I'm looking to import an existing project into another, I want to do this because then I can move the files around and edit them individually rather than creating an .avi and importing that video onto the timeline. Is there such a command?
I've built a project up with several smaller project file components. It's an easier way to create a video than editing one big project.
Opening the overall project and running it on screen is not a problem. However, when I try to create a smart package of the composite project, I get a consistent error message rejecting the process because of the existence of the component vsp's.
Is there a way to avoid the error and create a smart package from a project file that has smaller component project files?
I have been using MediaStudio Pro V8 for a long time now and am considering the purchase of VideoStudio X3 to take advantage of the extra and updated featues of a modern editing suite. My question is this, as I am in the middle of editing video footage in MSP8 will I be able to import MediaStudio Pro project files into VideoStudio X3? Also I will be running Win 7 X64 after Xmas so I would be interested to hear if VideoStudio X3 is compatible with Win 7 x64 operating system or if I will encounter problems.
Just installed my free trial for video studio pro 5 and I'm attempting to creat a time-lapse video using 200 jpeg images taken from my dslr camera.After doing the following;
Click File> Insert Media File to Timeline> Insert Photo for time-lapse/strobe and browsing for my images I get the following message "These files cannot be added to this project.
These files may be of unknown format.The computer does not have enough memory Or the file is copyright protected"
Each images is about 750kb in size and are jpegs.I'm using XP home.
Basically, I want to use part/pieces of several project files already created, i.e. to combine the chosen sections into one new project file. Have looked in the Manual and cannot locate the answer! I am now using Prox5.
crashes in VSX2 (and all previous versions for that matter). At Corel's suggestion I installed the trial version of X5. In the meantime, I had my X2 working a lot better.
But I thought I'd take a look at X5 and see how it looked, since I'd gone to all the trouble of installing it. In order to try it out, I opened some of my projects and played with them a bit. I didn't mean to save them, but apparently I must have because now I can no longer open them in X2. Windows explorer thinks they are X2 project files, but when I try to open them in X2 nothing comes up. Then I try to open them in X5, and sure enough there they are. Project properties confirms they are now X5 project files. I tried to do a save as, but the only options are X5, X4 and X3. No choice for X2.
This is a problem because I haven't decided if I want to buy X5 or not. If I do, fine, but I don't want to be forced into it just so I can work on my old projects. Is there any way to convert them back to a format that X2 will open?
I want to take a sequence that I had in an old project and put it into a current project, but I dont want it to be one rendered file... i still want too see the fades and make changes to it...
I recently purchased Video Studio Express 2010 and cannot import avi files that were created using a Flip. I have tried importing them from both my hard drive and a flash drive. VSE does not recognize the avi files on either drive. I have been able to import mpg files without any problems.
I am new to using Video Studio Pro. I would like to animate my Paint Shop Pro png files or gif files with Video Studio. I figured out how to make the video work and figured out how to change the speed on individual frames. My problem is saving the project. I can only save it as a VSP file and it is too big to upload to Photo bucket. The whole animation is 15KB.
Can you change the save as file extension to include animated gifs?
I just upgraded to Windows 8. All with Videostudio X5 is working fine, except MP3 files will not play in the Library. I get this strange hiss. If I drop the mp 3 file into the time line on any audio track and then play the project it plays fine. Wave files play fine. I did a uninstall and re-install of X5 to see If that would fix the problem.
My camera films in AVCHD 1080, 25fps. I currently use VideoStudeo x6. i have been using it for a while and when i export for youtube videos, i find its only quality video when you change the youtube video to HD. Is there a way to set the video, so its still crisp and clear at 360p/480p, as i find its always distorted at these levels, although the footage is amazing in hd. What are the exact project properties i should set and the file export settings.
I am fully aware of the settings for youtube, however is it because iam filming in AVCHd i cant get that clean crisp look at lower levels on youtube? as the best setting for youtube are mpeg files. for reference please check this video i did: [URL]......
