VideoStudio :: X6 - Choose Different Transitions For Clips In Overlay Tracks

Dec 8, 2013

I've been choosing different transitions for clips in overlay tracks. All of them applies the effect without transparency. I really don' t like the white, black or whatever color while playing transitions. It's better for me to see the cross fade between both clips directly. Background settings (in Preferences) allow to change color but not choosing transparency.

I'm using Corel VideoStudio X6 Pro Ultimate.

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VideoStudio :: Video Clips And Images Stuttering On Overlay Tracks?

May 24, 2011

This is a new fault which has appeared with Corel Pro x3. When I play clips on the overlay tracks as a project they play faultlessly. When I play them as a clip on any overlay track, there is no sound and it stutters instead of one constant speed. I have installed the program twice now trying to fix this problem. I am editing in Standard Definition. What could be causing this problem? This occurs with all files on the overlay tracks played in clip mode.

My computer is a Pentium (R) D CPU 3.00GHz, 3.25GB of RAM, Windows XP Pro, Intel Motherboard, ATI Radeon HD 5450, 512MB DDR3, IDT Audio. Sony HVR-V1P Pan NVGS400

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VideoStudio :: More Overlay Tracks

Nov 23, 2011

I would like to have the overlay tracks be increased up to 99 tracks, like some of the other programs have. They also have more audio tracks available as well.

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VideoStudio :: Can Overlap Clips Without Transitions

Oct 21, 2010

Can I overlap clips without a transition? Here's what I'm trying to do (VS Pro X3) - I have about 30 clips that I'm putting together. All of the clips need trimming at both ends. With Sony Vegas 9, I only had to trim the beginning of each clip because then I could overlap the clips to "trim" the END of each clip (the clip previous to the overlapping clip). It appears to me that with VS Pro X3 I have to trim both ends of each clip and then put them all together end-to-end because when I overlap them, the overlapping clip doesn't actually overlap the previous clip on the timeline, but both clips transition into one another. What I want is for the overlapping clip to truly overlap the previous clip, effectively ending that clip at the point of overlap. If I don't want transitions, must I trim all clips on both ends and put them together with no overlaps?

And BTW I don't use my Sony Vegas 9 (Platinum Pro Pack) any more because the program has a bug that makes mp4 rendering impossible, and other renders very sketchy.

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VideoStudio :: Can Overlay Tracks Somehow Be Key-framed

Oct 15, 2012

I am attempting to put together a video showing the subject (my wife) as she is working in her flower bed.. I shot the video from a tripod. I have a PNG photo of a fence with a knot hole. I am attempting to follow her as if I am seeing thru a knot hole.I have the video of her on overlay track 1 and the fence/knot hole on overlay 2. How do I track her in the middle of the knot hole? Can the overlay tracks somehow be key-framed?

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VideoStudio :: How To Align Overlay Tracks

Nov 21, 2010

If I place a video in the overlay track, it doesn't retain its normal size, but is resized to small window in the middle. This makes it very hard to align components with the video track. Is there some way to disable this resizing of the overlay track video and just have it retain its normal size? (The same size as the video track video)

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VideoStudio :: ON X3 Get Only Random Transitions When Overlap Clips

Nov 6, 2010

On timeline, when I overlap ends of 2 video clips, I do not get a crossfade, as in X2, but only "random" transitions. A crossfade is not even listed as a default choice under preferences.

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VideoStudio :: How To Make Timeline From Overlay Tracks

Jun 7, 2012

iF you use 4 overlay tracks. If I want to insert it later into a movie in the middle of a video track timeline.

How can I do it. Because the effect is only on overlay tracks.

Is the a way to change it so all the overlay tracks merge into one video track in the timeline ?Then I could inset it anywhere I wanted in the timeline.

Also when you want to make a DVD one option near the bottom is "use first clip as introductory video" What does that mean?

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VideoStudio :: Pan And Zoom Video Using Overlay Tracks?

Feb 9, 2012

I know that ProX4 does not provide panning and zooming of video, but any way to do this using the overlay tracks?

