3ds Max :: Mapped Drives Doesn't Appear

Mar 8, 2013

I don't know what happened but I'm sure when I was choosing textures form my mapped drive I coudl see the mapped drive in "select bitmap image file" window. Same goes for saving renders , no sign of mapped drives. Now somehow it's gone. I have to go to network and choose destination from there. What I have to do to see my mapped drives ? I have windows 8. I had to make extra network location to have access to that drive but still it's workaround. Why 3dsmax can't see mapped drives?


In system it's visible but in 3dsmax window it isn't


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AutoCAD LT :: Not Seeing Mapped Drive

Oct 17, 2013

AutoCAD LT 2007 on Windows 8 - I've mapped a drive to the server under drive letter Z:, then I tried B: just for grins. The computer sees the drive, but when you go to open or save in AutoCAD the drive is not there in the tree. I've also used MKLINK in CMD to create a virtual folder, and ACAD sees the folder, but won't open it or save to it.

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Photoshop :: Bit Mapped To Vector Images

Nov 1, 2004

I am trying to do some things like the Apple iPod advertisements:

it is just taking a bit-map and turning into a vector image. Can you use photoshop or do you have to a vector based program like illustrator.

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3ds Max :: Mapped Materials Fade Out After A Couple Of Second?

Feb 21, 2014

I have a small issue I think it has something to do with lighting or views. I have posted pics of what the materials are doing on the model. Is there some check mark that I need to uncheck so that the materials I am placing are always dark and they don't end up fading out? Note, if I rotate the my model the materials will reappear then fade out again when I stop rotating.

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Revit :: How Software Can Be Mapped Structures Clad

Nov 17, 2012

How the software can be mapped structures clad?

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Illustrator :: Pixelated Gridlines When Using Mapped Artwork

Aug 21, 2013

I am trying to make a globe using a Equirectangular Vector Globe and a set of grid lines using the grid tool.I set everything up and set it all as a symbol. Do my half circle and revolve it, map the art work and size to fit.However when I look at my grid lines at 100% they are pixelated. At 300% they are not.

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Illustrator :: Can Isolate Type That's Been Mapped Around A Sphere

Jul 13, 2012

I have created a sphere and mapped some type around it. However, I can't figure out how to knock out the sphere to 'clear' so I ONLY see the type and not the sphere (I'm placing the type on top of something else). I've done some searching online with no success.

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Illustrator :: Rasterize Art That Is Mapped Onto Shape Or Warping?

Aug 22, 2012

I need to make an intricate vector design look at is if it curved, like on the surface of a ball. BUT, I want to keep it editable. I tried the Warp tool first, but it made a mess, stirring up the shape rather than simply allowing me to curve it.

So I tried making a 3D sphere, then mapping it onto that. It worked, but now whenever I try to move or rotate the thing, it doesn't work right. Also, I can't tweak the design anymore.

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Lightroom :: How To Set Lens Profiles On A Tone Mapped HDR

Aug 5, 2013

I'm trying to work out the optimal workflow for doing HDR (using HDR EFEX 2) on a set of images.  I can apply LR's Lens Correction (Nikon, 17-55mm F2,8) and chromatic aberation removal on the whole set set (using LR Sync) before I export to HDR - then turn off the Chromatic Aberation fix in HDR - and that gives me one workflow.
However, that makes a lot of changes to the TIF's before I go in - so I am wondering if it would be better to export the RAW files converted to TIF using minimal changes from LR e,g, no CA fix or Lens Profile correction; let the HDR do its thing and then make profile corrections, Upright, etc upon return from HDR.  However, when I get back from HDR and go into Develop with the returned file and go to Lens Correction, I cannot chose the 17-55mm F2.8 lens from the drop downs.  There are only about 4 or 5 lenses now showing as Nikon possibilities-and the 17-55 is NOT among them.
How come I don't still see the full list of Nikon profiles - shoudln't I be able to apply any profile to a TIF (even an incorrect one) ?
I tried pasting the Develop Settings from a virtual copy where I had set the Lens Profile to 17-55 F2.8 - but that only turns on the Lens Profile 'filter' and does not actually force-on the specific correction.

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Photoshop :: Vector Mapped Layer In Open File?

Apr 23, 2013

A client has asked me to send a file with the type on a separate layer which he refers to as "vector mapped". I know that I can lay in an AI type layer and save the file as an open .PSD file, or lay it in as a vector smart object and send it as an open TIFF file (along with the original AI file), but the client is using CS2 and can't deal with VSOs. The way around it, of course, is via a layered AI file with a placed image, but what is he referring to with hte term "vector map"?

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AutoCAD LT :: GPS Path Mapped Need To Place A Symbol Over Each Point

Jul 10, 2013

I have imported a path of GPS points and have them mapped in autocad where I want them, what I now need to do is place a symbol (a circle with an M in the middle of it) over each dot. I have the symbol as a separate layer but know no easy way to add this symbol to each dot so that the dot is in the centre of the circle. I can simply copy and paste the symbol and drag manually to each dot but this will take forever as there is over a thousand dots and accuracy of the dot being centered would not be spot on.

