VideoStudio :: Program Hangs Opening Folder?

Aug 18, 2013

I recently upgraded to Studio X6 and downloaded service pack 1. I had this same problem with X4, and was in hopes X6 would eliminate it.

I open a project and I want to add a jpeg image, so I drill down to the folder where the file is located and it hangs there with the little blue circle going around, and no files appear and I get a message "Not Responding" I I must close the program or wait for it to respond, which it never does.

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Lightroom :: 5 - Install Program To Special Folder And Not Custom Folder On Drive C?

Jun 10, 2013

I have another question about installing LR5. How do I manage to install the program to a special folder and not the custom folder on drive c:?
I just run the installation through application manager. I set the installation folder within my presets to d:adobe...

But anyway it was installed on hard drive c:
A direct download of  the installer from adobe is not possible unfortunately.

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AutoCad :: Program Hangs And Won't Respond?

Jan 16, 2012

I am using AutoCAD 2010 and when I open and run a drawing for a while the AutoCAD program hangs and won't respond. I have to close the program and then reopen AutoCAD. How come AutoCAD keeps doing this

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Lightroom :: Program Hangs During Import Process

Oct 10, 2013

Since installing Lightroom 5, the program hangs during the import process. I never had this issue with Lightroom 4, but recently had a system crash and lost my former catalog. There are about 140,000 images to be imported from a 3TB hard drive.
I'm running a PC with 24 GB of RAM, a 128 GB SSD boot drive and a dedicated 128 GB SSD dirve for Photoshop/Bridge/Lightroom cache.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 :: Program Hangs All The Time When Open?

Apr 12, 2012

I have problem with opening the corel draw 12 software. When i opened this, the program hangs all the time and cant access anymore.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Program Hangs Up For No Apparent Reason?

Oct 21, 2013

I have an AutoLISP program that hangs up for no apparent reason. I can run the program with an Alert in the loop. The program is a sheet generator, creating a border (insert with attributes), dimensions and MultiLeaders in Model Space, then a new Layout Tab is generated and the new elements are CHSPACEd into the new layout. An Alert temporarily halts the program once the task of a new Layout is created. In this form, the program works as designed. However, if I comment out the Alert, the program hangs up as if in an infinite loop. Also, hitting Escape does not cancel the AutoLISP, I must use Task Manager to end AutoCAD instead. My computer was recently upgraded to Win7 64-bit. I'm running 64-bit versions of software. (AutoCAD MAP 2011).

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Photoshop :: CS4 Hangs When Opening File

Nov 8, 2012

I have a new installation of Photoshop CS4 running on Windows 7 in Bootcamp. I"ve applied the latest updates. The program hangs whenever I try to open a file or start a new one.

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Photoshop :: Opening CC Completely Hangs?

Oct 11, 2013

When I open ps cc it completely hangs.  No menus will open.  Cannot even close without using task manager.  Should I just reload?  How do I delete the old version?

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Photoshop :: CS4 On Vista X64 Hangs When Opening

Apr 19, 2009

I've checked the forums and cant find anything quite like this...I've just installed (and updated) PS CS4 on a Vista x64 system - PS opens and seems to run just fine until I go to open an image (any image) - the image comes up but stays fuzzy and the program locks up and has to be terminated... this happens with both the 32bit and 64bit versions. I've tried turning off/on GPU acceleraton - ive tried changing parameters in the nvidia control panel - nothing seems to work... the workstation has two displays with oldish dual Quadro FX 3400 cards (no SLI) with the latest nvidia drivers and they seem to work very well for everything else... its a puzzle... short of trying different GPU's (which I dont have), what can be done?

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Photoshop :: CS3 Hangs When Opening Files

Nov 7, 2008

PS hangs when opening, duplicating images. The longer it's on the longer the wait. I'm talkin' 15 - 20 seconds. Deleted the prefs multiple times.

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Illustrator :: CC Hangs Upon Opening Certain Files?

Sep 18, 2013

I posted another thread yesterday trying to figure this issue out. Illustrator does NOT actually crash, instead it hangs and simply becomes unresponsive when trying to open a handful of files. I have been reading other threads similar to this and have addressed all of the issues that seemed to have resolved the problem for other people, i.e. reset preferences, reinstalled illlustrator several times and removed preferences, etc. I do have a Wacom Bamboo tablet, but I have removed the driver and files from my Mac. But, it seems odd that the Wacom plugin would cause only a select handful of files to become unresponsive. I have a lot of work that needs to be done but I can't take a step further without Illustrator working properly!

