Xara :: Break / Split A Blend
Aug 26, 2011having created a blend between 2 objects is it possible to then then split this blend out and have each blend step become a seperate object?
View 7 Replieshaving created a blend between 2 objects is it possible to then then split this blend out and have each blend step become a seperate object?
View 7 RepliesI am trying to use the break apart blend tool and every time it says corel has a problem & shuts down my X4?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI manually trace around a large, not to simple, shape, hoping my outline will be a closed shape, but sometimes it's not. I assume there's an unintentional break in it somewhere. How can I find the break and fix it without doing the trace again?
View 8 Replies View RelatedUsing Xtreme 5. While using the Blend Tool I hit Remove. Now Blend is not working. It does not show the Steps option. How do I bring it back?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have Xara Web Designer 6 currently at work.
I know where to get the button palette and how to add items to the control bars.
But, I cannot find the Blend tool, was this tool removed? Where can i find and add it?
Is it possible to change te Break command permanently in the Break at Point command?I never use break, only break at point.
Changing te macro for break ^C^C_break to the macro for break at point ^C^C_break \_f @ doesn't work.
To do it manualy at the command prompt takes to much keyboard entries and mouse clicking.
I made all my polygons with the same technique but somehow interactive polygon split tool does not split all polygons... I attached a file with which I have problem. Split tool just "disappears" after submitting changes...
View 1 Replies View Relatedim having trouble getting the fillet edge command to work. Ive never had a problem with it before but now i get <Modeling Operation Error:
geometry or topology at end of blend too complex Failed to perform blend.Failure while filleting.>
why its not working.
When using the blend tool to blend colour between two objects is there a way to see the anchor points so I know where to click the blend tool. I realise the cursor changes when over one but its seems very cumbersome to have to move it around until it changes rather than click directly on one which I could do if I could see it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm using Illustrator CC (on a Win7 Pro machine) at a beginner level, probably halfway to intermediate. I'm trying to learn how to blend colors together for highlights of various types (skin tones, clothing, light on objects, etc.) so that when I'm making a graphic for a project I'll have a decent idea of which tool/technique is best for the specific effect I need.
I'm trying to use the Smooth Color option in the blend tool. Late yesterday afternoon I recall creating two ellipses (one of which was a solid fill and one of which was a gradient going from black to transparent) and getting a smooth color transition between the two. It was a much harsher effect than I was looking for so I didn't keep it. This morning, while trying to replicate the same thing, I seem to be unable to use smooth color between two objects if one or more of them has a gradient applied. I only get what you see below, which is a step between the two objects.
I've done searches and found multiple references to blending gradients in this way and have followed those instructions (create the shapes, fill with the gradients, then either click on the Blend tool and click on the center of each shape, or click on Object -> Blend -> Make) but I can't seem to get a Smooth Color blend if either object has a gradient applied. Am I missing an important step somewhere? I'm 95% sure I accomplished it yesterday and nothing has been changed since then.
I have a series of colored rectangles I'd like to blend into a single rectangle with a smooth blend of the colors, like a rainbow or spectrum.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to blend two different art brushes with different colors using the blend tool. I'm trying to use two fixed-size line segments of the same length and then applying the two different brushes to those segments ( each art brush is a different color). Then I want to blend them the regular way so their colors transition. However, when I do this, the first shape is a different color, but all subsequent blend steps are the color of the second blended shape. Why is this? It doesn't blend the colors for some reason.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have "group1" and inside that group, only one layer: "layer1". The blending mode for "group1" is vivid light and for "layer1" it's "normal".
Now, if I change "group1" to "pass through" and "layer1" to "vivid light" ... the result is completely different, while it should be the same, shouldn't it?
Is it possible to have a break in the 3D Section Box View (axonometric view)? Such as a jog in the section box to follow the building??
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm new here so not entirely sure of any posting "protocols", but I've been using the RayFire demo using the Voronoi fragmentation blah blah blah all standard.
How do I set it up so if the object is falling it smashs on impact with a ground plane? If I set it to dynamic in MassFx or just from RayFire it explodes or if it doesnt, it starts to fall apart as it falls through the atmosphere?
