Photoshop Elements :: Cropping To Fixed Size (400 X 250 Pixels)
Oct 24, 2013Is it possible to crop to a fixed size (e.g. 400 x 250 pixels) in Elements the same way you can in Photoshop?
View 5 RepliesIs it possible to crop to a fixed size (e.g. 400 x 250 pixels) in Elements the same way you can in Photoshop?
View 5 RepliesThis is for Rectangle Select. I read somewhere else that it's possible but it didn't say how. I would also like to change the default for fixed ratio from 4:3 to something like 1:1 (square).
View 4 Replies View RelatedI can see how to lock in an aspect ratio, but can I use Lightroom to crop a photo to a very specific size in pixels so that I can then upload it to a website in a spot of just that size?
View 11 Replies View RelatedHow do i move an object lets say for example 34 pixels down?
I know how to move an object with the mouse and i know how to nudge with the arrow keys, but but i need to make a macro that moves my layer the sam amount of pixels everytime, or even better if theres a way todo like this, "move object to x-234, y-103"
I just tried to resize an image and set the new size with pixels. It doesn't give me the option.
View 8 Replies View RelatedIn PSE 12 what is the maximum image size, both in pixels (length x width) and file size (MB)?When will the manual be available online?
View 1 Replies View Relatedwhat setting(s) to change so I can view the pixel dimensions I'm selecting while cropping? I've been searching online, and looking around in the settings and cannot find how to do this. I really think this should be a default setting.
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow do I create a fixed size Selection, Shape or Path?
View 1 Replies View Relateddoes anyone know if it's possible to export a desired (fixed) file size with a batch automation in Photoshop? For example:
I have 50 images (*.jpg) that have different file sizes (25k, 15k, 45k etc) now I would like to export a fixed file size to 10k for all images...
I have tried this in Photoshop and in Fireworks, but the Programs exported 10K or less and sometimes even greater than 10k
I would really be happy if someone knows a way to do this or if there are any stand-alone programs that can automate and export targeted file sizes.
in Xara Designer Pro 7 is there maybe possibility to put one big image which as fixed is behind of the Page?
Is there a way to create a fixed size selection rectangle that I can use whenever I want to take a selection from a larger image? Currently, I'm am doing this by trial and error and it's not fun.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThere seems to be an action called adobe_SaveForWeb, but I can't find any documentation for it.
I need to export an artwork to a JPEG with a fixed size (to create a thumbnail of an Ai file), and i've found several unanswered question on this topic. With Save For Web, I can do it through UI.
a documentation for adobe_SaveForWeb, or tell me how which parameter I need to initialize for it to work? I'm using CS6 SDK with Visual C++
I have annoying problem that happens ones in a while. when starching lines i use to select the blue point, type a number and have the line extend or trim respectively.
For example , line which is 40 and i want it to be 60 ill click the blue dot, move the mouse in the direction i want and type 20.
Right now if i do the same the length of the line become 20.
I need to increase the size of a fixed dialog box so I do not have to use the horizontal and vertical scroll bars to see the contents, I have included a picture.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe fixed width function did not work when I wanted to draw a fixed width rectangle. Is there a new way to do this in CS6?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIn CS6, why the file size remains same after croping? And how do I reduce the size after each croping?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI hope I am able to adequately describe what I want to do!
Back when dinosaurs roamed the earth and people used film in their cameras, here is how I used to mark my clients' photos for cropping:
1. A photo proof would be on the table.
2. I would put a cardboard device over the photo.
3. With the device I could make a rectangular window of various standard frame sizes, like 8x10 or 5x7.
4. I would put the "window" over the photo wherever it was most pleasing, and then, with a pen, mark the outline of the area to be kept.
5. The photolab would then crop the photos accordingly.
6. The photos could then be printed to fit perfectly into frames.
Whew! Does that make sense?
Now: How do I do the equivalent in Photoshop?
I do NOT want to simply "resize" the photo. I want to CROP WITH THE FINAL SIZE IN MIND.
It seems like you could do this with the crop tool, but I can't figure out how.
I am trying to create pre-determined sized round graphics for a project that wil be printed out as a sheet & cut for use.
I can get the images to the circle shape, no problem...but the issue is determining the correct size of the circles to be cut. Let's say that I need them to be exactly 1.25", 1"...etc.
Is there a way to create a template sheet of such sizes, then apply the images to be cropped to those pre-determined sizes?
Unfortunately I do not have Illustrator, but I suppose I could open the images in CorelDraw to accomplish this. Haven't tried it yet.
Just wondering if there is a way to do this in Photoshop!
My designer wants a retainer of $3,000 but I can do most of my own stuff in Photoshop. Sometimes I get stumped though, and just need a 30 second tutorial. So I am coming here.
how to change it from a square image to one with a rounded top and bottom-right corner. Also a 2 pixel shadow going up the right side and along the bottom. I can manually draw in those two pixels easily enough. But the corners look terrible when I try to manually do it.
I have been cropping the new image to the proper size, and then drawing in the two pixel fade on the side and bottom. Then trying to pixel by pixel create the rounded edges.
Before you say "Its a drop shadow!" please remember, in order for me to copy that exact drop shadow, I would need to know all their settings, colors, pixel widths, etc. All I have is a flat, finished image, so I have none of that information. Plus, I don't know how to do a drop shadow on a curved corner, which deletes the original squared corner on the image.
