But I am having some issues in exporting Xara files to either JPG or PNG.
I am developing maps in Xara for use in an online program called Maptool. My current project is to vector a city built around a volcano so it has better detail than what it did in the original map. First off this is a very large map and I have to be able to zoom in use the standard scale of 5ft for use in Maptools (it is probably zoomed in to about 50ft for this).
1. What is the best format and settings to export a file so that when I zoom in real close (500% to 600% zoom) it doesn't look badly pixelated? I also want it to still have good visuals when I zoom it out to 15% to see the whole map (or most of it.
2. When I export the file as a PNG and open it in maptool to use it as a map some of the objects I placed on it in Xara have either moved slightly or changed size. I am not sure which yet but they look more re-sized than anything. Why and how do I stop this?
3.When I exported the map one time I noticed a building was missing from the original xara file. I went back to recreate it and it was still there, so I assumed I just didn't have it clicked when I exported it. That wasn't the case. The building shows up where I originally drew it but I can't edit or delete it. I can see it, but when I copy and paste or export it into another file the building isn't there.
4. Is it possible to change the units and size of the artboard after the project has been created and worked on for a few days? If so, how?
I tried to move my map project to a new file (after encountering the problem described in #3 above). The original settings were in pixels and is a very huge map. I set the new document in inches (or feet) but I couldn't make the artboard large enough to fit my project. I am not sure how to change from one measurement to another. When I did first save it in another file I could not edit the whole map as my limits are the new document size settings and my project is larger than those settings.
My current export settings are: True color + Alpha. I have removed all the transparency effects as they look horrible in the export so far.
When exporting to SVG is there a way to just have the graphic exported and not the whole page? Even when the graphic is selected when going into the Export option the saved file shows the whole page and not just the graphic.
I permit to come for a new question that concerns the exporting solution in Xara (I have Designer Pro version) in PDF/X mode.
I have some work to do (in Xara as it is my favorite tool), and have to export it 100% correctly in PDF mode for external collaborators, for allowing them to open it and use it in Illustrator software (that's for webdesign : I made the template and external people must be able to use them, in illustrator - or photoshop, it depends).But I get strange results with the texts, with the advanced PDF/X export solution of Xara (the rest is ok).
I can't get a text that can be simply editable when opening illustrator soft. Instead of a rich text editable, in an entire paragraph, I get :
- a "word by word" or "sentence by sentence" editable text. <- that's the best case, but happened only with very simple files, with only few words in it - a "letter by letter" editable text <- that's unfortunately the more frequent case. If there is a little "too much text" (?!), is works like this.
I send 2 files of examples I made. One simple (with texts, shapes,...), another a very few more complex : just longer texts (only 2). And then the "non editable text" appears : you can select only the letters, not words or better : paragraphs.I put the 2 xara files, and the 2 pdf/X exported files. (I precise the option "convert text into files" is, of course, not effective).
I have a big problem with the use of Xara Designer Pro 6 ... whenever I tried to export a file (bmp, png, jpg,...) to PDF I get an error and Xara closes?
I have attached the error message? Maybe the required file was not automatically installed and I have to add it manually?
Fro example when i release to layers in illustrator i than can use separete objects in after effects to animate it. In xara i find one option is to export separate layers as png. Is kind a way to go but not when i have my entire document with hundreds of objects on one layer.
Import a photo image which is, for example, 100px high by 500px long. Now apply a simple fade transparency from the left edge to 100% transparent 100px in from the left edge (i.e. 400px of the image's length is now 'invisible').
Export this as a png and then import this png. It will still be 100 x 500 - can you tell Xara export the image truncated down just the 'visible' portion (i.e. 100 x 100)?
When I export a Xara P&GD file as a PDF, none of the photo edits make it through. I cropped & lightened a lot and they show up as the original darker version. I did "save" the file and all its editing prior to exporting it.
I have to get to my printer ASAP with these images and i am having issues with a memory exception error, i have tried different computers to no avail, i have attached the .xar file and i need both images exporting as 300dpi jpegs. the images in the file are at 100% size but i can also live with 50% 300dpi jpeg exports.
the black background is C35 M35 Y35 K100 (rich black) and i have converted all fonts to shapes won't need the fonts. Both images use the 'speedometer' graphic as a clip view
when i create images in Xara they look very clear and crisp but once exported and appear on the website they lose their clarity and sharpness.
Which brings me to the question.. what is the best way to export images for a website? Are there advanced settings that I may use to improve the images appearance on the website.
Heres a link to a website: [urL]........ and Im uploading the Xara document as well.