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Illustrator :: Hangs Opening Existing Files

Jan 15, 2014

We are having an issue with CS4 and CS6 with a couple of users who are using Windows 7 64bit. Previously the users were using CS4 on Windows XP 32 bit.
The program seems to open ok and the user is able to create, save and open new files, the issue seems to be when the users try to open files that they previously created. The behavior they see is that the files take between 5 and 10 mins to open (even if stored locally) and the programs hangs when they then try to do anything with the files.
The are using the same hardware, the only difference being that the OS has been migrated to Windows 7 64 bit. CS4 and CS6 were then installed cleanly onto the machines.The users have the same issue with both CS4 and CS6 with their existing files.

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Lightroom :: Frequently Hangs On Opening Catalog

Mar 8, 2014

About every other time I open Lightroom or switch the catalog, Lightroom will hang. Usually some thumbnails from the catalog will be visible; if it was after starting Lightroom, the splashscreen remains visible.
I am using Lightroom 5.3 64bit on Windows 7. (The problem was already there with Lightroom 3.6, but not quite as frequently)
My main catalog has about 14.000 pictures, a second catalog about 10.000. The problem exists with both catalogs.
Sometimes, deleting all previews works, sometimes the catalog remains unopenable.
I have rebuild my catalog from scratch several times (losing all virtual copies and edit histories).
The least-data-loss method seems to be to rename the catalog directory, so Lightroom will create a new empty one. Then import all photos from the old renamed catalog.
What I have tried so far, to no avail:
- Upgrading from LR 3.6 to 5.3.
- New hardware (Mainboard/CPU/RAM/Power supply; CPU: AMD->Intel, Graphics: nVidia->Intel).
- Reinstalling Lightroom
- Deleting Preferences file
- Moving pictures from network drive to a local harddisk.
- Moving pictures and catalog to a different hard disk (physical, not just other partition).
- Stopping all unneeded services and processes, down to a bare minimum.
There is not a whole lot of other software running on my machine: Dropbox, iTunes background services, Spyder3 monitor calibration, MS Security Essentias, Epson Print driver Icon. No toolbars, desktop-apps or what have you.

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Photoshop :: CC Hangs On Opening Screen Reading Preferences?

Aug 20, 2013

Mac OS X 10.8.4
I've rebooted a couple of times, and uninstalled/reinstalled via the CC Control Panel. Even more comical is when I try to retrieve information about my installation I get this error from the Adobe CC site: We're sorry, something seems to be wrong on our end. Please try again later.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 :: Hangs While Opening Some Files?

Apr 12, 2011

I have fully licensed X4 version. Last week i was receiving 4 different cdr files (cdr X4), created by other person (lets call him Jack). Files were ok, but there was some grammar mistakes, so I asked Jack to correct them and send files back to me. But! When he did that, I wasn't able to open theese files . My Corel hangs trying to open all of them. And it seems like files are opened and Corel is running,  but i can not see anything, even panels...Only gray or white screen is visible....  Today, 12 of April, i received files (created also on version X4) from another person and story repeats. It only happans with some cdr X4 files, other works just fine.

Common thing is that all of them are created on X4 version. I tried several times to reinstall my corel, but it did work. I downloaded trial version of Corel X5 on other PC, there i was able to open them, save for version 14, only then i could open theese files on my pc. But i can not do that all the time. Jack is very active client and trial version is only for a month =). I need to understand is it my Corel problem, or Jacks. But todays events, shows it is my problem. I have a feeling, that it might be some corel updates, which prevent my Legal Corel X4  to open cdr files, created on Pirate Corel X4 version. Can it be true? Conflict between legal and illegal versions... If trully, such  updates took place last week

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2012 Hangs When Opening IDW Files?

Jul 16, 2012

I had a crash on exiting Inventor 2012 (fully up to date, service packs installed etc.) and since that crash I can't open any drawing (.idw) file in Inventor: it appears to hang, with no processor activity etc.

The same files open, view and print fine with Inventor View.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2013 - Drawing Hangs On Opening (Upgrading COGO Points)

Feb 4, 2013

On opening a C3D 2013 drawing, C3D hangs for about 5 minutes.  At the bottom of the screen is the message: "Upgrading COGO points".  This drawing is only 974KB. 

The drawing is being opened from a network . I tried saving it on a local hard drive.  That had no effect. 

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VideoStudio :: X6 Hangs On Preview

Jul 15, 2013

Downloaded trial version, seems to have issues with the editor. Clip playback ok but when I try to do a project playback, it hangs after a few seconds of play back and then only creeps forward a second or two every time I attempt to hit play to have it continue through to the end. I use other video editing programs, never encountered this kind of issue. Cool effects but if the editor doesn't function right, what's the point.

