I'm editing MPEG-4 PAL HD files from a Samsung Cam. After editing, I want to create a MPEG-4 HD file with the same profile (1920x1080 at 25 fps). Choosing MPEG4-HD profile, 30 fps files are generated. Also defining a MPEG4 custom profile with H.264-MAIN type and 1920x1080 resolution, the fps is locked at 30 (at lower resolutions, like 1280x720 the frame rate can be modifies). Ist it a constraint of H.264-MAIN video type ot a bug ?
Please consider that VS X3 is installed for PAL Video System and choosing Bluray profile or AVCHD profile PAL HD files 25 fps are generated.
My first video camera was a 30 fps NTSC and I output my videos as MPEG-4 HD files. Then I bought a new PAL video camera. To be safe I uninstalled my copy of VSProX4 and reinstalled it, checking the PAL option. However, when I created my first video clip using the MPEG-4 HD option in the drop down list, it created a file at 30 fps and not surprisingly the panning was very jerky. I uninstalled the program and ticked the option to uninstall all personal data. I also deleted the VSProX4 folders from user/user/my documents/. When I reinstalled the program all my saved projects came up on the screen and it still wants to make MPEG-4 files at 30 fps.
Presumably I should have deleted the Corel folder from the progam files folder after I'd deleted the program to get rid of all personal settings. Anyway, my question is this: is it actually possible to create MPEG-4 files at 25 fps (or preferably at 50 fps as this is what I am shooting)? If so, what do I have to do to get VSProX4 to create them? Is there some way to edit the MPEG-4 HD option in the drop down list from Create a Video File? If not, is it possible to make a template for MPEG-4 HD at 25 or 50 fps? The reason I'm keen to get this right is that I can play MPEG-4 HD files from a USB stick plugged into my TV. The only other way I can watch them on TV is to create AVCHD files and write them to a DVD.
I am using Corel VS X5. I have created MPEG4 files using Adobe Captivate and imported them into Corel. When I preview them, if I select Clip, the video looks fine. But if I preview the Project, the video is blurred. I first thought it might be caused by Smart Proxy but after disabling that feature, the problem persisted. I tried publishing the project to see if the final version would be ok. Still no luck. I tried the online chat and they suggested updating my viewers. I did as instructed and restarted my PC. Still no luck. My imported MPEG4 file is 1024x767 HD.
I have recently 'downsized' to a sanyo xacti vpc-cg100ex camera to lighten my load on holiday! this produces mpeg-4 video files which I copy straight to a folder on my laptop from the SD card.
I can put these into the vs library and tranfer them onto the timeline and add trnsitions, titles etc. however VS is closing down with increasing frequency.(same files on my old xp machine seem to work ok albeit depressingly slowly!)
I have been searching the forum and wonder if I should be converting the files to some other format before doing any editing....does that involve using the share option straight after loading the files, and if so, how?
the properties given for the file on the timeline are
Format Mpeg-4 file, Vid Type H.264 Main profile video, Upper Field first, Attributes 24bits 1920*1080 16.9 Frame rate 29.970 frames per s Audio type MPEG AAC 48000 hz 16 bit stereo
I have not been doing any video at all for quite some time so am definately somewhat rusty.
I downloaded the trial version of VideoStudio 4 Pro to try it out and I like the interface and the ease of use. My problem is that when I capture MPEG 4 files in the timeline and go to replay them, the sound and video are very choppy and the replay skips the whole way through.
I converted the MPEG 4 files to wmv, and the video was smooth but I lost some of the image clarity in the converting process. I don't think it's my computer because the MPEG 4 files play nicely on MediaPlayer - just not on VideoStudio.
My evaluation copy of VideoStudio X4 crashes whenever it tries to write an mpeg4 file. I get a message to e-mail the DMP file but thee is no e-mail address given or found on this site.
My video won't share as a MPEG-4 HD. Here are the steps I take:
1. Click the "Share" Tab 2. Click "Create Video File" 3. Click "MPEG-4" 4. Click "MPEG-4 HD 5. Select the destination folder for the output 6. Click "Save".
The progress shows 0% and the progress bar goes away after fifteen seconds. I am sharing it as an MPEG-4 HD file because it will be placed on Youtube by someone else. I've probably done four of these projects the same way and they execute just fine.
Here's some more informtion:
Brand: Dell Laptop HDD: 464GB; Used Space 153GB; Free Space 311GB Processsor Intel(R) Cor (TM) i7 CPU Q820 #1.73GHz 1.73GHz Ram: 8GB System Type: 64 Bit Operating System Pen and Touch: Pen and Touch is available through 80 touch points The video is a WMV2, 24 bits 1024 x768, 29.982 frames/second; Audio is windows media audio version 4, aspect ratio is 1.33 x 1.00. It is editable.
