AutoCad :: Command To Break ALL Ole Links In DWG
May 17, 2012MEP 2013
Is there a command to break ALL ole links in a dwg? I have a total of 68 OLE Links(one per page)..They are reaping havoc on my dwg!!!
MEP 2013
Is there a command to break ALL ole links in a dwg? I have a total of 68 OLE Links(one per page)..They are reaping havoc on my dwg!!!
Is it possible to change te Break command permanently in the Break at Point command?I never use break, only break at point.
Changing te macro for break ^C^C_break to the macro for break at point ^C^C_break \_f @ doesn't work.
To do it manualy at the command prompt takes to much keyboard entries and mouse clicking.
Is there anyway to use the break-out command in an IDW to show something inside an enclosure that you normally would not see? I don't mean a section view but an Isometric view that temporarily removes a part of the wall of an enclosure so you can see what is inside, specifically in a presentation view?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to set the distance for when you use the break command or will I need to create a LISP that will do this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a command to break a line or dimension, to show that not all of the line is displayed or where the length is not important or undefined?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow can I use one "line break" in the same command on iLogic ?
For a simple doubt, a simple sample :
MessageBox.Show("Message blabla blablablabla blablablabla", "Title")
In this case, how could i divide the message in 3 lines in the messagebox ?
actually this would work for me in other case too, creating a text with more than one line, instead of creat many text boxes.
IV 2013
Autocad2008 has the Break, Break at Point, and Dimension Break tools. There may be other variations of the break command, but I'm not able to fined a way to quickly use any of these commands to create a very simple single break point on a single segmented line at an unequal segment. I'm surprised Break at Point doesn't fit the billet.
I've drawn vertical line 10 units long. I would like to place a single break point at 7.956 units from either endpointe of that very same line. This is not a polyline. When selected it is depicted as a line with two equal segments.
The purpose of the break is so that I can intersect a horizontal line at 7.956 units located on the vertical line.
It seems to me that with all of the break tools available, one of them should be able to accomplish this simple task on the fly. Even most basic CAD programs such as Draft It, has a break tool that performs this function easily and quickly with one mouse click and one single text box entry.
Also, the fastest way I have found to accomplish this task is to simply draw another vertical line 7.956 units over the original vertical line, and that allows me to attach my horizontal line at 0 or 180 degrees from the vertical 7.956 units. I then go back and delete the second vertical line.
Is there a command that would break lines at intersections automatically?
I know there is such a command in autocad map 3D, but is there a way to do it in LT? With a macro?
I have attached a picture of the parcels that I like to break at each intersection has an example.
Then I go on to use the OVERKILL command which works very well.
I used the "break" command to split some lines into segments, but now I can not join them again using PEDIT. They are all on the same elevation. What is preventing me from joining them? I've attached the file in question, I'm trying to join the red (metal layer) lines.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhy the break at point command is different when I write it than when I click on it? I mean, when I use the command by redoing it with the spacebar or with the keyboard shortcut, the line that I want to break is not only break at a single point but from this point to the middle of the line…
View 5 Replies View RelatedThe following function
(command "_break" ent1 p1 p2)
break a polyline into two separate polylines. How can I get a selection set with two separate polylines?
I'm reconstructing an old document originally developed with PageMaker. I've recreated a half dozen pages hopefully with more uniform techniques. The original line art for the pages was created in AutoCad and some were scans. To bring them into InDesign some of the art is now in psd format and some of the newer art is in Illustrator AI format.
I've noticed that the pages with photoshop art print pretty quickly (about 30 seconds). The ones with Illustrator art take much longer (about 1:30 seconds). They go through a flattening process.
I print these 50 page books on demand and that additional time would add about an hour.
I guess the question is whether this is normal and to be expected or not. If it is I'll likely turn everything into raster before going into InDesign. That, however, seems like quite a bit of extra work. Going from AutoCad to Illustrator (to add stroke) then to PhotoShop to change to raster and then into InDesign seems like a pretty convoluted work flow.
I am trying to convert several drawings that are linked to an SQL database to SQL spatial. The drawings are from a Autodesk map 2004 system. I have Map D 2013 64Bit installed on a laptop along with SQL server 2012 RC0 (Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 11.0.1750.32 Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 6.1.7601.17514 Microsoft MSXML 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.0.8112.16421 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.30319.269 Operating System 6.1.7601).
To keep my rouge laptop off the company network I exported our existing SQL data to a access database that I placed on the laptop and converted back to SQL and linked it to the 2004 drawings. That part worked fine. I would like to convert all of them to SQL spatial. I have converted a small drawing but it took a couple of hours. I am in the process of a larger drawing that has 60,000 entities and it has been working for 8 hours and only has 4550 of them completed. I am using the output to fdo connection.
My company produces drawing sets that show the same information in multiple places. I.e. an attribute in drawing A is also shown in a different block in drawing B and a different block in drawing C and in a table. This creates problems in that as soon as one piece of information changes, you have to change it in 14 places... and it creates typos. A LOT of typos. So I'm trying to come up with a good solution as to how to link these pieces of information.
I know how to use data links in a table... but is there a way to link block attributes? Also, am I just barking up the wrong tree? Because in my head, you'd have to manually link all of these things for every new drawing, and they can be easily broken.
How to manipulate data links? I want excel tables to come over and use their native excel formatting. I have a heck of a time getting them to look right (text size, font, justification, cell size, etc) and then when I update the link after making changes to the XLS, they get all cattywompus again.
I've never been real strong on text management in CAD; I'm always scaling text and doing poor drafting things like that. So I looked into Tablestyles and things a bit and thought I had it, but not so much.
Is it possible to put links into AutoCAD drawings?
