Photoshop :: Using Pixels For Canvas Size

Sep 22, 2013

I go to image and then image size and everytime i go to change the canvas size to inches it will not work. Is it becasue the it's the trial version?

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Photoshop :: How To Stop Deleting Of Pixels That Extend Outside Canvas Size

Jul 2, 2012

how do i stop the deleting of pixels that extend outside the canvas size when I merge a group?

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Photoshop :: Converting To NTSC Canvas Or Changing Current Canvas Size?

Sep 13, 2012

I'm working on a flyer on a 8x11 canvas, but I want all of the elements I'm working to be transferred to a NTSC video film format. I understand how to  a open a NTSC (Video Film Canvas), but I do not understand how to convert a canvas that I'm working to that.

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Photoshop :: Canvas Size Will Constrain Image Rather Than Cropping Canvas

Feb 23, 2012

I just got CS5.1 at my job. This must be a preference, but when I adjust the Canvas size, it will constrain the image, rather than cropping the canvas. The Anchor in the Canvas Size menu appears outlined (highlighted?) which indicates that this is something in preferences that I can adjust.

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Photoshop :: Pixels On Edge Of Canvas

Sep 21, 2004

It occurs on all canvas size, small to large. Alot of the pixels across the bottom and up and down the right side basicaly arn't working. For example I take the pencil too and attempt to fill a singel pixel on the bottom of teh canvas. The history records the use of the pencil tool but nothing appears on the canvas. The same is for the marquee tool. If I go a few pixels above the bottom row and select by draging down it will go to the bottom. But if I try to only select the bottom row the marquee outline does not appear and I am told no pixels were selected.

However when I use the fill too those same pixels along the bottom and up the right side are filled. After becoming extreamly agrivated and going nuts with the pencil tool I noticed that if I hold it down and and slide it toward one of the pixels I can eventualy get it, but only after penciling the surring 60 or so pixels.

I have restared photo shop 4 times with no luck. I'm not drawing on the background layer and the color i'm using is not the same as a color below it.

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Photoshop :: How To Stop Deletion Of Pixels Outside Of Canvas Area

Nov 7, 2012

When I expand a selection or move and image/object around then deselect the edges/parts that end up falling outside of the canvas area get deleted.  How do I stop this? When I go move the layer around or resize it I can't because what ever parts landed outside of the canvas area have been deleted.  This is on Photoshop CS6, I never had this problem with CS5.

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Paint.NET :: Canvas Size Shrink When Creating New File / Canvas

Jun 3, 2011

When I go to create a File/New Canvas, sometimes the canvas area shrinks a lot.

Is it possible to keep the original canvas size ?

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Photoshop :: Difference Between Canvas Size And Image Size?

Aug 28, 2013

1. How do I connect, collapse and disconnect windows (tool bar, property manager, etc.)? They get stuck together and I can't unstick them.  

2. What's the difference between canvas size and image size?  

3. Which tools are only for web design (i.e. tools I can ignore if I'm not doing that)?  

4. What's the subselection tool do?  

For Photoshop:  

1.Why is the original layer always locked?

2. Whats the name of the property inspector in PS? And is it called inspector or manager in FW?

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Photoshop :: Canvas Size + Resolution= File Size?

May 14, 2003

Can someone please explain to me about file sizes and image dimensions. I have to put together a collage which is 165mm high by 258mm wide. If I click file new and choose default resolution (72) then the file size is ok, if I type in 300 dpi the image becomes huge.

If i chosse 300 dpi then the images I was going to use seem tiny on such a vast workspace - Im confused why does the canvas become so large when changing resolution?

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Photoshop :: Image Size, Canvas Size...

Jul 19, 2009

I have a created a new PSD that is 8 1/2 x 11.The canvas size is the same 8 1/2 x 11.I want to put a border around the picture (say 1/2 of an inch all around), and put the finished picture in a Picture frame.  After it is in the frame, you would be able to see the entire picture plus the border. Q.  Should I change (reduce image size) of the PSD to (for this example), 8 x 10 1/2.      Then increase the canvas size to 8 1/2 x 11.  After I increased the canvas size, do a  Paint Bucket fill with white (to create the White border)?  then print the changed size PSD on 8 1/2 x 11 paper so that it will fit into a 8 1/2 x 11 picture frame  I realize I could have just created the new PSD to be 8 x 10 1/2 in the first place.

