VideoStudio :: Create Disc Image Grayed Out In PRO X4?
Jun 24, 2012
I have a Sony HD Handycam that makes great HD movies. I do not make DVD's but rather put all my videos on a Western Digital media player which offers a very convenient way to both store & view them. After I select "share/create disc" & follow the menu creation instructions the final screen does not allow me to select the option to create an iso file. I can see the title of the file & the iso extension on the line but it is grayed out. I am running windows 7, 64 bit, 5GB ram.
I tried to create an ISO image (I don't have a blu-ray drive) and it turns out it isn't possible (the "create image" option is diabled on blu-ray disks).I was able to create the folders.
I have been having trouble burning DVDs from VideoStudio X4 so I reinstalled and put in Service Pack 2. Still no luck. When I go to share and then pick out Make Disc/DVD the project loads but I cannot go on from there. The NEXT button is grayed out no matter what I do.
Operating System: Win Vista Home 32 bit or 64 bit: 64bit Motherboard: Unknown (HP Pavilion m9350f) Processor: AMD Phenom 9850 Quad Ram: 6GB Video Card: Sound Card: Hard Drive Capacity: 750GB System Drive:
I have VideoStudio Pro X2. Purchase late last year to create a 50th wedding anniversary video for my parents. Worked great, able to mix video, add music, able to copy to DVDs, etc.
I haven't opened it for a while, until today. I tried to make another copy of the video on a DVD tonight, the window pops up, it says the video is loading, but the video never comes up. When I try to click on the popup (anywhere), it says the program stopped working and MS will shut it down (gives me the option to shutdown or continue).
I downloaded SP1 as well. Still same issue.
The video will play fine in the edit mode. I tried to copy another video compilation that I made a year ago (same timeframe) and it worked fine.
I currently have the trial version of Video Studio Pro X4. I would like to purchase it if I can complete a project and burn to DVD. I was able to create and edit a video of a recent concert at our church that looks great. I went through the steps of Create Disc and burn to DVD of the 2 Hour video (It took over 12 Hours to burn). The DVD seems to play on the computer with no problem, but when I try to play it on a DVD player attached to the TV, it says there is no disc, the player does not recognize the DVD. I used a Memorex DVD+R DL 8x 8.5GB 240 Min. (double layer). I have promised many people I would provide them a DVD of the concert. What do I need to do to produce a DVD that will play on a DVD player through the TV?
I have a short project to burn to DVD. I have it in AVCHD format as well as downconverted for standard DVD. This is my normal procedure, so that I can burn a high def disc for myself, and a standard disc for friends and family. I have done this many times before, but this time, whether AVCHD or standard DVD, I get "Unspecified error" when I hit the burn button. I am observing best practice - there is nothing in the timeline, and the settings (the little gear icon) match the video clip. This piece is only about 8 mins long - much shorter than my normal pieces, but I can't see that would make a difference.
I considered burning them in Roxio or Power2Go, but both programs insist on including Menus, which I definitely don't want.
The problem that i have, is that it does not appear the "next" button in the windows "Create Disc". How can i solve. With this problem i can not burn the project.
I am using Video Studio Pro x3 with Movie Factory 2010
I have tried to burn a disc with .mpg .mpg 2 .mp4 and .wmv formats and ALL have failed. I have created chapters in V Studio and they are not seen once i click on create disc and I have gone thru the grief of recreating the chapters
All of this has failed, at the end - 99% of burning. With the .wmv file, burning failed after 10 seconds. I have been able to sucessfully burn a disc using Windows burning software, so I know my drive is working fine, but really want to do this professionally (windows software created its own chapters and they are NOT where I want them and don't seem to be editable.
I have a presentation in less than 2 weeks, and need to have DVD ready before then
I am not used to work with HDV therefore my question: did somebody ever create an hybrid DVD disc straight from a 1440x1080 (HDV) file (possible in VS), or is the usual(better?) way to first rescale to 1920x1080. Is this disc then playable on a stand-alone BD player, which normally can play the 1920x1080 versions.
