VideoStudio :: X4 Crashes When Attempting Audio Editing?
Jan 1, 2012
I had been given Ulead VS 9 and 10 from a friend who upgraded to X4. Having used and liked those, I tried his X4 and then downloded the trial version for myself. VS X4 is the only consumer program I can find that has audio mixing on playback, so I'm trying to do what I can to be certain that I'm getting a good product.
I make heavy use of multi-trim, speed/time lapse and audio level editing. I leave audio to the last. Due to camera changes, I began with AVI files, but now am using MPEG2, 4:3 740X480 29.97 fps with audio of 48000hz and a bit rate of 256 kbps.
I can edit project files for as long as I want to sit here doing it. Trimming, speeding up and adding as many transitions as I like within a 30 minute project. The preview playback will get a little choppy and often the audio will go out of sync, but if I close the program and re-open it, those problems will usually be corrected. Regardless of whether or not I close and re-open the program, when I begin adding soundtracks and adjust the levels, the program will inevitably pop up an error window and shut down.
I have tried doing all of the video editing and transitions, then creating a single file via "Share", closing the program, re-opening, starting a new project and bringing the new file into the timeline thinking that it wouldn't have to "remember" all the previous editing. From there I would attempt to do audio, but I get the same sesult.
I have uninstalled both all VS programs, removed all remaining folders, and re-downloaded the trial without re-installing 9 and 10. I can still open the vsp files saved in other folders, and I can still edit the video portions, but the program freezes when attempting to edit audio.
I did not have any issues with 9 or 10 until the download of X4. After x4 failed, I went back to 10, which worked for about 3 projects and then failed in the same manner, hence my reasoning for unistalling all programs.
It's almost as though this program makes a folder specifically for edit memory, and when it's full, it's full, and you don't get to edit anymore. Neither can you empty the folder. I've tried the different disc caching and acceleration options given in the manual, but nothing makes any difference.
I have several videos posted on YouTube, all of which were created with VS 9, 10 and a couple with X4. I would prefer to continue using a program that allows audion mix "on the fly". But now I can't even complete a project in VS10.
For a sample of my postings on YT go here: [URL]
It's a half hour long, but shows the extensive amount of editing done to make the final product.
I am using VS 10 and I have successfully captured all the video needed for this project (DV format). My project is an interview where I used 2 cameras during the recording session. On one camera I used a microphone and I want to use that audio throughout the project for consistency. At the beginning of the session I recorded a timer from my laptop screen to better sync the video during editing.
I placed one camera video on the video track and the other on the overlay #1 track. I moved the overlay clip so it matched the frame of the timer on the video track. The 2 tracks synched up perfectly. How to cut back and forth from the second camera. I extracted the video track audio to the audio track thinking I could just cut the video track and the overlay track and slide the overlay track up to the video track. But, it won’t let me cut the overlay track. By the way, while not an expert,I am also not a first time user with the software as I have made a number of projects over the years.
I have this problem in VS11, and was about to buy X5 thinking that the problem would be solved by now. But to be safe I thought that I better try the demo first, and now I find out it does the same thing.
2. Describe your problem: The file is a TV tuner capture from one particular channel, and every time you edit it it produces correct video, but audio with alternate 1/2 seconds of silence.
3. What devices are involved and their mode of connection?: Internal TV tuner cards (Compro and Leadtek)
4. The Version of program is being used e.g. VS11+ VS11.5+ VSX2+VSX3+VSX4+X5
5. list all patches/updates that have been installed relating to that version of the program. VS11 updated to VS11.5 and X5 with no updates - it won't allow SP1 to install -
6. Details of the source files. Note: to obtain all the properties of a file, right click on a video file in either the VS timeline or library window.[b] Where did they originate (camcorder, internet, TV card etc) How did they get onto your hard drive (download, firewire, USB cable etc.)
Type of video e.g. MPEG2, DV, MTS, Mov, DivX, MPEG4 etc Video data rate Type of audio e.g. LPCM, AC3, MP3 etc Audio data rate
Describe your problem: Once I've inserted a video file or files into the project timeline, playing the videos with the word "Project" under the screen highlighted, the audio (which is speech only) breaks up - all I hear is parts of words every second or two. Highlighting the term "Clip" just under "Project" provides clear, unbroken audio. This condition is new, first occurring after I installed VideoStudio Pro X3 Fix for MLE Database Incompatibility with PaintShop Photo Pro X3. Since then, I have re-loaded VSX3 and all the patches but to no avail. Note: the same video files can be processed by Windows Live Movie Maker and the audio and video come out fine, even if the effects are primitive.
