After Effects :: Perform Photoshop Or Flash Distort / Skew / Warp Transformations

Jan 15, 2014

1) does AE have or can be made to perform Photoshop or Flash distort, skew, warp etc. transformations?, (these save incomparable time in path editing rather than AE's limited transforms and manual point and tangent realignments)
2) when shape(mask) tweening in AE is it capable of what Flash calls ease-in/out, or what Illustrator and CorelDRAW calls "speed"or "acceleration" respectivly?

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After Effects :: Way To Export Flash Vector Animation To After Effects Keeping It Editable?

Aug 7, 2013

I have a flash animation, just shapes and tweening. I was wondering if there's a way to convert it to After Effects but keeping it editable (i.e. getting AE shapes and keyframes).

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After Effects :: How To Perform Cylindrical / Spherical Orbits For  Texts

Oct 18, 2013

effect 1. I want to make an intro for my logo and I was thinking for an effect like this one we see in harry potter (boggart). I don't want something so advanced like this in the image nor 3d. I just want to use this effect to switch from one text to a second text before ending showing my logo.
so the  it's something like this: text1 --> effect --->  text 2 (text1 disappears) --> effect ---> my logo appears  (text2 disappears)

effect 2: this is something more easy. Instead of using the first effect for my intro I want to use elliptical orbits for my texts. So the text1 will look like they start from the center of the screen coming closer and closer to the viewer (user) and then they will go back and dissapear so the next text2 will start.

general question: how do I perform cylindrical/ spherical orbits for  texts?

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Photoshop :: How To Create Key Frames For Puppet Warp Effects In Timeline

Nov 15, 2012

How to create key frames for puppet warp effects in the timeline?

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GIMP :: Custom Effects - Allow To Distort Area Using Random Path?

Jul 9, 2011

I'd like to create custom effects using paths. Is it possible to distort a (rectangle) area along a given path? Let's suppose for instance I have a gradient in a rectangle area and I drew an open path manually with a few nodes forming waves, loops; I'd like to have the rectangle area "follow" the path and be distorted accordingly. Mathematically that would suppose:the rectangle area would be stretched to fit the path length andthe rectangle area could be "bent" using its gravity centre as a reference point. That'd be useful for creating smoke effects for instance. Can Gimp 2.6 do this or is there a plugin?

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Photoshop :: Animating Of Filter Effects Smoothly (with Flash)

May 4, 2006

I wish to create a smooth transition between the Before & After of a Filter Effect. I know settings in Layer Styles can be tweaked in simple animations, how can i do it to a filter effect? I use photoshop & flash does anyone know anyway to do it smoothly? any plug-ins or methods?

the only method i can think of is to create multiple images then adding them in flash, but that wouldn't be smooth enough for me and it will make my flash file too big if i import so many images.

can anyone suggest any workaround to that? any software/plug-in that can do that? The effect im trying to create is the flipping of a page, i found a filter to curl the ends of the page already, but it only saves a image at a time.

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After Effects :: Time Warp Effect Causes Color Change (CS4)

Mar 23, 2013

I have a 1-minute clip that I've been working on. The first 30s I want to playback at normal speed. Between 30 and 36s I want the playback speed to gradually increase to about double the normal playback speed. At 36s I want it to stay at double speed for a few seconds and then gradually return to realtime playback. I don't want it to suddenly go from normal speed to double speed. From what I've read this is possible with the TimeWarp effect or enabling time re-mapping. Since I don't know how to do either I decided to look up some tuts on TimeWarp. I didn't find much and when I add the TimeWarp effect to my footage layer, all the color correction I did on it disappears.
I guess I'm wondering two things:

-How do I accomplish the speeding up and slowing down that I described above?
-If I'm supposed to use Timewarp, why does it create issues with my color and how do I fix it?

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After Effects :: Starting The New Multiple Point Warp Stabilizer

Jun 19, 2013

I do aerial photography with a large rc helicopter. Camera movement is hard to get rid of. I am looking forward to the upgraded Warp stabilizer "VFX" to work with that. I have been using the Warp in AE and motion tracking. I just don't know how to launch the multi point program in AE cloud.

