Photoshop :: CS3 Slow W/USB Hard Drives

Aug 26, 2008

I'm running an Intel Q6600 w/4GB of ram 1.5TB in a Raid 10 (4 750GB hard drives) that I had custom built from R-Tech Computers. The machine is fast and Photoshop runs great until I hook up my external USB hard drives.

I have 4 hard drives ranging from 500GB to 1TB. When I hook them up and run Photoshop, The system slows down to a crawl. I take them off, it runs great.

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Lightroom :: Move Or Migrate Hard Drives To Another Hard Drive

Feb 15, 2012

I have several hard drives. Say D, E and F. I want to migrate or move the folders that are listed under each hard drive in my lightroom to say Hard Drive G. How do I do this so that all my keywords, and selects and color codes move with it? and that in lightroom G hard drive would be my only hard drive listed? I want to do this to get everything nice and orderly

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Photoshop :: Small Desktop For CS6 / Dual Hard Drives

Dec 23, 2012

I have been searching for a smaller desktop since mine is heavy and we need to be able to transport it. I am planning on upgrading to CS6, so will need a good compatible video card.
I often have several files open at once, and many layers. Hobbiest, but serious about editing and manipulating photos. I also need to run lightroom and sometimes have a few other programs open such as a web browser.
I would prefer a company known for reliability and decent customer service and hope to keep the price range under $2,000. Right now I am limted to a laptop with Elements 10 and am getting almost desperate. Would also consider a reliable online business that builds to suit.
Is if possible to find a small desktop with a video card capable of handling all CS6 can do, and with two hard drives? Is it best to use the second hard drive just for scratch and use an external drive to store the photo library or would working with the photos on an external drive slow things down?
I want to stick with Windows 7 Pro, 64 bit, even if I have to buy a copy and reformat the new drive to install it. Mainly because Win 8 is too new for my comfort level. I have enjoyed Win 7.

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Photoshop :: Partitioning Hard Drives For Increased Performance

Sep 20, 2007

I have recently got a new PC soley for photoshop and am eagley awaiting delivery of my copy of CS 3 to turn up, however this will be used to artwork photos for in a commercial portrait studio, due to nature of our work i am finding that previous copies are running a little bit slow and are really delaying our studio progess. Unfortunatly we are a very small team and currently don't have an IT expert to hand.

I have been doing my research and have read that better performance can be achieved by designating your scratch disks to different drives, again unfortunatly i only have 1 drive in this machine, i was wondering if i was to partition the hard drive into 4 sections would this increase the performance or not, and ifso what would be the best type of partitioning to use, i.e FAT/FAT32/NTFS/or any of the other types?

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VideoStudio :: 2 Hard Drives - Different Speeds

Nov 29, 2010

Situation: You have two hard drives - you intend to have programs reside on one and data on the other. All things being equal - one drive spins faster than the other. i.e. 7200 Rpm vs 5200 rpm vs 10,000 rpm

Question: Would you place the X3 program on the faster drive and the data on the slower drive OR visa versa. I am thinking (dangerous) the data (smart proxy files, saved projects and video files) should be on the faster drive since the "program" probably doesn't use the program drive much and uses more CPU / memory. I have two hard drives - one is faster than the other - which drive should I put the X3 program on and which should I put the data on?[/b][/size]

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Lightroom :: How To Have Catalog In Two Or Three Different Hard Drives

Aug 9, 2013

The question is, I have all my photos,in two hard drives and I want to have the LR catalog in both HDs. When I close LR, it creates the security catalog into" A" HD, then I copy this backup folder into the second hard drive"B" but when open the second HD, the photos does not reflect the changes I did in the "A" HD.

How can I do to have the same stuff in two or three different HDs??

For example, I have two HDs, one in my house (disk A), and the other one (disk B) in a friend's house (it has the same photos than the "A" HD) and use it as second security backup.

How can I copy the LR catalog, created as a backup in the disk A, and copy it to the disk B? ? Normally I copy the folder that LR has created into disk "A" when I closed LR and I paste it on disk "B". But when I connect the disk "B" and open LR with this catalog, the modifications are not there.

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Lightroom :: Two Of The Same Hard Drives Show Up Upon Import?