What devices are involved and their mode of connection?: NONE, files are either in the VS Projects file or in my Videos folder. The Version of program is being used: Video Studio Pro X3. Please list all patches/updates that have been installed relating to that version of the program. I've installed all three patches and updates available on the Corel site (thru the User to User board) plus any updates offered by Corel.
Details of the source files. Quick Time movie, 24 bits 1280 x 720, 1 video track, 1 sound track - sound track is MPEG-4, low complexity Where did they originate: camcorder How did they get onto your hard drive USB cable Type of video: Quick Time Movie Video data rate: 29.970 frames/second Type of audio: MPEG 4 low complexity Audio data rate: 48,000 KHz, 16 bit, Stereo
Project Settings: As the software was shipped. I haven't changed any settings.
Did this error occur at the: EDIT step - but it continues in the SHARE step - except the sound goes completely away after processing. OR have you gone directly to the SHARE - NO
I just downloaded the trial version of this software (Video Studio X5 Pro) to try it before I buy it. I am importing RAW and AVI footage capture from a program called DXtory. I am recording those videos with three audio tracks, one track covers the sound of the video game being played, one track covers my microphone input, and the last track covers the sound that comes through my teamspeak server.
When I import a video into Corel am I able to separately edit each audio track? IE change the volume of one input but not the other?
I installed x4 the other day and it appeared to work fine. I have a Sony HD camcorder that I believe is AVCHD. I have been using and importing clips from this camera. I got the notice that an update was available and I updated the program. Since then, every time I try to edit a movie it constantly crashes. I try to import some music, it crashes. I came to the conclusion that it was the update causing it so I restored my computer to the day before I updated. It still crashes.
I had a problem where AutoCAD would not load a drawing - it kept crashing. However, after selecting "F2" and reviewing the display window - I received the following message: Unhandled exception has occurred in a component in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue.
Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.
My program crashes when attempting to edit a pipe network. specifically when trying to draw a pipe the program crashes the instant I select the second point to place the pipe.
I have recently upgraded my old VideoStudio 12.00 to VideoStudio Pro X4 and have only just started using the program again after a couple of years of absence so I am still on a learning curve.
Can I extract the audio from a video clip and if so how and how can I convert it, if necessary into an Audio Interchange File Format, so that I can export it to a program such as Audacity for removing background wind noise before importing the Audio back into the videoStudio project.
I have tried using all the audio filter functions in VS to remove the background noise, to no avail.
I can add an audio to my slieshow. After that I cannot run the audio nor the slide show. the program crashes. I took screenshots of the error messages.
I'm exporting DSLR footage with synced audio in order to "bake" the audio in. I'm going to bring the export into Prelude to organize and then back into Premiere to edit. What are the best export settings (including target and maximum bitrate) to maintain top quality footage that I'll continue editing?
While editing a large video file (one hour), the audio playback worked for a while, but then simply stopped working. Can still see video and edit it, but without hearing the words / background, editing will not be correct. Is there a bug in the software or some way of reseting the file? I have noticed a similar issue with videos in LR4.
Someone in the office is running AutoCAD 2011 (Windows 7) and the program keeps closing itself just saying fatal error. It seems to happen when a command is entered, particularly while editing text which seems to close it every time. It's not limited to editing text though. It happens on multiple files as well. I've read there were some issues with 2010 closing while editing text but I can't seem to find anything about 2011 having problems with it. She restarted her computer and it seems to be working now, but this has happened in the past and the problem will come back.
Publishing parts to C Center or Editing tables in C Center Crashes Inventor Prof 2014
Before i say anything let me say that this problem occured last night.Was always there as i had not used the feature before in 2014. I uninstalled ONLY Inventor from the suite and re installed. It worked !!
Tonight i was publishing new parts and then Inventor crashed. Since its crashed again i cant publish or edit part family tables to make additions etc with Inventor crashing.
I believe something has corrupted again within the Inventor 2014 install and i dont know what.
Im looking for some pointers as i dont really feel like uninstalling and reinstalling Inventor to fix it.
I have cleared the cache from users folders etc. Im guessing i need to clear some thing else as well. This crashes in both Vault and local CC files.
I have on .avi video file from friend, that I can play OK with sound in VLan player, I just installed X3 and tried to make DVD from it and got it without sound, same thing if I play this loaded .avi in X3, don't have any sound ? Is there any secret encoding I have to look for ? Somebody told me that X3 will eat any format.
I am having a problem with way slow audio in Ulead Videostudio 11.5 plus. I know it's an older version, but the format is similar or the same for some of the programs and maybe someone else has had that issue on even a new software version.
