Premiere Pro :: Control (monitor) Volume Using Computer Volume Controls
Feb 4, 2014
I'm no longer able to control the PP (monitor) volume using my computer volume controls. I've always controlled the monitor volume using my computer volume levels, but starting today, that has changed.
The volume is just playing at the level recorded with no way for me to turn down or up.I performed a disc repair and that didn't solve the problem.
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Oct 2, 2012
Is there a way to generate a volume report for a bounded volume surface?
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Jun 18, 2012
I'm working with TIN surfaces, doing cut/fill comparisons for a surface mine.
My volume surface statistics show a cut volume of 5167.22 cy and fill volume of 8456.18 cy.
The sample line group volume report show cumulative cut of 5527.67 cy and fill of 8465.56 cy.
What could be some causes of this disparity. All reference surfaces are built from points and use a non-destructive boundary.
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May 31, 2013
I've read a few threads on this way back but cannot locate them. I have two surfaces and create a volume surface and it reported the volume as 493 cy. I then ran some sample lines at 25 foot interval and the total volume is reported as 964 cy.
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Apr 24, 2013
I want to use it as my primary hydrologic and hydraulic modeler. It only makes sense. Well, I got the program to work and had things linked in and was able to route a storm through the network. But when I routed the storms, I had to model double the storage that i expected.
So I went back to the program I'm familiar with - Pondpack by Benltey - and designed the same system I routed in SSA in that program - and got the storage volume that I would expect for a site of this size - about 2 acres.
Is there possibly a setting that I'm missing that makes my outlet structures route slower or less than they should? Or is there some other reason that a system would give this kind of inflated need for storage?
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Feb 25, 2013
I have an issue with using Bounded Volume or Adding a Boundary to Volume Surface things so bad... = incorrect volumes.. sometimes extremely incorrect.. I understand that the surface rectangle when a boundary is added but this could be horrible if not checked.
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Oct 24, 2012
Although I have used Ulead VideoStudio occasionally over a few years, with moderate success (as I am a complete beginner at video editing), one problem has occurred quite often, and I have not been able to find out how to correct it.
It is this: when I burn a DVD, then put the DVD into a DVD player attached to a TV set, the volume - set at a comfortable listening level on the TV ( in one case, the level is defined at 40) - is very uncomfortably loud, so much so that the TV volume needs to be reduced to 15-20 before it is tolerable.
Is there any way of controlling the volume during the DVD burn?
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Nov 29, 2012
I am wondering if there is another method to control volume levels on the audio and voice over tracks. I am thinking particularly about a method to easily (automatically) reduce the volume of the background music when a voiceover starts and raising it again after the voiceover is finished.
I find the existing process of capturing a volume node fiddly and, for me, a bit hit and miss.
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Aug 3, 2012
I've VideoStudio x5 and I try to delete volume control points from my clip in the Sound Mixer. Tooltip says "Delete this control by dragging outside the clip" but it doesn't work.
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Feb 19, 2013
why I'm having trouble with VSX5 Pro's "Sound Mixer?" It isn't working, and I don't know if my issue is one that has been reported already, or not. In my timeline (under 'voice track') I have an audio file which I separated from the main video file. The main video file is now 'muted' so that only my voice track plays the sounds. Note: I copied the same voice track and pasted 3 copies of it only to lengthen the overall playtime, but they are each on the same voice track.
The problem I'm having is that the volume adjustment settings don't work. After selecting the first segment on my voice track, I then move the slider up to maximum volume (from level 0 to 12), and then I right-click on it to save it as "default," but it ALWAYS jumps back to volume level zero (0)! It does the same thing even if I don't "right-click" and save it. The setting never stays where I want it to. What else can I do to increase the volume of the sounds on my 3 segments in my voice track, and have them stay at level 12?
EDITED: Also, is there some way I can save/export my "voice track" to an external sound file and/or convert it into a different sound format? I haven't seen a way to do that.