I am using Corel VideoStudio ProX4 to build a small movie and am having a problem with AVI files. When I go to Step 2 Edit, and click on the folder icon to "Import Media Files" I can see a set of mp4 and avi files I would like to use in my project.
The mp4 files open fine and play just fine. The avi files were opening fine last night, but would play in a jerky manner when an audio track was laid over them. I blew away that project and today tried to go to Step 2 Edit, Import Media files, and tried to import the avi files again now I get this message:
File format mismatch 1081:1:3
It will no longer let me import, play, edit the avi files. These files play fine in Windows Media Player so I'm not sure what is going on. I just installed Service Pack 2 yesterday, and I'm thinking this may be causing the problem.
I have multiple .VOB and other files in a "VIDEO_TS" folder that I can't import using either the "File/Insert Media to Timeline" or the "Capture/Insert Digital Media" function of this VS Pro X2 software version. In both attempted instances I am presented with a error message that reads: 'Not a valid DVD Volume. Report ID: 0x8000408fe(2302)".
As background, these .VOB originated from my own personal DVD's recording that failed to "finalize" due to an electrical disconnect with that Liton recorder, or software failure. Using the Isobuster software, and the page 3 instructions for it found on the excellent website of [URL] ..., I created the file that I'm attempting to import into VS. I don't believe this remedial step of using Isobuster is the cause of my VS problem, as the .VOB files it created are functional as proven by their playing in VLC media player software. Thus, I don't want to be chasing ghosts along that path, unless you can be certain that is where I should be going.
I have just moved to VSP5 from 4 and am having difficulty importing .cr2 files in Capture. Same photo files go satisfactorily into v.4 but are apparently ignored by the new version. Am I missing a setup or preferences step?
To make this point more specifically: I have created test folders containing mixed .mov, .jpg and .cr2 files - only the .mov are recognised. I have also created a test folder containing only .jpg and .cr2 files. On Capture, VSP5 reports "There is no valid content".
Just purchased VideoStudio X6 Ultimate and I am having some issues importing files either into a time-line or into a library. I have put the different days into different directories to aid me putting a DVD together. The files are mixed AVI and JPG files and some directories will import and others will not, the files were all collected within days of one another on a holiday using the same camera. I am importing using the capture tab then import from digital media button, this correctly gives me the select directory box but when I try and import certain folders I get a Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library error and a request to close the program.
The error states that "this program has requested the Runtime to terminate in an unusual way". I have tried moving the files to other directories, split them up and even tried to import one JPG from an affected directory with the same result.
I am running Win 8, with 8Gb of memory and 1.6 Tb of free hard drive space.
Trying to redo a disc I did in 2006 on a previous program. When I go to capture and then import, it shows 2 files, title and chapter. They are both the exact same thing? Is there any particular reason for this?
I do not have vault installed and I am trying to add sub files to my project. As of now my project has to find many of my files and I do not want to copy and past them into my project folder as this will mess with my parts numbering system. I want only one part / assembly file per part. I assume that you can do this with the project dialog box or some other system tool I just can not seem to figure it out.
When I import points from an external project point database (LDD) which I do quite often to import points from 2008 to Civil 3d it works fine for me, but when a co-worker tries doing it from the same exact drawing just a different computer it does not work. Whe he tries to do it, a red "X" appears telling him there is some kind of error. VERY strange and I have no clue why????
I am deep into my first Inventor project. I am approaching the point where I would like to make a comprehensive set of drawings with bills of material etc. I have discovered that all this time I have actually been working in one big assembly file. My main project file is NOT a project file (so I have discovered). It is a *.iam file.
So, my question is, should I create a project file, and then add my main assembly to it? Should one normally create a new Project file for each new job? What does one gain by doing this versus simply using the *.iam file?
Moved Videostudio X4 from a Win 7 machine to a new Win 8 PC.
Again it seems, audio plays fine when playing a clip from the preview window but not when playing on the timeline. (I had a similar problem with X10 and reported it in an older thread.)
Am searching now for more patches (and yes, I'm aware X6 is now the current version) but nothing obvious at the moment. Have found the SP 1/2/3 downloads on Corel's pages, but as it already upgraded to SP3 just after install, I'm guessing SP 1 and 2 are already covered..