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VideoStudio :: House Photo - Overlay Tracks

Dec 30, 2010

Using ProX2 . . .

Making a DVD NTSC slide show of some Christmas pix. Opening photo is outside of house with snow on the ground. It's in vertical orientation (taller than it is wide). To show the entire house photo results in a video image of the house with black areas on the left and right of the photo. No problem.

As it fades in from black, thought it would be cool to have actual snow falling over the photo. Fine, fired up Cool 3D PS and made a particle overlay avi file of 720x480 of snow falling.

I insert snow avi into overlay track #1 over house photo. Of course, since the house photo is not 720 wide, the snow also falls into the black (border?) area outside the house photo. No problem. I just adjust the overlay avi so that it's the same dimensions as the house photo. Okay, the snow looks a little too distorted that way.

So, I return the overlay avi back to it's original 720x480 size and insert a black jpg into overlay track #2 to cover the snow on the left side of the photo. Insert same black jpg into overlay track #3 to cover the snow on the right side of the photo. (Creating a two track, pseudo mask?) For the most part, it works. In the preview window it looks great (doesn't it always?). When I render it, though, there is snow falling just outside the left and right edges of the house photo. Not much, but enough to be noticeable. The pseudo mask idea works, but not 100% for some reason.

Been moving the black jpgs in overlay track #s 2 & 3 more and more onto the photo, but when I render each version it doesn't seem to make any difference. What am I not seeing here to fix it? Just want the snow to fall on the photo and not outside of it.

Summary . . .

Video track: House photo (and other images)
Overlay #1: Snow particle avi
Overlay #2: Black jpg covering the area left of the photo
Overlay #3: Black jpg covering the area right of the photo

P.S. - Think it would matter since I did not resize the house photo, leaving it in it's original 3000 x 4000 file size?

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VideoStudio :: Overlay Transitions Affect Main Track

Jun 5, 2012

I'm making a video slideshow for my friend's wedding and I'm trying to use some overlay pics in a couple segments but want the overlay track to dissolve with the main track and can't get it to work for some reason. Specifically I'm trying to make a remote control pop into the bride's hand (I'm using "Grow Old With You" for one of the songs and thought it would be cute during the "even let you hold the remote control" part). Anyway I went through the trouble of creating the remote control object etc. but even though I can drag a transition to the object it doesn't seem to affect it any. Instead it affects the main track.

Here's what happens specifically...I have dissolve applied to both the main track picture (the bride) and the remote control (overlay track)...and the dissolves are set to trigger at the same time. The bride starts to fade but the remote control stays solidly on the screen - and then something weird happens, the object transition effect seems to overwhelm the main transition for a second and the whole screen flicks black for a second and then abruptly goes on to the next slide. If I delete the object transition effect the abrupt black screen thing doesn't happen but the remote control obviously doesn't fade either, which makes the video seem very amateurish. I checked all the edit settings for both the main and overlay tracks and nothing seems to work with this. I can't believe a glitch like this could have existed for this long without Corel fixing it...Right?

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VideoStudio :: DVD Creation - Overlay And Text Tracks Missing

Jun 5, 2013

I created two projects for a dance performance:

Project A was for the first half. It had 2 video tracks, an audio track, and a text track.

Project B had 2 video tracks an audio track & a text track.

I opened VideoStudio 5 with no project loaded.
I then went into share mode & picked generate a DVD
I then loaded project A & then loaded project B
I built a main menu which had links for project A & B
I built a "sub" menu for project A
I built a "sub" menu for project B.
I then previewed (via the DVD preview option in the SHARE step of videostudio) all menu choices. Project A & Project B played perfectly meaning that ALL tracks played at the proper time.
I then generated an actual DVD and an iso file.
I saved the project file that was used to generate the DVD.

When I played the DVD all of the effects and tracks worked for the project A material. However, only the main video track played for the project B material. In other words the overlay video track & the text tracks were ignored. I created another DVD from the iso with the same "bogus" results.

I then opened the the project that was used to generate the DVD. I went to share ... generate DVD ... preview project B worked perfectly (i.e. it utilized the overlay and text tracks).

