VideoStudio :: Transition Effects On Video Overlay Tracks?
Aug 30, 2011
i wanted to try it because of its flexible overlay capabilities. I have a main video on the background and i want a small overlay video to appear on top of it, but to come in with a transition. I couldn't make the transition to effect only on the overlay video, it effects the whole video (both main and overlays together). Is there a way to make it work only on the overlay video?
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Feb 9, 2012
I know that ProX4 does not provide panning and zooming of video, but any way to do this using the overlay tracks?
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Aug 20, 2013
What is the difference between the Video track and the Overlay tracks?
I noticed that I cannot trim the "overlay" clips, but when I added some screen recording to my folder and placed it on the timeline, it automatically goes to the Overlay track. And from there, I cannot trim them as the scissors icon is greyed out. Is there a way to add those clips to the video track instead of the overlay track if there is no other video in the way?
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May 24, 2011
This is a new fault which has appeared with Corel Pro x3. When I play clips on the overlay tracks as a project they play faultlessly. When I play them as a clip on any overlay track, there is no sound and it stutters instead of one constant speed. I have installed the program twice now trying to fix this problem. I am editing in Standard Definition. What could be causing this problem? This occurs with all files on the overlay tracks played in clip mode.
My computer is a Pentium (R) D CPU 3.00GHz, 3.25GB of RAM, Windows XP Pro, Intel Motherboard, ATI Radeon HD 5450, 512MB DDR3, IDT Audio. Sony HVR-V1P Pan NVGS400
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Mar 17, 2013
I thought this would be fixed with version 6 but I guess it isn't or maybe I'm still just doing it wrong. How do you apply a transition effect to just the overlay track. For instance I want to apply dissolve to an animated gif that I'm using in my overlay track but when I do it gets applied to everything and even the primary track blacks out and then dissolves back in. So frustrating. I switched over to final cut pro because of this but love the ease of use of VSP so I bought version 6 hoping this issue had been fixed.
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Feb 26, 2011
When I apply a transition to a clip on the overlay track (and/or title track) the transition is applied to the video on the video track... even if the clip on the video track is 'in the middle' to where the transition is on the overlay track. e.g. If I apply a dissolve (or any transition) to the overlay clip... the clip on the video track will go through said transition also. VSX4
In other words, the clip on the video track goes through the transition applied on the overlay or title track.
This does not seem right. I saw nothing in preference that would affect this and I saw no way of 'de-parenting' the video track with the overlay or title track. (By de-parenting I mean separating the tracks so what happens on one does not affect the other.)
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Mar 11, 2013
After creating a DVD or HD Blu-ray disc to watch on my HD TV the video skips after every transition effect while watching the DVD or HD Blu-ray disc on my tv's and computers. The videos do not skip when I upload them to the internet.
I'm using external USB 2 hdd and USB 3hdd
VS ProX5 and VS12
The properties for my video:
File format: mpeg2
file size-1,173.668
duration-478.378 sec
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Nov 23, 2011
I would like to have the overlay tracks be increased up to 99 tracks, like some of the other programs have. They also have more audio tracks available as well.
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Nov 3, 2011
If I have footage in my Video and overlay tracks - how can I make a transition in all (or selected tracks) at the same time.
To clarify I have footage in the main Video track and a couple of overlays, which are ending with the footage in the main video where a transition has to be made. Is there any way that that one transition is making a transition for the main Video track and the (selected) overlay tracks?
I wanted to attach a sample file (zip smart package). Seems zips are forbidden? Did at least attach a screen shot.
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Oct 15, 2012
I am attempting to put together a video showing the subject (my wife) as she is working in her flower bed.. I shot the video from a tripod. I have a PNG photo of a fence with a knot hole. I am attempting to follow her as if I am seeing thru a knot hole.I have the video of her on overlay track 1 and the fence/knot hole on overlay 2. How do I track her in the middle of the knot hole? Can the overlay tracks somehow be key-framed?
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Nov 21, 2010
If I place a video in the overlay track, it doesn't retain its normal size, but is resized to small window in the middle. This makes it very hard to align components with the video track. Is there some way to disable this resizing of the overlay track video and just have it retain its normal size? (The same size as the video track video)
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Jun 7, 2012
iF you use 4 overlay tracks. If I want to insert it later into a movie in the middle of a video track timeline.
How can I do it. Because the effect is only on overlay tracks.
Is the a way to change it so all the overlay tracks merge into one video track in the timeline ?Then I could inset it anywhere I wanted in the timeline.
