VideoStudio :: Rendering And Disc Burning
Feb 7, 2013
I am evaluating videostudio 5 and intended to purchase it. However, when I try to burn a disc (br) or render a file, I get the dmp file error message. It tells me to contact corel tech support, but that is impossible. I really like the program, but this is a "show stopper" from purchasing it.
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Jan 10, 2011
I've been trying to find the right tool for this job for over a year (Premiere Elements, Cyberlink, Corel, etc.) and in some way or another, they all let me down (usually during the rendering process). I have an LG Blu-ray burner I bought a year ago (all my software is up to date with the latest device drivers). I have created one blu-ray disc, a very simple one as a test and it works, but I can't remember the software I used. This weekend I tried using VideoStudio pro X3. When I went to the Share tab and clicked create disc, it launch dvd factory 2010 (I think) and blu-ray was not a format choice. I made sure my version (although trial) was fully up to date with all the latest updates.
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Aug 22, 2012
I'm using X5Pro, and have just rendered a project that will be about 1.6Gb including menus. Because I will need to make several disks of the result, I used the create disk image (user guide p156) option in the last panel of the authoring process, rather than burn a disk directly. What I got in the specified folder was a small .iso control file and a winzip compressed archive.
First question: why do it like that? Extraction of that archive to the same folder as the .iso file yields a Video_TS folder containing a series of .bup, .ifo and .vob files.
I ran the iso file with an iso DVD burner program I have. Generally it works on whole .iso files - one humongous file that it breaks apart into the relevant items and burns the DVD in a playable way. As, for example, Mscrosoft's SP3 package for XP - distributed by download and in that format. The burn ISO program ran and it created something like 100kb on the DVD. Something is wrong here.
Second question: Since there isn't a tutorial on how to use this function on-line, is there a document available which describes the correct procedure to create a burned DVD from the created disk image generated by X5?
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Aug 28, 2012
Is it possible to minimize the disc burning procedure in Vs x4 to allow other programs to be run?
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Jul 25, 2012
I am a new user of Corel X5. If I "burn" a disc with the "Create DVD Folders" option, how can I use Corel to later burn the created Video_TS files to a DVD disc? I see an option in Corel for burning created disk image folders (ISO) to disc, but not for DVD folders.
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Jul 3, 2013
I currently have X5 and am wanting to burn my 1080P footage to a blu ray disc. However the settings when I select 'create disc' only allow upper or lower field, and not frame based. Does X6 have the capability to create a disc at 1080P, is it worth purchasing? Or does it even matter if I output to upper field first (quality-wise)?
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Dec 30, 2012
I have been having trouble burning DVDs from VideoStudio X4 so I reinstalled and put in Service Pack 2. Still no luck. When I go to share and then pick out Make Disc/DVD the project loads but I cannot go on from there. The NEXT button is grayed out no matter what I do.
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Mar 27, 2011
I have vs 11.5 and dvd movie factory7. When i am burning a mpeg2 file in dmf7 its burning the file faster. When i try to burn the same file in vs11.5 its take hours.
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Apr 2, 2012
I'm working on a video to propose to my girlfriend with next month, and I have all the edits done and the project is complete (including the DVD menu), but every time I render it it loses quality, and then when I burn a disk it loses even more quality. I'm just burning it onto a standard DVD so I know it won't stay fully HD, but it's pixelated in several parts which really is annoying.
Some details:
Original file properties (.mts):
File Format: NTSC HDMV
Video Type: H.264 Video, Upper Field First
Attributes: 24 bits, 1920 x 1080, 16:9
Frame Rate: 29.970 frames/sec
Data Rate: Variable bit rate (Max. 20899 kbps)
I don't know what camera they were shot on, a friend did the shots for me and I didn't think I'd need to know the camera specs.
I've tried rendering using several of the default options in the Share tab (MPEG Optimizer, DVD, MP4). So far, MP4 has worked the best.
When I burn it to a disk, though, it gets really bad. I tried burning straight from the project and burning from the rendered video file. Burning from the rendered file was less pixelated, but still not as clean as I want it to be.
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Nov 30, 2012
I have around 500 photos of somebody tagged that I would like to burn to a disc. What is the best way to do this in LR? Just drag the photos to a folder on my Mac to burn them or is there another way?
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May 16, 2013
I am new to LR 3 , after downloading photo's from 3 CF cards from a wedding then editing I put chosen best shots into a smart collection and all seemed in order numbers wise etc, when I burnt to a disc they are now not in order of the days event, how can I make sure they are of the following : -
1 - All the same size photo's ready to be printed or put in an album.
2 - How can I make sure the order in which I see them in the library smart collection is burnt in the same order onto a disc, as I have burnt from library and they are all out of order of the wedding event when looked at on the disc !!
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Jan 31, 2013
I have made a slide show with narration and music. Using Photorshop 10 Organizer.
