VideoStudio :: 12 - Loads MPG Files Very Slow From Hard Disk
Oct 6, 2010
I have VS 12 installed on Windows 7 computer. It worked so far fine, but yesterday evening I wanted to upload my mpg files from the hard disk to the library. And guess, the system is very slow, it took almost 20 minutes to upload about 10 mgp files, after each file nothing happened for almost 2-3 minutes. Each clip is about 10-20 sec long. The files are stored on an external hard disk (Buffalo 500G) which is connected via USB 2 interface. It did not do that before, it was much quicker. Could it be the recent Windows updates?
I've just completed my first project and when I attempt to create a video file for hard disk output I'm unsure what option I should select from the drop down box that gives me the highest quality without re-rendering the video.
My AVCHD 50p original files are according to the file properties in VSP -
PAL HDMV H.264 Video 24bits, 1920/1080, 16.9 50.000 frames/sec Variable bit rate (max.26000 kbps) Dolby Digital Audio 48000 Hz, 5.1 channels 384 kbps
So it looks like I need to select AVCHD 1920x1080 50p however in the properties for that file creation, the video bitrate is max 20000 kbps (my video 24.7) and audio is only 2.0 (my audio 5.1). I really would like to retain the 5.1 audio and my higher video bitrate.
Also when I view the project properties the video is shown as 1024 x 576.
PAL double (50 fps) Microsoft AVI files 24 bits, 1024 x 576, 50 fps Frame-based Uncompressed PCM, 48.000 kHz, 16 bits, 5.1 Channels
Given my problem with jerky video in VS4 (see this thread), I decided to give Smart Proxy another try and switched it on. To my dismay, not only does it take ages to render the proxy videos, but the computer seems to be rather underused during rendering.
VS4 took two hours to create the proxy of a 20-25 minutes 1080p file, 4GB in size. During this time, according to Task Manager, only four of my eight CPU cores are significantly busy (though still below 50%), and disk I/O is in the area of 6-700kB/s for either direction. I took care to put the proxy directory on a third disk - away from the operating system and the source videos. 25% of the 8GB memory is used.Would the smart proxy rendering process make more efficient use of the available resources, it wouldn't take half the time.
VS4 configuration
VS4 service pack 2, version
Hardware acceleration is set for both editing and file creation
The video material is 1080p, 59.940 frames/sec, variable bit rate (max 26000kbps) and comes from my Panasonic camcorder. I used the tool that came with the camcorder, HD Writer AE, to copy the files to the hard disk. Audio is Dolby, 48000Hz, 256kpbs (I have no problems with audio).
Project properties:
NTSC drop frame (29.97 fps) MPEG files 24 bits, 720 x 480, 29.97 fps Upper Field First (DVD-NTSC), 16:9 Video data rate: Variable (Max. 8000 kbps) LPCM Audio, 48000 Hz, Stereo
My computer hard disks is full and I have nearly 10,000 pictures. I have purchased a 2nd hard disk and would like to move my pictures to the new disk.
I have used Photoshop Album 3 to mark the photos so I can find them and I need to be sure when I move the pictures this information stays with them and that new pictures will be placed into this new hard disk called "P".
I've purchased a Windows 7 PC with 16 MB RAM, 2 terabytes and a 250 GB SSD. I'm going to load Photoshop on the SSD and the OS on the hard drive. Where should the scratch disk go?
I do video editing using Premier and After Effects, as well as digital painting and a tone of other graphical works in Photoshop and Flash and Illustrator...and Autodesk. My questions are about having a seperate hard drive set to RAID 0. I have the money to get a seperate hard drive (74GB 10,000rpm), and i was thinking about doing this. I know that RAID 0 is supposed to produce better preformance and such like, but i wanted to know what it could be used for in coallition with the programs i use on a daily basis, and weather or not it is really worth doing. 1. How do i format a hard disk to RAID 0?2. Is it ok to use a RAID 0 74GB, 10,000rpm hard disk along side another hard disk NTFS 500GB, 7200rpm?3. Does it have to be completely dedicated? Could i work it so that i have windows and applications installed on the RAID 0 hard disk, and use it as my primary scratch disk, and use the 500GB NTFS hard disk as data storage and secondary scratch disk? 4. Is there anything i should be awear of with this type of setup that are draw-backs?
Just wondering is it OK to use a External USB 3 500 GB Hard Drive as Scratch Disk. I have USB 3 ports on my PC and have internal hard drive also, but would it be OK to use the external drive as a scratch disk
I have a Dell D630 Latitude which has a Core 2 Duo processor, 2 gigs of RAM, a SATA HDD @ 7200 rpm, running win xp pro with sp2. I have Dreamweaver CS3, Photoshop CS3, Illustrator CS3, and Flash CS3 installed on it. I run all these programs at same time and now my hdd is about to go. This is going to be the first one on this system but on my previous system, I had to replace my hdd 3 times before I just changed systems. But it seems, I'm still having the same problem on my new system. The old system was an IBM Lenovo T60p with a Core Duo processor, 2 gigs of RAM, a SATA HDD @ 7200 rpm, running win xp pro with sp2.