In other words the generated DVD didn't include the video overlay & text tracks for project B. Yet when you preview it inside of VideoStudio share dvd preview the overlay track & text appears.

I have since generated a video only file for project B & the overlay & text tracks are there.

I assumed that you could import 2 vsp projects into one project during the share step when you create a DVD. Is this the problem? Or is there a bug in VideoStudio pro 5?

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VideoStudio :: Difference Between Video Track And Overlay Tracks?

Aug 20, 2013

What is the difference between the Video track and the Overlay tracks?

I noticed that I cannot trim the "overlay" clips, but when I added some screen recording to my folder and placed it on the timeline, it automatically goes to the Overlay track. And from there, I cannot trim them as the scissors icon is greyed out. Is there a way to add those clips to the video track instead of the overlay track if there is no other video in the way?

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VideoStudio :: Transition Effects On Video Overlay Tracks?

Aug 30, 2011

i wanted to try it because of its flexible overlay capabilities. I have a main video on the background and i want a small overlay video to appear on top of it, but to come in with a transition. I couldn't make the transition to effect only on the overlay video, it effects the whole video (both main and overlays together). Is there a way to make it work only on the overlay video?

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VideoStudio :: Edit Multiple Camera Videos On Main And Overlay Tracks Switching Between Them

Jul 23, 2013

I'm trying to edit multiple camera videos on main and overlay tracks switching between them. I cannot seem to be able to leave a gap on the main video track at all whether ripple is on or off. What do I do to leave a gap in the main video track (with the video at that point in the overlay)?

Also I noticed the Track Manager has a greyed drop down to add video tracks. Is there a higher priced version to have more video tracks as opposed to overlay tracks?

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VideoStudio :: Exact Placement Of Overlay Clips

Apr 5, 2011

I am doing a project where I need to overlay short clips on top of a longer clip, but at exact/specific placements/timecodes.

Try to just constantly drag the overlay and hoping to hit the exact place, is exasperating.

Is there any way to just say "put the overlay at hhmssff"?

I now have VSX4 but could not finds such a feature/option.

Also, another thing that has been annoying all along and still not addressed in X4 is when it comes to rendering/"sharing" a movie. I am always forgetting to turn off the annoying "automatically play the resulting video after rendering" I will start a 2-hour rendering process and all of a sudden, from the other room, I hear the video playing.

Isn't there some place to permanently turn off this !@#$%^&*() default?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Moving Clips Between Tracks?

Aug 1, 2013

Is there an equivalent command to the FCP alt up/down arrow to move a clip up and down between tracks? I can drag but it doesn't snap to the anything ie where the clip originally was on another track.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: How To Get Transitions Between Clips By Using Transition Button

Dec 3, 2012

I have tried to get transitions between clips by using the transition button by the FX button on upper left of timeline box and by using the hotkey shortcut command T neither inserts a transition.... What am I doing wrong

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VideoStudio :: Add New Transitions In Pro X4?

Sep 9, 2011

I have some transitions that I would like to add to my transitions list in VideoStudio. The transitions are in the Quicktime animation ".mov" format. Is there a way to add them in?

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VideoStudio :: Missing Transitions In X4 Pro?

Mar 5, 2011

Video Studios 12 Pro had 14 flashback transitions. When upgraded to VS X3 Pro and now to VS X4 Pro noticed that there is only 1 flashback transition. Is there some way to copy the transitions from VS 12 to VS X14 Pro ?

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VideoStudio :: Adding More Transitions In X4?

Nov 1, 2011

I'm using a lot of pictures in timeline using X4 but noticed there arent't many Transiotions to choose from.

where I can find additional?

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VideoStudio :: Aircraft Transitions For Pro X2

May 27, 2010

Where i could get aircraft transitions for Pro X2.

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VideoStudio :: Pro X6 - Total Three Transitions

Aug 8, 2013

I just downloaded the trial version of VideoStudio Pro X6 - in the transitions panel, there appears to be a total of three transitions. This seems to be really lacking, but I wonder if I am missing something?

