AutoCAD 2010 :: Drawing Crashes When Attempting To Load

Jan 25, 2012

I had a problem where AutoCAD would not load a drawing - it kept crashing.  However, after selecting "F2" and reviewing the display window - I received the following message:
Unhandled exception has occurred in a component in your application.  If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue.

Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.

Sample Entry:

Resolve Xref "": Z:EngineeringApproved Shop Drawings�0 CELL FILES�

"" loaded.

"" reference file may have changed since host drawing was last saved.

It was only after the "Continue" option was present that I could open the drawing. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2012 Program Crashes When Attempting To Draw Pipe Network

Feb 28, 2013

My program crashes when attempting to edit a pipe network. specifically when trying to draw a pipe the program crashes the instant I select the second point to place the pipe.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Load Several DWGs Into Layers In One Drawing

Sep 1, 2013

I have a number of dwg-drawings generated from layers in MapInfo. I need to load these drawings into separate layers to get the same layer structure as I had in Mapinfo. How do I do?

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VideoStudio :: X4 Crashes When Attempting Audio Editing?

Jan 1, 2012

I had been given Ulead VS 9 and 10 from a friend who upgraded to X4. Having used and liked those, I tried his X4 and then downloded the trial version for myself. VS X4 is the only consumer program I can find that has audio mixing on playback, so I'm trying to do what I can to be certain that I'm getting a good product.

I make heavy use of multi-trim, speed/time lapse and audio level editing. I leave audio to the last. Due to camera changes, I began with AVI files, but now am using MPEG2, 4:3 740X480 29.97 fps with audio of 48000hz and a bit rate of 256 kbps.

I can edit project files for as long as I want to sit here doing it. Trimming, speeding up and adding as many transitions as I like within a 30 minute project. The preview playback will get a little choppy and often the audio will go out of sync, but if I close the program and re-open it, those problems will usually be corrected. Regardless of whether or not I close and re-open the program, when I begin adding soundtracks and adjust the levels, the program will inevitably pop up an error window and shut down.

I have tried doing all of the video editing and transitions, then creating a single file via "Share", closing the program, re-opening, starting a new project and bringing the new file into the timeline thinking that it wouldn't have to "remember" all the previous editing. From there I would attempt to do audio, but I get the same sesult.

I have uninstalled both all VS programs, removed all remaining folders, and re-downloaded the trial without re-installing 9 and 10. I can still open the vsp files saved in other folders, and I can still edit the video portions, but the program freezes when attempting to edit audio.

I did not have any issues with 9 or 10 until the download of X4. After x4 failed, I went back to 10, which worked for about 3 projects and then failed in the same manner, hence my reasoning for unistalling all programs.

It's almost as though this program makes a folder specifically for edit memory, and when it's full, it's full, and you don't get to edit anymore. Neither can you empty the folder. I've tried the different disc caching and acceleration options given in the manual, but nothing makes any difference.

I have several videos posted on YouTube, all of which were created with VS 9, 10 and a couple with X4. I would prefer to continue using a program that allows audion mix "on the fly". But now I can't even complete a project in VS10.

For a sample of my postings on YT go here: [URL]

It's a half hour long, but shows the extensive amount of editing done to make the final product.

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AutoCAD LT :: 2010 Crashes On Closing A Drawing?

Mar 21, 2012

My ACAD 2010 LT crashes about 75% of the time whenever I close a drawing. I’m running Windows 7. System info below:

OS Name             Microsoft Windows 7 Professional
Version                6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
Other OS Description     Not Available
OS Manufacturer             Microsoft Corporation
System Name    CAD-PC
System Manufacturer    Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
System Model   GA-790XTA-UD4
System Type      x64-based PC


All updates that I can find have been downloaded and installed.

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AutoCad :: LT 2010 Crashes During Opening Of Drawing?

Jul 23, 2012

We are running LT 2010. I have one drawing that crashes Autocad while the drawing is trying to open. The drawing is about 13 Meg. The crash occurs when it gets to the regen step. The program does not continue and it is necessary to go to the Task Manager. Autocad shows as not responding. Performance shows 50 - 100% CPU usage. The task must be ended. CPU usage drops to < 10%. The recovery utilities say that everything is OK and make no difference. It is doing the same thing on another PC. About 10 Meg of the file is one block. I can open that block separately without a problem.

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VideoStudio :: When Attempting To Play Clips In Timeline - X3 Crashes

Dec 28, 2011

I have recently upgraded from VS11 to Pro X3. However when attempting to play clips in timeline, X3 crashes.Playing 'project' works fine.

OS is Vista.