Here's how my timeline looks:
Should I in fact select / have selected Lower Field First or is Frame Based OK? Is it safer / more reliable to select Lower Field First if that's the format of the source files? The videos seem to look OK on my laptop - don't know about Vimeo.
I have VS Pro X5. My footage is shot at 1920 x 1080p with 25 fps and I would like to produce mpeg4 video file with same parameters. I select custom settings, mpeg-4, H.264 high, frame size 1920 x 1080, but then fps is set to 30 and it is greyed out. Is this the limitation of VS? Is there any way to produce high quality HD with 25 fps?
I'm using the 30-day trial version of Corel Videostudio Pro X5.
The problem is that all the videos (all files are MPEG-4) I add to the library are muted, I can't hear anything from the audio when I play it. It's the same problem when I add the clip to the timeline, it shows that the clip is normal & the audio should be fine but nothing can be heard. I've tried purposely muting it & then unmuting, I've also tried splitting audio, I've tried all possible audio settings I've found in the program but everything I've tried has no effect. I've checked a million times that the audio on my computer is on, & the videofiles play normally with perfect audio on every media player I have, but I can't hear anything in the editing software.
Is there a setting that makes the files automatically mute & I haven't noticed it, or doesn't Corel Videostudio just support MPEG-4, or is this like a weird glitch in the trial version?
I've rendered my project to MPEG4 and the audio has a light popping intermittently through it. I thought it might be caused by having multiple video overlays but only one track had audio enabled. I've now split out the audio and put it into it's own track but I'm still getting the poor quality sound.
I recently tried to convert a 76 minute movie in mpeg 4 to mpeg 2 using the batch convert function. I first went into options and set the bit rate to 6100 kbps and the audio to Dolby 2 ch. stereo, with the bit rate set to constant. After the conversion had taken place, I found the results were excellent, except that only 38 minutes were converted. I tried it again, but still only 38 minutes and then it it finishes. Why won't it convert the full 76 minutes? The destination folder is on my "D" drive which is 1 TB, so there is lots of room.
Some of the movies I've been creating play OK in Windows Media Player but when you try and skip to a later part of the movie by holding and moving the toggle bar there is a 'Windows Media Player has a problem playing the movie' error. All the videos are the correct length and file size. Is there a problem with the files and would it affect how they play on Vimeo? Do I need to do them again? What can I do differently?
I have been creating movies with the following properties: MPEG-4 Files 24 bits, 1280 x 720, 25 fps Frame-based H.264 Main Profile Video: 5000 Kbps 44100 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo MPEG AAC Audio: 128 Kbps
The source files are: PAL (25 fps) Microsoft AVI files 24 bits, 720 x 576, 16:9, 25 fps Lower Field First Matrox DV/DVCAM -- type 2 PCM, 48.000 kHz, 16 Bit, Stereo
I took some video using a webcam that I need to edit in Premiere Pro. I converted it to 'Mov' and the codec info is 'H264 MPEG4 - AVC'. It imports to Premiere but the video appears extremely pixalated and disfigured to the point where it is unwatchable. I have set the sequence settings to the same as the source file.
I am not getting an option of exporting in mpeg 4 format? Infact when I am rendering in AVI file the size of the file is extremely huge. Need reducing the file size & exporting in MPEG4 format.
How do I go about converting MOV files into DV or mpeg files to edit? When I import the files are choppy I downloaded the quicktime, dvx and direct x files. No success.
I create short videos using the PS frame animation panel. I used to be able to FILE-export-render video- and choose MPEG-4 Video in the settings panel which would render my file into a small .mov file. Now in CS6 the new render video panel does not have that option. I tried the QT options in the export window and my file is hugh! The H.264 option gives me an .mp4. I put the .mp4 into my web page via Dreamweaver and my video does not play when uploaded into the sever. The video plays fine in Dreamweaver before I upload to the server. After I upload to the server I just get a Q and no video on my web page. If I render the same file in CS5 I am able to view it in my web page. ADOBE WHY DID YOU CHANGE YOUR EXPORT VIDEO RENDERING OPTIONS in CS6?
I'm trying to change a few MTS file(AVCHD) to .MOV files,is this possible using ProX4? I have tryed this but the sounds is all messed up or the video is always sticky when trying to watch the outcome.
Just got a Kodak si8 video camera for my bday... It records in MOV - I am able to open them up and I get through the whole video - 7 minutes... then I go back to clip some areas and the sound gets choppy!?? If I save - close the program and open up again -- I get the sound AOK again ???