1. The sound slider has no effect. The music does not dip when there is narration on a slide. Can this be solved?
2. I cannot burn the slideshow. Trying in Photoshop (trying a CD as well as DVD) it will not burn. The CD seemed to burn, but there was nothing on the disc when it said it was completed. Trying on the DVD it put me into Premiere Elements 10. It showed the soundtrack but not the pictures. During the burn the disc came out before burning had finished. Another time it completed the burn but there was nothing on the disc. sometimes the unknown error 2131042560 was quoted.
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Nov 21, 2013
Recently I am getting an error message when the X6 starts to burn the DVD.
All procesess before ( multiplexing, VOB generation etc.) are working fine but when the DVD steps into the burn phase there is an error 5.0.0. sometimes it goes several times not. The error has been repeated at least on 3 different computers.
The X6 is working fine. On my computer I did not change anything except recorded new videos for editing.
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Mar 9, 2011
In previous versions I created VSP files. When I came to create a disk I could add one or more VSP files in the share section and then I could click on burn and go and have a meal. The VSP files don't now seem to be any use at all in the share section. I am back to using version 12 that seems to work
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Aug 17, 2012
Is there a facility in X5 to automatically verify a DVD after burning, I have looked but cant find one. When burning DVDs for customers I use X5 to make an ISO file then burn it using Nero Express 6 as there is a verify facility that can be selected. Maybe I am being too cautious but on a few occasions I have had discs fail the verify, I feel a bit more confident if it passes the verify the DVD is ok. If I can burn with a verify afterwards in X5 this will make the job a bit easier.
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May 11, 2011
I have a version of VideoStudio Pro X3 that came pre-installed on an HP computer. It tends to crash, but I can muddle thru to the point where I can save a project as a video file. Once that step is done, there is no option, not even a greyed out button, that allows me to burn a DVD. The saved file is there, just can't do anything with it. Been thru the process and the instructions several times, the option to burn disks seems to be missing. Is this some sort of trial version, maybe stripped down? The option to export to portable device is also limited to low res WMV, no MP4, 3g2, etc.
I tried to run an update, but the program comes back stating that no new updates are available.
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Jun 27, 2011
I have been using Ulead VS 11+ for some time with great results. I recently upgraded to Corel VideoStudio Pro X3. The video capturing and editing works flawlessly however when I then want to burn the video to DVD by selecting the “share” tab and make disk it seems to start up DVD Factory which I find totally lame compared to the DVD burning associated with SV11. There seems to be no advanced functions accessible, I can’t seem to insert a photo into the back ground of the menu title, I can't create new decorations to create new back grounds for my title, I can’t burn the project to an .iso file etc. etc. In addition if you save the project and then come back to it later it does not pick up you saved project, and it does not indicate where it has saved to project. Am I missing something here. At the moment I edit in SV ProX3 and burn in VS11.
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Nov 18, 2012
Am having problems burning blu-ray files generated from VSX5. I get no errors but when I play the disc the player says"unable to play disc" . On windows Media player it wont recognize the chapter list on the disc.
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Nov 4, 2011
I have VideoStudio X4 pro, think the sales man did a great job as i'm a beginner and man o man this isn't what i thought it woud be I'm trying to save my pictures to cd, it burns in and when i go to play it on the video, it won't work, just comes up black? Have slected create disk image, have used the cd-r before to do a similar thing and it won't work.
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May 12, 2013
Have Sony HDR-TD20V 3D camera and transferred 3D videos to PC. Starting X6 program files are recognized as 3D (little box bottom left) putting videos in timeline. Went to "Create Video File" and selected 3D per manual.
Now here is what I need to know my options as presented. I want to use a Bluray disc to burn with burner (BD) and play in my Sony S570 3D player to 3D Tv. Do I use the Bluray setting and what format (1920x1080)?
I know there is AVCHD, MVC and so on as choices. In other words (in case others have similar camcorder and X6 software) what are the steps I need to follow. I was wondering if I had to leave file as is or have it side by side, etc.
My 3D Tv is able to play any formats (side, Up/DN, etc) I used the Sony Play Memories and burned a bluray successfully but played only in 2D. I've read about players needed to be AVCHD 2.0 to play Play Memories 3D made disc.
I want to be able to use X6 to create discs, burn them and play in BD 3D player.
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Jul 9, 2011
I've been a VS users since version 6 and have been able to work around the many nuances that each version upgrade had. I upgraded to VS X4, got myself a blu-ray burner and some BD-R's, and prepared my home videos. I'm consistantly geting the 'Unspecified Error 5:0:0' during the burning stage. After 6 wasted BD-R discs,.
Camera: Canon Vixia HF20, all AVCHD formatted video
Background music selected for all menus
Motion menu checked (tried unchecked as well)
No background image (using one of the provided 8 templates)
Moving path unchecked (tried checked as well)
Menu In/Out: none (tried both enabled at default, initially)
Video length is 19.66GB total, 26 menued video segments
I've updated to X4 SP1
I even tried copying over the afCvtTitleMenuRenterUnit.dll 'fix'.