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Photoshop Elements :: Crashes When Attempting To Edit Preferences

Oct 26, 2012

When I run  PSE 11 Organizer and try and edit the Prefences a DOS screen flashes and the program crashes.

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Lightroom :: 5.2 - Error Occurred While Attempting To Load Plugins Portion Of Export Dialogue?

Oct 17, 2013

Since upgrading to LR 5.2, I can no longer upload photos to Facebook. I get this message: "An error occurred while attempting to load this plug-in’s portion of the Export dialog. attempt to index upvalue '?' (a nil value)"
How do I get LR 5.2 to work again with my Facebook account?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Creating Read Only File When Attempting To Save?

Nov 8, 2012

We are having an issue where users are you autocad and are working on the drawing as they go to save Autocad pops up and says someone else is using the drawing and then creates a read only file. We are 99% sure that there is no one else using the drawing.

After a bit of a google on various forums I have came across a post which says that it maybe a network issue with the drawing creating DWL files (locked) and then it taking time to update on the network.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Load Statement In Profile To Automatically Load / Unload Cuix?

Jun 4, 2013

Is it possible to use a load statement in a profile to automatically load/unload a cuix?

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AutoCad :: 2012 Seems Slow To Load And Crashes Often

Aug 26, 2011

My work helpdesk has recently installed AutoCad 2012 and my co worker and I noticed that at the start up its loads very slowly and often when we double click on a DWG to open (without Autocad being already open) it crashes.

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Photoshop :: CS2 Crashes When Trying To Load Image...

Apr 6, 2009

I just recently used the CS4 Extended trial (which worked fine).  It's 30 days ended and I sadly went back to my purchased copy of CS2 (actually own the whole Prodcution Studio Premium). Now when I try it, Photoshop CS2 loads fine, but then hangs whenever I try to load ANY image.  It even displays the thumbnails correctly.  Just freezes and then gives the "Not responding" error after a few more seconds when I actually try to click on any picture. I uninstalled CS4 -still happened.  I uninstalled CS2 and reloaded the whole suite.  Same thing.  I then uninstalled it again and then manually deleted all the files I could physically find, reinstalled it.  Same thing.  I am going mad!! I am running the whole thing on Vista 64 Home Premium with 8 gigs.  (And everything worked FINE before the trial, and yes, I tried with and without all the latest CS2 patches AND tried running it in Windows XP SP2 compatability mode already -although it worked fine before without it.) 

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Lightroom :: 4 Crashes On Load On OS X Mountain Lion

Aug 18, 2012

I've installed LR4 from the Mac App Store and I get the following error message when I try to run it. I've also tried to reinstall it twice and rebooting after reinstalling but the problem remains.
It says it cannot find @executable_path/../Frameworks/asneu.framework/versions/a/asneu but I checked the Contents and it is there on Applications/Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
Process:         Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 [547]
Path:            /Applications/Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Photoshop Lightroom 4


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Photoshop Elements :: 10 Organizer Crashes Every-time When Try To Load It

Dec 2, 2012

EVERY time I try to load Photoshop Elements 10 Organiser it crashes "Elements 10 Organizer has stopped working". It is unusable. Is there a patch or something I can load? I will contact Adobe but I'm out of hours at the moment. In the meantime hunting on forums and internet has revealed to me others who have had this problem but no solution. I am using Windows 8 with 8GB RAM on an Intel i7 processor.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Load Drawing

Jul 11, 2012

So I was working in AutoCAD at work and this Error Message showed up.  I don't know how to load my drawing because everytime this error message comes up AutoCAD shuts down. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Load DLL

Jan 30, 2013

Goal: to use Autocad 2013 or 2012 with AutoQuoterX II™ from 8020 .net.I first installed 2013 but got the error, then tried updating to latest patch. Then I tried reinstall - no fix.

 I then uninstalled and tried install 2012. Updated latest patch - no fix.I am having an issue where I am getting an error message "unhandled exception"..Unable to load DLL 'sqlceme35.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) after which point I can continue and then Autocad is forced to close.

 FATAL ERROR: Unhandled e0434352h ERxception at fe169e5dh..Unable to load DLL 'sqlceme35.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'sqlceme35.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
at System.Data.SqlServerCe.NativeMethods.SafeRelease(IntPtr& ppUnknown)
at System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection.ReleaseNativeInterfaces()
at System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
at System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection.Finalize()

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AutoCAD 2010 :: ActiveX Error When Trying To Load?