I import any mpg file which are known to have sound and when i ty to play it there is no audio at all from Pro X3. This has been working all along and it just seems to have stopped. I have made sure of the obvious things.We get sound from other apps so the computer and speakers are fine. I have checked the sound icon from within Pro X3 and it is turned up to max.
On the spur of the moment I bought a cheap little Medion [Aldi] HD digital camera which offers five options for recording - 720P60, 1080P, OVGA, WVGA and HD. They all produce .AVI files which play OK on my laptop but when loaded into VSX3 I get the message ‘file not accessible’. The rudimentary ArcSoft program provided with the camera [and now on my laptop] handles the files OK.
With VS X4 I edited my .mts files into .vsp files. Then successfully created video files (.m2t 1440 x 1080 files) . I selected 1440 x 1080 because it is the setting set on my camcorder.
My question is in the Create disc step:
1. if I burn these .m2t files and select "DVD" would the resolution be back to that of .mpg in the final DVD? 2. If I burn these .m2t files and select "AVCHD" and instead of burning directly onto a disk, placed it on a hard drive folder. Then later could I burn it on a regular DVD disk? If that is the case, is the disk playable on a regular DVD player? Or, do I have to burn it on Blue Ray?
I know I could experiment it but my project has 4 Titles, each of about 30 min duration, that I want to burn. I tried to find the answer on the Forum and also in the Manual but could not find the answer there.
Am I correct in assuming that mts files aren't compatible with VSX2? I can drag them to the library but when I put them on the timeline the program shuts down. These are HD files from my Canon video camera.
I also can't import them- I've tried every way to get the files into VS but it shuts down.
When I create Blu Ray H264 (1920X1080) video clips in VS Pro X3, all files give me extensions *.mpg, and they can be played with my LG BD 570 player. However, When I create Blu Ray H264, 1920X1080 video clips in VS Pro X4, all files give me extensions *.m2t, and these video files can NOT be played with my LG BD 570 player.
Is there anyway I can create Blu Ray H264 (1920X1080) video files with extensions *.mpg in VS Pro X4? What is the difference between Blu Ray H264 (1920X1080) *.m2ts and Blu Ray H264 (1920X1080) * .mpg file?
I recently purchased Video Studio Express 2010 and cannot import avi files that were created using a Flip. I have tried importing them from both my hard drive and a flash drive. VSE does not recognize the avi files on either drive. I have been able to import mpg files without any problems.
I've searched these forums for any "how to's" and found some info, but either it was over my head as to the fix or it delt with different video file formats or error messages.
The short version:
I have a fresh install of X4 on a 64 bit Windows 7 (Pro) and I'm trying to import *.MTS video files into the timeline but keep getting "File format Mismatch 1081:1:3" errors. I've copied the files from the SD card to the harddrive. I've also tried renaming the file(s) extensions from MTS to M2TS, AVI, MPG, and still get the error.
The long winded version:
I had X4 on a 32 bit PC for a long time. Installed Panasonics AE reader software that came with the HDC-SDT750 camcorder. X4 could recognize the MTS files and import them into the timeline. The PC motherboard failed so I got new motherboard and decided to do a fresh install of the 64 bit version of Win 7 Pro on a clean harddrive. Did a fresh install of X4. Then installed all Windows and X4 updates and patches.
When I try to insert a MTS video clip (file) into the timeline from either the SD card or harddrive I get the error message "File format Mismatch 1081:1:3". I can play the video files through windows media player (No matter what I've changed the file extesion to) and the video and sound play fine. I can also insert any other video file into a timeline except MTS files (New or older ones). With X4 up and running and searching for which video file to insert I can see the MTS video preview thumbnail in the file explorer window.
The video clips are 1920X1080 at 29 fms and a bit rate of 16794kbps
I can't find the Panasonic software disk and the best that I can tell Panasonic does not have their software online for download.
I will need some hand holding here so I'll need more step by step instructions than "Get the latest codecs" (Whatever that means)
I got a new camera that outputs .avi files, and put together a video. When I click an individual clip in the timeline and play it, the audio plays... however, when I play the project, the audio does not play. It also does not play when I render it.
I am new to using Video Studio Pro. I would like to animate my Paint Shop Pro png files or gif files with Video Studio. I figured out how to make the video work and figured out how to change the speed on individual frames. My problem is saving the project. I can only save it as a VSP file and it is too big to upload to Photo bucket. The whole animation is 15KB.
Can you change the save as file extension to include animated gifs?