Xara :: Basic Custom Brush Colour Change Notes
Dec 31, 2011more basic notes unearthed when upgrading windows
View 2 Repliesmore basic notes unearthed when upgrading windows
View 2 RepliesWhat I am trying to do is to have a flat vector brush in black that I can change to whatever colour I want later just be selecting the colour from the colour bar while I am working.
So. When I edit the brush I go to the fill Properties tab and select 'Local colours replace - all brush colours' and save. The trouble is that it does not seem to save this setting. When I edit the brush again it reverts to 'local colours replace - named colours' I get the same problem if I 'save as new'.
is a way to change the colour of the preset brushes?
View 3 Replies View Relateda while back I said I would provide something indicating how I colour line art, with a nod in the direction of the new shape builder/eraser tools.
View 6 Replies View RelatedHas used ssmpropeditor with civil3d 2012. I see that it's approved for 2013 on the autodesk exchange sever, but no mention of how it works with 2012. We are looking at using this to make SSM more user friendly to manage our keynotes and general notes as custom properties in the SSM. We already use SSM to plot large jobs, populate title blocks and when notes reference other sheets.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe way that I cg is very simple, new layer+lasso tool for filling in areas+simple brush tool to fill in all areas missed. Only the last few times I've tried to fill in any missed area's my color is coming out darker everytime I go over it as if coloring with a marker.
Before it stayed one color and i was able to fill in area's quickly and with the exact color that i've chosen. I'm not sure as to how to get it back the way it was and I have no idea what I have done to change it. Anyone that can help I would greatly appreciate it.
I'm having a problem changing brush settings back to basic, having pencil tool selected. Still I can draw basic line after I've clicked basic, but the line selection doesn't show. That occured after I chose the brush to be "Charcoal pencil". I still can change the brush to be anything else from the library (like different kind of calligraphics, inked, decorative brushed, even image brushed) but not back to basic. The width-settings are to uniform.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSomething that has been missing in Xara since the dawn of time is when you double-click on a word of text and then continue to slide the mouse over to the right, it does nothing. In just about any other Windows program, after highlighting a word, the sliding of the mouse over to the right continues to highlight whole words. Why, oh why, can this not be done in Xara, which is now supposed to be a mature text-handling application? It is infuriating when you have a word at the very beginning of a text box and you are fiddling about trying to get the cursor in front of the first letter of a word when all you should have to do is double-click the word and then continue to slide your mouse over the rest of the text you wish to select.
This is a Windows program. Windows has certain conventions that just about everybody sticks to so that you don't have this hair-pulling, pill-popping, bloody frustration when you switch between programs.
How do you get the adustment brush to work in the basic adjustments?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to add a favorite brush stroke to the list of brush strokes, or do you always have to open the original file to access the brush stroke?
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow do I see the object selected change colour dynamically as I adjust the colour sliders?
It seems the object only changes colour when I release the slider. But I want to see it dynamically change, so I can find the colour that works best without "hit or miss" - "trial and error" behaviour.
Yes... I'm aware some of you spend hours in colour programs creating a palette to work with. Good for you.
I'm just wanting to do it LIVE. Dynamically. In 2013. In Illustrator.
When I create custom brushes and custom brush dynamics is it possible to associate one with another? For example then I select one of my custom brushes is there a feature in gimp to load corresponding dynamics preset automatically?
View 1 Replies View Relatedis it possible to change the line patern of leaders in text notes, from solid to dash or another one? I know I can change the tick type but can´t find anything for the line.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThere are a few things I just don't get about brush settings. Sometimes it seems my brushes go all wonky.
When I change the settings for 1 brush... say I add some jitter to a smooth brush - then suddenly the other brushes get the same jitter applied to them.
How can I set the brushes so that each brush has a different setting that doesn't change when I change any other brush settings?
p.s. I also don't get why Adobe has you lock a brush by UNlocking it? Seems to me it should be the other way around?
The attached assembly contains 3 parts modelled in slightly different ways. All parts fail when the dimension of 600 is changed to 200 in the Tool Part, probably because a different face comes into play...but it's the same body.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen editing some images in LR4 the sliders in Basic are:
Fill Light
With other images the sliders are:
how to I set the app to use the second set of sliders?
I've just been working with some building signage and business cards inside of Designer Pro 7 and seem to be having a really hard time with the CMYK Color selections. Regardless of what color i pick either in CMYK or a PMS EC it shows incorrectly in Xara.
Every Colors seems to contradict my PMS color wheel and the CMYK isn't even close.
Exporting the file into PS or Illustrator and the color is correct so there must be some way to adjust Xara to show to correct colors on screen otherwise selecting PMS or CMYK colors when working with Xara s pointless as you don't really know what color you have.
