AutoCAD 2010 :: Move Or Stretch Objects That Reside In XREF?
Feb 22, 2012
Any commands or 3rd party applications that would allow me to move or stretch objects that reside in an XREF?
The cherry on top would be the ability to do this to only specific layers.
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Feb 17, 2012
I`ve a problem when i`m using the stretch commend, for istance to move the position of a wall opening done with a poliline and there`s a door or a window block within the stretch area, this object stays in the original position whereas the lines has already been streched. This makes that I`ve to move manually the block to the new position. Is there any way to stretch objects and blocks together?
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Feb 14, 2012
When adding constrains in dynamic block I do get error: "The constraint cannot be applied. The two objects must reside in the same plane".
How could I get both of the objects on the same plane? Don't have a lot of experience whit AutoCad 3d though...
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May 27, 2011
I have a user that can't move or resize his xref dialog box. He is using dual monitors and has no problem with any other dialog box. I've tried changing settings for docking/hide.
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Mar 26, 2012
I have a floor plan xreffed into model space, visretain=1 and i can see the room numbers. I switch to paperspace and go to layer properties and highlight all layers and then turn on all layers in he drawing and thaw in all three columns and still the room numbers do not show. The layer listed in model space is on and thawed. Why won't it show?
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Mar 5, 2012
I have some xrefs that have text masks that mask out my objects, moved the sort order to rear (back) but they still hide my objects. Is there any way to simply disable them in the original xref?
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Apr 15, 2011
When I insert an image as an OLE object, I cannot move it, scale it or anything? Am I missing something?
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Nov 22, 2012
Whenever I use the move command on a line or series of lines that are touching other lines, the lines that aren't part of my selection move with that one line. cad-movecommand.jpg Here's a series of screenshots showing what I mean. I can't move just that line without moving the other lines around it.
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Jun 14, 2012
When I move any object using move command then dimensions are move with objects but dimensions are stretch and show as long extension line in the drawing.
I have checked DIMASSOC it is set to 2.
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Jul 18, 2013
When trying to stretch of move a line in AutoCAD using the grips, it will move additional lines that are touching. It does not do this for every line in the DWG. It seems to be random. They are not grouped. What could be the problem.
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Dec 17, 2011
I would like to find a way to give a maximum and minimum length to a stretch (or move) but without absolute values.
simplified example of my block:
I have 2 squares, of which one big on, and a smaller one within the bigger one. I want to be able to stretch both squared indefinatly (no problem there), but the big square may never become smaller than the small one, and the small one may never become bigger than the big one...
In other words: the inside square should always stay inside the bigger one, no matter the size of the squares.
The problem with this block is that I have a hatch pattern between the squares, and as soon as i stretch the small square outside (or equal) to the big square... the hatch pattern 'crashes'.
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Jul 19, 2013
I use the right mouse click command as my enter. But for the past couple of days when I try to use the move, copy, stretch commands, everytime I go to select a base point - autocad selects the point and then automatically snaps or displaces to a random point off of the screen. I don't know if this has something to do with the right mouse click or not, but I can't figure out why it keeps snapping off screen. If I switch and use the enter key or space bar as enter the problem goes away.
Command: s STRETCH
Select objects to stretch by crossing-window or crossing-polygon...
Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 13 found
Select objects:
Specify base point or [Displacement] <Displacement>:
Specify displacement <0'-0", 0'-0", 0'-0">:
Command: m MOVE
Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 43 found
Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 27 found (14 duplicate), 56 total
Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 18 found (14 duplicate), 60 total
Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 14 found (4 duplicate), 70 total
Select objects:
Specify base point or [Displacement] <Displacement>:
Specify displacement <0'-0", 0'-0", 0'-0">:
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Jul 31, 2012
I need this block to do the following:
1. Move the right piece so it ends at 3', 4', & 5'.
2. the move right hook and 'backing' to stretch/copy (or array) so it adds a hook to the right and fills in the backing.
so this means that a 3' gets 4 hooks, 4' gets 5 hooks and 5' gets 6 hooks.
3. the block as shown is the smallest configuration with 3 hooks.
I could just set up a visibility and draw each one at it's appropriate length but I'm trying to keep this simple block to a min size. If all else fails, that's the route I'll take.
I've tried a couple different configurations and I keep getting duplicates or the end piece doesn't move the correct distance.
