VideoStudio :: Thumbnails And Edit Window Are Black
Jul 23, 2013
I just know I've posted about this before, in years gone by, but I've forgotten something simple. I have VideoStudio ultimatex6, but have an older computer with x5pro. When I load up my avi files, the thumbnails in the library and the edit window show only as black, though the clip name shows beneath the clip. And the clip plays clearly in the preview window that pops up when you ask it to.
I have the program on another computer and this is not a problem. All is fine. What I have assumed is there is a setting somewhere that does this - yet, comparing one to the other, I can't see any difference in the way the units are set under preferences. No doubt, there is some silly little thing causing me to think bad thoughts. So, I want to take the computer - which does have the specs for the program - to the cottage and leave the behemouth home.
I've just downloaded VS11 plus TBYB and now I`m trying to make some DVD disk. All is o.k. but i can not see the disc preview.All i see on the black "preview window" is the record "Press "Play" button to start preview" .After i press the button i see the progress bar shortly and nothing more happens.
When I select photos in library or on the video track they go black in preview window... nothing appears. But not all... some don't go black. This happens after working on project for 15-20 minutes. When I first start up computer they all appear in preview when selected. No problem then. Same if I shut down and restart computer. Only after working on project awhile does it happen. Also after some time working I get window saying no memory. I thought with 4 ram I could work for hours before getting any problems like this. I plug in my external WD Passport HD only for backups. And with MacShield filter turned off, still have problem. Could it be the VS Pro X5 software?
I have Corel VideoStudio Pro X3 as well as the trial version of X4 which I have just downloaded. I am having the same problem with both versions. When I go into Capture, there is no image coming through the Capture Window, it is just black. When I hit Capture Video, it does start capturing and it does record video correctly, however when I stop capturing, the preview window turns black again.
How can I get the video to be seen in the Capture preview window?
My computer is Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit edition. I am using a USB capture device, the Diamond Multimedia VC500 One Touch VHS Video Capture USB 2.0.
I shoot on a Canon 600D in colour JPG mode. The camera is tethered to a laptop that runs some photo booth software. The software takes the images and makes a black and white image from them. After I have finished, I copy the individual (black and white) photos from one computer to another to work on them
My question is this:
When I open up the folder of JPG images or load them into Lightroom (library multi view) on the second computer. The thumbnails appear in colour and then after about 1 second, flick to black and white. When I open up the file in full/single view/windows viewer, the large image is in black and white.
Now given that the colour information is clearly embedded in the file somewhere - is there any way to get the full version in colour?
It's similar to if I shot RAW and it was showing me the embedded JPG preview - but as I say, at no point are the photos shot in RAW.
Cleared cache and changes are appearing in the Camera Raw edit screen, save the changes, clear the thumbnail cache and the changes are not reflected in the thumbnail. This use to work fine in CS4.
why custom made nibs thunbnails show as black dots in PhotoPaintx6? Also when I select one of just sprays a dot instead of my image? I saw where others are having the same problem. Some are and some aren't. As long as I leave the custom made nibs loaded they display and spray correctly. If I load the default nibs or any other nibs then go back and load the custom nibs..that's when I get the black dots. I've remade my nibs several times thinking I did something wrong but that's not the problem.
Windows 7 64 bit, Intel Xeon 3.30GHz, 32GB memory, ATI FirePro V4800, (1)10,000 Velosirapptor internal HD, (1) internal 1TB HD, (1) 500GB external HD (2) external 3TB HDs, (2) HP z6200 printers, (1) OKI 9650 printer (1) Roland Camm1 Pro vinyl cutter
I can't put video thumbnails into the library. I had deleted previous projects from the library and now the library won't accept anything - even new captures. I can add titles-just not anything into "samples".
Does the AVCHD standard allow for thumbnails, so that when a disc is authored and then inserted into, say a PS3, it will show a thumbnail like a BluRay does?
I just spent 20-minutes going through 17-chapter thumbnails settings for a DVD menu of this project only to find none of the changes are saving. I tried repeatedly and the chapter thumbnails always revert to the original values for ALL sub-menus. Does seem to save the main menu thumbnail.
All I do is right-click, select to set the thumbnail, find the place and it works. Just doesn't save when I click to CLOSE the DVD process and come back in, eventhough it says "Saving project" so I think I have all outstanding patches. When I go through the internal process to "check for updates, it says I am up-to-date.
How to delete thumbnails from the libraries.When I right click on the thumbnail, DELETE is greyed out, when I select the thumbnail and hit DELETE on the key board, also does not work. Just recently upgraded to X3.
Ive booted my computer up and started Photoshop. i use a second screen, its installed automatically on Mac OSX 1.8. Now, when i drag the file to th second screen, it appears to become black. if i drag it back to my Home-Screen, the content appears. Resizing don't change anything as well as disable the graphic processor on Photoshop.
A second restart solves the issue. but i don't want to restart my machine every time when i work on Photoshop.
I've been looking for a solution casually for about a year to this, maybe I'm just stupid! When I import all my videos from my camera and put them into appropriate folders they make thumbnails for the files. Unfortunetely when I close down my computer and come back, they have disppeared. This is a pain because, it makes a large amount of files easy to work with as you have some idea what's contained from a thumbnail! Now initially I just thought it was my computers age (not that old) but I have a Dell XPS i7 Laptop also and it's the same story!