Also when you want to make a DVD one option near the bottom is "use first clip as introductory video" What does that mean?
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Dec 30, 2010
Using ProX2 . . .
Making a DVD NTSC slide show of some Christmas pix. Opening photo is outside of house with snow on the ground. It's in vertical orientation (taller than it is wide). To show the entire house photo results in a video image of the house with black areas on the left and right of the photo. No problem.
As it fades in from black, thought it would be cool to have actual snow falling over the photo. Fine, fired up Cool 3D PS and made a particle overlay avi file of 720x480 of snow falling.
I insert snow avi into overlay track #1 over house photo. Of course, since the house photo is not 720 wide, the snow also falls into the black (border?) area outside the house photo. No problem. I just adjust the overlay avi so that it's the same dimensions as the house photo. Okay, the snow looks a little too distorted that way.
So, I return the overlay avi back to it's original 720x480 size and insert a black jpg into overlay track #2 to cover the snow on the left side of the photo. Insert same black jpg into overlay track #3 to cover the snow on the right side of the photo. (Creating a two track, pseudo mask?) For the most part, it works. In the preview window it looks great (doesn't it always?). When I render it, though, there is snow falling just outside the left and right edges of the house photo. Not much, but enough to be noticeable. The pseudo mask idea works, but not 100% for some reason.
Been moving the black jpgs in overlay track #s 2 & 3 more and more onto the photo, but when I render each version it doesn't seem to make any difference. What am I not seeing here to fix it? Just want the snow to fall on the photo and not outside of it.
Summary . . .
Video track: House photo (and other images)
Overlay #1: Snow particle avi
Overlay #2: Black jpg covering the area left of the photo
Overlay #3: Black jpg covering the area right of the photo
P.S. - Think it would matter since I did not resize the house photo, leaving it in it's original 3000 x 4000 file size?
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Jun 5, 2013
I created two projects for a dance performance:
Project A was for the first half. It had 2 video tracks, an audio track, and a text track.
Project B had 2 video tracks an audio track & a text track.
I opened VideoStudio 5 with no project loaded.
I then went into share mode & picked generate a DVD
I then loaded project A & then loaded project B
I built a main menu which had links for project A & B
I built a "sub" menu for project A
I built a "sub" menu for project B.
I then previewed (via the DVD preview option in the SHARE step of videostudio) all menu choices. Project A & Project B played perfectly meaning that ALL tracks played at the proper time.
I then generated an actual DVD and an iso file.
I saved the project file that was used to generate the DVD.
When I played the DVD all of the effects and tracks worked for the project A material. However, only the main video track played for the project B material. In other words the overlay video track & the text tracks were ignored. I created another DVD from the iso with the same "bogus" results.
I then opened the the project that was used to generate the DVD. I went to share ... generate DVD ... preview project B worked perfectly (i.e. it utilized the overlay and text tracks).
In other words the generated DVD didn't include the video overlay & text tracks for project B. Yet when you preview it inside of VideoStudio share dvd preview the overlay track & text appears.
I have since generated a video only file for project B & the overlay & text tracks are there.
I assumed that you could import 2 vsp projects into one project during the share step when you create a DVD. Is this the problem? Or is there a bug in VideoStudio pro 5?
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Dec 8, 2013
I've been choosing different transitions for clips in overlay tracks. All of them applies the effect without transparency. I really don' t like the white, black or whatever color while playing transitions. It's better for me to see the cross fade between both clips directly. Background settings (in Preferences) allow to change color but not choosing transparency.
I'm using Corel VideoStudio X6 Pro Ultimate.
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Jul 23, 2013
I'm trying to edit multiple camera videos on main and overlay tracks switching between them. I cannot seem to be able to leave a gap on the main video track at all whether ripple is on or off. What do I do to leave a gap in the main video track (with the video at that point in the overlay)?
Also I noticed the Track Manager has a greyed drop down to add video tracks. Is there a higher priced version to have more video tracks as opposed to overlay tracks?
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Mar 29, 2014
I'm trying to get back into making youtube videos and I am running into an issue. I have an Hauppauge HD PVR 2 gaming edition. Now one of the features that makes it easier for commentators like me is the ability to have all of the audio channels [game, mic, PC (aka skype chat)] all on seperate "layers" that way you can go into your video/audio editor and have the different audios so you can tweak them individually.