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Feb 10, 2012
I select my objects to move, then I select my Base Point to move my objects away from, then when I select my destination point the command changes the Base Point to the selected destination point and asks me again to select a destination point.
I have realized this problem occurs not only with the move command, but also the stretch command. Also, it does not matter if I am using command modifiers or not, the problem occurs regardless. Also, it does not matter how I hit enter using the command (keyboard enter button, space bar, or right mouse button) the problem occurs regardless, and occurs entirely AT RANDOM.
Following previous what I have attempted to resolve the problem:
- remove the AutoCAD LT 2012 from the computer entirely and re-install
- installed the latest LT 2012 Service Pack
- changed the mouse to a new, wired mouse (I was already using a wired mouse in the first place)
- change the keyboard (which I think is irrelevant since changing the mouse did not work either)
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Jul 31, 2012
I'm trying combine a Move and Stretch Action such that the same handle MOVES the detail UP/DOWN and STRETCHes the detail RIGHT/LEFT while maintaining the base of the detail line at the reference line. Sounds confusing maybe but this is the most intuitive and elegant way to design it. However, I can't get it to work.
The attached detail achieves the same functionality but is a little clunky.
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Oct 18, 2011
I have a block which I want 2 visibility states. VS1 and VS2 share some objects and not others. I have a linear parameter in each which I want to do a stretch action on. The stretch action in each visibility state acts upon entities both shared and unshared between VS1 and VS2. This doesn't seem to work..
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Dec 9, 2012
So a friend created a model using zbrush and exported several different *.OBJ files. I imported those to maya and added shaders. They all fit correctly together when imported.
some of those obj files required me to do a mesh->combine. so now it appears that not every item has the same reference point so that when I move or scale the entire item, some of the objects move seperately. I think it is only the ones I had to combine.
I tried freeze transformations, but when doing that, some of the objects lost their scale settings and still didnt move together as one unit.
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Apr 24, 2013
I accidentally got constraints in my present drawing and could not get rid of them. pls give me a hand on how to delete them. it is causing me a problem when for example i need to stretch a line that have a point (which makes part of the line) the point moves together with the line which means the original coordinate of the point is lost. THIS MUST NOT HAPPEN. i work with precise coordinates which means the coordinates of points should be kept as originals and NOT TO MOVE ELSEWHERE.
I notice i was using the multiple stretch with C option when I noticed the problem started and after that i had constraints sticked on all the lines.
How to get rid of constraints?
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Oct 5, 2011
Is there a way to extend multiple lines along a curve, keeping the same distance between them? Like the stretch feature but able to stretch around a pre-drawn curve.
I've attached the drawing I'm working on. I would like to connect the top left portion to the bottom right portion with the lines that extend out of each using a curved sweep.
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Jan 18, 2012
Got a problem with polylines and stretching the handles. Here [URL] ..... I've already described the problem once but it was still found no solution.
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Feb 21, 2013
I am currently using AutoCAD 2012 and having problems with the STRETCH command.When I select 3 lines, then deselect 1 of them lines and then select the STRETCH command it does not stretch the selected lines.
Now this is the way I have done in it in previous versions and it has worked. (AutoCAD 2010). Our Company has recently moved to 2012.Is this a function that has been removed with this version or am I doing something wrong?
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Oct 25, 2012
On ACAD versions higher than 2005 the STRETCH command does not work properly. The problem happens when selecting the items from the left to right. The item is MOVED instead of STRETCHED. It works normally when selecting item from Right to Left. However I need it to work from Left to Right so that I can individually select the item that I want to stretch. Because of this, I am still using 2005. Both 2009 and 2012 have this BUG, making them un-usable for my applications. I just got a new computer with 2012 version only, but I can't use it. I am trying to get 2005 installed on it now.
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Dec 29, 2011
I have a scanned drawing (PDF) and I want to use it a a xref so i can redraw it (originals have gotten lost ). But is really big and makes autocad really slow.
Is there a way to make a scanned drawing in PDF have loose object / lines again?
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Jun 7, 2012
We have specialized electrical schematic drawings on what is termed roll-drawings. These roll-drawings are simply 12" tall and variable width type drawings. We've had some as short as 24 inches and as long as 900 inches. As a result we use these section dimensions to distinguish circuit boundaries. It's not a real dimension, just a way to distinguish what circuit is located where. I've tried to recreate it using a block for improved automation as currently we just use a lisp routine that draws an arrow and lines. It looks like the screen capture of my block below. Is it possible to have the inside endpoints of the lines automatically stretch outwardly toward the arrows as the attribute Value changs?