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Apr 2, 2012
I've just bought VideoStudio Pro X4 and I want to mute the sound on my clips as I'm going to have music playing instead. On page 115 of the manual it says I will find the clip volume control in the Music and Voice tab. I have been all over the program interface and clicked on virtually everything but I cannot find a Music and Voice tab. In the end I had to split the audio for each clip and delete it. how to find the Clip audio volume control?
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Dec 16, 2013
I want to adjust the level of the sound within a clip. I take my pen tool and just add 2 keyframes a few seconds apart from eachother. I adjust the height of the last keyframe, but when I playback NOTHING happends. This is so annoying because it has always worked. I use Premiere Pro 5.5.
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Dec 20, 2013
Why can't I drop a clip in the Program Monitor from the Source Monitor in Premiere? When I try to move a clip from the Source to the Program Monitor, a hand displays with the "circle with a line through it" symbol.
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Apr 17, 2014
How can separate Multicam Monitor from Program Monitor? I would like to put Multicam monitor on one monitor and hte Program on another.
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Apr 29, 2013
plugin link needed for 3d volume in cs5.1 or what ever it takes to get this going. I have a new video card,so that isn't the problem. It was not included in the cs5.1 version.
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Jun 25, 2012
I am trying to figure out how to use volume lighting. I am using a free spot and have added volume lighting but every time I render, I just get a dark shadow coming from the light. The surface it is aimed at lights up, but what would be the 'fog' area just projects as a shadow with hard edges in the shape of a beam of light. I've spent hours trying different settings and can't figure it out.
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Jul 25, 2013
trying to install my old photo shop 7.0 in windows 8 it installs fine but when trying to open the program it says scratch disks are full. I know 7.0 is old but its paid for and I cant afford to upgrade now 7.0 does everything I need it to. During installation I got a message saying windows and Adobe scratch files were in the same volume. I dont know how to change the volume.
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Aug 24, 2011
In my latest video, I have inserted several different music tracks but they vary in volume. Is there any way one can make all inserted tracks an identical (or similar) volume level?
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Jun 12, 2012
I have a project with many clips. I am trying to change the volume on all of them to the same level. I tried shift click on the first clip and then the same on the last one to group them all. They group but I can't change the volume for all of it. Do I have to change volume separately on each clip?
If so, is there an easier way other than dragging the little markers up and down when I'm on the volume timeline?
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May 17, 2012
I have created a surface from contours for a tank containment area. I need the volume up to a certain elevation. The results i am getting have some fill volume and some cut volume..
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Jan 28, 2009
I work for a sand and gravel company, we just upgraded to C3D 2009, and still fairly new at it.. I created a surface using current and final topography to determine how much material will be mined/stripped..
I would like to take advantage of the 3D capabilities and create a 3D view of the material that will be removed.. Am I using the correct function by creating a "TIN Volume Surface" to show material mined in 3D??
(i.e. I picture it like a Peanut, where I have the bottom and top shell, but would like to see the actual nut in 3D.. )
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Jan 9, 2013
calculate the volume.I attached here my dwg file. I never done this before and I want to know the correct answer when I want my land to be levelled at 6m.How much volume to fill and the land to be removed.
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Aug 3, 2012
i have a project that needs to get the volume of the certain of the hull of a boat. from 2D i use align command to get the 3D form of the hull. then i to get the shape/surface i use loft command. i am doing it right? but from the moment i tried to get the volume using massprop command it says, "no solid or region selected" see attached picture. and also as i tried to use the m2s.lsp it says "not a polygon mesh". the non-coplanar thing i always encounter. can you teach me step by step to get the volume of the hull?
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Nov 1, 2011
I've just started using LR 3.5, I've used a 30 day trial and read lots of tutorials before installing so I have a fair idea of how it works.
My problem is that I have several thousand images on DVD. I've started to import them into LR but once the DVD is taken out LR does not remember the volume name of the DVD, so if I am looking for a picture I am unable to see which DVD is it on, just that it is on my D:/ drive.