I have photoshop CS2 on my desktop computer (XP). The hard drive is partitioned and I have photoshop scratch disk on its own partition (10GB).
I have photoshop CS3 on my laptop (Vista Premium, 2GB ram). There is only one hard drive in the laptop. It is already partitioned into three - C drive: windows + programs, S drive: system files, X drive: recovery.
My question is do I keep my scratch drive on the C drive or can/should I partition an external hard drive (250GB) and put my photoshop scratch disk on there? The external drive is via USB.
I tried to activate the CS3 version again, now after installing it to the new hard disk from original AI CD. Old image of old hard disk AI is in separate folder /Good Files . When contacting Adobe to register, AI registration automat tells me to (this next is a screen copy) " Registration Unsuccessful  A problem was encountered while trying to send information over the Internet. Â
LR 5.2 Windows 7 Pro  How do I move numerous folders and subfolders of photos to a different hard drive?   The hard drive I want to move to shows up in the LR Library Left Panel under Folders, but I can't drag and drop the photos from the C Drive to this D drive.   I have been working with LR for about a month; and I've uploaded about 2000 photos I have taken since about a year ago; organized by folders for year and date.   I just realized LR has been putting almost all my photos on my C Drive.   There is one folder of photos in LR on the D Drive.   I don't recall how I got that folder to go on the D Drive while the rest are on the C Drive.    I don't want any data on my C Drive. I use my C Drive primarily for my Operating Systems and applications.
My wife and I have been using LR for a long time. We're currently on version 4. Unfortunately, she's not as tech-savvy or meticulous as I am, and she has been unknowingly "Removing" photos from the LR catalog when she really meant to delete them from the hard disk. That means we have hundreds of unwanted raw photo files floating around in our computer and no way to pick them out from the ones we want! As a very organized and space-conscious person, I can't stand the thought. So my question is, what is the most efficient way to permanently delete these unwanted photos from the hard disk  I did find to synchronize the parent folder with their respective catalogues, select all the photos in "Previous Import," and delete those, since they will be all of the photos that were previously removed from the catalogue.  This is a great suggestion, but it probably wouldn't work for all of my catalog since my file structure is organized by date (the default setting for LR). So, two catalogues will share the same "parent folder" in the sense that they both have photos from May 2013, but if I synchronize May 2013 with one, then it will get all the duds PLUS the photos that belong in the other catalog.
I've been using Photoshop since 1998 but my HDD recently suffered a complete failure and I've had to change the drive. Unfortunately, I don't have my original Photoshop disk, only a CS2 and CS5 upgrade disk (with both serial numbers).
Using Lightroom 4.3 with Camera RAW 7.3 on latest MacBook Pro with 256 GB SSD harddisk, 8 GB internal memory bought 2 months ago. Hardware shows no other problems or malfunctioning, no issues with RAM or otherwise. Â Started Lightroom 4.3 did an import from perfect images (viewed before using various other software packages) stored on the harddisk. Used option ADD to add to the catalog. Almost immediately certain images were showing missing areas or areas with pink/white stripes, etc. Â I didn't even touch the images to view or edit them. The images were corrupted on disk as previewing them with other software packages showed.
I recently upgraded to an SSD on my MBP, I bought a caddy and swapped out the optical drive for the original HDD internally. Now, I was hoping to move the scratch disk from the SSD to the original HDD, but the HDD doesn't even show up as an option in the Photoshop preferences. The drive is easily accessible anywhere else, and even accessible through the open/save/etc. menus within Photoshop, so OS X and Photoshop both know the drive is there, but Photoshop just isn't showing it as an option within the Scratch Disk options setting.
I have calculated some test renders on a small portion of the timeline in order to check things up. Now I would like to delete them and calculate everything at a later time.
Do you know the way to delete renders in order to save hard disk space ? I have tried the "force purge" function, but it didn't delete anything, the "Autodesk media storage" folder is still the same size...
And manually deleting renders in the "Autodesk media storage" folder messes everything up.
I have PSE 10 on my MAC. I normally download my photos onto iPhoto (and a while ago, onto Bridge CS3 which came with an earlier version of PSE) but more recently have become interested in using the PSE Organizer for my photo library. I have started to transfer/copy the photos from iPhoto but, having read various topics on organizing photos, am a little worried that by having the photos in 2/3 places on the MAC I will use much more hard-disk space. I know that the original files for iPhoto are in the 'Library' so that I just see thumbnails on iPhoto ( I may be wrong here?), but will the photos I now have on Organizer be working off those same 'Library' originals or am I doubling up on the space required to store these photos?