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VideoStudio :: X4 - Title Transitions

Mar 1, 2011

I'm currently using my VideoStudio X4 Trial before considering buying a license. I have a tiny problem with Title transitions in X4, as you now is able to put transitions on titles.

Look at the video i made for more information about my problem: [URL]........

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VideoStudio :: Where To Get More Transitions For Videos

Sep 6, 2013

I am making some videos.. And i really liked the flashback transition. but there's only one transition. i saw some tech videos online where they used somewhat same transitions.. where can we get more transitions?

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VideoStudio :: X5 Ultimate Has Only 3 Transitions?

May 3, 2012

I recently purchased the x5 ultimate pro edition, but a few years ago i had an older version but i noticed something....

the older version used to have close to 40 transitions, but the new one even with the extra download pack still only 3 transitions.. did something not get installed?

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VideoStudio :: Are Transitions Interchangeable

May 18, 2011

I have noticed that there is only 1 transition in both the ALBUM and FLASHBACK 'folders' in VS Pro X3 yet in VS 9 (and VS 10 I think) there are around 15 in each (folder).

The relevant file names (containing the transitions in each 'folder') are in the Vfx_Plug directory (folder) but are they interchangeable (can I just copy them across from VS9 to VS X3 without causing problems)?

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VideoStudio :: X4 Copying Transitions

Jun 16, 2011

I have in my VS11+ a lot of mask transitions installed, If I remember well they came from the content pack or the bonus pack. when I list the existing list in X4 they did not exist. How can I copy them to X4. Which files should be copy from vs11 to x4 and to which folder. I also have OLD add on transitions that I used in vs11+ on XP like BORIS Factory. I managed to install it on the new pc and at the first look it "work" (The Boris menu open) But when I press on any of the Icons X4 crash !

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VideoStudio :: Page Turn Transitions

Jun 16, 2011

I am using VS ProX3 & have just purchased PaintShop ProX3. PaintShop has a very nice page transition in the photobook section & I would love to have that, or something like it, available for VS. I've searched the forum for any info on a page turn transition that actually looks like a page turning.... any transition like this for VS?

I tried the slideshows in Paintshop but had difficulty with using various sized photos & the panning effects, etc. So I created my project again as a photobook & it was superb as far as that went....I'd like to time the animation of those pages (similar to MS PowerPoint transitions) & add music BUT I cannot seem to accomplish that there. Next I saved all pages as .jpg, imported those to VS & created a very nice movie with available transitions, music, titles, etc. This is acceptable, BUT I would love to have that particular "page turning" transition for VS.

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VideoStudio :: Audio Lost With Transitions

Feb 20, 2012

I am using VSP X3 Pro on a Windows 7 Professional 64bit PC. Input video files are AVCHD from a Canon SX 210s camera.

Picture format is QuickTime 1280x720, 24bit, frame rate 29.97, sound 16bit little Endian, 48000kHz, 16bit stereo. Files copied from an SD card.

I find that if I insert transition effects I lose the original recorded audio from that point forward in the clip that follows. If I do not use transition effects then the audio is fine. If I subsequently remove the transition then the audio is restored. It appears the transitions are the root cause of the problem. Identical problem if I use my Windows 7 32 bit laptop. The audio track remains visible in the timeline even when no sound can be heard.

Based on a previous suggestion I've used a workaround by converting the clips to a different format before editing. Using AVI, the audio in clips following a transition file is not lost but the video quality is seriously degraded.

I've reinstalled the software & all the three available patches. The problem has been around ever since I moved to my new PC on Windows 7.

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VideoStudio :: How To Turn Off Automatic Transitions

Nov 23, 2012

How to turn off the "add automatic transition" function. I am using VSx4. I can go to Settings>Preferences> and hit the Edit tab, and I make SURE that the "automatically add transition effect" box is NOT checked, click OK but there is still a transition that gets added when two clips are placed next to each other. I turned on the function to check it out, and now I want to get rid of it, and can't find out how to get it to go away!

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