I am running a new ASUS, windows home premium 64bit and have 6GB ram.

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VideoStudio :: X4 Hangs At Capture?

Jul 30, 2011

My capture card is a BlackGold BGT 3620 (which doesn't come with capture software). I had been using VideoStudio Pro X3 to capture VCRs through its analogue input (using S-Video) with no problems. However, I recently re-installed Windows (nothing different, it had just stopped working), and decided to give the trial version of VideoStudio Pro X4 a shot. When I go into the capture panel and click on "Capture Video", the "Source" field is blank, and the program completely hangs, so I have to kill it.

Of course, I can go back to X3, but sooner or later, it will no longer be supported, or there'll be some other reason I'm forced to upgrade, so I'd rather get this working.I tried running it as admin (although X3 used to work fine without it).

here's my set-up:

Mobo: ASUS M4A79T Deluxe
GPU: Palit NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250 (driver V. 275.33)
HDD: 3 x 160 GB 7200 RPM SATA II
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64. All service packs, updates, etc., installed.
Capture Device: BlackGold BGT 3620 (driver V.
Capture Media: UK PAL VCR, from standard VCR player, through S-Video

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VideoStudio :: Hangs While Loading Project

Mar 24, 2013

I did a clean install of VS Ultimate 6 after completely removing VS Ultimate 5 from my system. Boy, do I wish I had not done that!

After installing VS 6 and all of its extras, it starts up fine. But when I load project (VSP) files I had created using VS 5, it starts populating the timeline with clips and then hangs hard. It never comes back … i have let it start loading before bed, and the hourglass is still spinning when I wake up the next morning. Have to forcibly close it.

Not all VSP files will hang VS 6. Just the most important two projects. Periodically, as I'm developing my project (and a separate parallel project), I will create my own work back up by doing a File Save As with a new number at the end of the file name. I am presently working on Act I v14. I have verified that v1 thru v3 work fine, but v4 thru v14 all hang VS 6, as well as Act II v1 thru v8 (which is all of them). These two projects represent hundreds of hours over the last 10 months. If I have to start over, I will kill myself or start drinking again or something.

I would remove it and reinstall VS Ultimate 5, but I am unable to locate installation disk #1. I have my serial number stored away in a CodeWallet database, but the disk is mislaid somewhere in this debris field that is laughingly called my home computer room. So, how I could download, VS Ultimate 5 disc #1,

Windows 7 Ultimate w/SP1 and all updates (64-bit operating system)
AMD Phenom II X4 925 Processor 2.80 GHz
AMD Radeon HD 6450 display adapter
104 GB system drive (7 GB free)
833 GB second drive (459 GB free)

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VideoStudio :: Cannot Import Some VOB / MPEG Videos - X3 Hangs

Feb 27, 2011

I have yet to edit a video. I have over 25 years of videos that were made on VCR tapes. I used a Panasonic VCR to DVD recorder to transfer those tapes to DVDs. I changed the extension from VOB to MPEG. Most of them import into X3 just fine. However, some of the videos I want the most will make X3 not respond (hang).

Here is what happens: I use the "Insert Media File to Library" process. Normally, when I click on the video its name appears in the File Name box right away. When it is a video that is going to hang the program it takes a very long time to fill the File name box. Sometimes it hangs there. Once, I was able to get the video into X3 and it started but I couldn't move the scrubber and then it would hang the program.

The odd thing is that the video will play in Windows Media Player and work just fine. I don't think there is anything wrong with X3, I think it is the videos. Would I benefit from an upgrade to X4?

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VideoStudio :: Edit / Clip And Save Trimmed Video - Hangs

Jan 14, 2011

Was able to trim and save 11 clips in new video files over 2-3 sessions, but then program hung after initiating 12th save. No duplicate file names, ie file already exsists. Computer show 100% CPU usage implying program has gone into loop. Have to use Window task mgr to end VideoStudio. When restarted VS indicates it is completing save started in previous session but creates empty file. Removing all Ulead files and folders I can find from computer left after uninstall, and all references I can find from registry, then reinstalling VideoStudio does not fix problem. I did not remove the video files in my user directory. There are no project files. Assume something remains on computer preventing clean reinstall and removal of bug.