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Photoshop :: Canvas Size To The Picture Size

Jun 24, 2003

In photoshop 7, I create a graphic. But most of the time the default size of the canvas is bigger than the graphic. How can I "snap," the canvas size to the picture size?

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GIMP :: Reducing Canvas Size - Dotted Line Showing Original Size

Aug 7, 2012

I've just reduced the size of a canvas from 300x300 to 200x200 but when I merge the layers I'm left with a dotted line showing the original size.

reduced canvas size.tiff (128.61K)
Number of downloads: 3

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Photoshop :: Canvas Pixel Size Doesn't Match Grid Pixel Size

Dec 6, 2012

I'm using Photoshop CS5 and as you can see on the picture below, when I set my grid line to every 1 px, grid doesn't match canvas pixel size.

Now I'm not able to draw sharp shapes using pen tool because even if I hold shift key everything gets blurry. 

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Photoshop :: Reducing Pixels, But Not Size.

Jul 20, 2009

I have been told that you can reduce the number of pixels in a picture, but keep the size of it.I am unsure about this, so I thought I would ask the experts as it were.I do know the JPEG image compression when saving, but is there any way you can specify the number of pixels?

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Photoshop :: Canvas Size Bug

Feb 28, 2008

I was trying to add 5mm around the canvas, when i noticed something strange.

I changed the measurement to cm, then added 1cm to each, Height and Width, then changed the Width measurement to mm (which changed both displays to mm) but only one of the setting changed to mm; the height still had the same value it had when displayed in cm.

This only happens when both Height and Width are changed.

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Photoshop :: Canvas Size

Oct 20, 2006

im currently working on a project that requires a very large canvas. currently, photoshop will not create any canvas with pixel dimentions of over 30k x 30k. the only way i can currently fit my entire image is to drastically lower the image DPI, any way to change this limitation photoshop has, or if theres another program I can use to do this?

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Photoshop :: How To Find Size Of Selection In Pixels In CC

Jul 22, 2013

Title says it all. How to find the size of a selection in pixels in CC

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Photoshop :: Alter Size Of Brush Down To 3 Pixels Or Less

Nov 17, 2013

Sometimes when using shop i alter the size of say a brush down to 3 pixels or less, then go back up to say 20 pixels but the on screen pointer does not show the actual size, how come?

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Photoshop Elements :: Image Size In Pixels In 11?

Nov 18, 2012

I just tried to resize an image and set the new size with pixels. It doesn't give me the option.

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Photoshop :: Setting Canvas Size At 300 Ppi?

Nov 3, 2013

I am trying to open a new document to make a design that will be printed.Since it will be printed, I set my resolution to 300 ppi.I need my canvas size to be 6.5" by 3.625", but the canvas size automatically sets itself to 6.5" by 3.627", and I can't change it.
I don't have this problem at lower resolutions

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Photoshop :: Reducing Size Of Canvas

Sep 22, 2012

I have designed a billboard and used various photos. Due to changes in the positions of the layers, I ended up with a canvas bigger than the photo. So I need to remove the extra canvas. How do I remove the extra canvas?
I can use the marque tool to copy/cut and paste the photo unto a new file, and hence get rid of the extra canvas. If this is the way forward, is there a precise way to get the marquee tool to the edges of the photo? Is there a function to snap the marquee to the edge of the photo?

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Photoshop :: Adding To Canvas Size

May 5, 2012

I want to change the canvas size, though why is it that when I press the down arrow it adds to the canvas on top, and when I press the up arrow it adds to the canvas on the bottom? It just seems like it should be the other way around.

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Photoshop :: Layers And Canvas Size - CS3?

May 27, 2012

Using CS3, is there a way to make layers snap to the same size as the Canvas?

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Photoshop :: Canvas Size Question

Jan 29, 2009

I have a strange problem when i send my photo i created with photoshop to a company to make a print.
In photoshop i create a canvas with the size of 20x30 (300ppi). I put some photo's on it so it fit almost the hole canvas. Than i have a little space for a nice border around it. Finished. Send it to a company and when i receive the photo i check the size of it. It is exactly 20x30, so that is not the problem.