I have not had this problem when using an old version of Photoshop Elements or a free cataloging software that I have used.So, is there a way to tell LR to record the volume name without using a work around such as adding keywords when importing?
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Jan 8, 2013
Cannot save to server volume from 10.6 in PS6; can from 10.8. We have confirmed that this is not a server issue.We use a Xinet server. When the users go to save, they get an error message.
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Apr 2, 2012
I currently use VSP X4 and would like you to explain the tool(s) available to guarantee a good audio balance.
If we consider the 3 types of audio - the "Feature" audio, the "Ambience" audio and the "Effect" audio (like music or narration), how can I be sure they are as relevant & accurate to each other as possible?
An example.
I record someone talking on video, VSP assumes a 100 volume level for starters. I add a background music track and again it assumes a 100 volume level. Due to the nature of the MP3 or WAV file it is always louder so I reduce the volume however, sometimes when I produce a final DVD or video file, I wish I had have lowered the music track further or increased the person talking volume because the music has overpowered a bit much.
When I select Sound Mixer; Attribute; and hover over the clip volume meter, I notice 40% is displayed.
Q1/ Is this only using 40% worth of the original volume level?
Q2/ What measures can I use in VSP x4 so that when a DVD is eventually played, there isn't a need to crank up the TV volume to hear good audio levels which then in turn introduces audio "noise"
Q3/ I notice the audio meter is coloured and I suspect that touching the red signals mean distortion. How can I use this for overall best effect?
Q4/ Should I be mixing audio levels using the "-36 to +12" slider or the clip volume in Q1?
I intend using tie-mics soon and I expect all audios I throw at my projects will need a careful balance
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Apr 28, 2013
I am trying to understand how volume editing works. When I edit the volume, if I the volume slider control in attributes, it move the blue volume line up and down. If I edit in the timeline, if moves the brown line up and down. What is the difference in the blue and brown lines? When I play my projects, sometimes the blue lines seems to be setting the audio level and sometimes the brown line seems to be setting it.
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Dec 19, 2012
I found a post here that says the best way to increase the volume in a video is to normalize all clips individually. I tried that but for some reason my video would get all buggy with I split the clips into video and audio and then normalized the audio.
Buggy in the sense that at playback it would just stop as if stuck and wouldn't play. Then I tried creating a media file despite the fact but it would not do so.
Fast forward I am out of time for a project so I went to every clip and changed the audio percentage instead.
In sum, my question is, is there a way to increase the volume for the whole video before or after the mp4 output is created? Somehow the overall volume doesn't seem loud enough.
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Sep 12, 2013
I have recently been burning my videos to Blu Ray disks using VS Ultimate X6. Once I have rendered my video project I select the "burn to disk" option and create chapter menus etc and apply a music soundtrack to the menu. I generally create a BDMV file so I can store a back up copy on my media centre. I then build and burn to Blu Ray disk using ImgBurn. All works like a treat however when I play the disk the menu audio is way too loud such that on one occasion it has overloaded my sound system and caused auto shut down. Is there any way to adjust / reduce the volume of the menu audio or normalise it to the rest of the audio on the disk. I have not had any similar issues in the past creating an .ISO file and then burning the DVD.
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Sep 6, 2012
i'm jumping into 3d late in life...playing with volumes. i've created surfaces from aerial surveys and have saved the surfaces as separate files. i would now like to run volumes of the two as they represent the same quarry site from different years. it appears (?) i need to have both surfaces listed in prospector to run volumes. each separate file has its own surface listed. do i get (import?) the second surface drawing into one of the files so i have both listed and can run volumes? i see where i can create a surface from importing a .tin file...but i don't see how to export the surface as a .tin file.
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Jan 7, 2013
I have an existing survey surface, and I want to know how much cubic yard of materials to fill up from the bottom to elevation 876. See attached image for detail. Here is what i am going to do....
- i will create a surface of the fill area (from bottom cotours up to el 876) then do a volume surface bwt existing ground surface and the new fill area surface to get the volume of it? Is this a right way to do?
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