I have somehow managed to save a rendered project in another projects library.In the share tab I cant find a way of browsing to this rendered (vsp.mpg) file in order to open it and continue in the create disc process.
I have created disc images of some projects. The 'share' option allows for making disc images but I can't see how to burn a disc from the image using VS X4.....the 'create disc' section does not seem to accept an image for burning.
I created dvd using VSP projects files and saved also as "create disc image". Now I want to make another dvd using the saved disc image but I can't find it on my PC. I think it is saved as .iso file in a folder. In my search I could find the file but it is in Audio and Video two separate files. I can not open to make dvd. I had labeled with name and date still I can't find it. how to find these files and create dvd disk. I want to save all my dvd projects disc images in one folder with each project name and date created so I can go to my PC HD and locate it. Also, can I save Blue ray disc projects and make copy later?
If these projects when burned and saved with .iso format then Roxio or any other software can burn the dvd or Blue Ray discs by opening the saved .iso files.
I'm using X5Pro, and have just rendered a project that will be about 1.6Gb including menus. Because I will need to make several disks of the result, I used the create disk image (user guide p156) option in the last panel of the authoring process, rather than burn a disk directly. What I got in the specified folder was a small .iso control file and a winzip compressed archive.
First question: why do it like that? Extraction of that archive to the same folder as the .iso file yields a Video_TS folder containing a series of .bup, .ifo and .vob files.
I ran the iso file with an iso DVD burner program I have. Generally it works on whole .iso files - one humongous file that it breaks apart into the relevant items and burns the DVD in a playable way. As, for example, Mscrosoft's SP3 package for XP - distributed by download and in that format. The burn ISO program ran and it created something like 100kb on the DVD. Something is wrong here.
Second question: Since there isn't a tutorial on how to use this function on-line, is there a document available which describes the correct procedure to create a burned DVD from the created disk image generated by X5?
I've been trying to find the right tool for this job for over a year (Premiere Elements, Cyberlink, Corel, etc.) and in some way or another, they all let me down (usually during the rendering process). I have an LG Blu-ray burner I bought a year ago (all my software is up to date with the latest device drivers). I have created one blu-ray disc, a very simple one as a test and it works, but I can't remember the software I used. This weekend I tried using VideoStudio pro X3. When I went to the Share tab and clicked create disc, it launch dvd factory 2010 (I think) and blu-ray was not a format choice. I made sure my version (although trial) was fully up to date with all the latest updates.
I've read several topics here on the Instant Project templates. I'm working my way through the VS Pro X4 trial and about to purchase it just have a couple of remaining questions.
The trial I'm using has a very limited set of DVD templates for use when burning a DVD disc. I assume these are different than the Instant Project templates that I've read about here?
If they are different than the Instant Project templates are there DVD templates for download? I assume they're only available for a fully licensed install?
I'm using the currently the VS X4 trial version for evaluation purpose. So first I want to modify a BluRay-Disc in 3 Steps:
- import material from disc
- cut some scenes
- re-create disc (or finally burn it)
Unfortunateley I'm unable to finish task one: I didn't found out, how to import the BluRay-Disc: I tried with 'import Digital-Media' but whatever I choose in selection dialog (drive where the disc is located, a dubdirectory from the disc, etc.), VS always respond 'No valid content found'.
How can I accomplish to import the movie materials from the BluRayDisc?
My Videostudio is in Chinese(I hate it but no choice in HK shops), so sometime is hard for me to understand how to do this and that!
I see some topic said I can try to make a ISO first instead of using the burn function, I try to output the project to a videso and a m2t file come out, I getting confuse now, how can I make the ISO file, by using the create video file? or create a disc? I have different project all put in one disc, if I burn the ISO, still have the menu?