The problem that I have and wondering about is this, is there a way to import the files and have the different audio tracks be seperate? The files that they come in are either .ts [raw] or .mp4 [in program compression]. I would like to keep it in .ts even though its a bigger file as I like my compression style after I've edited that gives the best look without loss when uploading to youtube.
I have see the free program at mentioned, but the issue is last time I used it I somehow ended up with a virus. I also have handbrake, the Master collection cs 5.5, and VLC.
Operating System: Windows 7
Software Version:
Device: HD PVR 2 gaming edition
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Jan 11, 2011
How to LINK video tracks together so that if I DELETE one segement from a track everything MOVES together on all the rest of the tracks?
What is the best setting to OUTPUT/Burn to Standard DVD ensuring the HIGHEST resolution?
AND if I have one clip that is slightly out of focus, will one of the filters sharpen my clip?
Video: working with Mpeg2 files from my hard drive camera which captures directly as Mpeg files highest quality
Software: using Video Studio Pro X3
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Apr 23, 2013
I have a clip where I have tracked the motion of two eyes (not the eyemovement, but the location). The tracking is awesome by the way. The placeholders are following the movement very good. My goal is to have some kind of effect on the eyes (scary, sci-fi etc), like lens flare coming out of them. But I can't figure out how to add this effect to the motion I have tracked. I have tried adding the effect to the place holders, but it looks very ugly and they are still just a couple of squares.
how I can add an effect to a motion track like this..?
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Mar 3, 2012
Using Pro X4
I have a video file, I have an audio file. Video is loaded in the video track, audio in the Voice track.
HOW in the ... do I sync them? I have the mixer on, I can see the wav graphics, I can see where I want them to line up but either the Video track must slide forward ( and it won't, it's locked on 0 ) or the audio track must slide backward (but it won't slide below 0 start) I've tried splitting, clipping... I can't get it cut just right. All I want is time frame 0 for the video to start at positive time frame within the audio.
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Dec 12, 2011
I recently upgraded from X2Pro to X4 ultimate and I'm missing some transition effects that I had in X2 but are not in X4.
I'm really disappointed that transition effects and other stuff from X2 content pack are not included in x4 ultimate, and I cant find any content pack for x4 on corel website, is there any?
Can I use transition effects from X2 in X4? I hate to have to use X2 after paying for X4 Ultimate just for transition effects
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Mar 21, 2012
I just downloaded the trial version of this software (Video Studio X5 Pro) to try it before I buy it. I am importing RAW and AVI footage capture from a program called DXtory. I am recording those videos with three audio tracks, one track covers the sound of the video game being played, one track covers my microphone input, and the last track covers the sound that comes through my teamspeak server.
When I import a video into Corel am I able to separately edit each audio track? IE change the volume of one input but not the other?
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Sep 22, 2012
I'm currently using Pro X4.
I would like to know how to use a Transition without it affecting all tracks above it?
For example, if you apply a crossfade transition to a title track to make it fade-in, it will also affect the video track(s) above. The videotrack will suddenly turn black and then fade in together with the title.
Actually it will affect every track above the transition effect. So if you use for example the 'Switch Off' transition on the 2nd title track, it will also switch off the 1st title track, any possible overlay tracks and the main video track.
I can't imagine this should be happening. Is it a bug on my computer or is it a software issue
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Sep 23, 2011
Can I create and made transition effects in vs pro x4? Or need other software for it.
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May 27, 2012
I've made several dvds over the past 12 months or so and this has not occured but on my latest venture I am getting a nano-second of the video picture narrowing from wide screen during each transition. It then almost immediately goes back to wide screen, causing something like a sideways blink. I am mainly using crossfades with the occasional circle wipes, clocks and spins. This does not occur, however, when using crossfade on the still images, which I pan and zoom, and include at the end of the video.
I am using a JVC Everio Camcorder with a Medion Akoya E600 D (MD8328) PC with Windows Vista 32bit.
I have tried several methods of creating the video file: Same as Project Settings, Same as first Video Clip, MPeg Optimiser and even custom, all with Upper Field First and all with the same result.
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May 5, 2012
Is it normal for video to be sharper during the CIRCLE transition and then return to the 'normal' sharpness at completion of the transition.
I have just rendered a project which contains quite a few transitions including Crossfade, Side, Spin, Face and Circle. Every time I have used the Circle transition the image 'inside' the 'circle' appears sharper until the 'circle' fills the screen (i.e. the end of the transition) when the image appears 'normal'.