Jan 3, 2012

I have all of my photos on an external hard drive named "Computer Backup."  A new problem has developed.  When I import photos, I very carefully select the folder into which I want to import.  On the left side of the screen where it shows all of my folders, organized so nicely into "Computer Backup," a second "Computer Backup" shows up and that's where the photos get imported into.  It's identical, shows the same space available/used. 
So then I have to drag those files into the file where I acutally want them and that shows 0 pictures.  When I do that, it says that they files already exist there.What happened!?

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Lightroom :: Moving Files Between Hard Drives?

Dec 12, 2013

How can I move selected pictures between two hard drives, creating date subfolders (year, month day) and maintaining the same collections? I mean, I just trying to separate my work files from my personal ones and put them in two different hard drives. Also often these pictures are in the same folders, so I can't just move the entire month or day folder, I have to select the pictures using the keywording tags.. I've already created the new folder.

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Lightroom :: Moving Files Between External Hard Drives?

Mar 26, 2014

I have all of my original files as well as my LR catalog on an external hard drive. I want to move all of those files to a new external hard drive.

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Lightroom :: Hard Drives Not Found When Exporting Photos?

Nov 19, 2011

I'm running 64 bit Lightroom 3.5 on Windows 7.  I've been using Lightroom for about 2 years, this is a problem that just came up this weekend.
When in the Develop module and selecting Export and selecting Export Location and a folder to export to, the dialog box now only shows me the Desktop and my User folder - it does not show either of the two hard disks in my PC.  These disks do show up in Windows Explorer and the Library module is able to find these disks and load the photos on them.

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Lightroom :: Downloading DNG Files To Two Separate Hard Drives?

Feb 5, 2013

I have been copying my raw files to two different hard drives using DNG. I discovered last night that the backup file stays in the proprietary raw format. I have been operating under assumption that the backup would be in DNG format. I have been backing up my catalog onto the extra hard drive assuming if my primary drive failed, I would then have the back up hard drive with the backup catalog and things would be fine.
Is the only way to ensure my work is "safe" is to backup the primary hard drive onto a secondary hard drive?Can the dng files along with the catalog be backed up onto an online "cloud" type of service? Will the data be changed so I cannot recopy it and reuse it if my primary drive fails or my house burns down? Any recommendations for a cloud type of back-up service?Is there another methodology that should be employed to keep my photos and catalog data safe from a catastrophe?

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Lightroom :: 4.1 - Volumes / Hard Drives Not Displayed In Folders Panel

Jun 7, 2012

I recentely upgraded to LR4.1 and it seems to have done something strange with my Folders. As you can see in the earlier version all of my harddrives are displayed as panel items in the folders panel. However now it's only displaying the boot drive and i have to drill down to the volumes folder to get to my hard drives..This is pretty annoying since i work on multiple hard drives.
I have read in earlier versions that people found a workaround by using the "Promote Subfolders" option until all drives were displayed. However this option doesn't seem to be in LR 4. None of my hard drives are compressed, and they are all internal.
It may be worth noting that when I went to create a new catalog it didnt show any hard drives begin with.
Original Display of the Folders Panel
Current Display of the Folders Panel - as you can see only one drive is displaying.
I am running Mac Os X Lion 10.7.4, LR 4.1

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Lightroom :: Moving Files Between two Internal Hard Drives (Mac)

Mar 10, 2014

I have LR4 in a Mac Pro.  I have two internal drives both labelled "Hard Drive 2" (don't ask.) As a result, pictures have ended up on both drives, and my catalog is a mess.  To clean it up, I want all the photos on one drive and I want to move LR folders from one drive to the other.  I'm working on a big project and there are some 4,000 photos involved.  I was going to export the photos from one drive to an external drive and then re-import them to the other drive into appropriate folders. 

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Lightroom :: Move Hard Drives Order In Folder Menu?

Mar 30, 2013

I just filled up my first hard drive and I added a new one, I was wondering, for the sake of the consistency of my strictly date-ordered catalog, if there was a way to change the order in which the hard drives are displayed. I'm on lightroom 3!

