AutoCAD LT 2007 on Windows 8 - I've mapped a drive to the server under drive letter Z:, then I tried B: just for grins. The computer sees the drive, but when you go to open or save in AutoCAD the drive is not there in the tree. I've also used MKLINK in CMD to create a virtual folder, and ACAD sees the folder, but won't open it or save to it.
I have cdx5 (fully patched) running on a windows 7 pro x64 machine (c++, directx, updates all current) that has an issue when saving a file to a mapped network drive. The file will save error free but when you try to open the file again at a later date it gives a c++ runtime error (this application has requested the runtime to terminate in an unexpected way).
If i save the file locally then move it to the network share it seems fine. It can be opened and edited with out issue.
CDx5 needs to save to the mapped drive as the server runs onsite and offsite backups. There is a large volume of files that are changed/created daily. Saving locally and then copied to the server manually is also not an option as the user cannot be relied upon to ensure the files are copied to the server.
I have imported a path of GPS points and have them mapped in autocad where I want them, what I now need to do is place a symbol (a circle with an M in the middle of it) over each dot. I have the symbol as a separate layer but know no easy way to add this symbol to each dot so that the dot is in the centre of the circle. I can simply copy and paste the symbol and drag manually to each dot but this will take forever as there is over a thousand dots and accuracy of the dot being centered would not be spot on.
I don't know what happened but I'm sure when I was choosing textures form my mapped drive I coudl see the mapped drive in "select bitmap image file" window. Same goes for saving renders , no sign of mapped drives. Now somehow it's gone. I have to go to network and choose destination from there. What I have to do to see my mapped drives ? I have windows 8. I had to make extra network location to have access to that drive but still it's workaround. Why 3dsmax can't see mapped drives?
In system it's visible but in 3dsmax window it isn't
I have a small issue I think it has something to do with lighting or views. I have posted pics of what the materials are doing on the model. Is there some check mark that I need to uncheck so that the materials I am placing are always dark and they don't end up fading out? Note, if I rotate the my model the materials will reappear then fade out again when I stop rotating.
I am trying to make a globe using a Equirectangular Vector Globe and a set of grid lines using the grid tool.I set everything up and set it all as a symbol. Do my half circle and revolve it, map the art work and size to fit.However when I look at my grid lines at 100% they are pixelated. At 300% they are not.
I have created a sphere and mapped some type around it. However, I can't figure out how to knock out the sphere to 'clear' so I ONLY see the type and not the sphere (I'm placing the type on top of something else). I've done some searching online with no success.
I need to make an intricate vector design look at is if it curved, like on the surface of a ball. BUT, I want to keep it editable. I tried the Warp tool first, but it made a mess, stirring up the shape rather than simply allowing me to curve it.
So I tried making a 3D sphere, then mapping it onto that. It worked, but now whenever I try to move or rotate the thing, it doesn't work right. Also, I can't tweak the design anymore.
I'm trying to work out the optimal workflow for doing HDR (using HDR EFEX 2) on a set of images. I can apply LR's Lens Correction (Nikon, 17-55mm F2,8) and chromatic aberation removal on the whole set set (using LR Sync) before I export to HDR - then turn off the Chromatic Aberation fix in HDR - and that gives me one workflow.
However, that makes a lot of changes to the TIF's before I go in - so I am wondering if it would be better to export the RAW files converted to TIF using minimal changes from LR e,g, no CA fix or Lens Profile correction; let the HDR do its thing and then make profile corrections, Upright, etc upon return from HDR. However, when I get back from HDR and go into Develop with the returned file and go to Lens Correction, I cannot chose the 17-55mm F2.8 lens from the drop downs. There are only about 4 or 5 lenses now showing as Nikon possibilities-and the 17-55 is NOT among them.
How come I don't still see the full list of Nikon profiles - shoudln't I be able to apply any profile to a TIF (even an incorrect one) ?
I tried pasting the Develop Settings from a virtual copy where I had set the Lens Profile to 17-55 F2.8 - but that only turns on the Lens Profile 'filter' and does not actually force-on the specific correction.
A client has asked me to send a file with the type on a separate layer which he refers to as "vector mapped". I know that I can lay in an AI type layer and save the file as an open .PSD file, or lay it in as a vector smart object and send it as an open TIFF file (along with the original AI file), but the client is using CS2 and can't deal with VSOs. The way around it, of course, is via a layered AI file with a placed image, but what is he referring to with hte term "vector map"?
I have a revolved half circle and mapped a rectangle around it to form a spherical ribbon. Whenever I resize it, it looks different. How do I get it to stay the way it looks without losing resolution?
How do I scale a mapped symbol without going into the extrude/bevel palette? I just want to take the 3d art and scale it up. I don't want it to just scale the object, I want it to scale the mapped symbol in the object as well.