In the past I've used a Panasonic SDR-S7 video camera which produces MPEG files with no problem.
I now have a Panasonic Lumix still camera which also takes AVCHD video. The individual files play perfectly in VS12, but as soon as I try to play the project to preview it, the picture keeps freezing. I thought this could be due to the new video's being HD but I don't think the individual files could be played either.
I have been doing this project in X5 and was putting a still picture at the end. When I review the project it stops about a second or so from the end. I thought it was the song, so I took that out.
I changed the picture, did the same thing. I lengthen the time on the picture, it will place and stop about the same time from the end. Doesn't matter how long the picture is playing. If I take the picture out, the video just before it plays fine. I put a picture back in, and it does the same thing? I thought the project time may be set someplace? Doesn't seem to matter because I change the timing on the picture at the end. Stops the same place?
Certainly couldn't open an X3 in X4. If I wanted to edit/burn my X4 in the "faster" X5, why should I essentially start from scratch to take advantage of X5?
Project would be SAVED as an X5 project file, of course.
I add a video to the timeline video track (not the overlay track), and with 'clip' selected and playing... I have audio just fine, for the most part... sometimes the audio jumps and skips, and sounds garbled. With 'project' selected and the video playing, either the same thing happens as the 'clip' or there is no audio at all.
What I have discovered, is that this is common with AVI files. Other files, such as WMV, don't seem to have this problem. It affects only AVI files. The video plays just fine in WMP and VLC, as well as other video editors such as PowerDirector... so why dos VideoStudio have this odd sound issue? And I'm sure as Hell not gonna convert all my videos to WMV just to edit them.
This is on a fresh install of VideoStudio Pro X4 (as well as Windows), no updates, no Service Packs, no nothing... even WITH SP1 it's still does it. I've also removed and reinstalled my codec packs (from K-Lite to Shark007) with no difference.
I've also hear that people are now having this issue with VS Pro X3 as well (I have X3 to) so I assume it's pointless to install X3 as well. I really do NOT like using any editing software other than X4, since it's the best one I've used... so I do not want a reason to use something else.
I've recently upgraded the PC and re-installed VS10 onto the new, improved, beast in front of me now, but have hit a hurdle.
Whether I'm looking at an imported project or starting a new one from scratch, I seem not to be able to get the audio tracks to play when playing the project as a whole.
I can select the music track and play it from within the timeline without a problem, but select the project and all I get is the sound of silence.
after scanning and searching the forum I can't find anything that fits my bill so far.
Drivers have been checked and updated where found wanting. I'm at a loss to explain why. I never had this problem back on the old slow-coach...!
For info I'm running Vista on a dual core 2600Ghz machine with Asus P5K Pro 'board (on-board audio) and a GeForce 8600 GTS graphics card.
I'm green with Videostudio as i use pinnacle before.
The version I use is X5, I want to make a very good quality photo album with the videostudio, I want to make the blu ray, what do I need to set before I start the project? What resolution should I set and where can I set? someone said the AVCHD is the same as bluray, I don't know!
I recently upgraded to x6. My question is, there were some hd project templates that came with x3 that id like to use with x6. How to do this, or import or find the files?
I want to burn my project I have created on VSX4 to a DVD. I don't want to create a menu or add chapters or anything else, I just want to burn my project to the DVD. I have followed the instructions in the user guide to bring my project in to be burnt, but the next button remains greyed out so I can't go to the next step to enable it to be burnt.
I finished the DVD, looks great, now I want to make another DVD the next day. How do I recover the project? In VSX3 made it really easly to recover DVD projects with all the menus, chapters and any other setting. Where does VSX4 save the finish project at?
I have VideoStudio X4 pro, think the sales man did a great job as i'm a beginner and man o man this isn't what i thought it woud be I'm trying to save my pictures to cd, it burns in and when i go to play it on the video, it won't work, just comes up black? Have slected create disk image, have used the cd-r before to do a similar thing and it won't work.