The problem is that i now miss some peace of my border. So if i wanna keep the border i have to send a photo with a canvas size around 19x29.

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Photoshop :: Canvas Size For Web Page

May 14, 2009

I need to design my first template using photoshop. the content area of the web site will be 980px ( width ) ..

I like to add border to each side ( left and right ) .. i seen many sits using background image that spans the entire screen and has left and right boarder added to the background , which effectively looks like border on each side of content area.

however, i was not able to figure what would be the best canvas size for this . as each site i looked at , background was set to different size ..

my main content will be in center of the monitor .

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Photoshop :: Icon Size Canvas?

Jun 16, 2006

I was just wondering what size canvas i should use to make an icon. I just wanted it to be a normal sized icon for msn messenger.

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Photoshop :: Canvas Size Limitations

Oct 20, 2006

im currently working on "stitching" together several high resolution images for work, and have come across a problem with the canvas size. Currently, i cant have my canvas over 30k X 30K pixels, and the only way for me to fit the entire project as one file is to drastically lower my image DPI. is there any way i can change photoshop's canvas limitation?

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Photoshop :: Panel Minimum Size Restricted To 132 Pixels Or More?

Jul 15, 2012

I've been trying to make my own panels in Configurator 3 for some time now and I posted about this problem in the Configurator -board. But it wasn't until now that I realised that this issue is a lot bigger than that: it applies to EVERY panel inside Photoshop - not just custom-built ones.
The issue that I'm having is that I'm trying to create a custom toolbar and Photoshop wont let me specify proper dimensions for it. As you might know, toolbars are slim. The original one is 30px/60px (single row / double row) - give or take. So I want my custom toolbar to be roughly the same size: 60 pixels in my case.
The problem is that Photoshop refuses to set a panel's width to anything below 132 pixels upon application startup - even if you've resized the panel before you closed Photoshop. So what I have is a 60 pixel custom toolbar that every time I start photoshop, rescales itself up to 132 pixels - and I can't get around this by setting a maxwidth value to my toolbar inside Configurator. This is EXTREMELY annoying, and there does not seem to be a workaround at all. I'm actually starting to believe that this is something that has been hardcoded into the software by the programmers at Adobe.
Also, I've seen other ppl having the same problem and afaik, the issue has NEVER been resolved.
Try this yourself: Take the navigation panel (just as an example) and make it slim. Close down Photoshop and then start it up again. The navigation panel scales up itself to 132 pixels. (You can check this with a print screen, and then using the square marquee tool to see the width of the navigation panel).

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Photoshop :: How Can I Count The Number Of Pixels For Size Comparison

Apr 16, 2009

I need to know the exact number of pixels that I select for a size comparison. It's a non-rectangular selection similar to a cloud.I'm using CS2 but could upgrade if needed.

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Photoshop Elements :: Cropping To Fixed Size (400 X 250 Pixels)

Oct 24, 2013

Is it possible to crop to a fixed size (e.g. 400 x 250 pixels) in Elements the same way you can in Photoshop?

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Photoshop :: Canvas Size Keeps Redoubling Whatever Is Inputted

Sep 13, 2013

I have been resizing images for the web, and applying a background canvas border, and have been doing this for days, including today... then, all of the sudden, changing and doing nothing at all, I go to add the Canvas Size, I am importing the images, directly from Lightroom, adjusting the Image Size from the full edited resolution file, to like say 9" long at 108ppi.  And then, I open up Canvas Size, and am merely adding a small border of .125" to the width, and .25" to the bottom so as to apply the image's title and a logo icon.  And like I said, it has been working normally up until a half hour ago, where for some stupid reason, it is making like a 6.125" x 9.25" input and creating a 12.25" x 18.5" canvas!
One thing I have noticed when it started doing it, the image's dimensions all of the sudden were not displayed aleady in the input fields, but just showed 0's.  I have closed out and rebooted the program a couple times, to no avail... and even went in and updated that, apparently same 14.1 update that keeps popping up every single day, and nothing has changed.

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