Revit :: Assembly Type Occupancy Has Fixed Seating Or Not?
Jun 3, 2013How can we figure out whether an Assembly type occupancy has fixed seating or not using revit 2013 API. Which room property tells us about the fixed seating?
View 3 RepliesHow can we figure out whether an Assembly type occupancy has fixed seating or not using revit 2013 API. Which room property tells us about the fixed seating?
View 3 RepliesI am working on a company that designs lots of sports pavillions. It follows that for each project we need to calculate the spectators seating.
I feel that if I create a Revit family with the proper parameters I could make it so much easier, and quicker.
I found this really nice post from BIM Trouble Maker, but am unable to find out how he manage to do it. [URL] .....
Revit 2014
AutoCAD 2014
I am trying to create a parametric seating row with a Generic Line Based family.
If you check the file for the Length (default) parameter, I am multiplying it by the Arm Distance (600mm) so that the pattern repeats while I stretch out the line.
=Chairs * 600 mm
I want to add a parameter for the Arm Distance linked with the actual seat so that if I make the chair wider the pattern would adjust accordingly.
=Chairs * Arm Distance3
This way I could adjust the chair width and Line Based family all at once. However, I am finding that when I add "Arm Distance3" to the equation the Line Based feature stops working.
I have 30 M corridor. daylighting slopes have not been mentioned in typical section of this urban road. the sketch is shown. making this assembly and to get the 30 m fixed corridor.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI would like to display the room name and area as text from a spaces i have created. Like a room tag that will automatically update if the space is altered.
I have tried a number of ways but have been successful and the solutions are often overly complicated.
I have since given up and simply entered text and included a field for the space name and another field for the base area however this is quite laborious. surely there is a simpler way of doing this.
I would also like to include occupancy numbers that would also calculate the m2 per person if that is possible?
The fixed width function did not work when I wanted to draw a fixed width rectangle. Is there a new way to do this in CS6?
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhat is procedure to create a legislative seating chart with illustrator.
Examples of such charts are as follows: [URL] ....
I am trying to find the best way to accomplish the task of populating an auditorium section with chairs. So far, I have created the arc path of the section and then offset each row the specified distance. From there I place a copy of the chair at one end of every path and then use the PATH Array tool in AutoCAD LT 2013. While this works, it doesn't seem to be very efficient (can actually be a royal pain, if changes are required) and was wondering if there is a better way to accomplish this goal?
What I would like to do is to use the POLAR Array tool and just work from the first row. That way, I could maintain all the necessary associativity and edit the array as a whole. However, this tool doesn't appear to offer the option of changing the quantities on successive rows, which led me to the above approach.
How I could use the tools differently, or has an exchange app that will accomplish what I am looking to do.
When creating a part in .ipt, you can press F7 to remove everything forward of the plane that you are sketching on. Is there a similar function when you create a part in an assembly that removes everything up to the sketch plane?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI would like to determine the Proxy ObjectType returned from Constraint.EntityOne (i.e. If oConst.EntityOne = kWorkPointProxyObject Then ....)
Property EntityOne() As IDispatch**
how IDispatch works.
Dim oAsmDef As AssemblyComponentDefinitionSet oAsmDef = oAsmDoc.ComponentDefinition
Dim oConst As AssemblyConstraint
For Each oConst In oAsmDef.Constraints'Below will print the Enum 67120288 (kEdgeProxyObject) or 67119520 (kFaceProxyObject) if
'it is constrained. It will Err if a Work or Sketch Proxy Object is Constrained Debug.Print oConst.EntityOne Debug.Print oConst.EntityTwo Next
We usually run our own calculations for U Values using the BRE Calculator (UK Building Research Establishment).
I just carried out an experiment to check the value that appears in the Revit properties of a wall type (Heat Transfer Coefficient - U) for a given wall build up.
The result in Revit does not seem to correlate with the value that our calculator generates.
I have checked through the conductivity values for the materials (under thermal properties) - and using the exact same values the Revit generated figure is far more optimistic.
For a typical cavity wall construction:
Brick (102mm) @ 0.54 W/mK
Cavity/air gap (40mm)
Insulation (60mm) @ 0.020 W/mK
Block CME (100mm) @ 0.51 W/mK
Plaster (12..5mm) @ 0.51 W/mK
The value that appears in the Wall Properties Dialogue box (greyed out - so I assume it is a calculated value) is 0.1935 W/m2K
Our BRE calculation generates a figure of 0.268 W/m2K.
The insulation manufacturer claims around 0.25 W/m2K for the given wall build up.
how we could have such a discrepency ? All the conductivity values are correct for the materials used in the wall build up.
