AutoCAD 2010 :: Do Solid / Subtract With Array Items
Sep 27, 2011
If you have a housing with say, 12 cylinders in the flange which are to be cut out of the housing to become the 12 bolt-holes. If you positioned your cylinders using polar array, are you supposed to be able to use the command solid/substract? I can't as it won't pick the array parts to cut. I had to resort to rotating/copy all the cylinders around the flange and then it works great. Any way to do holes through a solid...
I have a solid of a vortex breaker for a nozzle in a cone, from which I subtracted the cone. But when I attempt to subtract the nozzle as well, it will not subtract. I have verified that both entities are solids. I copied them into a new drawing by themselves. I even rebooted my computer--all to no avail. I have attatched a drawing of the two solids.
I am trying to build a 3d model of a flight case and when I subtract the handles from the center of the panel it looses its parametric capabilities. I am able to get around the latches by using the trim tool and than extruding to 3d. Is there anything I can do to allow handles?
I'm creating an array using a block from an existing dwg file on my drive. When i import this block on it's own, i can explode it to ownerspace with "bref.ExplodeToOwnerSpace();" but when i'm creating the array, i don't have this ability and i'm left with one of my blocks in the array exploded, and the rest not. How do i explode the blocks in the array? When i try to use acEntClone.ExplodeToOwnerSpace(); it doesn't exist and i only have the option of acEntClone.Explode().
The Original Block Document acDoc = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; Database acCurDb = acDoc.Database; LayerTable acLyrTbl;
How to trim an array? I want to trim out array items as if using a crossing window, not as the trim command does. See attachments. I want to be able to trim as in array 2, not as array 1.
know if there is a way to subtract one solid from another "with clearance" i.e. with an additional evenly applied clearance? I have seen this function in other applications, wondering if it possible somehow in Autocad?
In Autocad 2013, Is it possible to erase somme items of a rectangular associative array. I have seen that we can replace an object with a different one.
I would like to export a solid assembly (or derived part of the assembly) as a Spatial Array for use in Matlab. Only a simplistic solid definition is needed such that each element of the array is either 1 or 0.
How I can achieve this and ideally how I can choose the resolution of the array?
I've got four objects. One of these objects is a cylinder. I want to remove some material from the cylinder. The material which I want to remove is specified by the other three objects.
my target model = cylinder - (sum of other objects)
I am in the 3d modeling view, and have extruded closed polylines. when i go to subtract the object inside the other it won't subtract the command says <Modeling Operation Error: failure in face-face intersection merging algorithm>
One easy way for I calculate the weight of plates with many holes is creating regions and subtract the cuts as i need and after apply "LIST" command for get value of area . But, i cannot subtract the regions, in command line says :
"Command: region
Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 44 found
Select objects: 44 loops extracted.
44 Regions created.
Command: subtract Select solids, surfaces, and regions to subtract from ..
Select objects: 1 found
Select objects: Select solids, surfaces, and regions to subtract .. Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 4 found
Select objects: At least two solids, surfaces, or coplanar regions must be selected."
How can I remove the lines in the middle after I press and pull the objects.
Attached is the Untitle.jpg, to make more clearer to you. Blue is the wall and skyblue is the aquarium. I want the back and the front of the aquarium don't have any line in the middle but even I do shade command the fill of the color is still there. Cause if I explode and delete the line in the middle the colors that fill the aquarium are getting rid off See Untitled 2.Jpg to see what I mean. And also how can make the aquarium Untitle 3.jpg transparent?
Is there a way to subtract and object but it doesn't erase the original object?
I have a way of doing this by copying an object and placing it in the original position. Than subtract a single object leaving the copy of the object behind.
I wondered if there is a way to accomplish this with less steps.
My company just got all new computers and upgraded out AutoCAD to 2012 from 2009. And every single drafter has complained to me that the new Array is terrible. Basically, it seems to take 10 times as long to set up and array as it used to and now it's linking all of the objects together as a group which is absolutely terrible for what we do especially when we are making 4 or 5 columns or hundreds of objects. I cant find any classic or legacy array commands.
This really needs to be put back in because right now everyone is asking us to put AutoCAD 2009 back on the computers, and the whole reason we bought new PCs is because they couldn't run anything after 2009 without being too slow to be productive.
Is there a way one can draw a point array on a curve without starting from the beginning of the curve? I want to place point objects at equal intervals on a curve, but starting at a certain distance from the beginning of the curve.
I have drawn a bar counter in 3d which has a top rectangular shape with curved corners. The front of the bar has 100mm wide wooden fascia panels and they need to follow the line of the bar. I am using the Polar Array function which works great except I cant seem to get the panels to follow the curves/arcs around the corners, but they sit neatly on all the straight edges of the bar. So in other words the panels are straight and lined up on the straight parts of the bar but the panels stay at 90 degrees instead of following the curved areas of the bar.
When printing in 3d with the vp set to 3dhidden and the shade plot set to hidden legacy some solid items print with the wire frame. This usualy happens with torus and cones. How do I stop this?
Path array of a point on spline, I’m wondering why the path array of a particular point on the spline doesn’t force the points to lie on the spline itself!
I want to make a grid that is adjustable by editing parameters. I want to change the size of the blocks. And i want to change the number of blocks in the x-direction and y-direction.
I have created a square with a width of 50mm and a height of 20mm. I have created 2 parameters called width and height. Next I added dimensions to the square and i call those dimensions width and height. Now I can adjust the width and height of the square by editing the parameters.
Next I want to copy this square in the x- and y-direction so that you get a grid. The number of copies in x-direction I call number-x. The same in the y-direction.
I then link the number-x and number-y to 2 parameters that i have named number-x and number-y.
The distance between the squares has to be the same as the size of the first square. Only then you get a grid. So i created parameters for this to. I call them width2 and height2.
Now I can adjust the size of the grid by editing these parameters. When i change number-x or number the grid becomes larger. But when i want to change the size of the initial square, it doesn't work. I think because of the fact that the first square has become a part of an array.
How to make a grid that is adjustable nu editing parameters in the parameters manager?
Can autocad automatically create a sequentially numbered array. I do concert seating and am looking to create an array of seats and have them be numbered automatically as I create the array.