I think that there is something wrong with CIRCLE transition as I have also noticed that it does not display correctly (preview window goes black) when you 'drag' the scrubber along the timeline.
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Apr 5, 2013
At the beginning of the cross fade transition effect the audio drops out completely and suddenly get's loud at the end of the effect.
I'm using external USB 2 hdd and USB 3hdd
VS ProX5 and VS12
The properties for my video:
File format: mpeg2
file size-1,173.668
duration-478.378 sec
video format: mpeg-2, upper field
attributes: 24bits, 1440x1080, 16:9
frame rate: 29.970
data rate: 25000
Audio type-mpeg audio layer 2
total samples-18, 166,967
attributes-48000hz, 16bit stereo
bit rate-384
a. Where did they originate (camcorder, internet, TV card etc) Camcorders-SonyFX1 HDV and Canon XHA1 HDV
b. How did they get onto your hard drive (download, firewire, USB cable etc.) Firewire
Project Properties-
NTSC drop frame (29.97 fps)
MPEG files
24 bits, 720 x 480, 29.97 fps
Upper Field First
(DVD-NTSC), 16:9
Video data rate: Variable (Max. 8000 kbps)
Audio data rate: 256 kbps
Dolby Digital Audio, 48 KHz, 2/0(L,R)
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Aug 4, 2013
I didn't have any problems with transition effect, but suddenly,some effects, like flip album and the ProDad plugin are causing VS to hang and not respond: flip album is causing the hang just after the automatic preview (can't turn this off) and just clicking on the ProDad plugin is freezing VS. They are also causing the rendering process to hang (turned off smart rendering as well).I've reinstalled the software wituhout SP2 and still the problem persists.No matter what kind of media I insert before or after the transitions, the problem is the same.I assume there is some kind of incompatibilty between VS and some OS/driver update - any way to know for sure?
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Nov 12, 2011
I am in the process of giving Video-studio another chance, in that I am testing VSX4 TBYB, Let me say - its a close tossup between Cyberlinks latest Power Producer and its amazing speed and quality output albeit a little more fiddly, and well to be honest if it were not for Video-Studio's past history being so fresh in my mind the decision would have been easy..
Anyway - So far my clips captured with my new Canon Legria HF-G10 don't show any evidence of that Old AVCHD editing blip or mismatched frames around a transition when working with raw AVCHD Files,
So is it safe to assume that the problem is now redundant for good!????? Or have I just been lucky so far - or is that unlucky? in that the TBYB is coded differently to the Ultimate version which I may or may not end up getting..
My other concern was and still is the fact that some of my old raw MP4 video clips can not be directly imported into VSX4 TBYB as they could when I tried VSX3 TBYB version before I ended up deferring, so I am wondering whether this only applies to the VSX4 TBYB seeing VSX3 TBYB had no problems? or is that another major issue that Corel just cant get right, what with only the occasional version capable of working with all multimedia files out there..
Which reminds me is anybody else noticing a significant contrast and detail loss even after smart rendering with VSX4? or is this only because I am using a TBYB version and thus full 25 Mbit Rendering is available in the Ultimate version?
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Jun 22, 2012
I'm trying to key frame an overlay video ( or picture) from a distorted position to another different distorted position. I tried Picture in Picture but that effect only changes position not distortion (well it can be distorted with rotating x,y or z but it does not give the desired effect). So how can achieve that effect
My second problem is that while the video (or picture) moves from one point to another point at certain positions I want that video become invisible. Again I tried Picture in Picture. Why picture in picture gives a black background? First I tried to remove that black background with chroma key but some parts of the video became invisible (because of black background). Since I defined a mask, I can not define another mask to specify invisible positions. When I tried mask frame for that video, the mask frame also moves with the video. I want the mask to stay where it is.
My last question is about texts. I want my text to move from right to left. There are lots of fancy text effects, but I couldn't find that one. There is one close to that one but the letters bends to one side.
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Dec 2, 2011
Firstly note I am using Videostudio Pro X4.
I have noticed many times that when I add the CIRCLE transition between two video clips that when I drag the 'scrubber' along through the two clips and transition, when the scrubber goes past/through the circle transition the preview window goes blank (displays black).
If I change the CIRCLE to any other transition it displays (the transition) correctly but as soon as I put the CIRCLE back it once again only shows BLACK.
If I PLAY the project the CIRCLE transition displays correctly - it is only when dragging the scrubber that the problem exists.
Is there a known problem with the CIRCLE transition?
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