will not affect major or minor radius of an ellipse in dynamic block.
What I would like to be able to do is use properties of an ellipse and some kind of parameter to be able to affect values in properties.
I know how to get ellipse radii data out of a block, but I simply cannot find a way to get them back in...
Is there a way to link field data back to block...?
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Feb 28, 2012
I'm attempting to use Excel to take data from a drawing and give me purchase and cut lists.
I have successfully pulled the overall measurement from my dwg, and inserted it into a workbook. What I'd like to do now is to have a count of how many times the array function went into effect. For example, attached is a file containing a block called platform. When stretched, it inserts toggles every 2'. When I export the information from my dwg, I'd like for the program to not only extract the length, but how many toggles were inserted for each platform.
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Oct 16, 2011
Am I missing something or is there no way to control array action spacing with formulas or user parameters?
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Jan 23, 2014
I'm trying to create a dynamic block for a schedule to satisfy an engineer's request. The intent is to insert this block with the text for the schedule, then array the rows for as many fixture type as we may need. Then copy the text down and edit as needed.
I've got the array set up, but when I drag the array, the first array increment shows up, but the row of the schedule does not. It is not until partway through the second increment that the row shows up, but it appears with a gap between the first and second row, so something is wrong with the offset or origin... I'm not sure.
On another post, distance needing to be set in the Array Action Properties and not just under the parameter. I don't understand where this is.
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Dec 4, 2013
In my Project I build a static Block by inserting dynamic blocks from a template dwg and then explode them.
Actually I create a new Data Base, insert the blocks from my template, set the according Dynamic Properties, Explode the Block in the temp DB and then wblockclone the resulting Objects in my destination BlockTableRecord.
This works fine, but:
in my source dyn. block there is an associative surface defined by a Polyline(Rectangle) , attached a stretch action to change the size. I can set the Width parameter, after the Explode the polyline itself is updated, but the planar surface is not... so if I explode this block I get a well stretched Polyline and the "base" surface.
Manipulating the dynamic Block works fine... If I have stretched 3D-Meshes, they are ok as well. It seems to be something with the planar surface object.
Dim objs As New DBObjectCollection idsToImport.Clear() If Helpers.Registry.GetValueFromRegistry("ExplodeSubs").ToString = "1" Then ' debug switch bref.Explode(objs) 'the dyn BlockRef in the external (temp) Database bref.Erase(True) For Each [code].......
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Dec 12, 2013
I have drawn a simple block that I want to stretch in two directions manually or from the properties palatte.
My block works fine once and then breaks down. Stretch the block in the 'Y' direction. Deselect the block. Stretch the block again and only the grip moves. Edit the block and close the block, the block resets.
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May 27, 2011
I have a dynamic block for HSS column. Previously it was always 1"x1" and I would just scale it to the proper column size I needed. Ignoring the wall thickness.
But if there was an asymmetrical HSS (i.e. 4x6) the wall thicknesses and radii of corners would look funny.
So now I want one that has Stretch Actions to change the size of the column. I added a Stretch to one side, then the other with distance multiplier of -1. But as you can see on the attached, the Linear Parameter baseline doesn't stretch. I want to have the Parameter Distance the actual full width of the column so I can change the columns with the Properties Palette. Otherwise, I would just start the Parameter from the center of the column.
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Jun 3, 2013
The classic example of this, is a plan view of a door which shows you the opening, the arc and the door. How can I put a stretch on the opening and the door with a link in between, so when you stretch one, the other stretches with the same value?
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Mar 2, 2011
I am working in ACAD 2009, I want to create a dynamic block for signage acad 2009 stretch mass element in dynamic where I need to be able to stretch hatched object. Neither mass element nor hatch do not stretch with the dynamic block. I need to see the area in 2D (not just a line).
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Dec 4, 2013
I'm trying to create a Dynamic Block of an 3/4" x 3/4" aluminium angle with holes:
Depending on the length the number of holes will vary.
The distance between each holes need to be somewhere between 8" and a maximum of 12".
The holes must be centered and start from 1 1/2" up to 2" from each ends.
Each distance must be not more precise then 1/16" (no rounded off dimensions)
I'd like to simply drag the handle of the linear parameters (No lookup or visibility for 2 hole, 3 holes, 4 holes etc.)
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Nov 27, 2013
I have a block that when I extend it, a new 10' section is added. It will only add the 10' piece (array). What I am looking to do is find a way so that once I hit a total distance have it switch the part that it adds. So I have like a rail, I keep adding these 10' pieces and then once it hits 40' I want it to add the end piece which is different.
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Dec 19, 2013
I've made this block . when i rotate the vertical line I need to add lines every 15° as you see in the image, i've seen that polar array is not possible in the dynamic blocks.
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Sep 30, 2013
How to create dynamic block with array action in both X and Y direction? And I have some conditions there like number in horizontal and number in vertical directions, but on exact distance (like 5 elements on 20 cm).
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Jun 7, 2012
We have specialized electrical schematic drawings on what is termed roll-drawings. These roll-drawings are simply 12" tall and variable width type drawings. We've had some as short as 24 inches and as long as 900 inches. As a result we use these section dimensions to distinguish circuit boundaries. It's not a real dimension, just a way to distinguish what circuit is located where. I've tried to recreate it using a block for improved automation as currently we just use a lisp routine that draws an arrow and lines. It looks like the screen capture of my block below. Is it possible to have the inside endpoints of the lines automatically stretch outwardly toward the arrows as the attribute Value changs?
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Jan 24, 2013
I have created a dynamic block with stretch points. I used the tester in the block editor and all works fine, but when I insert the block into a drawing, the grips for the stretch action are in a completely different place...I don't mean a different place on the block, but a different place in the drawing...way out there. so if I go into the block editor for the block while I'm in the drawing...the parameters have now moved way out of the way also, in the block...but if I actually open up the block itself and then go into the block editor, all the parameters are where i placed them in the first place.
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Jul 13, 2013
I am trying to put a polar stretch on the block uploaded, but it doesn't seems to work (maybe because of my constraint? ). If something major is wrong with it, is there another way I can make the same drawing proportional when i rotate it and stretch it ? Also, after that I have to use it for vlisp.
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Jun 27, 2013
I've got a rectangular block that I need to stretch by both ends at the same time, maintaining the center/insertion point as it grows. I have attached the block to show what I'm working with.
I thought Linear Stretch Pair was the answer but I can't make it work.
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