I shoot high quality 1080i .mts files so I'm sure they are a resource suck! Is it because the computer doesn't have the power in the RAM to remember all these files? I would of thought, once a thumbnail is made it's just like a JPEG and not changing ever in real time? Is there something I've turned off on my computer, telling it not to remember thumbnails?
I'm going back to a project that has been dormant for almost a year. My project files are fine, but when I load them there are no thumbnails any more, just the default thumbnail library.
Are there library files associated with my project files I can search for and what kind of file is that?
Photoshop CC 14.0 x64 / Mac OS X 10.8.4What kind(s) of image file(s)? Affecting PSDs and JPGs. Not PNGs, those are workingIf you are getting error message(s), what is the full text of the error message(s)? No error message What were you doing when the problem occurred? Setting up new monitor.Has this ever worked before? No and yes, monitor is new but, I still have Photoshop CS6 and that works fine.What other software are you running? At the moment: Chrome, AI, Calendar, Textedit, and System Preferences.Tell us about your computer hardware. MacBook Pro with 15" Retina display (set to the "More Space" setting), 8GB RAM, 2.4 GHz i7, 172GB free space on the SSD. Monitor is Hanns.G HE225DPB 1920x1080 at 60HzHas this ever worked before?
As I drag the window back and forth between the external display and my laptop display, the previous state briefly shows. When I drag it to the external monitor it looks ok for a split second in vertical bands that refresh to solid black. Same when I'm dragging the window back, the window remains black on my main laptop monitor until it refreshes back to normal, in the same vertical-band fashion. The frame of the window, including rulers looks ok, but the image area, including the canvas color turns black. This blackness can be captured in a screenshot.
On the PNG that is working, I do get some black as the image resizes between displays (stays at 100% but on the lower res monitor it doubles in size). In CS6 the image does not resize, the % changes (16.67 on external, 33.33% on laptop) and remains approximately the same size.
Perhaps this is more of a bug than something I can do anything about, but I am unable to login to I get an "it is no longer possible to create an account" message, even though I already have an account.
I was teaching an Elements class today where participants had varying laptops (Windows or Mac) all with either Elements 9 or 10 installed. I was showing people how to right/click (Mac: control/click) on the default gray color and change it to black. About half of the participants didn't get this option when following my directions. I went to several laptops and tried it myself with no pop-up window offering "gray, black or custom".
When I want to upload pictures into Lightroom 5.2RC the window is black and no picture is shown. This was also true for Lightroom 5. The same pictures are imported into LR 4 without any problems.
My system: 27" IMac newest generation, 16GB Ram. Uploading from a Ricoh GR, Fuji X-Pro 1, Fuji X100 directly or from a Hama cardreader USB 2 or 3.
Is there any way to set that 'edit dimension' window/box in the sketch environment so that it opens to the length of the parameter being used? All my models for our library items are entirely controlled by Excel sheets and the names of the parameters are often quite lengthy. It's very annoying to have to drag the edit dimension box wider each time and push home or end to see everything.
My edit named selection sets window will not open. The button will not work nor the shortcut under EDIT, i have restarted, i have competely uninstalled max and i have updated with FBX plugins from autodesk. I use this command A LOT and it will not open.
Is there a function, script or way to use the type-in transform tool in the unwrap edit window? I know there was a script (Unwrap Tools 1.6) a few years ago I used with 2009 but you had to overwrite max's default unwrap edit window, and I don't want to do that. I'm using 2012 design now
After installing SP3, the Export preview window, as CMYK, shows a black window, but the file is exported correctly. This situation does not happen when the file is exported as RGB. Any explanation why this happens? I´ve tried with different files and happens the same "black window".
about the power retouch black definition. i installed the trial. it great for some image , i tried almost every thing but i can not obtain the same results.
i tried levels , curve and the black eyedropper in curve or levels and selective color but nothing. is there a skill to obtain the same result?
I have a very small document (image) I want to use the Liquify filter on but its goes so small while in the Liquify edit window It is really tough to get to what I need to see,My question is ,Is there away to increase the edit or preview window size or is it locked to default?
Recently upgraded to Windows 7 from XP and changed from a laptop to a desktop. With the laptop I used dual monitors; to date I haven't secured a second monitor from IT for true dual monitors.
Well I have some iParts that I've edited using excel and they have formulas that I can't edit using the standard iPart dialog, but when I click "Edit via Spreadsheet" the window opens off screen. The alt+Spacebar method doesn't work in Windows 7 and the Windows 7 method of shift+right-click isn't an option because Excel doesn't appear on the taskbar and selcting Inventor moves the Inventor window, not the instance of excel inside of inventor.
2013 Product Design Suite Ultimate Windows 7 Sp1 Intel(R) Core (TM) i5-2400 @ 2.00GHz 6.00 GB of RAM AMD Radeon HD 6570
I recently loaded AutoCAD Architecture 2008 and the menu tabs for File, Edit, Window etc were all missing. They are replaced with a tab that says M-Color 9.5. When i load the program with older files (from this morning) the menu tabs are there but then they disappear. How do i get them back?
Also in addition to that my toolbars are gone, but i can recover those when i have my tool bars.