For the video segments, I initially let X4 render them all. When it failed, I created video files (previously my standard method when making discs), creating .m2t (blu-ray H.264 (1920x1080)) for each segment and used those video files for all future burning attempts (as opposed to the VS Project files).
I can see the blu-ray disc has almost fully been written to after ejecting it (after the error). However, it can't be read either on my computer or on a standard TV blu-ray player.
I haven't tried burning a DVD yet, and will try that next to see if this is just related to blu-ray discs, or not. I can't really tell if all of the other posts on this similar topic were in regards to DVD burning, or blu-ray burning.
Running into this issue on earlier verisions, I was able to make an ISO file then burn a DVD with other software. That option doesn't seem available for blu-ray discs?
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Jun 21, 2012
When I select "Test Before Burning" it doesn't test, but goes straight to burning (I burn at 4.0 speed)
Also, while burning the detailed progress display continues to say "Video/Audio Multiplexing" through the entire process until closing the disc.
I've installed both current patches as well.
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Apr 3, 2011
I'm trying to burn +/- 1gb .mov/mp4 files to dvd to watch on a dvd player hooked up to a tv. I tried burning the mov/mp4 files directly to dvd but my dvd player isn't able to read them. VideoStudio 12 was included on my computer, will it convert mov/mp4 files to a format that can be burned to a dvd that I can watch on my tv?
I don't need to edit the files, just burn them to dvd in the highest quality possible to watch on my tv. If it will, are there any tutorials on how to do this?
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Feb 11, 2013
I have a Dell Studio 540 desktop running Vista Home Premium. Burner is a PLDS DVD+-RW DH-16A6S ATA Device. I recently burnt 1hr35m mpg to double layered disc without any issue. I then used VSX2 to create DVD using slightly modified menu templates and 12 chapters. I felt the initial stall may have been a glitch so attempted again. The burn stopped once more at 99% complete as indicated in attached jpg.
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Dec 18, 2013
Am I doing something wrong when setting up the menu and rendering a DVD? Everything sounds perfect/ lines up when I view it in my timeline but after it is burned to a DVD the sound is off by 2-3 seconds. It's only a 15 min video.
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Apr 8, 2013
VSP5 Ultimite: I opened a saved project and then went to share, and a different DVD menu showed up, one for another project! Like others, I struggle with having to re-create the DVD menu after editing the project. But if I use Smart Package and open the VSP from another location, the Burn module opens in virgin fashion.
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Sep 10, 2011
It is rather a long time since I captured, edited and burned to DVD on VS10, maybe I have forgotten what to do? I have Windows 7 and have downloaded the patch which successfully allowed me to capture successfully.
However, now that it is time to burn to DVD - I go to 'create disc' and although this takes me through to the next page - I find I don't have the next section after that - i.e. the actual DVD menu's and the bit where I actually render and burn to DVD.
Carole /posting.php?mode=post&f=1&sid=b7aa5a1c253ac00f6d190aa5ce409121#
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Sep 26, 2013
I am getting the same error trying to burn a BluRay. The preview looks perfect, but I just keep making expensive coasters. When burning DVD's is to create a "Disc Image" first, but when I try this for a BluRay, that option is greyed out and not selectable.
How to create a BluRay image file so I can access it from the tools menu and choose "Burn from disc image"? What is causing the 'unspecified error" when trying to burn a BluRay?
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Jul 20, 2011
I have VideoStudio Pro X2 (bought last Oct from Amazon didn't know it was two versions old and so had no support from Corel ) . I have come to use it in anger for the first time to create a DVD of my friends wedding. Everything works OK until I use the "share and then create a disk" I get to the Preview stage (it previews great) and then there is a "Back" button but no "Next" button.
I downloaded the latest patch from Corel for this version but it made no difference.
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Apr 14, 2011
I know I have an out dated version of VS, but all my videos are shot on a DV camera with 4.3 resolution.When I'm done editing I burn to a DVD using the VS program.
The quality of the DVD in not that good for some reason.I have checked all the properties and they seem to be right.But being a novice maybe the're not.If I save the file as an AVI then import it into another program (in this case Power Producer) to burn,I get a much better quality DVD.
PS. The reason Im sticking with VS 7 is that I can navigate around it fairly easily.Not saying Im confident, but enough to get by.May look into upgrading to a new version in the future with a new HD camera too.But for now VS 7 works fine for me.
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Sep 24, 2012
I have burnt a DVD from a wedding project in the usual way in X5 pro ultimate Now the Bride + Groom want to have an unedited version containing everything that was on the cam tape.What is the easiest way to do this.Will I have to capture the whole tape again and burn from that or can it be done with what is in my working folder and burn a new DVD from that content.
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