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Premiere Pro :: External Hard Drives Not Showing Up In Media Browser

Mar 13, 2014

My external drive(s) aren't showing up in Premiere Pro... and yes, they were working just fine yesterday.  The internal drives both show up, but the external drive(s) aren't accessible. 
At first I thought that perhaps it was the drive (a new USB 3.0 that worked yesterday)... I tried changing the cable, changing the drive, even changing from a USB 3.0 drive to a FW 800 drive.  All show up on my desktop, as well as in other applications (including After Effects, and "other" editing platforms) etc... but none are showing up in Premiere Pro. 
FWIW, I tried in both Premiere Pro CC as well as Premiere Pro CS6.  I have tried rebooting the computer, creating new projects, holding down the option key while starting Premiere, using Digital Rebellion's CS Repair... all to no avail.  Any thoughts?
My system is a MacBook Pro (late 2011), 2.4 GHz Intel Core i7 with 16 GB Ram, running Mac OS X 10.8.5

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Lightroom :: Backup Strategy Using 2 Outboard Hard Drives As Master And Backup

Dec 19, 2011

hiya! so my master media library is running off a 1 tb outboard drive to lightroom and i have a 2 tb outboard drive as a master backup, i drag new media over to the drive through finder on a mac- will this be able to connect to lightroom's catalog in case of the primary drives eventual failure? is there a better way?

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VideoStudio :: 12 - Loads MPG Files Very Slow From Hard Disk

Oct 6, 2010

I have VS 12 installed on Windows 7 computer. It worked so far fine, but yesterday evening I wanted to upload my mpg files from the hard disk to the library. And guess, the system is very slow, it took almost 20 minutes to upload about 10 mgp files, after each file nothing happened for almost 2-3 minutes. Each clip is about 10-20 sec long. The files are stored on an external hard disk (Buffalo 500G) which is connected via USB 2 interface. It did not do that before, it was much quicker. Could it be the recent Windows updates?

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Photoshop Elements :: Moving Picture From Laptop Hard Drive To Larger External Hard Drive?

Sep 25, 2013

I am not changing anything in my system.  I am using windows 7 and will continue to.  No change in elements version (10).  how to move my pictures from my computer hard drive to an external hard drive (this will NOT be a back up) but the primary locaton for my pictures.  I will keep elements program on my computer and when I want to work on my pictures or download more pictures from my camera  I will connect to the external hard drive. 

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Photoshop :: Slow Computer Makes CC Slow

Aug 23, 2013

how to make my photshop application fast few days ago it was working good but now its performance is slow and my computers speed is also slow. How to fix it?

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Photoshop :: Installation Of CS6 (Extended) On Case-Sensitive Drives

May 10, 2012

I understand that under the "system requirements" the Adobe website says that you can't install PS CS6 (Extended) on case-sensitive drives (I'm using a MacBook Pro, OS X v. 10.7.4).  This seems to have been the case at least since CS5.I didn't see this, and I bought (quite excitedly) the update from CS PS5 (Extended) to PS6.  I had NO PROBLEM installing PS5 on this drive. 
Of course, as other users have indicated, the installer refuses to let you install on a case-sensitive drive (e.g., no options to install on another disk).  There is also no mention that CS6 must be installed on the boot drive.Requiring installation on the boot drive has serious implications for those of us who require case-sensitive drives for other work; I don't want to have to reboot from another drive when I use PS, and switch back and forth -- that's simply foolish.
From my point of view (as a user, granted), this is lazy programming, and this needs to be fixed ASAP.  At least in my case, I have a $400 lump of software just taking up space, when I want to be up to my eyeballs enjoying PS6 in all it's glory.
If I wipe my drive, format it as not case-sensitive, then I lose functionality for other critical work.  Further, I'm not sure that the process of  wiping the drive, formating it as non case-sensitive, and restoring everything from TimeMachine would even work (since the backup material is coming from a case-senstive drive and trying to go to a drive that is not case-sensitive).

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Photoshop :: CS4 / New Windows 7 Computer - Moved Disk Drives / Cannot Save Files

Feb 12, 2012

I have an interesting issue.  I had CS4 installed on my old computer running 32 bit Windows XP.  I built a new computer running Windows 7 - 64 bit, and installed CS4 on it.   I took my hard drives containing my photos out of the old system and plugged them into the new computer.  In photoshop, I can open and edit the photos, but it will not allow me to save them - it tells me that another app has the file open.  I can save the photo under a new name.
This leads me to belive that there is some data saved with the file that does not match up on the new computer. 