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After Effects :: How To Enhance Flash Projects

Sep 4, 2013

How can I use AE to enhance my Flash projects?

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Photoshop :: Shape Won't Skew In CC

Jul 19, 2013

I am unable to skew shapes for some reason in Photoshop CC. I don't know if there is a setting I'm overlooking or if this is a bug, but I have never had this problem before. I create a shape, go to Edit>Transform>Skew, and when I grab the top edge and move it side to side it makes a rectangle base on what the skew should look like. I've posted a video to illustrate the problem:

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Photoshop :: Angle Transformations

Jun 2, 2004

I found a wheel that I like, and almost got it to the right angle of the picture of the car I have, but if only I could angle it just a tiny bit it would fit perfect. But, I can't figure out how to angle it. I have been using CTRL + T when all the handles come up to transform it but I can't find one to angle it.

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Photoshop Elements :: Skew To Correct Converging Verticals?

Oct 19, 2012

In Photoshop when I skewed to correct converging verticals, then I needed to free transform to get the verticals to the right height again. Then I changed the canvas size to include all the photo. I can't figure out how to do this in Elements.

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Photoshop :: How To Stop SKEW Transform From Snapping To Layer Edges

Oct 18, 2013

I have supposedly disabled all the "snap" features in Photoshop, however, whenever I try to make minute transforms with the skew tool it always "snaps" (often closing a huge gap) to either it's previous vector, or one of the other points.
How do I stop this before I hit my head on the desk repeatedly in frustration?
Ctrl, etc., like with the move tool, does nothing differently.

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Photoshop :: Capture & Apply Transformations To Second Orig

Jun 11, 2008

I placed an element in the bigger picture, then I tweaked it, distorted it, used perspective etc. etc. Now I've decided to alter the original of that element and I want to place it in the bigger picture again. And i really want to use all the transformations that I used the first time. Is there a way to capture the transformations and apply them to the replaced element?

it's all image, pixels, no text, paths or even layers in this element I'm placing.

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Xara :: Combine Left And Right Skew?

Dec 5, 2012

The skew tool only seems to allow a left or right skew, i.e. you can turn a square into a parallelogram.

Is there a way to combine left and right skew, i.e. to turn a square into a trapezium?

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Paint.NET :: Skew Circle For Pixel Art?

Jun 3, 2011

is there a way to skew a circle for isometric pixelart. mspaint can do this and its quite useful. was wondering if .net can do it too?

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AutoCAD .NET :: WCS UCS Point Transformations

May 29, 2013

I am using the following to transform coordinates

Public Function TransformPointWCStoUCS(ByVal WCSPnt As Point3d) As Point3d Dim ed As Editor = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor Dim m As Matrix3d =

The WCS to UCS is returning a negative value for Y. Is there another version of these that I need to be using?

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3ds Max Animation :: How To Apply A Skew Modifier To Rotating Wheel

Jul 9, 2012

How can i apply a skew modifier to rotating wheel and preserve skew gizmo from rotation? I am trying to achieve a cartoon like fast moving car. Seems to be simple thing to do but I can`t get it.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Skew / Shear Solid3D Object?

Nov 27, 2012

Is there a way to Skew/Shear a Solid3d object using .NET? I've created a Frustum using Solid3d, but I'm unable to skew it. The easiest way would to just create a skew matrix, but it seems that non-uniform scaling is not allowed by the API.

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GIMP :: Skew Circle For Isometric Pixel Art (30 Degrees)

May 23, 2011

In gimp, some things are confusing. like the shear/skew tool, isometrics/pixel grids, and selecting objects.

Is there a way to skew a circle for isometric pixel art (30 degrees)? Does gimp have a isometric/pixel grid? (there's a regular grid, but its not isometric)

when selecting an object, is there a way to select it without using float every time? Lastly, is there a way to constrain a line to the 3 most used isometric lines used in isometric pixel art? (shift works, but its hit or miss)

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Illustrator :: Skew Object - Free Transform Not Sticking

Jul 30, 2013

I am trying to "skew" an object. I use the Free Transform tool, then click and hold on a handle, then hold down Control, and drag the handle where I want it. This works fine. BUT the second I let go of either the mouse or the Control button, it pops back to its original location/shape. How do I make the transformation "stick"? I'm sure I'm being really dense and missing something very simple.