I'm running an Intel Q6600 w/4GB of ram 1.5TB in a Raid 10 (4 750GB hard drives) that I had custom built from R-Tech Computers. The machine is fast and Photoshop runs great until I hook up my external USB hard drives.
I have 4 hard drives ranging from 500GB to 1TB. When I hook them up and run Photoshop, The system slows down to a crawl. I take them off, it runs great.
On start-up of Designer7 I now get the error message "Unable to store information on your local hard disk. The disk may be full, or read-only. Ok" as pretty well the last thing in the start-up process. On pressing Ok, the dialog clears and the program will run normally. Opening and saving files works just fine.
My discs (where the program is stored, where my user profile is stored, where the drawings are saved and when the temp files and Windows swap file arel orated ) have ample space and are not RO. I also ran a disc check and they're not corrupted or damaged.
No malware seems to be present (checked with a couple of different programs) but the only thing that's different is that we had a power cut while Xara was running. Since then, it keeps giving me this message.
I've just updated to the latest version and accepted the default settings and it still gives me the message.
I have one hard disk filling up with photos, so I have purchased a secondary hard disk to expand my storage. I would like to move my shoots from 2010 to that new hard disk, but I don't want to loose all of the edits saved on them in LR3. I have experimented with moving non-important images that have edits on them, then re-importing them. Unfortunately, LR3 does not preserve that history.Â
that is having really slow performance using AE CS6 or AECC and possibly AE CS5.5 I think i might of found out what the problem is.My System specs are below:  Dell T7600 Dual XEON E5-2687W 3.1/3.8GHz w turbo / Dell M6700 i7 -3940XM 3.9GHz 64GB Ram / 32GB Ram Nvidia Quadro K5000 / Nvidia Quadro K5000M Windows 7 x64  Here are the issues I was having  - Really slow performance when scrubbing along the timeline.
- Adaptive Resoltion wasn't working at all super slow previewing
- Multiprocessor rendering not working, or taking forever to start up, and sometimes it would work but still not the way it should it was hit or miss
- Disk Caching not working
- many others that I can't think of at the moment  SOLUTION for slow scrubbing of the timeline for Quad, Six and Eight core systems  Here is what I figured out after hours and hours of testing and configuring. I even went back to AE CS5.5 to see if all these problems existed in that version. Although some did but not all  From what I can tell it looks like certain plugins are not compatible to Quad, Six and Eight Core machines. The main plugin that has the problem is Keylight 1.2 that comes bundled now with CS6 and CC.  If you turn off the plugin on your layers scrubbing the timeline speeds up and works like it should. If you want to use keylight then do the following:  - under screenmatte, set the screen softness to 0
- shrink and grow to 0.  If you use any number other than these settings it causes scrubbing and rendering of the timeline to go extremely slow.   SOLUTION for all the issues above for Quad, Six and Eight core systems  After hours and hours of testing I have come to the conclusion that AE CS6 and CC don't work well with Quad, six and eight core systems in general and especially with the keylight plugin.  FIX: Go into your Bios of your computer and set your multiple core to either 1, 2 cores, theis will give you 2 thread or 4 threads. This will fix all the issues as stated below. I haven't tested 4 cores yet but soon will. But I know that 6 and 8 cores definitely does not work it causes all the major issues above.  After setting my system to 1 or 2 cores, Ae is extremelly fast and responsive. Timeline scrubbing is super fast now even with keylight 1.2 and all it's settings. Adaptive resolution now works, Multiprocessing starts up immediately and disk caching is working.  Conclusion  I am not able to set my system to use 8 or all cores in my bios, This causes so many performance issues in AE CS6 and CC and some in even CS 5.5. I need to use either 1 or 2 cores. As you might no this really sucks when I am limiting myself to only 4 threads when I could be using 32 threads. Pleas Adobe look into this issues with these systems that have 4, 6 or 8 core systems. This could possibley just be for Dual core systems too since that is what I have here.
When I try to export retouched files to hard drive files my Mac crashes and has to be force quitted. I thought this maybe a L'room 4 problem so I bought L'room 5 and it's still happening. What can I do?
I have bought a new HD Camcorder. I understand that I need Blu-ray disk in order to burn my movie to HD format.
I am using the VS Pro x3 program. Before the burning process, in the "Create Video File" step, I have (among the others) the Blu-ray template, the AVCHD template and the HDV template. Which one of them I have to choice?
In the DMF 7se the output format of Blu-ray disk is BD.