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Photoshop Elements :: Prevent Files From Being Stored On Multiple Storage Drives?

Aug 31, 2012

How do I prevent my files from being stored on multiple storage drives?

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3ds Max :: Mapped Drives Doesn't Appear

Mar 8, 2013

I don't know what happened but I'm sure when I was choosing textures form my mapped drive I coudl see the mapped drive in "select bitmap image file" window. Same goes for saving renders , no sign of mapped drives. Now somehow it's gone. I have to go to network and choose destination from there. What I have to do to see my mapped drives ? I have windows 8. I had to make extra network location to have access to that drive but still it's workaround. Why 3dsmax can't see mapped drives?


In system it's visible but in 3dsmax window it isn't


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Illustrator :: Cannot Be Installed On Flash Drives

Feb 24, 2014

I am planning to buy Illustrator and a MacBook air / pro, but the macs comes with a flash drive, and it is stated that Illustrator cannot be installed on flash drives.Can this really be true? It must be the way all new laptops are going.

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Lightroom :: Placing All Media On One Or Two Drives?

May 16, 2013

I want to get some new larger drives to use for my photos and videos. Placing all of my photos and videos on a single 4TB drive vs. splitting them over two 4TB drives. I think all of my photos and videos currently will take around 2.5TB. Are there any performance gains from splitting them over two drives?

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Lightroom :: Swapping Drives With Videos?

Jul 13, 2012

I have a Macpro with 4 internal hard drives. I keep photos on one of the drives and videos on two of the other drives and swap out these drives with other drives that have videos on them. I also use external drives that have videos on them. I want to import videos from all of the different drives that I swap back and forth.
1. What will happen if I tag videos on the internal drives and then swap them out with other drives? Will it just show a broken link to the video until I put it back in?

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Lightroom :: 2.6 - Switching External Drives On Mac?

Dec 6, 2011

I'm using Lightroom 2.6 on a Mac G5.  I've got 93.36Gb of photos ( 9,000 RAW files plus their sidecar files) on a 500Gb firewire 400 drive.  I'm upgraing to a 1TB firewire 800 external, and my  file is (I believe) on my internal hard drive under users somewhere.
I can piggy back the new and old externals, or copy my photos to the internal and then transfer to the new drive when I connect it, but I have no way of connecting both firewire drives to the computer at the same time.
What's the most effective and easiest way to transfer my catalog and photo files from one drive to another and have Lightroom find them and sort everything out?

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Lightroom :: Where Are External Drives Shown

Oct 25, 2011

When I am in Lightroom all I see in the Folder Section is my internal hard drive.  I have many images on my external hard drive.  How do I get the external hard drives to show up along with the internal hard drive?

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Lightroom :: Moving Files Between Drives?

Mar 18, 2014

In her Youtube video on Lightroom settings Julianne Kost recommends keeping recent images and works in progress on an internal drive for speedy access then moving onto an external drive later on.
Preumably these files must be moved within Lightroom to preserve the links to the thumbnails?

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Lightroom :: Multiple Drives That Get Swapped In-and-out?

Dec 27, 2012

I have multiple hard drives in my Macpro. If I import photos and videos onto the drives and then remove the drives and swap them with other drives, what will happen? Will the images and videos that were on the drive that was just removed not be found in LR, or can it cause other problems/corrupt the Library, etc.?

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Lightroom :: 2.6 Windows 7 64 Bit - Not All Drives Listed In Browse

Jan 7, 2010

I am using Lightroom 2.6 on Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit, and the browse for files or folders dialog that comes up when I need to choose location for my raw files imported as .dng does not list all hard drives of my computer - it only lists contents of my user folder in drive C:/ - thus making it impossible for me to choose any other location than those within my user folder. I attach two screenshots - 1/ Normal browse for folders dialog as it appears from within Windows explorer. 2/ Same dialog as invoked by Lightroom - with all drives missing.

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