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Illustrator :: Make Mapped Art On Revolved Object Scalable?

Mar 9, 2013

I have a revolved half circle and mapped a rectangle around it to form a spherical ribbon. Whenever I resize it, it looks different. How do I get it to stay the way it looks without losing resolution?

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CorelDRAW X5 :: C++ Error When Opening A File Saved To Mapped Drive?

Oct 17, 2012

I have cdx5 (fully patched) running on a windows 7 pro x64 machine (c++, directx, updates all current) that has an issue when saving a file to a mapped network drive.  The file will save error free but when you try to open the file again at a later date it gives a c++ runtime error (this application has requested the runtime to terminate in an unexpected way).

If i save the file locally then move it to the network share it seems fine.  It can be opened and edited with out issue.

CDx5 needs to save to the mapped drive as the server runs onsite and offsite backups. There is a large volume of files that are changed/created daily.  Saving locally and then copied to the server manually is also not an option as the user cannot be relied upon to ensure the files are copied to the server.

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VideoStudio :: File Size Limited To 2GB On Mapped Network Drive?

May 25, 2012

When I render a large file with the output going to a mapped drive the output is cut into multiple files that are 2GB in size.

If I do it to a local disk it doesn't do this - it created the 13GB file, which I then have to copy to my network drive.

how to remove this limitation on network drives?

I am using 64 bit windows 7 and a NetApp NAS...

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Illustrator :: Scale Mapped Symbol Without Going Into Extrude / Bevel Palette?

Feb 27, 2014

How do I scale a mapped symbol without going into the extrude/bevel palette? I just want to take the 3d art and scale it up. I don't want it to just scale the object, I want it to scale the mapped symbol in the object as well.

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VideoStudio :: 2 Hard Drives - Different Speeds

Nov 29, 2010

Situation: You have two hard drives - you intend to have programs reside on one and data on the other. All things being equal - one drive spins faster than the other. i.e. 7200 Rpm vs 5200 rpm vs 10,000 rpm

Question: Would you place the X3 program on the faster drive and the data on the slower drive OR visa versa. I am thinking (dangerous) the data (smart proxy files, saved projects and video files) should be on the faster drive since the "program" probably doesn't use the program drive much and uses more CPU / memory. I have two hard drives - one is faster than the other - which drive should I put the X3 program on and which should I put the data on?[/b][/size]

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Photoshop :: CS3 Slow W/USB Hard Drives

Aug 26, 2008

I'm running an Intel Q6600 w/4GB of ram 1.5TB in a Raid 10 (4 750GB hard drives) that I had custom built from R-Tech Computers. The machine is fast and Photoshop runs great until I hook up my external USB hard drives.

I have 4 hard drives ranging from 500GB to 1TB. When I hook them up and run Photoshop, The system slows down to a crawl. I take them off, it runs great.

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Illustrator :: Cannot Be Installed On Flash Drives

Feb 24, 2014

I am planning to buy Illustrator and a MacBook air / pro, but the macs comes with a flash drive, and it is stated that Illustrator cannot be installed on flash drives.Can this really be true? It must be the way all new laptops are going.

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Lightroom :: How To Have Catalog In Two Or Three Different Hard Drives

Aug 9, 2013

The question is, I have all my photos,in two hard drives and I want to have the LR catalog in both HDs. When I close LR, it creates the security catalog into" A" HD, then I copy this backup folder into the second hard drive"B" but when open the second HD, the photos does not reflect the changes I did in the "A" HD.

How can I do to have the same stuff in two or three different HDs??

For example, I have two HDs, one in my house (disk A), and the other one (disk B) in a friend's house (it has the same photos than the "A" HD) and use it as second security backup.

How can I copy the LR catalog, created as a backup in the disk A, and copy it to the disk B? ? Normally I copy the folder that LR has created into disk "A" when I closed LR and I paste it on disk "B". But when I connect the disk "B" and open LR with this catalog, the modifications are not there.

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Lightroom :: Placing All Media On One Or Two Drives?

May 16, 2013

I want to get some new larger drives to use for my photos and videos. Placing all of my photos and videos on a single 4TB drive vs. splitting them over two 4TB drives. I think all of my photos and videos currently will take around 2.5TB. Are there any performance gains from splitting them over two drives?

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Lightroom :: Swapping Drives With Videos?

Jul 13, 2012

I have a Macpro with 4 internal hard drives. I keep photos on one of the drives and videos on two of the other drives and swap out these drives with other drives that have videos on them. I also use external drives that have videos on them. I want to import videos from all of the different drives that I swap back and forth.
1. What will happen if I tag videos on the internal drives and then swap them out with other drives? Will it just show a broken link to the video until I put it back in?

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Lightroom :: 2.6 - Switching External Drives On Mac?

Dec 6, 2011

I'm using Lightroom 2.6 on a Mac G5.  I've got 93.36Gb of photos ( 9,000 RAW files plus their sidecar files) on a 500Gb firewire 400 drive.  I'm upgraing to a 1TB firewire 800 external, and my  file is (I believe) on my internal hard drive under users somewhere.
I can piggy back the new and old externals, or copy my photos to the internal and then transfer to the new drive when I connect it, but I have no way of connecting both firewire drives to the computer at the same time.
What's the most effective and easiest way to transfer my catalog and photo files from one drive to another and have Lightroom find them and sort everything out?