Aug 25, 2012

When trying to run this code is throws a Cannot create ActiveX object

If ac IsNothingThen
ac = CreateObject("AutoCAD.Application")
ac = GetObject(,"AutoCAD.Application")

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AutoCAD 2010 :: When Trying To Get Ribbon To Load / Error

Oct 10, 2012

I work at a place where we use autocad, everywhere... And I'm in IT and i've been struggling with this for a day now. I got 2009/2011 to work, but when i try to get 2010 to work, it just doesnt want to cooperate. Now when i used to start it up a proxy graphics thing would pop up, and i figured out how to turn that off, but then no ribbon loads. 

So i go to the command line and type in ribbon, and i get an error: 

"Unhandled exception has occurred in a component, in your application. if you continue, the app will ignore this error and attempt to continue. Object reference not set to an instance of an object" and here are the details..See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Autodesk.AutoCAD.Ribbon.RibbonPaletteSet.LoadRibbon()
at Autodesk.AutoCAD.Ribbon.RibbonPaletteSet.Initialize()
at Autodesk.AutoCAD.Ribbon.RibbonServices.CreateRibbonPaletteSet()
at Autodesk.AutoCAD.Ribbon.Commands.Ribbon()
at Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.CommandClass.InvokeWorker(MethodInfo mi, Object commandObject, Boolean bLispFunction)
at Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.CommandClass.InvokeWorkerWithExceptionFilter(MethodInfo mi, Object commandObject, Boolean bLispFunction)
at Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.CommandClass.Invoke(MethodInfo mi, Boolean bLispFunction)
at Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.CommandClass.CommandThunk.Invoke()

When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer rather than be handled by this dialog box.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Load Profile

May 1, 2012

I have installed AutoCAD (Map 3D 2012) onto a users machine. When I run the software, I get a message box appear saying it cant load the profile...

I went into the registry and noticed that his registry is missing a lot of keys for Map 3D (attached)

I have attached a copy of my registry for comparison.

What would typically cause this? I have tried to delete the registry entry and let it re-configure, but i get all sorts of errors (Internal Error 2738).

I should probably mention that I am using a profile switch in the shortcut.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Link Excel - Cannot Load Source

Feb 14, 2012

I'm trying to link excel to autocad for a time now.

and until now it didn't work for me.

Everytime it says "1 data link(s) do not allow their data to be written out."

 thats when i try to write it to the excel file.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Load Customization File

Nov 27, 2012

unable to load customization file:

oamingautodeskautocad mechanical20152

that customization group already exists.

I have two boxes here where something seems to create a acfusion.cuix, an aliasconcept.cuix and a acetmain.cuix. If I unload them and restart, I dont get the error but the have been created. Could a startup lisp be creating these? I havent done anything with lisp files. the target in the shortcut doesnt seem to be pointing to a lisp file.

We dont need these cuix files how can I stop them from being created on start up?
Dell t1500 i7 8 gb ram
Windows 7 64 bit
ati firepro v4800

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Palettes Always Load In Middle Of Screen

Jul 2, 2013

We have several tool palettes that I use all the time. And every time I close down AutoCAD and open it back up, all the palettes load back up in the middle of my left monitor (dual monitor set up). I typically have my AutoCAD window open on the left monitor, and my palettes on the right monitor.

I have tried to save my profile, lock all Toolbar/Palette positions.....and nothing has any affect. My palettes always load in the middle of my left monitor.

I tried loading the latest graphics drivers, no affect.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Sketchbook Pro Won't Load Sketches From Gallery

Sep 3, 2012

I bought Sketchbook Pro a few months ago for my Android 10.1 tablet, and all was well.

Recently, I updated the tablet firmware to 4.0.4 - I don't know if that's relevant.

A few days ago I noticed that Sketchbook Pro would not load sketches form the gallery. It would pasue for maybe 10 seconds then the app would go away. No screen messages.

Sketchbook Express behaves in the same way.

UIninstalling Skewthbook Pro, renaming trhe autodesk folder, rebootnig the tablet, then re-installing does not renmove the problem, so this is something which survives all of that. Perhaps a file associations problem?

I installed apps to view the system logs, and I cam see:

EditFilepath: /mnt/sdcard/Autodesk/SketchBookPro/Sketch2017935.tiff - me trying to oipen the gallery sketch.
Screen Width: 1280 Screen Height: 752
Image <2>


- I have not includede log lines between these which say:

[date & time] D/Sketchbook(1170) or other 4-digit numbers

In other crashes, I see a NullPointerException from Java.

If I double-tap a sketch in the gallery, then I enter the gallery browse mode OK and can flick through the sketches.

If I upload the TIFFs to my PC< they open OK.

By manually deleting some TIFFs I did get the app to open a sketch of two briefly, but that stopped working within a minute or so, and has not worked since.