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X6 :: Use Skew On Greyscale - Blue Edges

Nov 25, 2012

When you want to use skew on grayscale element you should be prepared for blue edges.

How blue can be similar to gray?

system configuration:

Win 7 Pro 64bit, Intel i5-2500, 8 GB RAM, 128 SSD SAMSUNG + 2TB on hard drives.

corel version:


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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Transformations Tool (Alt F10)

Apr 17, 2012

I have been using CorelDraw X6 for a couple of days now (Trial version) on a Windows 7 v32 machine.  I noticed a bug in the transformation tool (Alt F10).  Every time that I input a number or value on the transformation box and then press enter on my keyboard it does not change the size of my object.  The only way to make it work is inputting the value and then press the apply key (I had have no problems in the pass inputting values and then changing by pressing enter on my keyboard in CorelDraw X5  whatsoever. 

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Transformations Docker

Jul 9, 2012

I have just switched from X5 to X6. I am almost convinced that before, when I made a change on for instance an objects size in the Transformations docker, I then pressed Enter, and that was the same as using the mouse and clicking Apply. This doesn't work in X6, I have to lift my hand and use the mouse. Is there a way to fix this?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Does 2014 Do Vertical Transformations

Aug 1, 2013

I have Lidar LAS files in UTM18 and need them in State Plane. Horizontally they come in fine to a drawing with the correct system set. Vertically they are still in Meters. I know a couple of workarounds. But I'm just wondering if there have been any advances in 2014.

We're still on 2012 but I'm testing 2014 I don't want to go through the whole process again if it's not going to work.

Civil 3D 2012 SP 3 / IDSP 2014 HF1
Dell Precision T7400, Xeon CPU 3.16 GHz
Win 7 Pro, 64-bit,12 GB RAM, Nvidia Quadro FX 4600

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Mirror Text Creates Undesired Transformations?

Aug 7, 2012

Problem: My artists are telling me that they are experiencing a transformation of their text when they try to do a mirror. We do a process called sublimation that requires us to print our artwork backwards, and when they perform the mirror operation occasionally the text either crunches together from left to right, or stretches out in the same direction.

The mirror also chances the size of shapes, overall it seems to be an issue with the Mirror action. So far the only effective way to fix the problem is to restart the PC. I have asked them to try restarting CorelDraw alone, and will see if they works next time.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: How To Apply Geoid / Scale Factor For Transformations

Apr 3, 2013

how to apply geoid / scale factor for transformations?

I need to get UTM zone 11 in WGS ellipsoid to ground coordinates.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Raster Design Photo Transformations

Jul 17, 2013

Any way to transform/rubbersheet a photo/raster so it sticks to a wall i.e. vertically and not just doing it 2D. Trying to digitise photo's taken of walls to work in a 3d model.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Data Referencing And Coordinate Transformations

Aug 10, 2012

I have 50+ project sites scattered along a 600+ mile alignment.  My alignment reference drawing coordinate system is set to a UTM coordinate system.  My project site drawings are set to state plane coordinate systems.  Does coordinate transformation automatically occur with data references?

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Maya Modeling :: How To Freeze Transformations To Local Axis

Oct 6, 2011

Take a sphere, transform it in both location and rotation. Now you want to make it's new transform and rotation zeroed out so so that it still rotates around it's local axis but all its base values are zero. If you just freeze transforms, it puts everything to zero around the world axis not the local axis. This is not what I want. I want to be zeroed around the local axis.

Win 7 Pro 64Bit
i7 980 Extreme 3.33Ghz
24Gb Ram
NVidia Quadro K5000

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Photoshop :: CC - Can't Perform Opening Filters?

Jul 29, 2013

I have installed Photoshop CC and dragged and dropped my third party filters into the programs filter folder, but when i open the program they are not showing in the filter drop down list. Also the Photoshop icon is not showing in the launchpad window, but all the other Adobe CC applications are there. I am running an iMac on Mountain Lion 10.8.4

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