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Jan 24, 2013
I have created a dynamic block with stretch points. I used the tester in the block editor and all works fine, but when I insert the block into a drawing, the grips for the stretch action are in a completely different place...I don't mean a different place on the block, but a different place in the drawing...way out there. so if I go into the block editor for the block while I'm in the drawing...the parameters have now moved way out of the way also, in the block...but if I actually open up the block itself and then go into the block editor, all the parameters are where i placed them in the first place.
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Mar 15, 2012
Voorstel spantenlijn.dwg
I have created a dynamic block. Herein I placed stretch actions parameter set to strecht parts including anotative text.
Now the block seems to work fine.
- When I am in modelspace and I change the annotation scale the text is changed correct
- When I am in modelspace and I change the stretch value of the dynamic block everything goes fine.
But when I am in modelspace and I change the stretch value in one of the annotiaton scales and then switch to another scale my text is changed annotativly (this is what I want) but the stretch value is set back to default (which should be at the changed value).
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Sep 11, 2012
When I stretch an object to the right using the right hand side handles, the left side of the object also moves slightly to the right. How can I stop this from happening and keep have the left side stay perfectly in place. Is there anything in the settings I can change?
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Sep 26, 2012
I am getting a lot of grief xrefing a C3D file into an AutoCAD drawing. A bit of background...
Fairly large development project with 270 new familiy houses. The sanitary sewer (SS) network was created using AutoCAD only. All layout drawings and xrefs were created using AutoCAD using AutoCAD templates. Then, here I am, putting the entire SS network in C3D, with its fancy labels and relevant long sections. Now I am supposed to display this C3D network in all the layout plans and get rid of the old 2D SS xref. Well, the blody thing doesn't work! If I try to xref the original C3D file, it will only display the labels. All pipes and structures and long section do not display. Yes, I checked all layers are turned on.
I tried using data shortcuts instead, bringing first the relevant part liist and styles. No luck. Again neither a single pipe nor structure is diplayed, although the prospector in the toolspace shows the network is referenced in the drawing. I am not sure if this matters, but the C3D source drawing contains a second pipe network referenced using data shortcuts which, by the way, doesn't display either when xrefing. I tried xrefing the C3D file using my C3D template and it works fine. So I guess that, somehow, the AutoCAD template used to creat the drawings is preventing some C3D objects to be displayed when xrefed.
I know I could recreate all our layout plans using my C3D template. Unfortunately, that would be a long process since we have quite a few and they're all heavily xrefed, with many layer properties overriden.
C3D 2011V2. Windows XP 64b
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Feb 6, 2013
I'm writing a .NET app to get corridor feature line information from an XREF'd dwg file to use in the active document. I'm having quite a bit of trouble reading the civil objects from the XREF.
This works, but still doesn't work for civil objects. Take a look at the snippet below.
if (xdb != null) { // Start a transaction in our loaded database // to get at the layer name Transaction tr2 = xdb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction(); using (tr2) { // Open the layer table LayerTable lt2 = (LayerTable)tr2.GetObject( xdb.LayerTableId, OpenMode.ForRead );
In order to get a Corridor ID collection I need a reference to a CivilDocument object. So how do I get a CivilDocument object when it isn't the active document? Is there any way to get it from a Document or Database object?
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Sep 11, 2013
Wonder if can Can Image stretch from left or right or top or bottom side instead of diagonal ?
Reason is picture or tiff not correct length to the object of build.
I did scale to right length on "X" but the "Y" is off so how ?
I know that in Photoshop have stretch all side whatever I want but not in autocad 2011
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Sep 17, 2013
I have a client who requested some complex custom linetypes. (line - shape - line)
I built the shapes and stored them in my ltype.shp file, and compiled that to ltype.shx. Then I added the custom linetypes in my acad.lin file. So everything works on my machine with no problem. However, when I send the drawing to someone else, the linetype works, but the shapes are left out. My guess is that since her ltype.shx file does not contain my new shapes, the lines are just drawn without them.
Is there a way that I can have those linetypes, complete with shapes, ride along inside/embedded the dwg file?
And before you ask, no, it's not an option to provide the client with the shx file that contains these shapes. I'm one of many different people in many different companies that might work on these drawings in the future and there's just no way that they'll be able to send an shx file along with the drawing every time someone new needs to work on it.
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