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Lightroom :: Where Are External Drives Shown

Oct 25, 2011

When I am in Lightroom all I see in the Folder Section is my internal hard drive.  I have many images on my external hard drive.  How do I get the external hard drives to show up along with the internal hard drive?

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Lightroom :: Moving Files Between Drives?

Mar 18, 2014

In her Youtube video on Lightroom settings Julianne Kost recommends keeping recent images and works in progress on an internal drive for speedy access then moving onto an external drive later on.
Preumably these files must be moved within Lightroom to preserve the links to the thumbnails?

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Lightroom :: Multiple Drives That Get Swapped In-and-out?

Dec 27, 2012

I have multiple hard drives in my Macpro. If I import photos and videos onto the drives and then remove the drives and swap them with other drives, what will happen? Will the images and videos that were on the drive that was just removed not be found in LR, or can it cause other problems/corrupt the Library, etc.?

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Lightroom :: 2.6 Windows 7 64 Bit - Not All Drives Listed In Browse

Jan 7, 2010

I am using Lightroom 2.6 on Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit, and the browse for files or folders dialog that comes up when I need to choose location for my raw files imported as .dng does not list all hard drives of my computer - it only lists contents of my user folder in drive C:/ - thus making it impossible for me to choose any other location than those within my user folder. I attach two screenshots - 1/ Normal browse for folders dialog as it appears from within Windows explorer. 2/ Same dialog as invoked by Lightroom - with all drives missing.

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Lightroom :: Two Of The Same Hard Drives Show Up Upon Import?

Jan 3, 2012

I have all of my photos on an external hard drive named "Computer Backup."  A new problem has developed.  When I import photos, I very carefully select the folder into which I want to import.  On the left side of the screen where it shows all of my folders, organized so nicely into "Computer Backup," a second "Computer Backup" shows up and that's where the photos get imported into.  It's identical, shows the same space available/used. 
So then I have to drag those files into the file where I acutally want them and that shows 0 pictures.  When I do that, it says that they files already exist there.What happened!?

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Lightroom :: How To Sync Changes To Images Over Multiple Drives

May 15, 2012

I keep my photos on two main drives: one archival drive which is the main storage for ALL my images and lives in my studio, and one that is my portable working drive which travels with me wherever I go. Using Lightroom 3, I import images during a shoot onto the portable drive, and then later I copy the images using Finder to the main archival drive. I don't do the copy while importing from my card because I don't have the time to wait during the shoot. Since I carry the portable drive with me, I make metadata and develop and other changes to the images from a particular shoot in Lightroom, all of which are saved to that portable drive.

My question is, is there a way to have Lightroom sync these changes over multiple hard drives? In other words, how do I sync all the changes I made to the images on my portable drive with the images I previously copied to my archival drive? If I make develop, metadata, and keyword changes to the images in a folder on my portable drive, the idea of having to do it all over again for the same folder on my archival drive seems intensely ponderous, and the idea of copying all the files again every time I make changes seems very time-consuming. Lightroom is so brilliant in so many ways, I'm hoping this is something it knows how to do as well.
To explain, the portable hard drive is a small USB powered drive that I can have with me at my day job or take with me to shoots, where I might find time to rate images, make develop settings, add keywords, etc. It's not possible to bring the archival drive with me everywhere, which means I work from the portable drive quite a bit. But I need for the archival drive to be in sync with the portable drive as much as possible, for obvious backup reasons.

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Lightroom :: Can Lrcat And Lrdata Files Be On Different Drives

Jun 20, 2013

I use a MacPro. My boot drive is a 3 TB internal hard drive. My .lrdata file (LR 5) is over 275 GB because I have 1:1 previews for all of my photos. I have recently purchased a 240GB SSD which I want to use as my boot drive to increase processing times. Can I have the .lrcat file on my SSD (for speed) and the corresponding .lrdata file on another drive?

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Lightroom :: Multiple Copies Of The Same Catalog 3 Different Drives?

Oct 26, 2012

I want to have multiple copies of the same catalog 3 different drives

i have 3 drives , I want to have the same catalog on all 3 drives along with the photos.

1 drive would be my main catalog
2 drive would be back up with all the photos
3 drive is my traveling presentation drive with all the photos

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Lightroom :: Handle Photos On Multiple Drives

Jun 22, 2012

I am using my computer as a combo video editing and Photo editing setup.  I using a raid 5 for my video editing work, and two 1TB drive setup as raid 1 mirror where my photos are located.  I am down to my last 325 GB that may sould a lot but I am planning on really taking off with my picture taking. I have a NAS were I also have my photos backed up.  I have not added my photos to Lightroom catalog.  I also have Photoshop. I understand it is better to have the photos located on the computer instead of external.  How dose Lightroom handle photos on multiple drives?Should I separate the two 1TB drives so I have two 2TB available and if so were to place lightroom Catalog folder?   Or should I make it easy on myself and just purchase a 2TB drives and place all the photos at that location?

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