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Lightroom :: Deleting All Folder Files For LR And Still Couldn't Remove Program

Jun 28, 2012

Every-time I try either of these I get windows cannot locate Adobe_lightroom_x64.msi...I copied that file from the installation but lightroom refuses to use it!I tried deleting all the fold files for lightroom and still couldn't remove the program!!!
I'm photographer and this problem is killing me! I really need this program working!I tried disabling my antivirus real time protection(avira) and tried some of the forum methods but nothing still works! I'm using administrator for installing and set permissions correctly nothing works!
What's the best way to wipe a previous adobe installation?When I try to uninstall I get error 1714. Lightroom 3.6 installs fines. If I try to install regular lightroom 4, it only immediately converts to lightroom 4.1 installation?!??!?! I already converted my catalog folder to lightroom 4...

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Photoshop :: PROGRAM ERROR When Opening PS7 .psd

Aug 17, 2002

I am working in PS 7 OS 10.1.5. I have a file that was working on, saving as I went along. I closed the file and when I tried to reopen it, the file would not open. I get a message ... File can not be opened because of a program error...

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Maya :: Isn't Main Opening Program?

Aug 2, 2013

I am trying to set Maya as the default program to .ma and .obj files but it won't accept it as the program, it just stays on something like photoshop. This also happens to .3ds files when trying to set them to Max.

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Illustrator :: CS6 Hangs / New Files Or Opening Existing Files

Apr 7, 2013

Date/Time:       2013-04-07 14:58:28 +0200
OS Version:      10.7.5 (Build 11G63b)
Architecture:    x86_64
Report Version:  9 
Command:         Illustrator
Path:            /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS6/Adobe Illustrator
Version:         723 (16.0.0)
Parent:          launchd [132]
PID:             10493
Event:           hang
Duration:        0.83s
Steps:           10 (100ms sampling interval)
 Pageins:         19
Pageouts:        0

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Photoshop :: Set CS5 As Default Program For Opening PSD Files

Sep 27, 2012

How do I change a specific file type association in Bridge CS5, namely the .psd file type? I had installed Photoshop CS6, but am unable to use it due to extreme slowness (another problem, not for this question). I have reverted to using Photoshop CS5 and Bridge CS5.
Now when I double-click on a .psd file in Bridge CS5 to open it (or right-click on the .psd file) , the file opens up in the glacially slow CS6. I went to edit> preferences>file type associations to change the association to Photoshop CS5, but .psd is not listed as a file type (.jpg and .dng and a host of other file types are listed). How can I change the association if I cannot find the file type? (BTW: I have changed the file type association in Windows Explorer; I am running Windows XP.) I know I can open PS CS5 manually and scroll to the image I want to open but, to my mind, that defeats one of the main purposes of Bridge.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Extended Errors When Opening Program

May 1, 2013

When opened, PS CS6 generates a "Could not complete your request because of a program error" dialog.  I click OK and the program runs.  However, File>Automate>PhotoMerge generates Error 8800 with reference to Line: 1085 --> if (( < 0
I delete the program, reload from Cloud and it runs OK until update the program via cloud services.  Repeat above error sequence.

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Photoshop :: Can Visualize PSD Or AI From Windows Without Opening Program

Nov 8, 2012

i can visualize a PSD or AI from Windows without opening the program?


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Photoshop :: Change Default Opening Program

Jul 8, 2013

I have Windows 7 64 pro installed.  Tried the CC on Windows 8 64bit pro and they didn't play well together.  Windows 7 seems to work fine.  Good enough.  So, I have the 64 bit version of PS CC pinned to the taskbar.  When I click on it, it opens right up.  Then if I go to Lightroom 5 and open a file, it opens right up in Photoshop CC 64 bit.  However, if PS is not open and I open a file from lightroom, Photoshop CC 32bit opens.  Not what I want.
Ok, so you say go the defaults menu and change the default opening program?  Doesn't work.  Switches right back to CC 32bit.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Opening A File - Program Closed

Mar 25, 2013

i installed coreldraw x6 about two weeks  to try and i liked it so much and my windows gone down and when i reinstalled windows and reinstalled coreldraw and tried to open a file was created with coreldraw x6 it give me error and program closed.

the problem is:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BEX64
Application Name:CorelDrw.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp:4fff8c8c
Fault Module Name:CdrFnt.dll
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp:4fff8cc6
Exception Offset:0000000000009181
Exception c0000409
Exception Data:0000000000000000
OS Version:6.1.7601.
Locale ID:4097
Additional Information 1:2ac4
Additional Information 2:2ac4c22809adbef32ecbe94fc4b7c7b9
Additional Information 3:d787
Additional Information 4:d787405ff983cb0cc3e60c8be69cf6a8

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