using acad 2010. i know there an option to align the text heads in aleader, but i want the opposite, i want to align the arrow heads since i use itas constriction section see the attached drawing
I have this special type of callout, which is not easy to draft, but it looks pretty in plans. Is there any easy way to convert this to multileader?
Usually, I create it as block, insert it and change location of solid arrow around textbox. If I want to relocate this callout, Its not that easy as like multileader. I have to move solid arrow around textframe (from one corner to other) to point the same location. can this be done automatically (like mleader?)
I have created a couple text styles which are identical other than the fact that one has pointers using filled arrows whilst the other has filled dots. However when exported to dwfx, the arrows appear whereas the dots are absent!
I'm using Illustrator CS 6 / ExtendScript Toolkit CS 6.
Is there any way to add arrowheads to a path with script (JavaScript or VBScript)? I don't want to make triangle or V-shaped path but add one of the built-in start and end arrowheads, scale them and set arrowhead alignment, all with script. There is no information about this topic in the Illustrator scripting references.
I have a little problem with autocad 2012. When I open a dwg in autocad 2012 some hatch turns solid, but same dwg is fine in autocad 2011 or previous versions. What is interesting if I am in autocad 2012 and i click on the hatch and change something on the properties and i click enter it turns normal to what it should be. So i click on the hatch again change back the whatever it was previously and hit enter. I regen everything and its still fine. So basically i did nothing to it and its fixed. So this might be bug I am not sure. So after all this, i save the dwg and exit. I re-open the dwg again in autocad 2012 the hatch is back to solid. What is very interesting in autocad 2011 everyhing is fine no hatch problems at all. I attached two pdfs as to what it should looks like when its correct hatch and what it looks like when i open it.
I was finishing up my autocad project I noticed that the little arrow next to the annotation scale on the bottom right corner of the page was gone. The little arrow shows a list of scales in autocad so you can properly scale your drawing. how to bring the arrow back or is it a glitch?
How can I remove the lines in the middle after I press and pull the objects.
Attached is the Untitle.jpg, to make more clearer to you. Blue is the wall and skyblue is the aquarium. I want the back and the front of the aquarium don't have any line in the middle but even I do shade command the fill of the color is still there. Cause if I explode and delete the line in the middle the colors that fill the aquarium are getting rid off See Untitled 2.Jpg to see what I mean. And also how can make the aquarium Untitle 3.jpg transparent?
I have recently started using Architect 2012. We use Architectural Tick for dimensioning.
The problem is the Architectural Tick arrow is not coming in at the proper scale (Arrow head size = 3/32", dimscale varies). The arrow head seems to be out by a scale factor of 25.4 (found by trial and error).
If so is there a software patch or workaround. Can the Architectural Tick block be edited and if so where is it?
Is there a way, in an .idw (drawing file) to create a flat view (unrolled) of a cylindrical solid? NOT to be confused with sheet metal. This is from a solid .ipt. Either that or create a flat pattern of a solid cylinder that IS NOT SHEET METAL?
I am trying to draw dimension leader arrows. I start "_LE QLEADER" and go to settings and tell it I want my arrowhead to be "closed filled". I draw the arrow, and it comes up as a "DOT" arrow.
I can change this in the Properties, but who wants to do that every time? When I go back to "_LE QLEADER" and go to settings, the arrow block is set back to DOT, even though I just changed it to "closed filled".
I used "rename" to rename my "closed filled" block to "dsfsdfsdf", in case the block got redefined somehow.My dimblk is set to "", as are dimblk1 and dimblk2. Tried both setting of dimsah as well.
I do not see any "CExxxxxx" variable which might control this.
I'm using AutoCAD Mechanical 2010 and received a .DXF file that contains 'solid' objects. Unfortunately the next tool in my workflow doesn't understand 'solids' only polylines (and a few other basic shapes like circles, lines, etc). Is there some way to convert the object in AutoCAD?
I tried the 'boundary' command but when it asks to 'Pick Points' and I click inside the solid, it always gives the error 'Valid hatch boundary not found'.
I have 2 dimension styles, but for one, I can't change the arrowhead
In the attachment, there are 2 dimensions, one of each style. The left one works good, the right one doesn't reflect any changes to arrows (type, size).
Is there a way to move the tip of the other scale's arrow of an annotative multileader in the model space ?
For exemple, I shifted this tree a little bit to the left. I have a multileader pointing to the middle of it to indicate the tree species. When selecting the multileader, I can use the little blue square to move the tip of the small arrow but how can I move the other one ?
Since that multileader is pointing to other trees as well, I cannot move the whole thing.
I guess I could go to the paper space and into a viewport using that scale, but I need to do that quite often and I'm sure there should be an easier way.
I have drawn a site plan in model space at 1to1 scale. I try to draw hidden lines to show demolition. In paper space the scale is set to 1"=50" to fit on paper. But all the hidden lines plot solid. I had changed LTSCALE, PSLTSCALE, to 1. This problem keeps happening in most every thing I draw.
The multileader arrow is not showing even if the number is increased (ie from "4" to "10") in the multileader dialog box or under the properties when modified.
I have used v2006 til recently. Now I use LT 2010. I just use multileaders for arrows. I am starting at the arrow head, and I want the tail to end on the "endpoint" of a line. When I "right click" to finish the command, the tail of the arrow "jumps off" the endpoint or nearest or whatever snap point I use. I have looked in the settings and turned all the text & landings off & set break size to zero.
I'm doing a program in Visual Basic 2010. In one of the forms I put a button that when clicked must open AutoCAD 2012 and make a drawing in it. The user will decide where to save it.The steps are these:
1. I added the references Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop and Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.Common to the Visual Basic Project. That's OK.
Dim acadApp As New AcadApplication 'Create an instance of an AutoCAD Application AcadApp.Application.Visible = True 'Show the instance of the AutoCAD Application Dim acadDoc As AcadDocument 'Create an intance of an AutoCAD Document acadDoc = acadApp.Documents.Open("C:Respaldo TesisDibujo2.dwg") 'Open a Document called Dibujo 2 'Draw a line Dim PT1(2) As Double [code].....
I recently loaded several versions of AutoCAD on to a Windows 7 machine. ALL versions will open a drawing if double-clicked from windows explorer, but if I try to open through AutoCAD, the program freezes as soon as I click on the "Open" button. This is true for AutoCAD 2010 through 2012.
Machine Specs:
Dell Optiplex 990 250GB HD 8GB Ram I7-2600 proc AMD Radeon HD 6670 (1Gb) Video Card
I also cannot open multiple instances of ANY version of AutoCAD in Windows 7.
I type in the command ( I'm an old school typer, hate the buttons ) BLOCK....then the next thing that happens is (after hitting enter of course), my crosshairs instantly turn into the Windows arrow.
I wasn't playing with any switches. I was just trying to make a little block with a number in it.
Yes, I restarted AutoCAD, restarted the computer, did not reload in AutoCAD.....AutoCAD 2011 by the way.
I run Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit.
I have to do a WBLOCK to make the blocks I need to bypass this odd behavior.
I have a solid of a vortex breaker for a nozzle in a cone, from which I subtracted the cone. But when I attempt to subtract the nozzle as well, it will not subtract. I have verified that both entities are solids. I copied them into a new drawing by themselves. I even rebooted my computer--all to no avail. I have attatched a drawing of the two solids.
I've be trying convert a 3D solid model to DGN file and until now no success!
When I tried to export the model the error message of Figure 1 was returned. I'm using the settings of Figure 2. Is attached too, the DWG file for analysis.