I have a photo 36" x 24". I have cropped to 18.5 x 12.5" yet the document size remained the same. Now when I go to print on 13" x 19" paper, only a portion prints because the photo is too big. I shouldn't have to "scale" as then I have no way of confirming that it really will print to the crop dimensions.
Since upgrading to CS6, I have had issues with how the crop is done. For example, why when I open a photo in CS6, the crop tool is already selected by default?
Suppose I have a 300px x 300px image and I need to choose a part of that image to crop to 150px x 150px without resampling. (I need that hypothetical 150px x 150px so it fits a pre-defined area in a web page layout.)
I know I can take the crop tool to the image and view the "Info" tab to get my 150px x 150px. But that requires a fine touch and some trial and error to get the exact crop I want.
Is there a way to specify a particular size to crop or select and then move that selection around in the image to find the best crop? (Photoshop 7.0)
I am making a list of thumbs in Photoshop that I want to all be the same width and height. What is the fastest and best way to accomplish this when the images are all slightly different sizes?
I've already chosen one of the images that has the perfect dimensions for the page. I'm confused though about how to crop the other images to match those dimensions. I am using CS2.
Is there a way to view the preview size of an image while cropping, meaning while the marching ants are around the selection, can I see the image size?
2nd Question:
Can I preset a cropped size and drag it around until I find the area I want to select to crop?
I do have rulers showing and use them as guides, but this is not detailed enough, at this point.
I need to crop my images at 500x500 pixels for a project. I do a Save For Web & Devices and use JPEG, optimize at 80%. When I open up the new JPEG file, the pixel size says 500x500, but the document size says 6.944x6.944 inches at 72 resoultion, instead of 5x5 inches at 100 resolution. I've been doing the same process for months and it was correct in pixel and document size until recently, but I haven't changed any settings or my process.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI go to image and then image size and everytime i go to change the canvas size to inches it will not work. Is it becasue the it's the trial version?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have been told that you can reduce the number of pixels in a picture, but keep the size of it.I am unsure about this, so I thought I would ask the experts as it were.I do know the JPEG image compression when saving, but is there any way you can specify the number of pixels?
View 10 Replies View Relatedi am finding that i sometimes have a need to crop a couple of images from something like an architectural line drawing. this means that i have lines in this drawing and i am oftentimes in need - for instance if i have copied two floor plan with one above the other - of having these images sit in a frame that is the SAME SIZE.
i am also in the need of cropping so that the resulting images are ALIGNED - with for instance one line in one image at the same spot at the bottom and to the left with the same amount of bleed area around the image both at this point and at all other points.
is there a way to crop an image in two different spots at the SAME SIZE?
is there a way to crop a "sloppy" copy of two sets of images so that the canvas is the same size but the resulting set of images are aligned in the manner described above?
ALSO, is there some way for me to SCALE a set of images in Photoshop?
Title says it all. How to find the size of a selection in pixels in CC
View 9 Replies View RelatedSometimes when using shop i alter the size of say a brush down to 3 pixels or less, then go back up to say 20 pixels but the on screen pointer does not show the actual size, how come?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am using Photoshop CS5 with all current updates installed on a Mac running Lion. I am having a problem with the handling of the camera raw format (specifically .arw) and how Photoshop handles the format.
My first issue is that upon loading the format into Photoshop, the program is cropping a bit of the image from both the left and the right. I have not found a way to stop this from happening.
Another issue is file size. A client is having issue with the file size presented. They are providing me an ARW file that is 14.8 MB and I am making edits and provided them with a large jpg from photoshop (jpg qaulity turned all the way up) and they are getting a jpg at 9.7 MB. They are concerned that I am giving them a less than quality result.
I know that any conversion from a camera raw format to a high resolution jpg will result in a lower file size and that has been explained however the client has taken the raw format parsed it through Mac Preview, saved it, and resulted in a larger file size than I could provide in Photoshop.
This then becomes a confusing situation to handle.
a) How to explain the lower file size happening in Photoshop to the client (what is lost?)
b) Why they can use mac preview and get a larger file size that I can at full resolution jpg in Photoshop?
c) Is there a way I can make this client happy without moving to a tif file format?
d. Why is Photoshop cropping the .arw file?
I've been trying to make my own panels in Configurator 3 for some time now and I posted about this problem in the Configurator -board. But it wasn't until now that I realised that this issue is a lot bigger than that: it applies to EVERY panel inside Photoshop - not just custom-built ones.
The issue that I'm having is that I'm trying to create a custom toolbar and Photoshop wont let me specify proper dimensions for it. As you might know, toolbars are slim. The original one is 30px/60px (single row / double row) - give or take. So I want my custom toolbar to be roughly the same size: 60 pixels in my case.
The problem is that Photoshop refuses to set a panel's width to anything below 132 pixels upon application startup - even if you've resized the panel before you closed Photoshop. So what I have is a 60 pixel custom toolbar that every time I start photoshop, rescales itself up to 132 pixels - and I can't get around this by setting a maxwidth value to my toolbar inside Configurator. This is EXTREMELY annoying, and there does not seem to be a workaround at all. I'm actually starting to believe that this is something that has been hardcoded into the software by the programmers at Adobe.
Also, I've seen other ppl having the same problem and afaik, the issue has NEVER been resolved.
Try this yourself: Take the navigation panel (just as an example) and make it slim. Close down Photoshop and then start it up again. The navigation panel scales up itself to 132 pixels. (You can check this with a print screen, and then using the square marquee tool to see the width of the navigation panel).