How to fill an area with a colour in Xara 6, when that space is surrounded by different 'objects'?
So say I drew 3 separate lines to form a triangle. How can I fill that triangle with a colour? If I select the Fill Tool and choose a colour, then click in the centre of the triangle nothing happens.
If I were to do the same thing in Illustrator then it would simply create a new shape that fitted the space.
Perhaps this is not possible? Such a simple thing though, I feel I must be missing something. Is it perhaps available on Xara 7?
I'm having a problem with the Blob Brush tool where I can't change the basic brush to something else. Whenever I pick a brush I want and I try draw with the Blob Brush tool, the brush I picked reverts back to the basic brush. Here are screenshots:
I pick a brush that I like first
But when I start drawing with the Blob Brush tool, it reverts back to the basic brush automatically
Am I doing something wrong or is the Blob Brush tool only capable of using the basic brush?
Why my Brush Tool has little bit different colour than Blob Brush Tool. Anyway, i pick blob brush tool and colour and draw, but if i choose brush tool and don't change colour the path little different.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI installed 2013 and went straight to the customize settings to tone down the grid intensity. It's always the first thing I do. The colour changes but if I restart max the setting reverts to the installed default. Strange thing is, I also change the viewport active border colour, but that setting is being remembered fine.
I can't remember ever having problems installing max, but first the 2013 installer caused all sorts of problems with .NET, and now this.
I am trying to change the title block of the active sheet using visual basic. I realize this can be done using a snippet in iLogic, but I am creating an external .dll file using Visual Studio.
I have tried...
ThisDoc.Document.ActiveSheet.TitleBlock.Definition = "Title Block Name"
ThisDoc.Document.ActiveSheet.TitleBlock.Definition.Name = "Title Block Name" (This changes the name of the title block in the browser but doesnt swap it out.)
Call ThisDoc.Document.ActiveSheet.TitleBlock.Definition("Title Block Name")
How do I get XXDP7 to show the fill colour of a shape?
The outline width is zero and transparent, but the pallete on the bottom of the screen fails to show the fill colour.
We have been connected together using a program so I can see what he is doing and vice versa.I have noticed he has more colours across the bottom. Is there any way to check as I can't seem to edit or increased the colours.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've just reformatted my PC and reinstalled Xara Pro 6. I used to have it set for the light background as it's easier for my eyes. I can't remember how I did this, how to change the program background colour from dark to light?
View 9 Replies View RelatedSince it's new version Xara asks me which colour I'd like to replace when I drag a colour to an unselected object that has a gradient fill. With Xara 8 you'd have a clue which colour you'd replace for the icon would chance (an arrow with a little block over or under another tiny arrow).
XDP9 also gives this feedback but once dropped comes up with a dialogue where one can choose which colour you'd like to have replaced. This is a nuisance, actually.
So, I'd love to have this behaviour stopped. Any settings or reg-entry that disables this?
(post scriptum: This behaviour even has it's inconsistencies: dragging and dropping a colour over an object with a gradient fill brings up the dialogue. It offers to "replace all" colour but when you select that option it refuses to do that and just replaces the selected colour (the top one).
If you click a colour in the colourline with a gradient filled object selected the dialogue also shows but when one chooses the "replace all" button it does what it says and replaces all colours except the line colour (which should have been replaces as well)
I've got a need to import a couple of colours OR add a couple of colours to the permanent colour.
I am using MX Photo&Grphic Designer and WebDesigner. I use webDesigner to create and administer a business website and use MX2013 for my graphics (Business graphics that use a pallet of company colours). Everytime I open a new document (tab) in MX2013 I need to recreate my company colours and name them. This is also the same in WebDesigner.
Is there anyway to add colours to the permanent colour pallet so they are available for every document as a default? This small item would save me some time and the frustration of constantly needing to add the same colours to my pages over and over.
Colour picker disappear all of the sudden?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've been asked to produce a user defined linetype with a continuous line as its base and with a letter "X" at specific intervals. That's ok, but the kick is that the line should be one colour and the "X" in a different colour.
I suggested creating a block for the "X" and using measure to place the blocks on the line, but that is unacceptable. There will be a lot of lines and these will be at some point deleted/replaced and the "X" blocks would still be there. It would be possible to place all the "X"s for one line in a group so they could be deleted as a group, but in a relatively small drawing there will be several hundred of these lines and in a large drawing perhaps a couple of thousand.
As far as I'm aware in a custom linetype all the elements are the same colour.
ive noticed that in designer pro x9 the colour editor gets a cross hatch pattern when manipulating 3d or bitmap objets is this correct? if so, what is the purpose?
View 6 Replies View Relatedfind that this tool is less than stable for their use? When it works, I'm quite happy. It's just that it seems to work <20% of the time for me.
View 6 Replies View Related