For instance could I set up an icon / text that if clicked on opens another drawing, pdf, word document, excel document or other.
example: if I have a note in the drawing saying "see drawing A123_456_789 for details of power cable" could I put a link next to it that took you straight to the drawing?
If it can be done is it possible to save the drawing in a format that somebody without AutoCAD could view drawing and use the links.
I'm developing a custom SA in C#. At some point, I need to get a shape area and a link length from other SA (created with subassembly composer). This SAC subassembly is created before my custom SA in the assembly.
In the DrawImplement function the corrsidorState list of links and shapes is empty...
I'm building a simple subassembly from generic links and some of the links are blue and some magenta - Is there any significance to this colouring?
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design)
Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD
16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
I am working on Inventor 12, previously Inventor 10 and recently (approx 4 months ago while I was still on Inventor 10), all of a sudden, if I tried to open a drawing where components had been deleted for example, it would not try and resolve the links, just straight crash the program.
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
Nvidia Quadro 2000
2 x Quad Core Intel i7 2600 CPU @ 3.4GHz
is it possible to restore an associative link? I have a model that is being run by ilogic rules and everytime i run the model a invisible part in the assembly is still visible in de drawing. i can manually restore this by RM-->subassembly--> representation--> and then switch it to associative again, but i want it to just do it automatically.
ia also tried to do it with de following code but it doesn't seem to have effect.
''------------------------------------------------ThisApplication = InventorVb.ApplicationDim oDoc As Document = ThisDoc.DocumentDim oCompDef As Inventor.ComponentDefinition = oDoc.ComponentDefinitionDim oCompOcc As Inventor.ComponentOccurrenceFor Each oCompOcc in oCompDef.OccurrencesoCompOcc.SetDesignViewRepresentation("Default",True)NextRuleParametersOutput() ' use this before DocumentUpdateInventorVb.DocumentUpdate() ' Update now
it will run okay but the sub-assembly still doesn't switch to associative or it switches back after the update?
there must be a way to just simply put the associative link back on.
ps: in the .idw the associative link is enabled but the subassembly is missing his link to the main assembly.
why am i not allowed to have multiple direct links for a node (junction/outfall)? i have a situation where i want to add the flows to two junctions, one for each side of the property, then add the two junctions to an outfall (overall site). i do not want to model the pipes, just want to add hydro graphs.
my each junction has two direct links coming from two other upstream junctions, and then this junction flows out by a direct link to the overall site outfall (the set of junctions from the other site does the same). i cannot run the model because of the error:
ERROR 134 : Node TOTAL-EAST has more than one DIRECT outlet link or DESIGN pump.
ERROR 134 : Node TOTAL-WEST has more than one DIRECT outlet link or DESIGN pump.
I have a DWG with some links to images on. I would like to remove these links but am having a bit of a hard time.
See attached screenshot of the missing images.
I have tried to use 2 different macro's to remove these but it appears these are not OLE objects (which the macro's remove).
There is no delete menu item when you right click on the image like either.
I created a simple sub-assembly for a windfarm project but when I bring it into civils none of the links or points show up!
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a link.. How do i mate these links together so as the chain is moveable in all directions..
View 7 Replies View RelatedThere are two polygon topologies in the dwg attached. The 'Parcels' topology is a source while the 'RoW' topology represents an overlay topology. Both are reported correct and complete, nevertheless an intersection overlay operation
does not show the expected result. Instead, a rather painful error message comes up: Can't create polygons.Some links could be lost. Frankly, I have never known any of the messages before...
Ironically, this sample is a part of a greater drawing and the rest of the topologies work just fine.
How does the datalinks handle the links to the excel spreadsheet. I am drawing parcels from legal descriptions and would like to link each parcel to a spreadsheet with all the parcels data via a ID number. Then be able to click on that parcel and see the owner (the link). But my question is: do I have to give each link a new name to correspond with the parcel in order to see each parcel ownership?
And how many datalinks can a drawing handle.
AutoCad 2011. I am having no luck when trying to drag a command from the Command List pane to the Quick Access Toolbar. I have success draging to Tool Palettes
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am currently writing a series of routines for setting the layers for text, leaders and dimension commands. The end goal is a system where any annotation command sets the correct layer for the duration of the command, then reverts back to the layer that was active before the command.
I have managed to complete all the code, and it appears to be working fine, I just have one question: I have used -layer "m" "Lay_name" etc... for all layer setting commands, rather than any code to see if the layer exists already. In my limited testing this seems to be suitable, nothing that exists on that layer seems to be affected.
I know how to write code to determine if the layer exists already and set the layer instead, but so far it seems unnecessary??
My company has an access database that has all of our service data on it. I am currently considering rebuilding the database because it is a database with one table and a million fields. I want to split the database up into separate tables with relationships. All of these tables would be linked based on the same key field Service_ID.
Now here is the hard part. The data would be in a one to many relationship with one record for service info and multiple records per service for pipe info. The data is currently linked to objects in AutoCAD Map 3d 2014 based on the Service_ID key field and a "service" link template.
If i rebuild this database, am I going to lose all of my links? or will i retain the links? Also, is there a way to automatically generate links based on the service_ID field? For instance there are 3 records of pipe information for 1 service. Previously all of these records would be in the same table, but now the tables are split. Since they have the same Service_ID as the Service information, will the links show up?
I'm the only one out of a bunch of guys using 2012. Others in my office are using either 2010 or 2009. They can set up Excel tables with links and have no troubles but, the minute I try to edit one the link gets broken. I also have an issue where if I highlight the border of the OLE, right click, and try to open the OLE... I get a small error box saying that the server application has failed.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm new to AutoCad 360 but I'm finding it impossible to find link to Xrefs on the 360 drive - I'm logged in and can see the files in Windows explorer but can't link them into the file... It means I have to work from different locations which is a nightmare for co-ordination.
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