Once a path is closed, how do you break it open? And while I'm at it: I have a vector mask. I want to draw another vector shape and subtract it from this vector mask. How would I do this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow to break the PDF file into images? There should be settings in Photoshop CS 6 that imports PDF file and break it into images. I have a short instruction:
2. Open the file in Photoshop. 3. A new window should open to Import PDF. Click on images, not pages import pdf into Photoshop.doc 4. Select all the files shown (shift + click), Click O.K. Four files should open on your screen.
I have to break a line/polyline with a known distance around a point of the line. I was thinking of creating a circle with a specific radius and then trim the line inside the circle, then delete the circle but I could not find how to use trim in .net.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm using Inventor Pro 2011 and I'm trying to break the association of a BOM from it's assembly. My company uses a "next assembly list" on each drawing to show the quantities and information that appear on the BOM in the next level assembly. To achieve this we insert a parts list referencing the next level, then we turn off the visiblity of all the parts except the item we want shown. The problem we've found with this is that we're using some large assemblies and Inventor slows down when it has to reference the large assembly on each drawing. All we really want to show is the single line. If we break the link to the large assembly, we feel that it will speed up the process considerably.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow to Create a dimbreak like Autocad in Inventor idw
View 2 Replies View RelatedI tried the following code posted in the forum, but i need to know how to break the loop when right click/ Enter Key is pressed.
Following is the code i used:
Dim acDoc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
Dim acCurEd As Editor = acDoc.Editor
I'm using VB.Net in Visual Studio version 2010 with AutoCad 2010. I haven't had a problem with this before, but now it seems that the program ignores break points that I set in the code when I'm trying to debug. I just want to pause the code and add a "watch" to a variable.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have acquired a new Win 7 32bit laptop. Now when I debug in 2011, I can't use edit and continue. 2010, 2012 & 2013 are all fine. I installed all 4 from the installer with no changes.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am using the default Revit break lines in a few of my plans, and they work great. But when I insert them into an RCP, the masking region does not mask anything. Tried send to front/back, copying, inserting new. My other masking regions will still work as they are supposed to, but this break line does not.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm importing my Revit file and when I try to select only the roof to apply materials it gives me a selection of "Wood-Sheathing-particlboard/osb" which includes the second floor sheathing and other things I don't want in my selection.
I thought I could add an edit poly modifier and select the individual roof polygons and apply materials to them but when I "Apply materials to selected objects" it applies to all of the wood sheathing,... selection.
How do I break these apart and re-name them?
Is there anyway to use the break-out command in an IDW to show something inside an enclosure that you normally would not see? I don't mean a section view but an Isometric view that temporarily removes a part of the wall of an enclosure so you can see what is inside, specifically in a presentation view?
View 5 Replies View RelatedMEP 2013
Is there a command to break ALL ole links in a dwg? I have a total of 68 OLE Links(one per page)..They are reaping havoc on my dwg!!!
Is there a way to set the distance for when you use the break command or will I need to create a LISP that will do this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow can I break a line without leaving a gap?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI currently use a full version of AutoCAD 2009. One thing I was able to do previously was repeat break at point by right-clicking and selecting the repeat function.
Now when I try to do that in AuctoCAD 2009, the repeat function will result with just a plain break instead of a break at point.
My question is, how do i get this functionality back so that I can repeat break at point as many times as I need to? I use this command many times back to back and hate having to go click on the button from the ribbon menu.
I am working in Illustrator CS4, and finished a 2-sided mailer/postcard for a client in cmyk. After emailing the final PDF to the client, the client responded back to me with their print provider's request for— "native file, with black and PMS broken out".
First—the file was set up as CMYK, so I am assuming it was partly a lazy response/request? (not realizing it was set up as CMYK).
Second—I typically I send files to commercial print providers as a PDF (Press Quality or PDF/X:1a)—is this not sufficient for them—and why?
Lastly, I would specifically like to know what steps I should take to prepare CMYK colors "broken out".