I'm creating an array using a block from an existing dwg file on my drive. When i import this block on it's own, i can explode it to ownerspace with "bref.ExplodeToOwnerSpace();" but when i'm creating the array, i don't have this ability and i'm left with one of my blocks in the array exploded, and the rest not. How do i explode the blocks in the array? When i try to use acEntClone.ExplodeToOwnerSpace(); it doesn't exist and i only have the option of acEntClone.Explode().
The Original Block
Document acDoc = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; Database acCurDb = acDoc.Database; LayerTable acLyrTbl;
How to trim an array? I want to trim out array items as if using a crossing window, not as the trim command does. See attachments. I want to be able to trim as in array 2, not as array 1.
If you have a housing with say, 12 cylinders in the flange which are to be cut out of the housing to become the 12 bolt-holes. If you positioned your cylinders using polar array, are you supposed to be able to use the command solid/substract? I can't as it won't pick the array parts to cut. I had to resort to rotating/copy all the cylinders around the flange and then it works great. Any way to do holes through a solid...
In Autocad 2013, Is it possible to erase somme items of a rectangular associative array. I have seen that we can replace an object with a different one.
I'm trying to use the PATH array feature on 2013 to array stairs, and I can't get the array to be 100% accurate. It seems like CAD rounds the decimal to the nearest 3/4" which could be causing the problem.
I set my run to 10.5" and rise to 7.25", array along the angle of the stringer, and there's always a small overlap on the stairs. The "distance between" should be 1'-209/256" and CAD rounds it to 1'-3/4" which is where I believe the error is. Is there any way to fix this or array this correctly? Otherwise...back to the COPY method I suppose.
I am hoping to link text items between pages and items in the drawing such as elevations?
So, ideally, I would have a front page to my drawing set, and this would have a 'Contents' type table on it, with the title name of each drawing in one column, then the drawing number in the next column. This is the tricky bit, someone must know: If i was to change the name / number of any item in this table, could it change also (linked to) the following items:
Drawing title (as a text idem on the layout sheet that that drawing relates to)
Drawing number (as a text idem on the layout sheet that that drawing relates to)
Elevation call-out (on the plan view)
And possibly:
Excel reference cell
Drawing layout tab title (this might be pushing it!!)
Perhaps this could be done by linking to an external Excel spreadsheet with these titles modified in there? I'm not sure. This would be ideal as typing into excel is a lot easier than the triple click text modify method required currently.
I waste a lot of time renaming and updating sheet names / titles / numbers. Are there standard templates for drawing sets that may have this built in available anywhere that I could try?
I'm looking for a way to explode a dimension. I've tried using the Explode() method, but it just results in an eInvalidInput error. Is there a way to explode a dimension into objects?
The reason for this is that I'm using Autocad Architecture and I'm auto-labeling and dimensioning some items I am inserting into the drawing, however the 2d elevation drawing tool in Architecture automatically ignores text and dimensions, so I need a way to explode these into lines so they will show up in the 2d elevation drawings.
Has any experienced a situation where they were unable to explode a block created with the cut & paste command?
My block "A$C58A67B84" which is an anonymous name created by AutoCAD is a floor plan from a customer in which we need to make changes or additions to however this block acts like when it was created the "Allow Exploding" box was un-checked. I know that was not the case though, since all I did was a regular "Cut & Paste".
I am having one region entity which is not getting exploded.
This region is resultant of solid editing (bolean opearions) on some regions. When I use explode() function to explode this region programatically it returns status as 'eNotApplicable'. And if I try to explode this region manually using EXPLODE command in AutoCAD 2010 it gives message as 'Cannot explode REGION'.
I am not getting why this is causing problem in 2010 only. It is working fine in other AutoCAD versions.
I have a block of a survey from an outside company which was sent as a block.I am guessing that when it was creating, they un-checked the box that allows it to be exploded.
I would like to edit the block, and without being able to explode it, I have to go into the block editor to do so.Is there a way in block manager to change it so that I can explode the block?
The original drawing was created in Inventor but i've never had such a problem before. I've been revising a drawing and to revise, i need to move a block 50mm from its original position. It's not allowing me to do so though.
As soon as i select move...it goes into "not responding". I can't explode it either....i can explode everything in the model space and once....but this leaves all dimensions as lines arrows etc.
I've even taken the same block into the drawing....and move/exploded it without any problems. In the properties bar....they are exactly the same except for the coordinates!
The really annoying thing is....i can't even delete and replace as it keeps crashing! There aren't any constraints either.
This is probably very easy using ssget or something, but I don't know exactly how that works. All I need to do is to explode any occurrences of a block with a particular name.
I working with a LISP program which creates some assembly drawings on the fly. For certain parts of the drawing I INSERT other dwg files which of course become blocks. Once in the drawing the users are sometimes wanting to edit the drawings where the blocks are, which makes an explodeable block necessary. But since the drawings are not actually blocks until they are imported this is not an easy thing to resolve. The other thing to keep in mind is that this drawing process is completely automated. The user does not get a chance to interface with it until the drawing is complete. So asking the user to do something as the drawing is being created will not work.
where I have a drawing with 3D faces creating the Chassis of a desk, and the top and pulls were inserted from other drawings and are blocks. There are numerous drawings with this scenario and I am looking for a way to explode the blocks ONLY in the drawings without exploding the 3D faces as well. Then we'd like to purge the drawing of the nested blocks before saving it.
I'm hoping there is a solution that doesn't require us to open each drawing individually as there are hundreds of them...if not thousands. We didn't catch this 'mistake' until today and have created many, many product lines (started in November) with this issue.
is there a way to explode a sketched symbol??? what i would like to do is place a sketched symbol with text from a custom iproperty, once placed it loses the link to the custom iproperty and is just dumb text.
I have a C#-WPF-Application. In this application there is a list of blocks in my drawing. When I click one of these blocks in the listbox I have several button-functions.
One of them: Select the in the list selected block in the drawing.
Another: Explode the in the list selected block.
I found several topics with Selection, but none of them worked for me. I'm looking for a selection via ObjectId or blockname of a single block, in the most cases the selectionfilter needs an array(?).
Is it possible to convert Text to a sketch in which I can edit individual letters. I want to use the text as a profile path for a plasma cutter. I tried Emboss, but Letters with islands in them, completely cut the letter out. I want to be able to add a bridge for one of a better word, by editing a sketch.