I managed to make some music videos with the software, after going to Youtube, as the manual for the software really isn't that great in all honesty. it simply doesn't tell you much detail on doing things. Putting in a music track to the video clips and then turning the sound on each clip all the way down wasn't a problem, but now that I want to do a normal video-I'm finding the sound in the virtual clip or whatever(which I recorded into my digital camera-mov. files), plays like Jabba the Hut off Starwars!
What do I do here to make it sound normal and be able to edit properly and share it in normal sound?I tried splitting the audio and then it sounded normal, BUT it still had that nasty slow sound on the audio. No matter if you mute it or pull the sound down in the video/audio clips in editing. How do I get rid of that slow sound or change it to make it right? Do I even need to split audio there?
So I go to edit some video and now all of a sudden there is no sound/audio playback in any of my clips. The files are fine. They play fine in other software, and in other editing software as well. But this is the my software of preference and I can't use it. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED. The same thing has also happened to my DVD Workshop 2 software. And the same thing happened to at least 3 previous versions of VideoStudio. Everything works great and then one day BAM, no audio. The data is there because if I go ahead and render it again and play the new file on something else the audio is still there. So the problem is only on Corel/Ulead products. As a matter of fact I just downloaded the VS X3 demo. I cannot find anything about it online anywhere. If I cannot figure this out I am NEVER going to buy another Corel/Ulead product again. And I am a longtime user, way back to version 3 or 4. And for some idiotic reason I keep buying the new versions.
Slideshow Creation: I'd like to make a slideshow DVD for Xmas to give out. I've made a lot of movies with VS but never a slide show and in fact i've never created a slideshow in any program.
Is this possible in VS10 or would it be better to use DVDLab Pro for this? If VS10 is sufficient to do this (just a fairly basic slideshow NOT HD). I really can't grasp it from the Manual since it really isn't covered in detail there (or did i miss it?) I'm looking to see what types of photos/graphics files and what resolution as well as a HOW TO. I'm clueless about slideshow creation.
Audio DVD Creation:
I do seem to recall that i did this once in VS10 - or was this a dream? Is there any tutorial on this as well?
When using the audio fade in and out to activate the fade should the bars be highlighted or dimmed? I don't seem to hear any difference between them. (Vid pro x4)
I got a new camera that outputs .avi files, and put together a video. When I click an individual clip in the timeline and play it, the audio plays... however, when I play the project, the audio does not play. It also does not play when I render it.
Moved Videostudio X4 from a Win 7 machine to a new Win 8 PC.
Again it seems, audio plays fine when playing a clip from the preview window but not when playing on the timeline. (I had a similar problem with X10 and reported it in an older thread.)
Am searching now for more patches (and yes, I'm aware X6 is now the current version) but nothing obvious at the moment. Have found the SP 1/2/3 downloads on Corel's pages, but as it already upgraded to SP3 just after install, I'm guessing SP 1 and 2 are already covered..
I have VideoStudio X5 Pro. Trying to add voice over using a mike. Problem I am having is the volume. On playback I can barely hear my voice. Have raise the volume level in X5 to the max, still have the issue.
My PC got a virus and I had to reinstall VideoStudio 11 afterwards.
For the first time since, I've burned a multi-chapter DVD and when I play it there is no audio on Chapters 2-4 but it sounds fine on the menu music and the first chapter. Each chapter is an AVI and plays fine in VS and then in the menu preview.
I've reinstalled the software a couple of times and tried a different DVD+R but still no audio on half of the disc.
I have been using VS11+ for a few years, and have never run across this problem until now. I am trying to import DVDs recorded on a specific machine and am getting video but no audio. There is audio on the DVDs. I have tried importing both as mpg and as avi (in project properties) but neither works. Although I've been using VS, I am self-taught and not very knowledgeable about codecs, recoding, etc. I mainly use VS for importing video from DVDs, editing, rendering and burning onto DVDs. I am not certain of the make/model of the DVD recorder, but I do know it is new. (I did a keyword search for "import DVD no audio" before posting, but it returned over 2,000 results).
I used to work in MediaStudio Pro which I really like it because it is very user friendly, then suddenly Corel killed them all by buying them, and never continue that wonderful program.How to edit the audio on the timeline? What I mean is, in MediaStudio Pro, from the Audio in Timeline, I can raise the audio up, then few minutes, low it down, then few seconds later, raise up again etc...From what I see right now on X6, for audio I can only either use the Audio filter to low down or to raise up the whole clip but not, raise up or low down at at any part that I want to.