I am beginning to wonder whethe the value in the Wall Type isn't a U-Value, although the units are consistent with it (W/m2K)
I am trying to find a way to set a particular type in a family as default so that when the family is loaded, that type is what I am inserting.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am working on the Fire-resistance rating for the walls. I am trying to find out the "Type Mark" value for walls.
How can i get "Type Mark" value, also i need details information for "Type Mark" value.
I am trying to add LEED parameters to a floor type in the Type Properties. That can be seen when I create a schedule? I am unsure if this is possible but it is something we would like to incorporate in our models.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to make a schedule and I need to schedule walls, and filter by type. But this option is not available in the view properites/filter options in the schedule.
Is it possible to make this happen without creating an additional parameter for filtering? Which would also open up the potential for omissions in the schedule.
Is it possible to show the exterior walls at a different detail level than the interior walls in the same view? Keep in mind they are all apart of the basic wall system family so there is no editing the family visibility at this point.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI would like to add different materials in Family type window (value column drop down). How to attain this?
How to create/use shared parameters for linking data through .txt file? If possible replay with images,that will be useful to understand.
Can we change the dimension string type continuous to other line type without Override Graphics in View>By Elements option in Revit?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm going through a tutorial on families (Paul Aubin) and have created a shelf w/ nested brackets that works as expected when flexed in the family editor. Any project I load it into shows it at its default configuration, but when I select it in the project and change it's type in the properties box, the configuration does not flex - it stays as inserted. It also shows my parameters in the properties box as individually modifiable.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a family, with three nested families: A, B and C.
Either A or B can be picked through a "Family Type" parameter. Family C is locked to a reference plane, which is defined by a dimensional parameter called "Offset." Is there a way to have the value of "Offset" change based on whether A or B is loaded? Not sure how to use the "Family Type" dorp-down parameter in/with a formula to do so.
I would like each type of light to only be listed on the schedule once. The schedules seem really unstable, everytime I look at it the whole thing has changed. There are so many extra items listed and I don't know where they came from. The mark numbers are weird like AAAA, AAAAAA, BBBB, BBBBB. I don't know how these got added or why they have such strange marks.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a simple way to change a wall type without deleting the wall and redrawing it in the new style?any time i change the wall type it changes all walls?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI understand how to change material by family type but how can I change object subcategory by family type? Is this possible?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to add a label that will display the family type name. So when i change the type it will change the text?
View 9 Replies View RelatedIn the properties drop down list for wall type selection, most of the different wall type are not showing. Also my elevation carmera is not showing when i click on a new drawing. In a previous drawing all walls selection type is there and the elevation camera. Only when i start a new drawing when wall type and elevation camera is missing. I check the interface to make sure the boxes are check.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am creating a family for a mobile shelf assembly. While an obvious way to create it would be to use an array, because the client needs to be able to tag each shelf unit separately, that can't be done. The client does, however, have a limit of 10 banks maximum, so I've created ten banks in hte family that are controlled by visibility parameters.
Each of the banks can be a different type of shelf (the shelf units are nested families) but they are always of the same overall length and width in any one run.
Here's my problem, Everything flexes correctly as long as the depth of the units stays the same as they were when the family type parameters were assigned to the shelf families as labels. When you try to create a new Type using a wider shelf unit, you get errors.
Without the Family Type parameters assigned as labels, all of the reference planes meant to drive the location of the shelves flex correctly.
I'm using Revit 2013.
The Developers Guide explains how to create e.g. shared String parameter and import them into the project.
I actually want to create a parameter which has a fixed set of possible values, which is normally referred to as enumeration type in programming languages. The user shall be able to choose one literal from a combo box in the Properties view.
PS I don't have the requirement that it is a shared parameter, it can also be "only" a project parameter, but i didn't found out how to create these.
I've been doing some family as an independent construction detail revit model, I think that is the most appropriate type of detail component. Graphically everything right but I encounter the following problem, all built to type text is not visible in the project then.
How do you control the display? or do you like I can put a text in a detail component family? and if not visible... why would have the option of make texts? Is the only option to annotate after in the project insertion?
I recently built a model-in-place generic model ceiling canopy using Revit 2013. I want to place lights (recessed cans) in the model. Can I change the model type to ceiling or is there a way to place light fixtures in it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe type mark for a skylight is showing up a s '?' in a custom windows tag.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have no problem adding a shared parameter, but if I assign it the wrong type and it appears impossible to change it without adding a new parameter under a different name. I then deleted the old one, but Revit doesn't like that. They appear difficult to purge or delete without a hiccup relating to the original label the parameter was assigned to.
Example: I made a parameter for my clients occupied area (Footprint) and used the integer type by mistake. Apparently integers are only supposed to go up to 999. It refused to recognize the "Digital Grouping" so I had to convert over to the Area type.
If I try to change the type the field is grayed out.