I have rendered the AVCHD video files (Full HD video) in Video Studio Ultimate X5, and under the "Share | Create Disc" option I created the files to Folder instead of burning directly to Disc as I wanted to save the "Folder" for future Blu-Ray disc burning if needed.
The question is, after the files are created in Folder what is the proper procedure to burn the "Folder" onto a Blu-Ray disc so that the disc will be playable in a Blu-Ray player?
I am evaluating videostudio 5 and intended to purchase it. However, when I try to burn a disc (br) or render a file, I get the dmp file error message. It tells me to contact corel tech support, but that is impossible. I really like the program, but this is a "show stopper" from purchasing it.
I have created two projects within Video Studio X3, which I want to put on one disc as separate programs, so they can be viewed individually (they are the same subject but covering different time spans) how do I achieve this ?
With X4, can you author an AVCHD disc with 720x480 content in H.264 video and AC3 Audio and burn it to a DVD that would be playable in a Blu-Ray player? Because my thought was with an 8.4 DVD disc you could fit a lot more TV shows on one disc, vs backing them up in DVD in Mpeg2 format. In fact with a 25GB Blu-Ray blank, you could probalby get a whole 22 episode season on one disc.
How do you burn a movie to a dvd disc? I created my movie, then clicked share tab. DVD factory 2010 opened up and I created my menu. After 3 hours of converting file the burn said failed with no explaination. So I then made a file of the movie. Opened vs3 again and tried to burn the saved file which was an mpg format to disc. The program doesn't recognize mpg files only vsp files. The program made the mpg file. So how do I burn the mpg file to disc?
Using Video Studio Pro X5, I edited a home video and saved my project into vsp file. When I previewed the video, it looked fine. I clicked Share, Create Disc, chose DVD, click Next, Next, Output, chose Create to Disc, and clicked Burn icon at the bottom right. It rendered for a while and completed.
When I played the DVD, the movie loops (meaning it played to the end of 15-minute video clip and did not stop, it went back to the beginning and played again and again)
I am a new user of Corel X5. If I "burn" a disc with the "Create DVD Folders" option, how can I use Corel to later burn the created Video_TS files to a DVD disc? I see an option in Corel for burning created disk image folders (ISO) to disc, but not for DVD folders.
If my video project is to big to fit on a 4.7G disc and X4 prompt to fit it in the burn to ISO or Video TS stage, the end result have 1 or more video clips converted to heavily low quality, approximately a bit more than 3000 bit rate, but not all the video clips are converted. The end result is that some video clips have grainy scenes with some artifacts on the TV.
Since it is very time consuming to batch convert all the videos of the project to a lower bit rate in order to fit it on a 4.7G disc (choosing one bit rate specification, see if all videos plus menus fit, choose another lower bit rate and start batch converting again if not...), I decided to use the 8.5G option of X4 with the original quality formerly rendered videos and finish the dvd building in that way. After that I choose DVD Shrink 3.2 to compress it on 4.7G. DVD Shrink successfully compress a 5.2G project DVD to 4.7G (actually 4.4G) with a 95% compression rate with a sharp function. The overall end result's playback quality was far more better than when using batch convert to a lower bit rate with X4. Just want to mention that X2 handled such a compress to fit request better.
The last time I've needed to go the DVD Shrink way for compressing large DVD sizes were in the days of VS 11. By mentioning VS11, that was also the time when I got several crashes with DVD authorizing. I remember I had to set VS 11 to convert all DVD compliant MPEG again to have a smooth playback without Video/Audio multiplexing problems.I always use formerly rendered MPEG2 files. I never use the edited project to author a DVD.
I currently have X5 and am wanting to burn my 1080P footage to a blu ray disc. However the settings when I select 'create disc' only allow upper or lower field, and not frame based. Does X6 have the capability to create a disc at 1080P, is it worth purchasing? Or does it even matter if I output to upper field first (quality-wise)?