I love designing vehicle wraps in XD Pro6 but what can I do to export a large image. If I design at half scale then try to export at 200 dpi it crashes and says out of memory.
If I export text to PDF my font become BOLD and does not look like in Xara. I used Arial font. Is it possible to prevent Xara from embedding font when exporting to PDF? I deselected that option in export settings, however, it still does it.
(it does not do that only if I select first option when exporting to PDF called Draft Quality, however, in this mode pictures are in low resolution)
I have been manipulating a file which has text on a transparent background but the text on the image has the obligatory white jaggies around the fringes. I can't for the life of me establish what I am doing wrong as I have done this before without this same issue.
I exported a part of a Xara design as a .xar file and choose 'selection' when prompted (as opposed to 'drawing'). This successfully create a .xar with just the objects I selected, however when I go to File->Import and select this file the preview panel shows an image of the entire original document, which is misleading as to the contents of the .xar. Bug or not?
Has anything changed in the export of a document to a PDF.
I have a problem exporting a document that contains a shadow on some text. In the final PDf it shows the shadow as a block. I'm sure i used to be able to convert the text to an editable shape / ungroup them and the problem would be resolved. But it still exports the text with a block behind it.
I found that if I convert the back image under the text to a bitmap it resolves the problem only this causes a color shift in the background, no good when I'm trying to keep constant colors throughout the document.
I had an advertisement that I created in Graphic Designer 6 that is going to run in a paper as black and white. Does Xara GD6 have the ability to export as a B&W or a grayscale image? Or will I need to manually alter all of the colors of the ad and then export it?
I'm using Photo & Graphics Designer 7. Recently I've had the problem of the program no longer exporting PNG images I create with transparent backgrounds. They all have a box containing whatever color background I'm using at the time. I am selecting only the object I want to export.
what is the command in AutoCAD 2013 for exporting drawings as DWFx files so that clients who do not have AutoCAD can open or plot a DWFx file using a current version of Internet Explorer or Safari for Apple as an alternative browser.
Does the exported dwg file always have to be a zip file? I have tried save as a dwg file but it seems to be an Invnetor dwg which has the geometry as a block when opened with AutoCAD. It is a little easier to explode the block in AutoCAD rather than open and extract the zip file, save the extracted dwg then delete the zip file.
Just a quick question, I'm wondering if there is a fix in 3ds max (64) 2011 regarding exporting .mov files. We are in the FIRST Robotics competition and the Autodesk 3D Animation Contest requires the final movie to be in .mov format.
I can always export individual frames and composite the work in Premiere, perhaps a better process in the end; regardless I would love to hear of how the problem will be solved with Apple (just a guess) down the road
Video studio has an export option "save as first video clip" for mpeg files. Don't see that for wmv files. Is there a way to save an edited wmv file using the original files properties without doing a custom setup? Windows Movie Maker seems to do this but it's a pain to use.
I need to export on a regular basis parts of a X6 file to eps. The files are huge an can contain all sorts of filter. They are all powerclips, some with shadows and transparency and symbols containing JPG's.
When i export the first part of it most at the time it works well, exporting the second set I am ending up with only half the data. If I copy and past into a new document and try from there I might get lucky or some other parts are missing, if I reduce the size by 50 percent same thing.
When I export my CDR file to EPS, which I've done thousands of time, it seems to export, but when I try to open it, I get an error "The file.......is an unknown format and cannot be opened". When I look at the file profile in my documents, I can see that it says "0 KB"
I can open up older EPS files from my documents fine, but not able to do that now.
Any easy way to do this or get a plugin that will export as SWF? I did a google check and found some plugin from 2009 that seemed to require the ability to write script and program. Maybe the new version will have this?
when exporting RAW files from lightroom 3, version 3.6, to photoshop 5, (version 12.04, ACR 6.6), raw files go directly to editor, not camera raw editor. This began only after I went from trial version to full version, before it went to RAW editor. If loading directly into PS RAW files do go to RAW editor as they should, but not from LIghtroom.
I took a .psd file (made by my coworker) and redesigned it. The problem is: he organized his layers so badly...made unnecessary clones. The design is a landing page for a website, now I want to send it to my web developer but he's a linux guy.
So on gimp he can't work on my .psd so well because of color formats. He asked me to cut all the images and turn them to .png. Hence I needed to run File> Script > Export Layers to files once that done I got too many similar .png as you can see (consequences of bad layers organization?)
Do I need to delete unwanted/similar images to make my web dev work easier? Last thing I saw that -in the export layers to files panel properties- transparency and trim boxes was checked and I set it to PNG24.