I have written to the support email given in the Market but been ignored by Autodesk.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Failed To Load Transmittal Component

Sep 30, 2013

etransmit is not working, error says "Failed to load transmittal component: incorrect registry entry." ... googling this error, as enjoyable as it is, leads nowhere other than to "repair/reinstall Autocad" which I would do if I COULD FIND MY INSTALLATION DISK!  which I cannot ...

is there any other command or way to achieve the same end result as the command etransmit? a clue as to why this is happening is that i had to uninstall civil 3d 2012 from this machine and that's when this started ...

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Lisp Files Won't Load Automatically

Aug 24, 2011

For some reason I cant get my lisp files to automatically load.  im doing the same thing i did in other versions, but i have to constantly tell them to load when i want to use one.

I have them in the search path, i have them set to load with every drawing in options, what am i missing?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Plot DWG As PDF Crashes Drawing

Sep 27, 2012

I try to plot the current drawing as pdf file. I took Kean's code from his blog. The function didn't throw any exception. How ever after the function finished the drawing crash.

Here is my code segment

<CommandMethod("pdfTest")> _ Public Sub PDFTest() Dim doc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim ed As Editor = doc.Editor Dim db As Database = doc.Database Using tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction Try Dim btr As BlockTableRecord = tr.GetObject(db.CurrentSpaceId, OpenMode.ForRead) Dim lo As Layout = tr.GetObject(btr.LayoutId, OpenMode.ForRead)


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Load Multiple Dimension Styles Into Drawing File?

Jul 18, 2013

How can I load multiple dimension styles into an Inventor drawing file without loading them into a template file?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Ribbon Interface And Classic Workspaces Won't Load?

Jun 2, 2012

I installed AutoCAD 2012 on a 32 bit windows 7 workstation but I received an error message."Cannot find acad.cuix customizastion file".I tried repairing the installation but it couldnt..I tried unistalling but won't uninstall..The machine was running previous versions of AutoCAD.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Error / Inventor Server Failed To Load

Feb 2, 2012

I want to use the command viewbase to link an inventor ipt to acad.

But when i give the command i get the message "Inventor server failed to load".

I have installed vba and still get the message.

How can i load the inventor server?

Your drawings are only as good as the symbols that complete them...

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drawing File Crashes

Dec 2, 2013

This morning I got to work and attempted to modify an existing drawing file per some requested changes. I figured I would open the drawing file and move some of the things around that I needed but were going to disappear after I edited the model. The end result was to remove some small items from the model and add two other small items to the model. There was some annotation in the drawing connected to the parts I was removing that I wanted to stay in the drawing file so I was editing the drawing file first. This is what happened and what I have tried since:

1.) When I went to copy a weld symbol from one view and paste it in another IV crashed.

2.) I rebooted, attempted again, IV crashed.

3.) I rebooted, attempted to add a new weld symbol and delete the other (instead of copy/paste), IV crashed.

4.) I installed the windows updates my computer was telling me I needed to install (.NET 4.5.1).

5.) I rebooted, attempted again, IV crashed.

6.) I attempted to add a weld symbol to a different drawings in a different project, success.

7.) I attempted to add a weld symbol to a different drawing file in the same project, success.

8.) I attempted the original process again, IV crashed.

9.) I attempted to open the assembly file referenced by the drawing file, success.

10.) I attempted to open a drawing file that references the same model file as well as others in a larger assembly, success.

11.) I removed parts from the assembly file that were no longer needed in the design, success.

12.) I attempted to open the original problematic drawing file, IV crashed.

13.) I attempted to open it again, IV crashed.

14.) I used pack-n-go to consolidate all of the files to upload for my support request.

15.) I attempted to open the pack-n-go drawing file on my laptop.... IT OPENED.

Now, every time I attempt to open the original drawing file on my workstation, IV immediately crashes. When I open the PNG drawing file on my laptop it works. What should my next step be?

I am afraid to go any further because this drawing file is very much needed, and so large and complicated that I do not want to just create the file again (6 sheets detailing a large tank). I also don't want to start copying and pasting the file that does work on my laptop and screw something up with the files on my workstation. And of course, this tank is scheduled to start fabrication today.
Inventor Professional 2013 (SP-2.3), Product Design Suite Ultimate
Desktop: Intel Core i7 3.4GHz, 16.0 GB RAM, Windows 7 Ultimate SP-1, 64-bit OS, (2) GeForce GTX 580 (331.81), Space Pilot Pro (3.16.1)
Laptop: Intel Core i7 3.9GHz, 16.0 GB RAM, Windows 7 Pro SP-1, 64-bit OS, GeForce GTX 780 (331.81), SpaceNavigator (3.17.7)

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