1) I'm unable to designate an internal drive as a scratch disc (non boot drive). Drive is clean, empty, I've chkdsk'd, permissions set to full, I can read and write files on it, and I'm able to designate it as scratch for Illustrator but PS6 doesn't like it. Says I don't have access.
2) I upgraded to PS6 extended (cloud) and after a week it now hangs during startup at loading Nik Color Efex Pro 4 plugin. Hangs for about 3 minutes before continuing.
While changing the media drive in Smoke setup via commenting out the current drive isn't a complicated process, I personally would find a more streamlined option useful. Something on the startup screen would be great: select project, user, media drive. When using FW800 drives, I typically try to have a discreet project drive that has everything on there for the current project. With the larger Thunderbolt raids, I am going back a little to the old system of having active storage and archive storage. However, when thunderbolt prices come down, I'll most likely have a separate drive for each project again.
Using Elements 11 - My photos are taking over my hard-drive and I want to safely transfer all my photos and videos to an external hard-drive. How do I do it without loosing info and/or later having to re-connect thousands of pictures?
I moved images from my harddrive to an external drive.
I opened Lightroom.
Noticed there was a question mark by the photo folder I needed.
I synchronized the folders. Nada.
I rememebered I moved the images (first line ^^)
I re-imported the images from the external drive into Lightroom.
These images (other than one that was marked previously with a blue label) look completely untouched - completely original files - even though I spent hours working on them.
I am glad the images weren't deleted BUT re-doing 600 images will be a MAJOR FAIL if I can't figure out how to import the images with the settings / developments I did beforehand.
I have about 900 raw files on an external drive. I edited those files using my master catalog using a laptop while still travelling. When I got home, I copied the master catalog from the external drive to the desk top, then opened the master catalog on my desktop. I can see the edited images on the external drive. So far so good.
I want to copy (add) the edited images to my desk top. I tried to export the images as a new catalog and then import it into the desire location on my desktop drive. However, LR5 does not allow that. I get this message: "There is nothing new in the catalog you have selected. All of the catalog's photos are up to date in this catalog." Yes, but the edited images are not on my desktop.....
I also tried to Import from the external drive and then Copy the files to the desktop, but then I lose all of the work done in the develop module and the keywords.
I watched Kost's LR 3 video on merging catalogs, but she dodges the question of how to deal with this issue since the "merge" is within the same catalog.I'm using LR5 with Windows 7.
I'm copying RAW files from a shoot onto my network RAID drive in a per-album folder, from where I then import into a new LR catalog (I'm using LR 4.1) on my Windows laptop for that album.
I'm finding that editing RAW files on a network drive from a wireless laptop is awfully slow (not to mention not being able to continue the work offline somewhere else), so I'd like to cache those files on my speedy SSD drive just until I'm done editing and exporting/publishing that album.
I back up my per-album catalog onto the network folder alongside the RAW files since that's my IT-managed master repository. When I'm done editing, I'd purge the cached files and just keep the catalog previews on my limited capacity SSD.
So, is there a way to tell LR to, for one/all files imported from a location (in my case a network folder), look in an alternate location for the identical files? Since I create per-album catalogs in per-album folders, there wouldn't be filename clashing. Either LR can provide this caching behavior on its own or I'd manually copy files from the network folder to a local folder and tell LR to look there first.
I don't really want to make copies of files into secondary folders within LR since then it's a hassle to merge edits on the cached copy to its master copy (I haven't done this, but I'd imagine so).
I have my LR library and catalog on an external hard drive. I have a new iMac with a 3TB hard drive and I want to move the library and catalog from the external drive to the computer's hard drive. Is this something that can be done with a drag and drop?
I transferred my LR3 files from my WD hard drive to my new Lacie Thunderbolt drive and now I can only get the preview and it says the file is missing. Is there a setting I need to change that I am not aware of?
How does moving files off my C drive affect Lightroom's ability to find them? I have flagged and labeled files - will they still be flagged and labeled? Will I have to import them again?
I have photos stored on a external hard drive, over time the computer changes the drive letter ie from "G" to "I" Lightroom there for is unable to see all the photos in drive G which is in fact the same drive.
I have Photoshop CS5 installed on my C drive. I recently bought an external terra drive and want to move Photoshop to the terra drive, as the C drive is pretty full and it's effecting PS's functionality. Do I have to uninstall and then reinstall on the external drive?
I am not changing anything in my system. I am using windows 7 and will continue to. No change in elements version (10). how to move my pictures from my computer hard drive to an external hard drive (this will NOT be a back up) but the primary locaton for my pictures. I will keep elements program on my computer and when I want to work on my pictures or download more pictures from my camera I will connect to the external hard drive.
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